path: root/lib/python2.7/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
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-#! /usr/bin/env python
-"""Tool for measuring execution time of small code snippets.
-This module avoids a number of common traps for measuring execution
-times. See also Tim Peters' introduction to the Algorithms chapter in
-the Python Cookbook, published by O'Reilly.
-Library usage: see the Timer class.
-Command line usage:
- python [-n N] [-r N] [-s S] [-t] [-c] [-h] [--] [statement]
- -n/--number N: how many times to execute 'statement' (default: see below)
- -r/--repeat N: how many times to repeat the timer (default 3)
- -s/--setup S: statement to be executed once initially (default 'pass')
- -t/--time: use time.time() (default on Unix)
- -c/--clock: use time.clock() (default on Windows)
- -v/--verbose: print raw timing results; repeat for more digits precision
- -h/--help: print this usage message and exit
- --: separate options from statement, use when statement starts with -
- statement: statement to be timed (default 'pass')
-A multi-line statement may be given by specifying each line as a
-separate argument; indented lines are possible by enclosing an
-argument in quotes and using leading spaces. Multiple -s options are
-treated similarly.
-If -n is not given, a suitable number of loops is calculated by trying
-successive powers of 10 until the total time is at least 0.2 seconds.
-The difference in default timer function is because on Windows,
-clock() has microsecond granularity but time()'s granularity is 1/60th
-of a second; on Unix, clock() has 1/100th of a second granularity and
-time() is much more precise. On either platform, the default timer
-functions measure wall clock time, not the CPU time. This means that
-other processes running on the same computer may interfere with the
-timing. The best thing to do when accurate timing is necessary is to
-repeat the timing a few times and use the best time. The -r option is
-good for this; the default of 3 repetitions is probably enough in most
-cases. On Unix, you can use clock() to measure CPU time.
-Note: there is a certain baseline overhead associated with executing a
-pass statement. The code here doesn't try to hide it, but you should
-be aware of it. The baseline overhead can be measured by invoking the
-program without arguments.
-The baseline overhead differs between Python versions! Also, to
-fairly compare older Python versions to Python 2.3, you may want to
-use python -O for the older versions to avoid timing SET_LINENO
-import gc
-import sys
-import time
- import itertools
-except ImportError:
- # Must be an older Python version (see timeit() below)
- itertools = None
-__all__ = ["Timer"]
-dummy_src_name = "<timeit-src>"
-default_number = 1000000
-default_repeat = 3
-if sys.platform == "win32":
- # On Windows, the best timer is time.clock()
- default_timer = time.clock
- # On most other platforms the best timer is time.time()
- default_timer = time.time
-# Don't change the indentation of the template; the reindent() calls
-# in Timer.__init__() depend on setup being indented 4 spaces and stmt
-# being indented 8 spaces.
-template = """
-def inner(_it, _timer):
- %(setup)s
- _t0 = _timer()
- for _i in _it:
- %(stmt)s
- _t1 = _timer()
- return _t1 - _t0
-def reindent(src, indent):
- """Helper to reindent a multi-line statement."""
- return src.replace("\n", "\n" + " "*indent)
-def _template_func(setup, func):
- """Create a timer function. Used if the "statement" is a callable."""
- def inner(_it, _timer, _func=func):
- setup()
- _t0 = _timer()
- for _i in _it:
- _func()
- _t1 = _timer()
- return _t1 - _t0
- return inner
-class Timer:
- """Class for timing execution speed of small code snippets.
- The constructor takes a statement to be timed, an additional
- statement used for setup, and a timer function. Both statements
- default to 'pass'; the timer function is platform-dependent (see
- module doc string).
- To measure the execution time of the first statement, use the
- timeit() method. The repeat() method is a convenience to call
- timeit() multiple times and return a list of results.
- The statements may contain newlines, as long as they don't contain
- multi-line string literals.
- """
- def __init__(self, stmt="pass", setup="pass", timer=default_timer):
- """Constructor. See class doc string."""
- self.timer = timer
- ns = {}
- if isinstance(stmt, basestring):
- stmt = reindent(stmt, 8)
- if isinstance(setup, basestring):
- setup = reindent(setup, 4)
- src = template % {'stmt': stmt, 'setup': setup}
- elif hasattr(setup, '__call__'):
- src = template % {'stmt': stmt, 'setup': '_setup()'}
- ns['_setup'] = setup
- else:
- raise ValueError("setup is neither a string nor callable")
- self.src = src # Save for traceback display
- code = compile(src, dummy_src_name, "exec")
- exec code in globals(), ns
- self.inner = ns["inner"]
- elif hasattr(stmt, '__call__'):
- self.src = None
- if isinstance(setup, basestring):
- _setup = setup
- def setup():
- exec _setup in globals(), ns
- elif not hasattr(setup, '__call__'):
- raise ValueError("setup is neither a string nor callable")
- self.inner = _template_func(setup, stmt)
- else:
- raise ValueError("stmt is neither a string nor callable")
- def print_exc(self, file=None):
- """Helper to print a traceback from the timed code.
