path: root/lib/python2.7/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 532 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/test/ b/lib/python2.7/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e81a2c..0000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/test/
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-import httplib
-import array
-import httplib
-import StringIO
-import socket
-import errno
-import unittest
-TestCase = unittest.TestCase
-from test import test_support
-HOST = test_support.HOST
-class FakeSocket:
- def __init__(self, text, fileclass=StringIO.StringIO):
- self.text = text
- self.fileclass = fileclass
- = ''
- def sendall(self, data):
- += ''.join(data)
- def makefile(self, mode, bufsize=None):
- if mode != 'r' and mode != 'rb':
- raise httplib.UnimplementedFileMode()
- return self.fileclass(self.text)
-class EPipeSocket(FakeSocket):
- def __init__(self, text, pipe_trigger):
- # When sendall() is called with pipe_trigger, raise EPIPE.
- FakeSocket.__init__(self, text)
- self.pipe_trigger = pipe_trigger
- def sendall(self, data):
- if self.pipe_trigger in data:
- raise socket.error(errno.EPIPE, "gotcha")
- += data
- def close(self):
- pass
-class NoEOFStringIO(StringIO.StringIO):
- """Like StringIO, but raises AssertionError on EOF.
- This is used below to test that httplib doesn't try to read
- more from the underlying file than it should.
- """
- def read(self, n=-1):
- data =, n)
- if data == '':
- raise AssertionError('caller tried to read past EOF')
- return data
- def readline(self, length=None):
- data = StringIO.StringIO.readline(self, length)
- if data == '':
- raise AssertionError('caller tried to read past EOF')
- return data
-class HeaderTests(TestCase):
- def test_auto_headers(self):
- # Some headers are added automatically, but should not be added by
- # .request() if they are explicitly set.
- class HeaderCountingBuffer(list):
- def __init__(self):
- self.count = {}
- def append(self, item):
- kv = item.split(':')
- if len(kv) > 1:
- # item is a 'Key: Value' header string
- lcKey = kv[0].lower()
- self.count.setdefault(lcKey, 0)
- self.count[lcKey] += 1
- list.append(self, item)
- for explicit_header in True, False:
- for header in 'Content-length', 'Host', 'Accept-encoding':
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
- conn.sock = FakeSocket('blahblahblah')
- conn._buffer = HeaderCountingBuffer()
- body = 'spamspamspam'
- headers = {}
- if explicit_header:
- headers[header] = str(len(body))
- conn.request('POST', '/', body, headers)
- self.assertEqual(conn._buffer.count[header.lower()], 1)
- def test_content_length_0(self):
- class ContentLengthChecker(list):
- def __init__(self):
- list.__init__(self)
- self.content_length = None
- def append(self, item):
- kv = item.split(':', 1)
- if len(kv) > 1 and kv[0].lower() == 'content-length':
- self.content_length = kv[1].strip()
- list.append(self, item)
- # POST with empty body
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
- conn.sock = FakeSocket(None)
- conn._buffer = ContentLengthChecker()
- conn.request('POST', '/', '')
- self.assertEqual(conn._buffer.content_length, '0',
- 'Header Content-Length not set')
- # PUT request with empty body
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
- conn.sock = FakeSocket(None)
- conn._buffer = ContentLengthChecker()
- conn.request('PUT', '/', '')
- self.assertEqual(conn._buffer.content_length, '0',
- 'Header Content-Length not set')
- def test_putheader(self):
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
- conn.sock = FakeSocket(None)
- conn.putrequest('GET','/')
- conn.putheader('Content-length',42)
- self.assertTrue('Content-length: 42' in conn._buffer)
- def test_ipv6host_header(self):
- # Default host header on IPv6 transaction should wrapped by [] if
- # its actual IPv6 address
- expected = 'GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: [2001::]:81\r\n' \
- 'Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n\r\n'
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('[2001::]:81')
- sock = FakeSocket('')
- conn.sock = sock
- conn.request('GET', '/foo')
- self.assertTrue(
- expected = 'GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: [2001:102A::]\r\n' \
- 'Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n\r\n'
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('[2001:102A::]')
- sock = FakeSocket('')
- conn.sock = sock
- conn.request('GET', '/foo')
- self.assertTrue(
-class BasicTest(TestCase):
- def test_status_lines(self):
- # Test HTTP status lines
- body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\n\r\nText"
- sock = FakeSocket(body)
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
- resp.begin()
- self.assertEqual(, 'Text')
- self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
- body = "HTTP/1.1 400.100 Not Ok\r\n\r\nText"
- sock = FakeSocket(body)
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
- self.assertRaises(httplib.BadStatusLine, resp.begin)
- def test_bad_status_repr(self):
- exc = httplib.BadStatusLine('')
- self.assertEqual(repr(exc), '''BadStatusLine("\'\'",)''')
- def test_partial_reads(self):
- # if we have a length, the system knows when to close itself
- # same behaviour than when we read the whole thing with read()
- body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\nContent-Length: 4\r\n\r\nText"
- sock = FakeSocket(body)
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
- resp.begin()
- self.assertEqual(, 'Te')
- self.assertFalse(resp.isclosed())
- self.assertEqual(, 'xt')
- self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
- def test_partial_reads_no_content_length(self):
- # when no length is present, the socket should be gracefully closed when
- # all data was read
- body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\n\r\nText"
- sock = FakeSocket(body)
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
- resp.begin()
- self.assertEqual(, 'Te')
- self.assertFalse(resp.isclosed())
- self.assertEqual(, 'xt')
- self.assertEqual(, '')
- self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
- def test_partial_reads_incomplete_body(self):
- # if the server shuts down the connection before the whole
- # content-length is delivered, the socket is gracefully closed
- body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\n\r\nText"
- sock = FakeSocket(body)
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
- resp.begin()
- self.assertEqual(, 'Te')
- self.assertFalse(resp.isclosed())
- self.assertEqual(, 'xt')
- self.assertEqual(, '')
- self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
- def test_host_port(self):
- # Check invalid host_port
- # Note that httplib does not accept user:password@ in the host-port.
