path: root/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/CMakePackageConfigHelpers.cmake
diff options
authorHaibo Huang <>2020-02-28 16:39:50 -0800
committerHaibo Huang <>2020-02-29 16:44:49 +0000
commit241d398b85ef7f34bdb14edfbfc54c2c02001314 (patch)
tree3a7c913b50335f39333ccb83f2c474c3ee41a59a /share/cmake-3.16/Modules/CMakePackageConfigHelpers.cmake
parent0462c2d1927fb299d29010aee3e24c31fec67033 (diff)
Upgrade cmake to 3.16 for Windows
Built at http://fusion-qa/45ddb4ea-eb41-419a-915f-26986114d64c One difference here is that ninja and android.toolchain.cmake are not included. Users should sync from prebuilts/ninja or external/android-cmake directly. Bug: 149782024 Change-Id: Iba02ef905d29ed1b829e097569b94cae7ca64431
Diffstat (limited to 'share/cmake-3.16/Modules/CMakePackageConfigHelpers.cmake')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/CMakePackageConfigHelpers.cmake b/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/CMakePackageConfigHelpers.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22fc953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/CMakePackageConfigHelpers.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+# file Copyright.txt or for details.
+Helpers functions for creating config files that can be included by other
+projects to find and use a package.
+Adds the :command:`configure_package_config_file()` and
+:command:`write_basic_package_version_file()` commands.
+Generating a Package Configuration File
+.. command:: configure_package_config_file
+ Create a config file for a project::
+ configure_package_config_file(<input> <output>
+ [PATH_VARS <var1> <var2> ... <varN>]
+ )
+``configure_package_config_file()`` should be used instead of the plain
+:command:`configure_file()` command when creating the ``<PackageName>Config.cmake``
+or ``<PackageName>-config.cmake`` file for installing a project or library.
+It helps making the resulting package relocatable by avoiding hardcoded paths
+in the installed ``Config.cmake`` file.
+In a ``FooConfig.cmake`` file there may be code like this to make the install
+destinations know to the using project:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(FOO_ICONS_DIR "@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@/share/icons" )
+ #...logic to determine installedPrefix from the own location...
+ set(FOO_CONFIG_DIR "${installedPrefix}/@CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR@" )
+All 4 options shown above are not sufficient, since the first 3 hardcode the
+absolute directory locations, and the 4th case works only if the logic to
+determine the ``installedPrefix`` is correct, and if ``CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR``
+contains a relative path, which in general cannot be guaranteed. This has the
+effect that the resulting ``FooConfig.cmake`` file would work poorly under
+Windows and OSX, where users are used to choose the install location of a
+binary package at install time, independent from how
+:variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` was set at build/cmake time.
+Using ``configure_package_config_file`` helps. If used correctly, it makes
+the resulting ``FooConfig.cmake`` file relocatable. Usage:
+1. write a ```` file as you are used to
+2. insert a line containing only the string ``@PACKAGE_INIT@``
+3. instead of ``set(FOO_DIR "@SOME_INSTALL_DIR@")``, use
+ ``set(FOO_DIR "@PACKAGE_SOME_INSTALL_DIR@")`` (this must be after the
+ ``@PACKAGE_INIT@`` line)
+4. instead of using the normal :command:`configure_file()`, use
+ ``configure_package_config_file()``
+The ``<input>`` and ``<output>`` arguments are the input and output file, the
+same way as in :command:`configure_file()`.
+The ``<path>`` given to ``INSTALL_DESTINATION`` must be the destination where
+the ``FooConfig.cmake`` file will be installed to. This path can either be
+absolute, or relative to the ``INSTALL_PREFIX`` path.
+The variables ``<var1>`` to ``<varN>`` given as ``PATH_VARS`` are the
+variables which contain install destinations. For each of them the macro will
+create a helper variable ``PACKAGE_<var...>``. These helper variables must be
+used in the ```` file for setting the installed location.
