path: root/lib/python2.7/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2527 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/test/ b/lib/python2.7/test/
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Unit tests for the multiprocessing package
-import unittest
-import Queue
-import time
-import sys
-import os
-import gc
-import signal
-import array
-import socket
-import random
-import logging
-import errno
-import test.script_helper
-from test import test_support
-from StringIO import StringIO
-_multiprocessing = test_support.import_module('_multiprocessing')
-# import threading after _multiprocessing to raise a more relevant error
-# message: "No module named _multiprocessing". _multiprocessing is not compiled
-# without thread support.
-import threading
-# Work around broken sem_open implementations
-import multiprocessing.dummy
-import multiprocessing.connection
-import multiprocessing.managers
-import multiprocessing.heap
-import multiprocessing.pool
-from multiprocessing import util
- from multiprocessing import reduction
-except ImportError:
- from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value, copy
-except ImportError:
- import msvcrt
-except ImportError:
- msvcrt = None
-latin = str
-# Constants
-#LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG
-DELTA = 0.1
-CHECK_TIMINGS = False # making true makes tests take a lot longer
- # and can sometimes cause some non-serious
- # failures because some calls block a bit
- # longer than expected
- TIMEOUT1, TIMEOUT2, TIMEOUT3 = 0.82, 0.35, 1.4
- TIMEOUT1, TIMEOUT2, TIMEOUT3 = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
-HAVE_GETVALUE = not getattr(_multiprocessing,
-WIN32 = (sys.platform == "win32")
- MAXFD = os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX")
- MAXFD = 256
-# Some tests require ctypes
- from ctypes import Structure, c_int, c_double
-except ImportError:
- Structure = object
- c_int = c_double = None
-def check_enough_semaphores():
- """Check that the system supports enough semaphores to run the test."""
- # minimum number of semaphores available according to POSIX
- nsems_min = 256
- try:
- nsems = os.sysconf("SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX")
- except (AttributeError, ValueError):
- # sysconf not available or setting not available
- return
- if nsems == -1 or nsems >= nsems_min:
- return
- raise unittest.SkipTest("The OS doesn't support enough semaphores "
- "to run the test (required: %d)." % nsems_min)
-# Creates a wrapper for a function which records the time it takes to finish
-class TimingWrapper(object):
- def __init__(self, func):
- self.func = func
- self.elapsed = None
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
- t = time.time()
- try:
- return self.func(*args, **kwds)
- finally:
- self.elapsed = time.time() - t
-# Base class for test cases
-class BaseTestCase(object):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes', 'manager', 'threads')
- def assertTimingAlmostEqual(self, a, b):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b, 1)
- def assertReturnsIfImplemented(self, value, func, *args):
- try:
- res = func(*args)
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- else:
- return self.assertEqual(value, res)
- # For the sanity of Windows users, rather than crashing or freezing in
- # multiple ways.
- def __reduce__(self, *args):
- raise NotImplementedError("shouldn't try to pickle a test case")
- __reduce_ex__ = __reduce__
-# Return the value of a semaphore
-def get_value(self):
- try:
- return self.get_value()
- except AttributeError:
- try:
- return self._Semaphore__value
- except AttributeError:
- try:
- return self._value
- except AttributeError:
- raise NotImplementedError
-# Testcases
-class _TestProcess(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes', 'threads')
- def test_current(self):
- if self.TYPE == 'threads':
- return
- current = self.current_process()
- authkey = current.authkey
- self.assertTrue(current.is_alive())
- self.assertTrue(not current.daemon)
- self.assertIsInstance(authkey, bytes)
- self.assertTrue(len(authkey) > 0)
- self.assertEqual(current.ident, os.getpid())
- self.assertEqual(current.exitcode, None)
- @classmethod
- def _test(cls, q, *args, **kwds):
- current = cls.current_process()
- q.put(args)
- q.put(kwds)
- q.put(
- if cls.TYPE != 'threads':
- q.put(bytes(current.authkey))
- q.put(
- def test_process(self):
- q = self.Queue(1)
- e = self.Event()
- args = (q, 1, 2)
- kwargs = {'hello':23, 'bye':2.54}
- name = 'SomeProcess'
- p = self.Process(
- target=self._test, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, name=name
- )
- p.daemon = True
- current = self.current_process()
- if self.TYPE != 'threads':
- self.assertEqual(p.authkey, current.authkey)
- self.assertEqual(p.is_alive(), False)
- self.assertEqual(p.daemon, True)
- self.assertNotIn(p, self.active_children())
- self.assertTrue(type(self.active_children()) is list)
- self.assertEqual(p.exitcode, None)
- p.start()
- self.assertEqual(p.exitcode, None)
- self.assertEqual(p.is_alive(), True)
- self.assertIn(p, self.active_children())
- self.assertEqual(q.get(), args[1:])
- self.assertEqual(q.get(), kwargs)
- self.assertEqual(q.get(),
- if self.TYPE != 'threads':
- self.assertEqual(q.get(), current.authkey)
- self.assertEqual(q.get(),
- p.join()
- self.assertEqual(p.exitcode, 0)
- self.assertEqual(p.is_alive(), False)
- self.assertNotIn(p, self.active_children())
- @classmethod
- def _test_terminate(cls):
- time.sleep(1000)
- def test_terminate(self):
- if self.TYPE == 'threads':
- return
- p = self.Process(target=self._test_terminate)
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- self.assertEqual(p.is_alive(), True)
- self.assertIn(p, self.active_children())
- self.assertEqual(p.exitcode, None)
- p.terminate()
- join = TimingWrapper(p.join)
- self.assertEqual(join(), None)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(join.elapsed, 0.0)
- self.assertEqual(p.is_alive(), False)
- self.assertNotIn(p, self.active_children())
- p.join()
- # XXX sometimes get p.exitcode == 0 on Windows ...
- #self.assertEqual(p.exitcode, -signal.SIGTERM)
- def test_cpu_count(self):
- try:
- cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
- except NotImplementedError:
- cpus = 1
- self.assertTrue(type(cpus) is int)
- self.assertTrue(cpus >= 1)
- def test_active_children(self):
- self.assertEqual(type(self.active_children()), list)
- p = self.Process(target=time.sleep, args=(DELTA,))
- self.assertNotIn(p, self.active_children())
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- self.assertIn(p, self.active_children())
- p.join()
- self.assertNotIn(p, self.active_children())
- @classmethod
- def _test_recursion(cls, wconn, id):
- from multiprocessing import forking
- wconn.send(id)
- if len(id) < 2:
- for i in range(2):
- p = cls.Process(
- target=cls._test_recursion, args=(wconn, id+[i])
- )
- p.start()
- p.join()
- def test_recursion(self):
- rconn, wconn = self.Pipe(duplex=False)
- self._test_recursion(wconn, [])
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- result = []
- while rconn.poll():
- result.append(rconn.recv())
- expected = [
- [],
- [0],
- [0, 0],
- [0, 1],
- [1],
- [1, 0],
- [1, 1]
- ]
- self.assertEqual(result, expected)
- @classmethod
- def _test_sys_exit(cls, reason, testfn):
- sys.stderr = open(testfn, 'w')
- sys.exit(reason)
- def test_sys_exit(self):
- # See Issue 13854
- if self.TYPE == 'threads':
- return
- testfn = test_support.TESTFN
- self.addCleanup(test_support.unlink, testfn)
- for reason, code in (([1, 2, 3], 1), ('ignore this', 0)):
- p = self.Process(target=self._test_sys_exit, args=(reason, testfn))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- p.join(5)
- self.assertEqual(p.exitcode, code)
- with open(testfn, 'r') as f:
- self.assertEqual(, str(reason))
- for reason in (True, False, 8):
- p = self.Process(target=sys.exit, args=(reason,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- p.join(5)
- self.assertEqual(p.exitcode, reason)
-class _UpperCaser(multiprocessing.Process):
- def __init__(self):
- multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self)
- self.child_conn, self.parent_conn = multiprocessing.Pipe()
- def run(self):
- self.parent_conn.close()
- for s in iter(self.child_conn.recv, None):
- self.child_conn.send(s.upper())
- self.child_conn.close()