- for hp in ("", ""):
- self.assertRaises(httplib.InvalidURL, httplib.HTTP, hp)
- for hp, h, p in (("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]:8000", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b",
- 8000),
- ("", "", 80),
- ("", "", 80),
- ("", "", 80),
- ("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b", 80)):
- http = httplib.HTTP(hp)
- c = http._conn
- if h !=
-"Host incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (h,
- if p != c.port:
-"Port incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (p,
- def test_response_headers(self):
- # test response with multiple message headers with the same field name.
- text = ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- 'Set-Cookie: Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE";'
- ' Version="1"; Path="/acme"\r\n'
- 'Set-Cookie: Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; Version="1";'
- ' Path="/acme"\r\n'
- '\r\n'
- 'No body\r\n')
- hdr = ('Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"'
- ', '
- 'Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"')
- s = FakeSocket(text)
- r = httplib.HTTPResponse(s)
- r.begin()
- cookies = r.getheader("Set-Cookie")
- if cookies != hdr:
-"multiple headers not combined properly")
- def test_read_head(self):
- # Test that the library doesn't attempt to read any data
- # from a HEAD request. (Tickles SF bug #622042.)
- sock = FakeSocket(
- 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- 'Content-Length: 14432\r\n'
- '\r\n',
- NoEOFStringIO)
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="HEAD")
- resp.begin()
- if != "":
-"Did not expect response from HEAD request")
- def test_send_file(self):
- expected = 'GET /foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n' \
- 'Accept-Encoding: identity\r\nContent-Length:'
- body = open(__file__, 'rb')
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
- sock = FakeSocket(body)
- conn.sock = sock
- conn.request('GET', '/foo', body)
- self.assertTrue(
- def test_send(self):
- expected = 'this is a test this is only a test'
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
- sock = FakeSocket(None)
- conn.sock = sock
- conn.send(expected)
- self.assertEqual(expected,
- = ''
- conn.send(array.array('c', expected))
- self.assertEqual(expected,
- = ''
- conn.send(StringIO.StringIO(expected))
- self.assertEqual(expected,
- def test_chunked(self):
- chunked_start = (
- 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n'
- 'a\r\n'
- 'hello worl\r\n'
- '1\r\n'
- 'd\r\n'
- )
- sock = FakeSocket(chunked_start + '0\r\n')
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
- resp.begin()
- self.assertEqual(, 'hello world')
- resp.close()
- for x in ('', 'foo\r\n'):
- sock = FakeSocket(chunked_start + x)
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
- resp.begin()
- try:
- except httplib.IncompleteRead, i:
- self.assertEqual(i.partial, 'hello world')
- self.assertEqual(repr(i),'IncompleteRead(11 bytes read)')
- self.assertEqual(str(i),'IncompleteRead(11 bytes read)')
- else:
-'IncompleteRead expected')
- finally:
- resp.close()
- def test_chunked_head(self):
- chunked_start = (
- 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n'
- 'a\r\n'
- 'hello world\r\n'
- '1\r\n'
- 'd\r\n'
- )
- sock = FakeSocket(chunked_start + '0\r\n')
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="HEAD")
- resp.begin()
- self.assertEqual(, '')
- self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
- self.assertEqual(resp.reason, 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
- def test_negative_content_length(self):
- sock = FakeSocket('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- 'Content-Length: -1\r\n\r\nHello\r\n')
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
- resp.begin()
- self.assertEqual(, 'Hello\r\n')
- self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
- def test_incomplete_read(self):
- sock = FakeSocket('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\n\r\nHello\r\n')
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock, method="GET")
- resp.begin()
- try:
- except httplib.IncompleteRead as i:
- self.assertEqual(i.partial, 'Hello\r\n')
- self.assertEqual(repr(i),
- "IncompleteRead(7 bytes read, 3 more expected)")
- self.assertEqual(str(i),
- "IncompleteRead(7 bytes read, 3 more expected)")
- self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
- else:
-'IncompleteRead expected')
- def test_epipe(self):
- sock = EPipeSocket(
- "HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required\r\n"
- "Content-type: text/html\r\n"
- "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"example\"\r\n",
- b"Content-Length")
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
- conn.sock = sock
- self.assertRaises(socket.error,
- lambda: conn.request("PUT", "/url", "body"))
- resp = conn.getresponse()
- self.assertEqual(401, resp.status)
- self.assertEqual("Basic realm=\"example\"",
- resp.getheader("www-authenticate"))
- def test_filenoattr(self):
- # Just test the fileno attribute in the HTTPResponse Object.
