path: root/lib/python2.7/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 664 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/test/ b/lib/python2.7/test/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/lib/python2.7/test/
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-import unittest
-from test.test_support import check_syntax_error, check_py3k_warnings, \
- check_warnings, run_unittest
-class ScopeTests(unittest.TestCase):
- def testSimpleNesting(self):
- def make_adder(x):
- def adder(y):
- return x + y
- return adder
- inc = make_adder(1)
- plus10 = make_adder(10)
- self.assertEqual(inc(1), 2)
- self.assertEqual(plus10(-2), 8)
- def testExtraNesting(self):
- def make_adder2(x):
- def extra(): # check freevars passing through non-use scopes
- def adder(y):
- return x + y
- return adder
- return extra()
- inc = make_adder2(1)
- plus10 = make_adder2(10)
- self.assertEqual(inc(1), 2)
- self.assertEqual(plus10(-2), 8)
- def testSimpleAndRebinding(self):
- def make_adder3(x):
- def adder(y):
- return x + y
- x = x + 1 # check tracking of assignment to x in defining scope
- return adder
- inc = make_adder3(0)
- plus10 = make_adder3(9)
- self.assertEqual(inc(1), 2)
- self.assertEqual(plus10(-2), 8)
- def testNestingGlobalNoFree(self):
- def make_adder4(): # XXX add exta level of indirection
- def nest():
- def nest():
- def adder(y):
- return global_x + y # check that plain old globals work
- return adder
- return nest()
- return nest()
- global_x = 1
- adder = make_adder4()
- self.assertEqual(adder(1), 2)
- global_x = 10
- self.assertEqual(adder(-2), 8)
- def testNestingThroughClass(self):
- def make_adder5(x):
- class Adder:
- def __call__(self, y):
- return x + y
- return Adder()
- inc = make_adder5(1)
- plus10 = make_adder5(10)
- self.assertEqual(inc(1), 2)
- self.assertEqual(plus10(-2), 8)
- def testNestingPlusFreeRefToGlobal(self):
- def make_adder6(x):
- global global_nest_x
- def adder(y):
- return global_nest_x + y
- global_nest_x = x
- return adder
- inc = make_adder6(1)
- plus10 = make_adder6(10)
- self.assertEqual(inc(1), 11) # there's only one global
- self.assertEqual(plus10(-2), 8)
- def testNearestEnclosingScope(self):
- def f(x):
- def g(y):
- x = 42 # check that this masks binding in f()
- def h(z):
- return x + z
- return h
- return g(2)
- test_func = f(10)
- self.assertEqual(test_func(5), 47)
- def testMixedFreevarsAndCellvars(self):
- def identity(x):
- return x
- def f(x, y, z):
- def g(a, b, c):
- a = a + x # 3
- def h():
- # z * (4 + 9)
- # 3 * 13
- return identity(z * (b + y))
- y = c + z # 9
- return h
- return g
- g = f(1, 2, 3)
- h = g(2, 4, 6)
- self.assertEqual(h(), 39)
- def testFreeVarInMethod(self):
- def test():
- method_and_var = "var"
- class Test:
- def method_and_var(self):
- return "method"
- def test(self):
- return method_and_var
- def actual_global(self):
- return str("global")
- def str(self):
- return str(self)
- return Test()
- t = test()
- self.assertEqual(t.test(), "var")
- self.assertEqual(t.method_and_var(), "method")
- self.assertEqual(t.actual_global(), "global")
- method_and_var = "var"
- class Test:
- # this class is not nested, so the rules are different
- def method_and_var(self):
- return "method"
- def test(self):
- return method_and_var
- def actual_global(self):
- return str("global")
- def str(self):
- return str(self)
- t = Test()
- self.assertEqual(t.test(), "var")
- self.assertEqual(t.method_and_var(), "method")
- self.assertEqual(t.actual_global(), "global")
- def testRecursion(self):
- def f(x):
- def fact(n):
- if n == 0:
- return 1
- else:
- return n * fact(n - 1)
- if x >= 0:
- return fact(x)
- else:
- raise ValueError, "x must be >= 0"
- self.assertEqual(f(6), 720)
- def testUnoptimizedNamespaces(self):
- check_syntax_error(self, """\
-def unoptimized_clash1(strip):
- def f(s):
- from string import *
- return strip(s) # ambiguity: free or local
- return f
- check_syntax_error(self, """\
-def unoptimized_clash2():
- from string import *
- def f(s):
- return strip(s) # ambiguity: global or local
- return f
- check_syntax_error(self, """\
-def unoptimized_clash2():
- from string import *
- def g():
- def f(s):
- return strip(s) # ambiguity: global or local
- return f
- # XXX could allow this for exec with const argument, but what's the point
- check_syntax_error(self, """\
-def error(y):
- exec "a = 1"
- def f(x):
- return x + y
- return f
- check_syntax_error(self, """\
-def f(x):
- def g():
- return x
- del x # can't del name
- check_syntax_error(self, """\
-def f():
- def g():
- from string import *
- return strip # global or local?