- def submit(self, s):
- assert type(s) is str
- self.parent_conn.send(s)
- return self.parent_conn.recv()
- def stop(self):
- self.parent_conn.send(None)
- self.parent_conn.close()
- self.child_conn.close()
-class _TestSubclassingProcess(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- def test_subclassing(self):
- uppercaser = _UpperCaser()
- uppercaser.daemon = True
- uppercaser.start()
- self.assertEqual(uppercaser.submit('hello'), 'HELLO')
- self.assertEqual(uppercaser.submit('world'), 'WORLD')
- uppercaser.stop()
- uppercaser.join()
-def queue_empty(q):
- if hasattr(q, 'empty'):
- return q.empty()
- else:
- return q.qsize() == 0
-def queue_full(q, maxsize):
- if hasattr(q, 'full'):
- return q.full()
- else:
- return q.qsize() == maxsize
-class _TestQueue(BaseTestCase):
- @classmethod
- def _test_put(cls, queue, child_can_start, parent_can_continue):
- child_can_start.wait()
- for i in range(6):
- queue.get()
- parent_can_continue.set()
- def test_put(self):
- queue = self.Queue(maxsize=MAXSIZE)
- child_can_start = self.Event()
- parent_can_continue = self.Event()
- proc = self.Process(
- target=self._test_put,
- args=(queue, child_can_start, parent_can_continue)
- )
- proc.daemon = True
- proc.start()
- self.assertEqual(queue_empty(queue), True)
- self.assertEqual(queue_full(queue, MAXSIZE), False)
- queue.put(1)
- queue.put(2, True)
- queue.put(3, True, None)
- queue.put(4, False)
- queue.put(5, False, None)
- queue.put_nowait(6)
- # the values may be in buffer but not yet in pipe so sleep a bit
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- self.assertEqual(queue_empty(queue), False)
- self.assertEqual(queue_full(queue, MAXSIZE), True)
- put = TimingWrapper(queue.put)
- put_nowait = TimingWrapper(queue.put_nowait)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Full, put, 7, False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(put.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Full, put, 7, False, None)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(put.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Full, put_nowait, 7)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(put_nowait.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Full, put, 7, True, TIMEOUT1)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(put.elapsed, TIMEOUT1)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Full, put, 7, False, TIMEOUT2)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(put.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Full, put, 7, True, timeout=TIMEOUT3)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(put.elapsed, TIMEOUT3)
- child_can_start.set()
- parent_can_continue.wait()
- self.assertEqual(queue_empty(queue), True)
- self.assertEqual(queue_full(queue, MAXSIZE), False)
- proc.join()
- @classmethod
- def _test_get(cls, queue, child_can_start, parent_can_continue):
- child_can_start.wait()
- #queue.put(1)
- queue.put(2)
- queue.put(3)
- queue.put(4)
- queue.put(5)
- parent_can_continue.set()
- def test_get(self):
- queue = self.Queue()
- child_can_start = self.Event()
- parent_can_continue = self.Event()
- proc = self.Process(
- target=self._test_get,
- args=(queue, child_can_start, parent_can_continue)
- )
- proc.daemon = True
- proc.start()
- self.assertEqual(queue_empty(queue), True)
- child_can_start.set()
- parent_can_continue.wait()
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- self.assertEqual(queue_empty(queue), False)
- # Hangs unexpectedly, remove for now
- #self.assertEqual(queue.get(), 1)
- self.assertEqual(queue.get(True, None), 2)
- self.assertEqual(queue.get(True), 3)
- self.assertEqual(queue.get(timeout=1), 4)
- self.assertEqual(queue.get_nowait(), 5)
- self.assertEqual(queue_empty(queue), True)
- get = TimingWrapper(queue.get)
- get_nowait = TimingWrapper(queue.get_nowait)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, get, False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(get.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, get, False, None)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(get.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, get_nowait)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(get_nowait.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, get, True, TIMEOUT1)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(get.elapsed, TIMEOUT1)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, get, False, TIMEOUT2)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(get.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, get, timeout=TIMEOUT3)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(get.elapsed, TIMEOUT3)
- proc.join()
- @classmethod
- def _test_fork(cls, queue):
- for i in range(10, 20):
- queue.put(i)
- # note that at this point the items may only be buffered, so the
- # process cannot shutdown until the feeder thread has finished
- # pushing items onto the pipe.
- def test_fork(self):
- # Old versions of Queue would fail to create a new feeder
- # thread for a forked process if the original process had its
- # own feeder thread. This test checks that this no longer
- # happens.
- queue = self.Queue()
- # put items on queue so that main process starts a feeder thread
- for i in range(10):
- queue.put(i)
- # wait to make sure thread starts before we fork a new process
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- # fork process
- p = self.Process(target=self._test_fork, args=(queue,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- # check that all expected items are in the queue
- for i in range(20):
- self.assertEqual(queue.get(), i)
- self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, queue.get, False)
- p.join()
- def test_qsize(self):
- q = self.Queue()
- try:
- self.assertEqual(q.qsize(), 0)
- except NotImplementedError:
- return
- q.put(1)
- self.assertEqual(q.qsize(), 1)
- q.put(5)
- self.assertEqual(q.qsize(), 2)
- q.get()
- self.assertEqual(q.qsize(), 1)
- q.get()
- self.assertEqual(q.qsize(), 0)
- @classmethod
- def _test_task_done(cls, q):
- for obj in iter(q.get, None):
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- q.task_done()
- def test_task_done(self):
- queue = self.JoinableQueue()
- if sys.version_info < (2, 5) and not hasattr(queue, 'task_done'):
- self.skipTest("requires 'queue.task_done()' method")
- workers = [self.Process(target=self._test_task_done, args=(queue,))
- for i in xrange(4)]
- for p in workers:
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- for i in xrange(10):
- queue.put(i)
- queue.join()
- for p in workers:
- queue.put(None)
- for p in workers:
- p.join()
-class _TestLock(BaseTestCase):
- def test_lock(self):
- lock = self.Lock()
- self.assertEqual(lock.acquire(), True)
- self.assertEqual(lock.acquire(False), False)
- self.assertEqual(lock.release(), None)
- self.assertRaises((ValueError, threading.ThreadError), lock.release)
- def test_rlock(self):
- lock = self.RLock()
- self.assertEqual(lock.acquire(), True)
- self.assertEqual(lock.acquire(), True)
- self.assertEqual(lock.acquire(), True)
- self.assertEqual(lock.release(), None)
- self.assertEqual(lock.release(), None)
- self.assertEqual(lock.release(), None)
- self.assertRaises((AssertionError, RuntimeError), lock.release)
- def test_lock_context(self):
- with self.Lock():
- pass
-class _TestSemaphore(BaseTestCase):
- def _test_semaphore(self, sem):
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(2, get_value, sem)
- self.assertEqual(sem.acquire(), True)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(1, get_value, sem)
- self.assertEqual(sem.acquire(), True)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(0, get_value, sem)
- self.assertEqual(sem.acquire(False), False)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(0, get_value, sem)
- self.assertEqual(sem.release(), None)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(1, get_value, sem)
- self.assertEqual(sem.release(), None)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(2, get_value, sem)
- def test_semaphore(self):
- sem = self.Semaphore(2)
- self._test_semaphore(sem)
- self.assertEqual(sem.release(), None)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(3, get_value, sem)
- self.assertEqual(sem.release(), None)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(4, get_value, sem)
- def test_bounded_semaphore(self):