- body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\n\r\nText"
- sock = FakeSocket(body)
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(resp,'fileno'),
- 'HTTPResponse should expose a fileno attribute')
- # Test lines overflowing the max line size (_MAXLINE in http.client)
- def test_overflowing_status_line(self):
- self.skipTest("disabled for HTTP 0.9 support")
- body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok" + "k" * 65536 + "\r\n"
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(FakeSocket(body))
- self.assertRaises((httplib.LineTooLong, httplib.BadStatusLine), resp.begin)
- def test_overflowing_header_line(self):
- body = (
- 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- 'X-Foo: bar' + 'r' * 65536 + '\r\n\r\n'
- )
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(FakeSocket(body))
- self.assertRaises(httplib.LineTooLong, resp.begin)
- def test_overflowing_chunked_line(self):
- body = (
- 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
- 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n'
- + '0' * 65536 + 'a\r\n'
- 'hello world\r\n'
- '0\r\n'
- )
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(FakeSocket(body))
- resp.begin()
- self.assertRaises(httplib.LineTooLong,
- def test_early_eof(self):
- # Test httpresponse with no \r\n termination,
- body = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok"
- sock = FakeSocket(body)
- resp = httplib.HTTPResponse(sock)
- resp.begin()
- self.assertEqual(, '')
- self.assertTrue(resp.isclosed())
-class OfflineTest(TestCase):
- def test_responses(self):
- self.assertEqual(httplib.responses[httplib.NOT_FOUND], "Not Found")
-class SourceAddressTest(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.port = test_support.bind_port(self.serv)
- self.source_port = test_support.find_unused_port()
- self.serv.listen(5)
- self.conn = None
- def tearDown(self):
- if self.conn:
- self.conn.close()
- self.conn = None
- self.serv.close()
- self.serv = None
- def testHTTPConnectionSourceAddress(self):
- self.conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, self.port,
- source_address=('', self.source_port))
- self.conn.connect()
- self.assertEqual(self.conn.sock.getsockname()[1], self.source_port)
- @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(httplib, 'HTTPSConnection'),
- 'httplib.HTTPSConnection not defined')
- def testHTTPSConnectionSourceAddress(self):
- self.conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(HOST, self.port,
- source_address=('', self.source_port))
- # We don't test anything here other the constructor not barfing as
- # this code doesn't deal with setting up an active running SSL server
- # for an ssl_wrapped connect() to actually return from.
-class TimeoutTest(TestCase):
- PORT = None
- def setUp(self):
- self.serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- TimeoutTest.PORT = test_support.bind_port(self.serv)
- self.serv.listen(5)
- def tearDown(self):
- self.serv.close()
- self.serv = None
- def testTimeoutAttribute(self):
- '''This will prove that the timeout gets through
- HTTPConnection and into the socket.
- '''
- # default -- use global socket timeout
- self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None)
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
- try:
- httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT)
- httpConn.connect()
- finally:
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)
- self.assertEqual(httpConn.sock.gettimeout(), 30)
- httpConn.close()
- # no timeout -- do not use global socket default
- self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None)
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
- try:
- httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT,
- timeout=None)
- httpConn.connect()
- finally:
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(None)
- self.assertEqual(httpConn.sock.gettimeout(), None)
- httpConn.close()
- # a value
- httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT, timeout=30)
- httpConn.connect()
- self.assertEqual(httpConn.sock.gettimeout(), 30)
- httpConn.close()
-class HTTPSTimeoutTest(TestCase):
-# XXX Here should be tests for HTTPS, there isn't any right now!
- def test_attributes(self):
- # simple test to check it's storing it
- if hasattr(httplib, 'HTTPSConnection'):
- h = httplib.HTTPSConnection(HOST, TimeoutTest.PORT, timeout=30)
- self.assertEqual(h.timeout, 30)
- @unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(httplib, 'HTTPS'), 'httplib.HTTPS not available')
- def test_host_port(self):
- # Check invalid host_port
- # Note that httplib does not accept user:password@ in the host-port.
- for hp in ("", ""):
- self.assertRaises(httplib.InvalidURL, httplib.HTTP, hp)
- for hp, h, p in (("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]:8000", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b",
- 8000),
- ("", "", 443),
- ("", "", 443),
- ("", "", 443),
- ("[fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b]", "fe80::207:e9ff:fe9b", 443)):
- http = httplib.HTTPS(hp)
- c = http._conn
- if h !=
-"Host incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (h,
- if p != c.port:
-"Port incorrectly parsed: %s != %s" % (p,
-def test_main(verbose=None):
- test_support.run_unittest(HeaderTests, OfflineTest, BasicTest, TimeoutTest,
- HTTPSTimeoutTest, SourceAddressTest)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()