- # and verify a few cases that should work
- exec """
-def noproblem1():
- from string import *
- f = lambda x:x
-def noproblem2():
- from string import *
- def f(x):
- return x + 1
-def noproblem3():
- from string import *
- def f(x):
- global y
- y = x
- def testLambdas(self):
- f1 = lambda x: lambda y: x + y
- inc = f1(1)
- plus10 = f1(10)
- self.assertEqual(inc(1), 2)
- self.assertEqual(plus10(5), 15)
- f2 = lambda x: (lambda : lambda y: x + y)()
- inc = f2(1)
- plus10 = f2(10)
- self.assertEqual(inc(1), 2)
- self.assertEqual(plus10(5), 15)
- f3 = lambda x: lambda y: global_x + y
- global_x = 1
- inc = f3(None)
- self.assertEqual(inc(2), 3)
- f8 = lambda x, y, z: lambda a, b, c: lambda : z * (b + y)
- g = f8(1, 2, 3)
- h = g(2, 4, 6)
- self.assertEqual(h(), 18)
- def testUnboundLocal(self):
- def errorInOuter():
- print y
- def inner():
- return y
- y = 1
- def errorInInner():
- def inner():
- return y
- inner()
- y = 1
- self.assertRaises(UnboundLocalError, errorInOuter)
- self.assertRaises(NameError, errorInInner)
- # test for bug #1501934: incorrect LOAD/STORE_GLOBAL generation
- exec """
-global_x = 1
-def f():
- global_x += 1
- f()
-except UnboundLocalError:
- pass
- fail('scope of global_x not correctly determined')
-""" in {'fail':}
- def testComplexDefinitions(self):
- def makeReturner(*lst):
- def returner():
- return lst
- return returner
- self.assertEqual(makeReturner(1,2,3)(), (1,2,3))
- def makeReturner2(**kwargs):
- def returner():
- return kwargs
- return returner
- self.assertEqual(makeReturner2(a=11)()['a'], 11)
- with check_py3k_warnings(("tuple parameter unpacking has been removed",
- SyntaxWarning)):
- exec """\
-def makeAddPair((a, b)):
- def addPair((c, d)):
- return (a + c, b + d)
- return addPair
-""" in locals()
- self.assertEqual(makeAddPair((1, 2))((100, 200)), (101,202))
- def testScopeOfGlobalStmt(self):
-# Examples posted by Samuele Pedroni to python-dev on 3/1/2001
- exec """\
-# I
-x = 7
-def f():
- x = 1
- def g():
- global x
- def i():
- def h():
- return x
- return h()
- return i()
- return g()
-self.assertEqual(f(), 7)
-self.assertEqual(x, 7)
-# II
-x = 7
-def f():
- x = 1
- def g():
- x = 2
- def i():
- def h():
- return x
- return h()
- return i()
- return g()
-self.assertEqual(f(), 2)
-self.assertEqual(x, 7)
-# III
-x = 7
-def f():
- x = 1
- def g():
- global x
- x = 2
- def i():
- def h():
- return x
- return h()
- return i()
- return g()
-self.assertEqual(f(), 2)
-self.assertEqual(x, 2)
-# IV
-x = 7
-def f():
- x = 3
- def g():
- global x
- x = 2
- def i():
- def h():
- return x
- return h()
- return i()
- return g()
-self.assertEqual(f(), 2)
-self.assertEqual(x, 2)
-# XXX what about global statements in class blocks?
-# do they affect methods?