- sem = self.BoundedSemaphore(2)
- self._test_semaphore(sem)
- # Currently fails on OS/X
- # self.assertRaises(ValueError, sem.release)
- # self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(2, get_value, sem)
- def test_timeout(self):
- if self.TYPE != 'processes':
- return
- sem = self.Semaphore(0)
- acquire = TimingWrapper(sem.acquire)
- self.assertEqual(acquire(False), False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(acquire.elapsed, 0.0)
- self.assertEqual(acquire(False, None), False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(acquire.elapsed, 0.0)
- self.assertEqual(acquire(False, TIMEOUT1), False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(acquire.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertEqual(acquire(True, TIMEOUT2), False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(acquire.elapsed, TIMEOUT2)
- self.assertEqual(acquire(timeout=TIMEOUT3), False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(acquire.elapsed, TIMEOUT3)
-class _TestCondition(BaseTestCase):
- @classmethod
- def f(cls, cond, sleeping, woken, timeout=None):
- cond.acquire()
- sleeping.release()
- cond.wait(timeout)
- woken.release()
- cond.release()
- def check_invariant(self, cond):
- # this is only supposed to succeed when there are no sleepers
- if self.TYPE == 'processes':
- try:
- sleepers = (cond._sleeping_count.get_value() -
- cond._woken_count.get_value())
- self.assertEqual(sleepers, 0)
- self.assertEqual(cond._wait_semaphore.get_value(), 0)
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- def test_notify(self):
- cond = self.Condition()
- sleeping = self.Semaphore(0)
- woken = self.Semaphore(0)
- p = self.Process(target=self.f, args=(cond, sleeping, woken))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- p = threading.Thread(target=self.f, args=(cond, sleeping, woken))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- # wait for both children to start sleeping
- sleeping.acquire()
- sleeping.acquire()
- # check no process/thread has woken up
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(0, get_value, woken)
- # wake up one process/thread
- cond.acquire()
- cond.notify()
- cond.release()
- # check one process/thread has woken up
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(1, get_value, woken)
- # wake up another
- cond.acquire()
- cond.notify()
- cond.release()
- # check other has woken up
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(2, get_value, woken)
- # check state is not mucked up
- self.check_invariant(cond)
- p.join()
- def test_notify_all(self):
- cond = self.Condition()
- sleeping = self.Semaphore(0)
- woken = self.Semaphore(0)
- # start some threads/processes which will timeout
- for i in range(3):
- p = self.Process(target=self.f,
- args=(cond, sleeping, woken, TIMEOUT1))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- t = threading.Thread(target=self.f,
- args=(cond, sleeping, woken, TIMEOUT1))
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- # wait for them all to sleep
- for i in xrange(6):
- sleeping.acquire()
- # check they have all timed out
- for i in xrange(6):
- woken.acquire()
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(0, get_value, woken)
- # check state is not mucked up
- self.check_invariant(cond)
- # start some more threads/processes
- for i in range(3):
- p = self.Process(target=self.f, args=(cond, sleeping, woken))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- t = threading.Thread(target=self.f, args=(cond, sleeping, woken))
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- # wait for them to all sleep
- for i in xrange(6):
- sleeping.acquire()
- # check no process/thread has woken up
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(0, get_value, woken)
- # wake them all up
- cond.acquire()
- cond.notify_all()
- cond.release()
- # check they have all woken
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- self.assertReturnsIfImplemented(6, get_value, woken)
- # check state is not mucked up
- self.check_invariant(cond)
- def test_timeout(self):
- cond = self.Condition()
- wait = TimingWrapper(cond.wait)
- cond.acquire()
- res = wait(TIMEOUT1)
- cond.release()
- self.assertEqual(res, None)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(wait.elapsed, TIMEOUT1)
-class _TestEvent(BaseTestCase):
- @classmethod
- def _test_event(cls, event):
- time.sleep(TIMEOUT2)
- event.set()
- def test_event(self):
- event = self.Event()
- wait = TimingWrapper(event.wait)
- # Removed temporarily, due to API shear, this does not
- # work with threading._Event objects. is_set == isSet
- self.assertEqual(event.is_set(), False)
- # Removed, threading.Event.wait() will return the value of the __flag
- # instead of None. API Shear with the semaphore backed mp.Event
- self.assertEqual(wait(0.0), False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(wait.elapsed, 0.0)
- self.assertEqual(wait(TIMEOUT1), False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(wait.elapsed, TIMEOUT1)
- event.set()
- # See note above on the API differences
- self.assertEqual(event.is_set(), True)
- self.assertEqual(wait(), True)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(wait.elapsed, 0.0)
- self.assertEqual(wait(TIMEOUT1), True)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(wait.elapsed, 0.0)
- # self.assertEqual(event.is_set(), True)
- event.clear()
- #self.assertEqual(event.is_set(), False)
- p = self.Process(target=self._test_event, args=(event,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- self.assertEqual(wait(), True)
-class _TestValue(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- codes_values = [
- ('i', 4343, 24234),
- ('d', 3.625, -4.25),
- ('h', -232, 234),
- ('c', latin('x'), latin('y'))
- ]
- def setUp(self):
- self.skipTest("requires multiprocessing.sharedctypes")
- @classmethod
- def _test(cls, values):
- for sv, cv in zip(values, cls.codes_values):
- sv.value = cv[2]
- def test_value(self, raw=False):
- if raw:
- values = [self.RawValue(code, value)
- for code, value, _ in self.codes_values]
- else:
- values = [self.Value(code, value)
- for code, value, _ in self.codes_values]
- for sv, cv in zip(values, self.codes_values):
- self.assertEqual(sv.value, cv[1])
- proc = self.Process(target=self._test, args=(values,))
- proc.daemon = True
- proc.start()
- proc.join()
- for sv, cv in zip(values, self.codes_values):
- self.assertEqual(sv.value, cv[2])
- def test_rawvalue(self):
- self.test_value(raw=True)
- def test_getobj_getlock(self):
- val1 = self.Value('i', 5)
- lock1 = val1.get_lock()
- obj1 = val1.get_obj()
- val2 = self.Value('i', 5, lock=None)
- lock2 = val2.get_lock()
- obj2 = val2.get_obj()
- lock = self.Lock()
- val3 = self.Value('i', 5, lock=lock)
- lock3 = val3.get_lock()
- obj3 = val3.get_obj()
- self.assertEqual(lock, lock3)
- arr4 = self.Value('i', 5, lock=False)
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr4, 'get_lock'))
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr4, 'get_obj'))
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self.Value, 'i', 5, lock='navalue')
- arr5 = self.RawValue('i', 5)
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr5, 'get_lock'))
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr5, 'get_obj'))
-class _TestArray(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- @classmethod
- def f(cls, seq):
- for i in range(1, len(seq)):
- seq[i] += seq[i-1]
- @unittest.skipIf(c_int is None, "requires _ctypes")
- def test_array(self, raw=False):
- seq = [680, 626, 934, 821, 150, 233, 548, 982, 714, 831]
- if raw:
- arr = self.RawArray('i', seq)
- else:
- arr = self.Array('i', seq)
- self.assertEqual(len(arr), len(seq))
- self.assertEqual(arr[3], seq[3])
- self.assertEqual(list(arr[2:7]), list(seq[2:7]))
- arr[4:8] = seq[4:8] = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4])
- self.assertEqual(list(arr[:]), seq)
- self.f(seq)
- p = self.Process(target=self.f, args=(arr,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- p.join()
- self.assertEqual(list(arr[:]), seq)
- @unittest.skipIf(c_int is None, "requires _ctypes")
- def test_array_from_size(self):
- size = 10
- # Test for zeroing (see issue #11675).
- # The repetition below strengthens the test by increasing the chances
- # of previously allocated non-zero memory being used for the new array
- # on the 2nd and 3rd loops.