+They are calculated by ``configure_package_config_file`` so that they are
+always relative to the installed location of the package. This works both for
+relative and also for absolute locations. For absolute locations it works
+only if the absolute location is a subdirectory of ``INSTALL_PREFIX``.
+If the ``INSTALL_PREFIX`` argument is passed, this is used as base path to
+calculate all the relative paths. The ``<path>`` argument must be an absolute
+path. If this argument is not passed, the :variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`
+variable will be used instead. The default value is good when generating a
+FooConfig.cmake file to use your package from the install tree. When
+generating a FooConfig.cmake file to use your package from the build tree this
+option should be used.
+By default ``configure_package_config_file`` also generates two helper macros,
+``set_and_check()`` and ``check_required_components()`` into the
+``FooConfig.cmake`` file.
+``set_and_check()`` should be used instead of the normal ``set()`` command for
+setting directories and file locations. Additionally to setting the variable
+it also checks that the referenced file or directory actually exists and fails
+with a ``FATAL_ERROR`` otherwise. This makes sure that the created
+``FooConfig.cmake`` file does not contain wrong references.
+When using the ``NO_SET_AND_CHECK_MACRO``, this macro is not generated
+into the ``FooConfig.cmake`` file.
+``check_required_components(<PackageName>)`` should be called at the end of
+the ``FooConfig.cmake`` file. This macro checks whether all requested,
+non-optional components have been found, and if this is not the case, sets
+the ``Foo_FOUND`` variable to ``FALSE``, so that the package is considered to
+be not found. It does that by testing the ``Foo_<Component>_FOUND``
+variables for all requested required components. This macro should be
+called even if the package doesn't provide any components to make sure
+users are not specifying components erroneously. When using the
+``NO_CHECK_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_MACRO`` option, this macro is not generated
+into the ``FooConfig.cmake`` file.
+For an example see below the documentation for
+Generating a Package Version File
+.. command:: write_basic_package_version_file
+ Create a version file for a project::
+ write_basic_package_version_file(<filename>
+ [VERSION <major.minor.patch>]
+ COMPATIBILITY <AnyNewerVersion|SameMajorVersion|SameMinorVersion|ExactVersion>
+Writes a file for use as ``<PackageName>ConfigVersion.cmake`` file to
+``<filename>``. See the documentation of :command:`find_package()` for
+details on this.
+``<filename>`` is the output filename, it should be in the build tree.
+``<major.minor.patch>`` is the version number of the project to be installed.
+If no ``VERSION`` is given, the :variable:`PROJECT_VERSION` variable is used.
+If this hasn't been set, it errors out.
+The ``COMPATIBILITY`` mode ``AnyNewerVersion`` means that the installed
+package version will be considered compatible if it is newer or exactly the
+same as the requested version. This mode should be used for packages which
+are fully backward compatible, also across major versions.
+If ``SameMajorVersion`` is used instead, then the behaviour differs from
+``AnyNewerVersion`` in that the major version number must be the same as
+requested, e.g. version 2.0 will not be considered compatible if 1.0 is
+requested. This mode should be used for packages which guarantee backward
+compatibility within the same major version.
+If ``SameMinorVersion`` is used, the behaviour is the same as
+``SameMajorVersion``, but both major and minor version must be the same as
+requested, e.g version 0.2 will not be compatible if 0.1 is requested.
+If ``ExactVersion`` is used, then the package is only considered compatible if
+the requested version matches exactly its own version number (not considering
+the tweak version). For example, version 1.2.3 of a package is only
+considered compatible to requested version 1.2.3. This mode is for packages
+without compatibility guarantees.
+If your project has more elaborated version matching rules, you will need to
+write your own custom ``ConfigVersion.cmake`` file instead of using this
+If ``ARCH_INDEPENDENT`` is given, the installed package version will be
+considered compatible even if it was built for a different architecture than
+the requested architecture. Otherwise, an architecture check will be performed,
+and the package will be considered compatible only if the architecture matches
+exactly. For example, if the package is built for a 32-bit architecture, the
+package is only considered compatible if it is used on a 32-bit architecture,
+unless ``ARCH_INDEPENDENT`` is given, in which case the package is considered
+compatible on any architecture.