-x = 12
-class Global:
- global x
- x = 13
- def set(self, val):
- x = val
- def get(self):
- return x
-g = Global()
-self.assertEqual(g.get(), 13)
-self.assertEqual(g.get(), 13)
- def testLeaks(self):
- class Foo:
- count = 0
- def __init__(self):
- Foo.count += 1
- def __del__(self):
- Foo.count -= 1
- def f1():
- x = Foo()
- def f2():
- return x
- f2()
- for i in range(100):
- f1()
- self.assertEqual(Foo.count, 0)
- def testClassAndGlobal(self):
- exec """\
-def test(x):
- class Foo:
- global x
- def __call__(self, y):
- return x + y
- return Foo()
-x = 0
-self.assertEqual(test(6)(2), 8)
-x = -1
-self.assertEqual(test(3)(2), 5)
-looked_up_by_load_name = False
-class X:
- # Implicit globals inside classes are be looked up by LOAD_NAME, not
- locals()['looked_up_by_load_name'] = True
- passed = looked_up_by_load_name
- def testLocalsFunction(self):
- def f(x):
- def g(y):
- def h(z):
- return y + z
- w = x + y
- y += 3
- return locals()
- return g
- d = f(2)(4)
- self.assertIn('h', d)
- del d['h']
- self.assertEqual(d, {'x': 2, 'y': 7, 'w': 6})
- def testLocalsClass(self):
- # This test verifies that calling locals() does not pollute
- # the local namespace of the class with free variables. Old
- # versions of Python had a bug, where a free variable being
- # passed through a class namespace would be inserted into
- # locals() by locals() or exec or a trace function.
- #
- # The real bug lies in frame code that copies variables
- # between fast locals and the locals dict, e.g. when executing
- # a trace function.
- def f(x):
- class C:
- x = 12
- def m(self):
- return x
- locals()
- return C
- self.assertEqual(f(1).x, 12)
- def f(x):
- class C:
- y = x
- def m(self):
- return x
- z = list(locals())
- return C
- varnames = f(1).z
- self.assertNotIn("x", varnames)
- self.assertIn("y", varnames)
- def testLocalsClass_WithTrace(self):
- # Issue23728: after the trace function returns, the locals()
- # dictionary is used to update all variables, this used to
- # include free variables. But in class statements, free
- # variables are not inserted...
- import sys
- sys.settrace(lambda a,b,c:None)
- try:
- x = 12
- class C:
- def f(self):
- return x
- self.assertEqual(x, 12) # Used to raise UnboundLocalError
- finally:
- sys.settrace(None)
- def testBoundAndFree(self):
- # var is bound and free in class
- def f(x):
- class C:
- def m(self):
- return x
- a = x
- return C
- inst = f(3)()
- self.assertEqual(inst.a, inst.m())
- def testInteractionWithTraceFunc(self):
- import sys
- def tracer(a,b,c):
- return tracer
- def adaptgetter(name, klass, getter):
- kind, des = getter
- if kind == 1: # AV happens when stepping from this line to next
- if des == "":
- des = "_%s__%s" % (klass.__name__, name)
- return lambda obj: getattr(obj, des)
- class TestClass:
- pass
- sys.settrace(tracer)
- adaptgetter("foo", TestClass, (1, ""))
- sys.settrace(None)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.settrace)
- def testEvalExecFreeVars(self):
- def f(x):
- return lambda: x + 1
- g = f(3)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, g.func_code)
- try:
- exec g.func_code in {}
- except TypeError:
- pass
- else:
-"exec should have failed, because code contained free vars")
- def testListCompLocalVars(self):
- try:
- print bad
- except NameError:
- pass
- else:
- print "bad should not be defined"
- def x():
- [bad for s in 'a b' for bad in s.split()]
- x()
- try:
- print bad
- except NameError:
- pass
- def testEvalFreeVars(self):
- def f(x):
- def g():
- x
- eval("x + 1")
- return g
- f(4)()
- def testFreeingCell(self):
- # Test what happens when a finalizer accesses
- # the cell where the object was stored.
- class Special:
- def __del__(self):
- nestedcell_get()
- def f():
- global nestedcell_get
- def nestedcell_get():
- return c
- c = (Special(),)
- c = 2
- f() # used to crash the interpreter...
- def testGlobalInParallelNestedFunctions(self):
- # A symbol table bug leaked the global statement from one
- # function to other nested functions in the same block.
- # This test verifies that a global statement in the first
- # function does not affect the second function.
- CODE = """def f():
- y = 1
- def g():
- global y
- return y
- def h():
- return y + 1
- return g, h
-y = 9
-g, h = f()
-result9 = g()
-result2 = h()
- local_ns = {}
- global_ns = {}
- exec CODE in local_ns, global_ns
- self.assertEqual(2, global_ns["result2"])
- self.assertEqual(9, global_ns["result9"])
- def testTopIsNotSignificant(self):
- # See #9997.
- def top(a):
- pass
- def b():
- global a
-def test_main():
- with check_warnings(("import \* only allowed at module level",
- SyntaxWarning)):
- run_unittest(ScopeTests)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()