- for _ in range(3):
- arr = self.Array('i', size)
- self.assertEqual(len(arr), size)
- self.assertEqual(list(arr), [0] * size)
- arr[:] = range(10)
- self.assertEqual(list(arr), range(10))
- del arr
- @unittest.skipIf(c_int is None, "requires _ctypes")
- def test_rawarray(self):
- self.test_array(raw=True)
- @unittest.skipIf(c_int is None, "requires _ctypes")
- def test_array_accepts_long(self):
- arr = self.Array('i', 10L)
- self.assertEqual(len(arr), 10)
- raw_arr = self.RawArray('i', 10L)
- self.assertEqual(len(raw_arr), 10)
- @unittest.skipIf(c_int is None, "requires _ctypes")
- def test_getobj_getlock_obj(self):
- arr1 = self.Array('i', range(10))
- lock1 = arr1.get_lock()
- obj1 = arr1.get_obj()
- arr2 = self.Array('i', range(10), lock=None)
- lock2 = arr2.get_lock()
- obj2 = arr2.get_obj()
- lock = self.Lock()
- arr3 = self.Array('i', range(10), lock=lock)
- lock3 = arr3.get_lock()
- obj3 = arr3.get_obj()
- self.assertEqual(lock, lock3)
- arr4 = self.Array('i', range(10), lock=False)
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr4, 'get_lock'))
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr4, 'get_obj'))
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
- self.Array, 'i', range(10), lock='notalock')
- arr5 = self.RawArray('i', range(10))
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr5, 'get_lock'))
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr5, 'get_obj'))
-class _TestContainers(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('manager',)
- def test_list(self):
- a = self.list(range(10))
- self.assertEqual(a[:], range(10))
- b = self.list()
- self.assertEqual(b[:], [])
- b.extend(range(5))
- self.assertEqual(b[:], range(5))
- self.assertEqual(b[2], 2)
- self.assertEqual(b[2:10], [2,3,4])
- b *= 2
- self.assertEqual(b[:], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
- self.assertEqual(b + [5, 6], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
- self.assertEqual(a[:], range(10))
- d = [a, b]
- e = self.list(d)
- self.assertEqual(
- e[:],
- [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]]
- )
- f = self.list([a])
- a.append('hello')
- self.assertEqual(f[:], [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'hello']])
- def test_dict(self):
- d = self.dict()
- indices = range(65, 70)
- for i in indices:
- d[i] = chr(i)
- self.assertEqual(d.copy(), dict((i, chr(i)) for i in indices))
- self.assertEqual(sorted(d.keys()), indices)
- self.assertEqual(sorted(d.values()), [chr(i) for i in indices])
- self.assertEqual(sorted(d.items()), [(i, chr(i)) for i in indices])
- def test_namespace(self):
- n = self.Namespace()
- = 'Bob'
- n.job = 'Builder'
- n._hidden = 'hidden'
- self.assertEqual((, n.job), ('Bob', 'Builder'))
- del n.job
- self.assertEqual(str(n), "Namespace(name='Bob')")
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(n, 'name'))
- self.assertTrue(not hasattr(n, 'job'))
-def sqr(x, wait=0.0):
- time.sleep(wait)
- return x*x
-class _TestPool(BaseTestCase):
- def test_apply(self):
- papply = self.pool.apply
- self.assertEqual(papply(sqr, (5,)), sqr(5))
- self.assertEqual(papply(sqr, (), {'x':3}), sqr(x=3))
- def test_map(self):
- pmap =
- self.assertEqual(pmap(sqr, range(10)), map(sqr, range(10)))
- self.assertEqual(pmap(sqr, range(100), chunksize=20),
- map(sqr, range(100)))
- def test_map_chunksize(self):
- try:
- self.pool.map_async(sqr, [], chunksize=1).get(timeout=TIMEOUT1)
- except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
-"pool.map_async with chunksize stalled on null list")
- def test_async(self):
- res = self.pool.apply_async(sqr, (7, TIMEOUT1,))
- get = TimingWrapper(res.get)
- self.assertEqual(get(), 49)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(get.elapsed, TIMEOUT1)
- def test_async_timeout(self):
- res = self.pool.apply_async(sqr, (6, TIMEOUT2 + 0.2))
- get = TimingWrapper(res.get)
- self.assertRaises(multiprocessing.TimeoutError, get, timeout=TIMEOUT2)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(get.elapsed, TIMEOUT2)
- def test_imap(self):
- it = self.pool.imap(sqr, range(10))
- self.assertEqual(list(it), map(sqr, range(10)))
- it = self.pool.imap(sqr, range(10))
- for i in range(10):
- self.assertEqual(, i*i)
- self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
- it = self.pool.imap(sqr, range(1000), chunksize=100)
- for i in range(1000):
- self.assertEqual(, i*i)
- self.assertRaises(StopIteration,
- def test_imap_unordered(self):
- it = self.pool.imap_unordered(sqr, range(1000))
- self.assertEqual(sorted(it), map(sqr, range(1000)))
- it = self.pool.imap_unordered(sqr, range(1000), chunksize=53)
- self.assertEqual(sorted(it), map(sqr, range(1000)))
- def test_make_pool(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, multiprocessing.Pool, -1)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, multiprocessing.Pool, 0)
- p = multiprocessing.Pool(3)
- self.assertEqual(3, len(p._pool))
- p.close()
- p.join()
- def test_terminate(self):
- if self.TYPE == 'manager':
- # On Unix a forked process increfs each shared object to
- # which its parent process held a reference. If the
- # forked process gets terminated then there is likely to
- # be a reference leak. So to prevent
- # _TestZZZNumberOfObjects from failing we skip this test
- # when using a manager.
- return
- result = self.pool.map_async(
- time.sleep, [0.1 for i in range(10000)], chunksize=1
- )
- self.pool.terminate()
- join = TimingWrapper(self.pool.join)
- join()
- self.assertTrue(join.elapsed < 0.2)
- def test_empty_iterable(self):
- # See Issue 12157
- p = self.Pool(1)
- self.assertEqual(, []), [])
- self.assertEqual(list(p.imap(sqr, [])), [])
- self.assertEqual(list(p.imap_unordered(sqr, [])), [])
- self.assertEqual(p.map_async(sqr, []).get(), [])
- p.close()
- p.join()
-def unpickleable_result():
- return lambda: 42
-class _TestPoolWorkerErrors(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes', )
- def test_unpickleable_result(self):
- from multiprocessing.pool import MaybeEncodingError
- p = multiprocessing.Pool(2)
- # Make sure we don't lose pool processes because of encoding errors.
- for iteration in range(20):
- res = p.apply_async(unpickleable_result)
- self.assertRaises(MaybeEncodingError, res.get)
- p.close()
- p.join()
-class _TestPoolWorkerLifetime(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes', )
- def test_pool_worker_lifetime(self):
- p = multiprocessing.Pool(3, maxtasksperchild=10)
- self.assertEqual(3, len(p._pool))
- origworkerpids = [ for w in p._pool]
- # Run many tasks so each worker gets replaced (hopefully)
- results = []
- for i in range(100):
- results.append(p.apply_async(sqr, (i, )))
- # Fetch the results and verify we got the right answers,
- # also ensuring all the tasks have completed.
- for (j, res) in enumerate(results):
- self.assertEqual(res.get(), sqr(j))
- # Refill the pool
- p._repopulate_pool()
- # Wait until all workers are alive
- # (countdown * DELTA = 5 seconds max startup process time)
- countdown = 50
- while countdown and not all(w.is_alive() for w in p._pool):
- countdown -= 1
- time.sleep(DELTA)
- finalworkerpids = [ for w in p._pool]
- # All pids should be assigned. See issue #7805.
- self.assertNotIn(None, origworkerpids)
- self.assertNotIn(None, finalworkerpids)
- # Finally, check that the worker pids have changed
- self.assertNotEqual(sorted(origworkerpids), sorted(finalworkerpids))
- p.close()
- p.join()
- def test_pool_worker_lifetime_early_close(self):
- # Issue #10332: closing a pool whose workers have limited lifetimes
- # before all the tasks completed would make join() hang.
- p = multiprocessing.Pool(3, maxtasksperchild=1)
- results = []
- for i in range(6):
- results.append(p.apply_async(sqr, (i, 0.3)))
- p.close()
- p.join()
- # check the results
- for (j, res) in enumerate(results):
- self.assertEqual(res.get(), sqr(j))
-# Test that manager has expected number of shared objects left
-class _TestZZZNumberOfObjects(BaseTestCase):
- # Because test cases are sorted alphabetically, this one will get
- # run after all the other tests for the manager. It tests that
- # there have been no "reference leaks" for the manager's shared
- # objects. Note the comment in _TestPool.test_terminate().