+.. note:: ``ARCH_INDEPENDENT`` is intended for header-only libraries or similar
+ packages with no binaries.
+Internally, this macro executes :command:`configure_file()` to create the
+resulting version file. Depending on the ``COMPATIBILITY``, the corresponding
+``BasicConfigVersion-<COMPATIBILITY>`` file is used.
+Please note that these files are internal to CMake and you should not call
+:command:`configure_file()` on them yourself, but they can be used as starting
+point to create more sophisticted custom ``ConfigVersion.cmake`` files.
+Example Generating Package Files
+Example using both :command:`configure_package_config_file` and
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR include/ ... CACHE )
+ set(LIB_INSTALL_DIR lib/ ... CACHE )
+ set(SYSCONFIG_INSTALL_DIR etc/foo/ ... CACHE )
+ #...
+ include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers)
+ configure_package_config_file(
+ write_basic_package_version_file(
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FooConfigVersion.cmake
+ VERSION 1.2.3
+ COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion )
+ install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FooConfig.cmake
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FooConfigVersion.cmake
+ set(FOO_VERSION x.y.z)
+ ...
+ ...
+ check_required_components(Foo)
+ write_basic_config_version_file(${ARGN})
+function(CONFIGURE_PACKAGE_CONFIG_FILE _inputFile _outputFile)
+ set(multiValueArgs PATH_VARS )
+ cmake_parse_arguments(CCF "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ set(installPrefix "${CCF_INSTALL_PREFIX}")
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "INSTALL_PREFIX must be an absolute path")
+ endif()
+ set(installPrefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")
+ else()
+ get_filename_component(installPrefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ABSOLUTE)
+ endif()
+ set(absInstallDir "${CCF_INSTALL_DESTINATION}")
+ else()
+ set(absInstallDir "${installPrefix}/${CCF_INSTALL_DESTINATION}")
+ endif()
+ file(RELATIVE_PATH PACKAGE_RELATIVE_PATH "${absInstallDir}" "${installPrefix}" )
+ foreach(var ${CCF_PATH_VARS})
+ if(NOT DEFINED ${var})
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Variable ${var} does not exist")
+ else()
+ if(IS_ABSOLUTE "${${var}}")
+ string(REPLACE "${installPrefix}" "\${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}"
+ PACKAGE_${var} "${${var}}")
+ else()
+ set(PACKAGE_${var} "\${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}/${${var}}")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ get_filename_component(inputFileName "${_inputFile}" NAME)
+####### Expanded from @PACKAGE_INIT@ by configure_package_config_file() #######
+####### Any changes to this file will be overwritten by the next CMake run ####
+####### The input file was ${inputFileName} ########
+ if("${absInstallDir}" MATCHES "^(/usr)?/lib(64)?/.+")
+ # Handle "/usr move" symlinks created by some Linux distros.
+# Use original install prefix when loaded through a \"/usr move\"
+# cross-prefix symbolic link such as /lib -> /usr/lib.
+get_filename_component(_realCurr \"\${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}\" REALPATH)
+get_filename_component(_realOrig \"${absInstallDir}\" REALPATH)
+if(_realCurr STREQUAL _realOrig)
+ set(PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR \"${installPrefix}\")
+ endif()
+macro(set_and_check _var _file)
+ set(\${_var} \"\${_file}\")
+ if(NOT EXISTS \"\${_file}\")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"File or directory \${_file} referenced by variable \${_var} does not exist !\")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+macro(check_required_components _NAME)
+ foreach(comp \${\${_NAME}_FIND_COMPONENTS})
+ if(NOT \${_NAME}_\${comp}_FOUND)
+ if(\${_NAME}_FIND_REQUIRED_\${comp})
+ set(\${_NAME}_FOUND FALSE)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ configure_file("${_inputFile}" "${_outputFile}" @ONLY)