AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-07-30Check in 64-bit Darwin prebuilts for objcopy and Cheng
2012-05-04am 82a38ffa: Preserve the attributes (flags and align) for PT_GNU_RELRO section.Ben Cheng
2012-05-04Preserve the attributes (flags and align) for PT_GNU_RELRO Cheng
2012-05-03Preserve the attributes (flags and align) for PT_GNU_RELRO section.Ben Cheng
2012-04-24Fix a typo in SOURCES file.Jing Yu
2012-04-24Update SOURCES for current prebuilt toolchain.Jing Yu
2012-04-20checkin Mac 64bit androideabi toolchain.Jing Yu
2012-03-26Upgrade OSX hosted gcc-4.6 based toolchainandroid-sdk-adt_r20tools_r20ics-plus-aospJing Yu
2012-03-01Update prebuilt gcc-4.6 based toolchain.Jing Yu
2012-01-06Add that will get included in the build project.Ying Wang
2012-01-06Add makefile for libbfd.a and similar libraries.Jean-Baptiste Queru
2012-01-04Commit gcc-4.6 and binutils-2.21 based toolchain.Jing Yu
2012-01-04Initial empty repositoryAnatol Pomazau