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('manager',)
- def test_number_of_objects(self):
- EXPECTED_NUMBER = 1 # the pool object is still alive
- multiprocessing.active_children() # discard dead process objs
- gc.collect() # do garbage collection
- refs = self.manager._number_of_objects()
- debug_info = self.manager._debug_info()
- if refs != EXPECTED_NUMBER:
- print self.manager._debug_info()
- print debug_info
- self.assertEqual(refs, EXPECTED_NUMBER)
-# Test of creating a customized manager class
-from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager, BaseProxy, RemoteError
-class FooBar(object):
- def f(self):
- return 'f()'
- def g(self):
- raise ValueError
- def _h(self):
- return '_h()'
-def baz():
- for i in xrange(10):
- yield i*i
-class IteratorProxy(BaseProxy):
- _exposed_ = ('next', '__next__')
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- return self._callmethod('next')
- def __next__(self):
- return self._callmethod('__next__')
-class MyManager(BaseManager):
- pass
-MyManager.register('Foo', callable=FooBar)
-MyManager.register('Bar', callable=FooBar, exposed=('f', '_h'))
-MyManager.register('baz', callable=baz, proxytype=IteratorProxy)
-class _TestMyManager(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('manager',)
- def test_mymanager(self):
- manager = MyManager()
- manager.start()
- foo = manager.Foo()
- bar = manager.Bar()
- baz = manager.baz()
- foo_methods = [name for name in ('f', 'g', '_h') if hasattr(foo, name)]
- bar_methods = [name for name in ('f', 'g', '_h') if hasattr(bar, name)]
- self.assertEqual(foo_methods, ['f', 'g'])
- self.assertEqual(bar_methods, ['f', '_h'])
- self.assertEqual(foo.f(), 'f()')
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, foo.g)
- self.assertEqual(foo._callmethod('f'), 'f()')
- self.assertRaises(RemoteError, foo._callmethod, '_h')
- self.assertEqual(bar.f(), 'f()')
- self.assertEqual(bar._h(), '_h()')
- self.assertEqual(bar._callmethod('f'), 'f()')
- self.assertEqual(bar._callmethod('_h'), '_h()')
- self.assertEqual(list(baz), [i*i for i in range(10)])
- manager.shutdown()
-# Test of connecting to a remote server and using xmlrpclib for serialization
-_queue = Queue.Queue()
-def get_queue():
- return _queue
-class QueueManager(BaseManager):
- '''manager class used by server process'''
-QueueManager.register('get_queue', callable=get_queue)
-class QueueManager2(BaseManager):
- '''manager class which specifies the same interface as QueueManager'''
-SERIALIZER = 'xmlrpclib'
-class _TestRemoteManager(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('manager',)
- @classmethod
- def _putter(cls, address, authkey):
- manager = QueueManager2(
- address=address, authkey=authkey, serializer=SERIALIZER
- )
- manager.connect()
- queue = manager.get_queue()
- queue.put(('hello world', None, True, 2.25))
- def test_remote(self):
- authkey = os.urandom(32)
- manager = QueueManager(
- address=('localhost', 0), authkey=authkey, serializer=SERIALIZER
- )
- manager.start()
- p = self.Process(target=self._putter, args=(manager.address, authkey))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- manager2 = QueueManager2(
- address=manager.address, authkey=authkey, serializer=SERIALIZER
- )
- manager2.connect()
- queue = manager2.get_queue()
- # Note that xmlrpclib will deserialize object as a list not a tuple
- self.assertEqual(queue.get(), ['hello world', None, True, 2.25])
- # Because we are using xmlrpclib for serialization instead of
- # pickle this will cause a serialization error.
- self.assertRaises(Exception, queue.put, time.sleep)
- # Make queue finalizer run before the server is stopped
- del queue
- manager.shutdown()
-class _TestManagerRestart(BaseTestCase):
- @classmethod
- def _putter(cls, address, authkey):
- manager = QueueManager(
- address=address, authkey=authkey, serializer=SERIALIZER)
- manager.connect()
- queue = manager.get_queue()
- queue.put('hello world')
- def test_rapid_restart(self):
- authkey = os.urandom(32)
- manager = QueueManager(
- address=('localhost', 0), authkey=authkey, serializer=SERIALIZER)
- srvr = manager.get_server()
- addr = srvr.address
- # Close the connection.Listener socket which gets opened as a part
- # of manager.get_server(). It's not needed for the test.
- srvr.listener.close()
- manager.start()
- p = self.Process(target=self._putter, args=(manager.address, authkey))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- queue = manager.get_queue()
- self.assertEqual(queue.get(), 'hello world')
- del queue
- manager.shutdown()
- manager = QueueManager(
- address=addr, authkey=authkey, serializer=SERIALIZER)
- manager.start()
- manager.shutdown()
-SENTINEL = latin('')
-class _TestConnection(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes', 'threads')
- @classmethod
- def _echo(cls, conn):
- for msg in iter(conn.recv_bytes, SENTINEL):
- conn.send_bytes(msg)
- conn.close()
- def test_connection(self):
- conn, child_conn = self.Pipe()
- p = self.Process(target=self._echo, args=(child_conn,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- seq = [1, 2.25, None]
- msg = latin('hello world')
- longmsg = msg * 10
- arr = array.array('i', range(4))
- if self.TYPE == 'processes':
- self.assertEqual(type(conn.fileno()), int)
- self.assertEqual(conn.send(seq), None)
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv(), seq)
- self.assertEqual(conn.send_bytes(msg), None)
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv_bytes(), msg)
- if self.TYPE == 'processes':
- buffer = array.array('i', [0]*10)
- expected = list(arr) + [0] * (10 - len(arr))
- self.assertEqual(conn.send_bytes(arr), None)
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv_bytes_into(buffer),
- len(arr) * buffer.itemsize)
- self.assertEqual(list(buffer), expected)
- buffer = array.array('i', [0]*10)
- expected = [0] * 3 + list(arr) + [0] * (10 - 3 - len(arr))
- self.assertEqual(conn.send_bytes(arr), None)
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv_bytes_into(buffer, 3 * buffer.itemsize),
- len(arr) * buffer.itemsize)
- self.assertEqual(list(buffer), expected)
- buffer = bytearray(latin(' ' * 40))
- self.assertEqual(conn.send_bytes(longmsg), None)
- try:
- res = conn.recv_bytes_into(buffer)
- except multiprocessing.BufferTooShort, e:
- self.assertEqual(e.args, (longmsg,))
- else:
-'expected BufferTooShort, got %s' % res)
- poll = TimingWrapper(conn.poll)
- self.assertEqual(poll(), False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(poll.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertEqual(poll(TIMEOUT1), False)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(poll.elapsed, TIMEOUT1)
- conn.send(None)
- time.sleep(.1)
- self.assertEqual(poll(TIMEOUT1), True)
- self.assertTimingAlmostEqual(poll.elapsed, 0)
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv(), None)
- really_big_msg = latin('X') * (1024 * 1024 * 16) # 16Mb
- conn.send_bytes(really_big_msg)
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv_bytes(), really_big_msg)
- conn.send_bytes(SENTINEL) # tell child to quit
- child_conn.close()
- if self.TYPE == 'processes':
- self.assertEqual(conn.readable, True)
- self.assertEqual(conn.writable, True)
- self.assertRaises(EOFError, conn.recv)
- self.assertRaises(EOFError, conn.recv_bytes)
- p.join()
- def test_duplex_false(self):
- reader, writer = self.Pipe(duplex=False)
- self.assertEqual(writer.send(1), None)
- self.assertEqual(reader.recv(), 1)
- if self.TYPE == 'processes':
- self.assertEqual(reader.readable, True)
- self.assertEqual(reader.writable, False)
- self.assertEqual(writer.readable, False)
- self.assertEqual(writer.writable, True)
- self.assertRaises(IOError, reader.send, 2)
- self.assertRaises(IOError, writer.recv)
- self.assertRaises(IOError, writer.poll)
- def test_spawn_close(self):
- # We test that a pipe connection can be closed by parent
- # process immediately after child is spawned. On Windows this
- # would have sometimes failed on old versions because
- # child_conn would be closed before the child got a chance to
- # duplicate it.
- conn, child_conn = self.Pipe()
- p = self.Process(target=self._echo, args=(child_conn,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- child_conn.close() # this might complete before child initializes
- msg = latin('hello')
- conn.send_bytes(msg)
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv_bytes(), msg)
- conn.send_bytes(SENTINEL)
- conn.close()
- p.join()
- def test_sendbytes(self):
- if self.TYPE != 'processes':
- return
- msg = latin('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
- a, b = self.Pipe()
- a.send_bytes(msg)
- self.assertEqual(b.recv_bytes(), msg)
- a.send_bytes(msg, 5)
- self.assertEqual(b.recv_bytes(), msg[5:])
- a.send_bytes(msg, 7, 8)
- self.assertEqual(b.recv_bytes(), msg[7:7+8])
- a.send_bytes(msg, 26)
- self.assertEqual(b.recv_bytes(), latin(''))
- a.send_bytes(msg, 26, 0)
- self.assertEqual(b.recv_bytes(), latin(''))
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, a.send_bytes, msg, 27)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, a.send_bytes, msg, 22, 5)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, a.send_bytes, msg, 26, 1)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, a.send_bytes, msg, -1)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, a.send_bytes, msg, 4, -1)
- @classmethod
- def _is_fd_assigned(cls, fd):
- try:
- os.fstat(fd)
- except OSError as e:
- if e.errno == errno.EBADF:
- return False
- raise
- else:
- return True
- @classmethod
- def _writefd(cls, conn, data, create_dummy_fds=False):
- if create_dummy_fds:
- for i in range(0, 256):
- if not cls._is_fd_assigned(i):
- os.dup2(conn.fileno(), i)
- fd = reduction.recv_handle(conn)
- if msvcrt:
- fd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(fd, os.O_WRONLY)
- os.write(fd, data)
- os.close(fd)
- @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_REDUCTION, "test needs multiprocessing.reduction")
- def test_fd_transfer(self):
- if self.TYPE != 'processes':
- self.skipTest("only makes sense with processes")
- conn, child_conn = self.Pipe(duplex=True)
- p = self.Process(target=self._writefd, args=(child_conn, b"foo"))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- with open(test_support.TESTFN, "wb") as f:
- fd = f.fileno()
- if msvcrt:
- fd = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(fd)
- reduction.send_handle(conn, fd,
- p.join()
- with open(test_support.TESTFN, "rb") as f:
- self.assertEqual(, b"foo")
- @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_REDUCTION, "test needs multiprocessing.reduction")
- @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == "win32",
- "test semantics don't make sense on Windows")
- @unittest.skipIf(MAXFD <= 256,
- "largest assignable fd number is too small")
- @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, "dup2"),
- "test needs os.dup2()")
- def test_large_fd_transfer(self):
- # With fd > 256 (issue #11657)
- if self.TYPE != 'processes':
- self.skipTest("only makes sense with processes")
- conn, child_conn = self.Pipe(duplex=True)
- p = self.Process(target=self._writefd, args=(child_conn, b"bar", True))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- with open(test_support.TESTFN, "wb") as f:
- fd = f.fileno()
- for newfd in range(256, MAXFD):
- if not self._is_fd_assigned(newfd):
- break
- else:
-"could not find an unassigned large file descriptor")
- os.dup2(fd, newfd)
- try:
- reduction.send_handle(conn, newfd,
- finally:
- os.close(newfd)
- p.join()
- with open(test_support.TESTFN, "rb") as f:
- self.assertEqual(, b"bar")
- @classmethod
- def _send_data_without_fd(self, conn):
- os.write(conn.fileno(), b"\0")
- @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_REDUCTION, "test needs multiprocessing.reduction")
- @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == "win32", "doesn't make sense on Windows")
- def test_missing_fd_transfer(self):
- # Check that exception is raised when received data is not
- # accompanied by a file descriptor in ancillary data.
- if self.TYPE != 'processes':
- self.skipTest("only makes sense with processes")
- conn, child_conn = self.Pipe(duplex=True)
- p = self.Process(target=self._send_data_without_fd, args=(child_conn,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, reduction.recv_handle, conn)
- p.join()
-class _TestListenerClient(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes', 'threads')
- @classmethod
- def _test(cls, address):
- conn = cls.connection.Client(address)
- conn.send('hello')
- conn.close()
- def test_listener_client(self):
- for family in self.connection.families:
- l = self.connection.Listener(family=family)
- p = self.Process(target=self._test, args=(l.address,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- conn = l.accept()
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv(), 'hello')
- p.join()
- l.close()
- def test_issue14725(self):
- l = self.connection.Listener()
- p = self.Process(target=self._test, args=(l.address,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- time.sleep(1)
- # On Windows the client process should by now have connected,
- # written data and closed the pipe handle by now. This causes
- # ConnectNamdedPipe() to fail with ERROR_NO_DATA. See Issue
- # 14725.
- conn = l.accept()
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv(), 'hello')
- conn.close()
- p.join()
- l.close()
-# Test of sending connection and socket objects between processes
-class _TestPicklingConnections(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- def _listener(self, conn, families):
- for fam in families:
- l = self.connection.Listener(family=fam)
- conn.send(l.address)
- new_conn = l.accept()
- conn.send(new_conn)
- if self.TYPE == 'processes':
- l = socket.socket()
- l.bind(('localhost', 0))
- conn.send(l.getsockname())
- l.listen(1)
- new_conn, addr = l.accept()
- conn.send(new_conn)
- conn.recv()
- def _remote(self, conn):
- for (address, msg) in iter(conn.recv, None):
- client = self.connection.Client(address)
- client.send(msg.upper())
- client.close()
- if self.TYPE == 'processes':
- address, msg = conn.recv()
- client = socket.socket()
- client.connect(address)
- client.sendall(msg.upper())
- client.close()
- conn.close()
- def test_pickling(self):
- try:
- multiprocessing.allow_connection_pickling()
- except ImportError:
- return
- families = self.connection.families
- lconn, lconn0 = self.Pipe()
- lp = self.Process(target=self._listener, args=(lconn0, families))
- lp.daemon = True
- lp.start()
- lconn0.close()
- rconn, rconn0 = self.Pipe()
- rp = self.Process(target=self._remote, args=(rconn0,))
- rp.daemon = True
- rp.start()
- rconn0.close()
- for fam in families:
- msg = ('This connection uses family %s' % fam).encode('ascii')
- address = lconn.recv()
- rconn.send((address, msg))
- new_conn = lconn.recv()
- self.assertEqual(new_conn.recv(), msg.upper())
- rconn.send(None)
- if self.TYPE == 'processes':
- msg = latin('This connection uses a normal socket')
- address = lconn.recv()
- rconn.send((address, msg))
- if hasattr(socket, 'fromfd'):
- new_conn = lconn.recv()
- self.assertEqual(new_conn.recv(100), msg.upper())
- else:
- # XXX On Windows with Py2.6 need to backport fromfd()
- discard = lconn.recv_bytes()
- lconn.send(None)
- rconn.close()
- lconn.close()
- lp.join()
- rp.join()
-class _TestHeap(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- def test_heap(self):
- iterations = 5000
- maxblocks = 50
- blocks = []
- # create and destroy lots of blocks of different sizes
- for i in xrange(iterations):
- size = int(random.lognormvariate(0, 1) * 1000)
- b = multiprocessing.heap.BufferWrapper(size)
- blocks.append(b)
- if len(blocks) > maxblocks:
- i = random.randrange(maxblocks)
- del blocks[i]
- # get the heap object
- heap = multiprocessing.heap.BufferWrapper._heap
- # verify the state of the heap
- all = []
- occupied = 0
- heap._lock.acquire()
- self.addCleanup(heap._lock.release)
- for L in heap._len_to_seq.values():
- for arena, start, stop in L:
- all.append((heap._arenas.index(arena), start, stop,
- stop-start, 'free'))
- for arena, start, stop in heap._allocated_blocks:
- all.append((heap._arenas.index(arena), start, stop,
- stop-start, 'occupied'))
- occupied += (stop-start)
- all.sort()
- for i in range(len(all)-1):
- (arena, start, stop) = all[i][:3]
- (narena, nstart, nstop) = all[i+1][:3]
- self.assertTrue((arena != narena and nstart == 0) or
- (stop == nstart))
- def test_free_from_gc(self):
- # Check that freeing of blocks by the garbage collector doesn't deadlock
- # (issue #12352).
- # Make sure the GC is enabled, and set lower collection thresholds to
- # make collections more frequent (and increase the probability of
- # deadlock).
- if not gc.isenabled():
- gc.enable()
- self.addCleanup(gc.disable)
- thresholds = gc.get_threshold()
- self.addCleanup(gc.set_threshold, *thresholds)
- gc.set_threshold(10)
- # perform numerous block allocations, with cyclic references to make
- # sure objects are collected asynchronously by the gc
- for i in range(5000):
- a = multiprocessing.heap.BufferWrapper(1)
- b = multiprocessing.heap.BufferWrapper(1)
- # circular references
- a.buddy = b
- b.buddy = a
-class _Foo(Structure):
- _fields_ = [
- ('x', c_int),
- ('y', c_double)
- ]
-class _TestSharedCTypes(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- def setUp(self):
- self.skipTest("requires multiprocessing.sharedctypes")
- @classmethod
- def _double(cls, x, y, foo, arr, string):
- x.value *= 2
- y.value *= 2
- foo.x *= 2
- foo.y *= 2
- string.value *= 2
- for i in range(len(arr)):
- arr[i] *= 2
- def test_sharedctypes(self, lock=False):
- x = Value('i', 7, lock=lock)
- y = Value(c_double, 1.0/3.0, lock=lock)
- foo = Value(_Foo, 3, 2, lock=lock)
- arr = self.Array('d', range(10), lock=lock)
- string = self.Array('c', 20, lock=lock)
- string.value = latin('hello')
- p = self.Process(target=self._double, args=(x, y, foo, arr, string))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- p.join()
- self.assertEqual(x.value, 14)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(y.value, 2.0/3.0)
- self.assertEqual(foo.x, 6)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(foo.y, 4.0)
- for i in range(10):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(arr[i], i*2)
- self.assertEqual(string.value, latin('hellohello'))
- def test_synchronize(self):
- self.test_sharedctypes(lock=True)
- def test_copy(self):
- foo = _Foo(2, 5.0)
- bar = copy(foo)
- foo.x = 0
- foo.y = 0
- self.assertEqual(bar.x, 2)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(bar.y, 5.0)
-class _TestFinalize(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- @classmethod
- def _test_finalize(cls, conn):
- class Foo(object):
- pass
- a = Foo()
- util.Finalize(a, conn.send, args=('a',))
- del a # triggers callback for a
- b = Foo()
- close_b = util.Finalize(b, conn.send, args=('b',))
- close_b() # triggers callback for b
- close_b() # does nothing because callback has already been called
- del b # does nothing because callback has already been called
- c = Foo()
- util.Finalize(c, conn.send, args=('c',))
- d10 = Foo()
- util.Finalize(d10, conn.send, args=('d10',), exitpriority=1)
- d01 = Foo()
- util.Finalize(d01, conn.send, args=('d01',), exitpriority=0)
- d02 = Foo()
- util.Finalize(d02, conn.send, args=('d02',), exitpriority=0)
- d03 = Foo()
- util.Finalize(d03, conn.send, args=('d03',), exitpriority=0)
- util.Finalize(None, conn.send, args=('e',), exitpriority=-10)
- util.Finalize(None, conn.send, args=('STOP',), exitpriority=-100)
- # call multiprocessing's cleanup function then exit process without
- # garbage collecting locals
- util._exit_function()
- conn.close()
- os._exit(0)
- def test_finalize(self):
- conn, child_conn = self.Pipe()
- p = self.Process(target=self._test_finalize, args=(child_conn,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- p.join()
- result = [obj for obj in iter(conn.recv, 'STOP')]
- self.assertEqual(result, ['a', 'b', 'd10', 'd03', 'd02', 'd01', 'e'])
-# Test that from ... import * works for each module
-class _TestImportStar(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- def test_import(self):
- modules = [
- 'multiprocessing', 'multiprocessing.connection',
- 'multiprocessing.heap', 'multiprocessing.managers',
- 'multiprocessing.pool', 'multiprocessing.process',
- 'multiprocessing.synchronize', 'multiprocessing.util'
- ]
- modules.append('multiprocessing.reduction')
- if c_int is not None:
- # This module requires _ctypes
- modules.append('multiprocessing.sharedctypes')
- for name in modules:
- __import__(name)
- mod = sys.modules[name]
- for attr in getattr(mod, '__all__', ()):
- self.assertTrue(
- hasattr(mod, attr),
- '%r does not have attribute %r' % (mod, attr)
- )
-# Quick test that logging works -- does not test logging output
-class _TestLogging(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- def test_enable_logging(self):
- logger = multiprocessing.get_logger()
- logger.setLevel(util.SUBWARNING)
- self.assertTrue(logger is not None)
- logger.debug('this will not be printed')
-'nor will this')
- logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVEL)
- @classmethod
- def _test_level(cls, conn):
- logger = multiprocessing.get_logger()
- conn.send(logger.getEffectiveLevel())
- def test_level(self):
- LEVEL1 = 32
- LEVEL2 = 37
- logger = multiprocessing.get_logger()
- root_logger = logging.getLogger()
- root_level = root_logger.level
- reader, writer = multiprocessing.Pipe(duplex=False)
- logger.setLevel(LEVEL1)
- p = self.Process(target=self._test_level, args=(writer,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- self.assertEqual(LEVEL1, reader.recv())
- logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)
- root_logger.setLevel(LEVEL2)
- p = self.Process(target=self._test_level, args=(writer,))
- p.daemon = True
- p.start()
- self.assertEqual(LEVEL2, reader.recv())
- root_logger.setLevel(root_level)
- logger.setLevel(level=LOG_LEVEL)
-# class _TestLoggingProcessName(BaseTestCase):
-# def handle(self, record):
-# assert record.processName == multiprocessing.current_process().name
-# self.__handled = True
-# def test_logging(self):
-# handler = logging.Handler()
-# handler.handle = self.handle
-# self.__handled = False
-# # Bypass getLogger() and side-effects
-# logger = logging.getLoggerClass()(
-# 'multiprocessing.test.TestLoggingProcessName')
-# logger.addHandler(handler)
-# logger.propagate = False
-# logger.warn('foo')
-# assert self.__handled
-# Check that Process.join() retries if os.waitpid() fails with EINTR
-class _TestPollEintr(BaseTestCase):
- ALLOWED_TYPES = ('processes',)
- @classmethod
- def _killer(cls, pid):
- time.sleep(0.5)
- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGUSR1)
- @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(signal, 'SIGUSR1'), 'requires SIGUSR1')
- def test_poll_eintr(self):
- got_signal = [False]
- def record(*args):
- got_signal[0] = True
- pid = os.getpid()
- oldhandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, record)
- try:
- killer = self.Process(target=self._killer, args=(pid,))
- killer.start()
- p = self.Process(target=time.sleep, args=(1,))
- p.start()
- p.join()
- self.assertTrue(got_signal[0])
- self.assertEqual(p.exitcode, 0)
- killer.join()
- finally:
- signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, oldhandler)
-# Test to verify handle verification, see issue 3321
-class TestInvalidHandle(unittest.TestCase):
- @unittest.skipIf(WIN32, "skipped on Windows")
- def test_invalid_handles(self):
- conn = _multiprocessing.Connection(44977608)
- self.assertRaises(IOError, conn.poll)
- self.assertRaises(IOError, _multiprocessing.Connection, -1)
-# Functions used to create test cases from the base ones in this module
-def get_attributes(Source, names):
- d = {}
- for name in names:
- obj = getattr(Source, name)
- if type(obj) == type(get_attributes):
- obj = staticmethod(obj)
- d[name] = obj
- return d
-def create_test_cases(Mixin, type):
- result = {}
- glob = globals()
- Type = type.capitalize()
- for name in glob.keys():
- if name.startswith('_Test'):
- base = glob[name]
- if type in base.ALLOWED_TYPES:
- newname = 'With' + Type + name[1:]
- class Temp(base, unittest.TestCase, Mixin):
- pass
- result[newname] = Temp
- Temp.__name__ = newname
- Temp.__module__ = Mixin.__module__
- return result
-# Create test cases
-class ProcessesMixin(object):
- TYPE = 'processes'
- Process = multiprocessing.Process
- locals().update(get_attributes(multiprocessing, (
- 'Queue', 'Lock', 'RLock', 'Semaphore', 'BoundedSemaphore',
- 'Condition', 'Event', 'Value', 'Array', 'RawValue',
- 'RawArray', 'current_process', 'active_children', 'Pipe',
- 'connection', 'JoinableQueue', 'Pool'
- )))
-testcases_processes = create_test_cases(ProcessesMixin, type='processes')
-class ManagerMixin(object):
- TYPE = 'manager'
- Process = multiprocessing.Process
- manager = object.__new__(multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager)
- locals().update(get_attributes(manager, (
- 'Queue', 'Lock', 'RLock', 'Semaphore', 'BoundedSemaphore',
- 'Condition', 'Event', 'Value', 'Array', 'list', 'dict',
- 'Namespace', 'JoinableQueue', 'Pool'
- )))
-testcases_manager = create_test_cases(ManagerMixin, type='manager')
-class ThreadsMixin(object):
- TYPE = 'threads'
- Process = multiprocessing.dummy.Process
- locals().update(get_attributes(multiprocessing.dummy, (
- 'Queue', 'Lock', 'RLock', 'Semaphore', 'BoundedSemaphore',
- 'Condition', 'Event', 'Value', 'Array', 'current_process',
- 'active_children', 'Pipe', 'connection', 'dict', 'list',
- 'Namespace', 'JoinableQueue', 'Pool'
- )))
-testcases_threads = create_test_cases(ThreadsMixin, type='threads')
-class OtherTest(unittest.TestCase):
- # TODO: add more tests for deliver/answer challenge.
- def test_deliver_challenge_auth_failure(self):
- class _FakeConnection(object):
- def recv_bytes(self, size):
- return b'something bogus'
- def send_bytes(self, data):
- pass
- self.assertRaises(multiprocessing.AuthenticationError,
- multiprocessing.connection.deliver_challenge,
- _FakeConnection(), b'abc')
- def test_answer_challenge_auth_failure(self):
- class _FakeConnection(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.count = 0
- def recv_bytes(self, size):
- self.count += 1
- if self.count == 1:
- return multiprocessing.connection.CHALLENGE
- elif self.count == 2:
- return b'something bogus'
- return b''
- def send_bytes(self, data):
- pass
- self.assertRaises(multiprocessing.AuthenticationError,
- multiprocessing.connection.answer_challenge,
- _FakeConnection(), b'abc')
-# Test Manager.start()/Pool.__init__() initializer feature - see issue 5585
-def initializer(ns):
- ns.test += 1
-class TestInitializers(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.mgr = multiprocessing.Manager()
- self.ns = self.mgr.Namespace()
- self.ns.test = 0
- def tearDown(self):
- self.mgr.shutdown()
- def test_manager_initializer(self):
- m = multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager()
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, m.start, 1)
- m.start(initializer, (self.ns,))
- self.assertEqual(self.ns.test, 1)
- m.shutdown()
- def test_pool_initializer(self):
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, multiprocessing.Pool, initializer=1)
- p = multiprocessing.Pool(1, initializer, (self.ns,))
- p.close()
- p.join()
- self.assertEqual(self.ns.test, 1)
-# Issue 5155, 5313, 5331: Test process in processes
-# Verifies os.close(sys.stdin.fileno) vs. sys.stdin.close() behavior
-def _ThisSubProcess(q):
- try:
- item = q.get(block=False)
- except Queue.Empty:
- pass
-def _TestProcess(q):
- queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
- subProc = multiprocessing.Process(target=_ThisSubProcess, args=(queue,))
- subProc.daemon = True
- subProc.start()
- subProc.join()
-def _afunc(x):
- return x*x
-def pool_in_process():
- pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4)
- x =, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
-class _file_like(object):
- def __init__(self, delegate):
- self._delegate = delegate
- self._pid = None
- @property
- def cache(self):
- pid = os.getpid()
- # There are no race conditions since fork keeps only the running thread
- if pid != self._pid:
- self._pid = pid
- self._cache = []
- return self._cache
- def write(self, data):
- self.cache.append(data)
- def flush(self):
- self._delegate.write(''.join(self.cache))
- self._cache = []
-class TestStdinBadfiledescriptor(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_queue_in_process(self):
- queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
- proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=_TestProcess, args=(queue,))
- proc.start()
- proc.join()
- def test_pool_in_process(self):
- p = multiprocessing.Process(target=pool_in_process)
- p.start()
- p.join()
- def test_flushing(self):
- sio = StringIO()
- flike = _file_like(sio)
- flike.write('foo')
- proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=lambda: flike.flush())
- flike.flush()
- assert sio.getvalue() == 'foo'
-# Test interaction with socket timeouts - see Issue #6056
-class TestTimeouts(unittest.TestCase):
- @classmethod
- def _test_timeout(cls, child, address):
- time.sleep(1)
- child.send(123)
- child.close()
- conn = multiprocessing.connection.Client(address)
- conn.send(456)
- conn.close()
- def test_timeout(self):
- old_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
- try:
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(0.1)
- parent, child = multiprocessing.Pipe(duplex=True)
- l = multiprocessing.connection.Listener(family='AF_INET')
- p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self._test_timeout,
- args=(child, l.address))
- p.start()
- child.close()
- self.assertEqual(parent.recv(), 123)
- parent.close()
- conn = l.accept()
- self.assertEqual(conn.recv(), 456)
- conn.close()
- l.close()
- p.join(10)
- finally:
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(old_timeout)
-# Test what happens with no "if __name__ == '__main__'"
-class TestNoForkBomb(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_noforkbomb(self):
- name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
- if WIN32:
- rc, out, err = test.script_helper.assert_python_failure(name)
- self.assertEqual('', out.decode('ascii'))
- self.assertIn('RuntimeError', err.decode('ascii'))
- else:
- rc, out, err = test.script_helper.assert_python_ok(name)
- self.assertEqual('123', out.decode('ascii').rstrip())
- self.assertEqual('', err.decode('ascii'))
-# Issue 12098: check sys.flags of child matches that for parent
-class TestFlags(unittest.TestCase):
- @classmethod
- def run_in_grandchild(cls, conn):
- conn.send(tuple(sys.flags))
- @classmethod
- def run_in_child(cls):
- import json
- r, w = multiprocessing.Pipe(duplex=False)
- p = multiprocessing.Process(target=cls.run_in_grandchild, args=(w,))
- p.start()
- grandchild_flags = r.recv()
- p.join()
- r.close()
- w.close()
- flags = (tuple(sys.flags), grandchild_flags)
- print(json.dumps(flags))
- def test_flags(self):
- import json, subprocess
- # start child process using unusual flags
- prog = ('from test.test_multiprocessing import TestFlags; ' +
- 'TestFlags.run_in_child()')
- data = subprocess.check_output(
- [sys.executable, '-E', '-B', '-O', '-c', prog])
- child_flags, grandchild_flags = json.loads(data.decode('ascii'))
- self.assertEqual(child_flags, grandchild_flags)
-# Issue #17555: ForkAwareThreadLock
-class TestForkAwareThreadLock(unittest.TestCase):
- # We recurisvely start processes. Issue #17555 meant that the
- # after fork registry would get duplicate entries for the same
- # lock. The size of the registry at generation n was ~2**n.
- @classmethod
- def child(cls, n, conn):
- if n > 1:
- p = multiprocessing.Process(target=cls.child, args=(n-1, conn))
- p.start()
- p.join()
- else:
- conn.send(len(util._afterfork_registry))
- conn.close()
- def test_lock(self):
- r, w = multiprocessing.Pipe(False)
- l = util.ForkAwareThreadLock()
- old_size = len(util._afterfork_registry)
- p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.child, args=(5, w))
- p.start()
- new_size = r.recv()
- p.join()
- self.assertLessEqual(new_size, old_size)
-testcases_other = [OtherTest, TestInvalidHandle, TestInitializers,
- TestStdinBadfiledescriptor, TestTimeouts, TestNoForkBomb,
- TestFlags, TestForkAwareThreadLock]
-def test_main(run=None):
- if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
- try:
- lock = multiprocessing.RLock()
- except OSError:
- raise unittest.SkipTest("OSError raises on RLock creation, see issue 3111!")
- check_enough_semaphores()
- if run is None:
- from test.test_support import run_unittest as run
- util.get_temp_dir() # creates temp directory for use by all processes
- multiprocessing.get_logger().setLevel(LOG_LEVEL)
- ProcessesMixin.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4)
- ThreadsMixin.pool = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(4)
- ManagerMixin.manager.__init__()
- ManagerMixin.manager.start()
- ManagerMixin.pool = ManagerMixin.manager.Pool(4)
- testcases = (
- sorted(testcases_processes.values(), key=lambda tc:tc.__name__) +
- sorted(testcases_threads.values(), key=lambda tc:tc.__name__) +
- sorted(testcases_manager.values(), key=lambda tc:tc.__name__) +
- testcases_other
- )
- loadTestsFromTestCase = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase
- suite = unittest.TestSuite(loadTestsFromTestCase(tc) for tc in testcases)
- # (ncoghlan): Whether or not sys.exc_clear is executed by the threading
- # module during these tests is at least platform dependent and possibly
- # non-deterministic on any given platform. So we don't mind if the listed
- # warnings aren't actually raised.
- with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
- (".+__(get|set)slice__ has been removed", DeprecationWarning),
- (r"sys.exc_clear\(\) not supported", DeprecationWarning),
- quiet=True):
- run(suite)
- ThreadsMixin.pool.terminate()
- ProcessesMixin.pool.terminate()
- ManagerMixin.pool.terminate()
- ManagerMixin.manager.shutdown()
- del ProcessesMixin.pool, ThreadsMixin.pool, ManagerMixin.pool
-def main():
- test_main(unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()