- Typical use:
- t = Timer(...) # outside the try/except
- try:
- t.timeit(...) # or t.repeat(...)
- except:
- t.print_exc()
- The advantage over the standard traceback is that source lines
- in the compiled template will be displayed.
- The optional file argument directs where the traceback is
- sent; it defaults to sys.stderr.
- """
- import linecache, traceback
- if self.src is not None:
- linecache.cache[dummy_src_name] = (len(self.src),
- None,
- self.src.split("\n"),
- dummy_src_name)
- # else the source is already stored somewhere else
- traceback.print_exc(file=file)
- def timeit(self, number=default_number):
- """Time 'number' executions of the main statement.
- To be precise, this executes the setup statement once, and
- then returns the time it takes to execute the main statement
- a number of times, as a float measured in seconds. The
- argument is the number of times through the loop, defaulting
- to one million. The main statement, the setup statement and
- the timer function to be used are passed to the constructor.
- """
- if itertools:
- it = itertools.repeat(None, number)
- else:
- it = [None] * number
- gcold = gc.isenabled()
- gc.disable()
- try:
- timing = self.inner(it, self.timer)
- finally:
- if gcold:
- gc.enable()
- return timing
- def repeat(self, repeat=default_repeat, number=default_number):
- """Call timeit() a few times.
- This is a convenience function that calls the timeit()
- repeatedly, returning a list of results. The first argument
- specifies how many times to call timeit(), defaulting to 3;
- the second argument specifies the timer argument, defaulting
- to one million.
- Note: it's tempting to calculate mean and standard deviation
- from the result vector and report these. However, this is not
- very useful. In a typical case, the lowest value gives a
- lower bound for how fast your machine can run the given code
- snippet; higher values in the result vector are typically not
- caused by variability in Python's speed, but by other
- processes interfering with your timing accuracy. So the min()
- of the result is probably the only number you should be
- interested in. After that, you should look at the entire
- vector and apply common sense rather than statistics.
- """
- r = []
- for i in range(repeat):
- t = self.timeit(number)
- r.append(t)
- return r
-def timeit(stmt="pass", setup="pass", timer=default_timer,
- number=default_number):
- """Convenience function to create Timer object and call timeit method."""
- return Timer(stmt, setup, timer).timeit(number)
-def repeat(stmt="pass", setup="pass", timer=default_timer,
- repeat=default_repeat, number=default_number):
- """Convenience function to create Timer object and call repeat method."""
- return Timer(stmt, setup, timer).repeat(repeat, number)
-def main(args=None):
- """Main program, used when run as a script.
- The optional argument specifies the command line to be parsed,
- defaulting to sys.argv[1:].
- The return value is an exit code to be passed to sys.exit(); it
- may be None to indicate success.
- When an exception happens during timing, a traceback is printed to
- stderr and the return value is 1. Exceptions at other times
- (including the template compilation) are not caught.
- """
- if args is None:
- args = sys.argv[1:]
- import getopt
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "n:s:r:tcvh",
- ["number=", "setup=", "repeat=",
- "time", "clock", "verbose", "help"])
- except getopt.error, err:
- print err
- print "use -h/--help for command line help"
- return 2
- timer = default_timer
- stmt = "\n".join(args) or "pass"
- number = 0 # auto-determine
- setup = []
- repeat = default_repeat
- verbose = 0
- precision = 3
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ("-n", "--number"):
- number = int(a)
- if o in ("-s", "--setup"):
- setup.append(a)
- if o in ("-r", "--repeat"):
- repeat = int(a)
- if repeat <= 0:
- repeat = 1
- if o in ("-t", "--time"):
- timer = time.time
- if o in ("-c", "--clock"):
- timer = time.clock
- if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
- if verbose:
- precision += 1
- verbose += 1
- if o in ("-h", "--help"):
- print __doc__,
- return 0
- setup = "\n".join(setup) or "pass"
- # Include the current directory, so that local imports work (sys.path
- # contains the directory of this script, rather than the current
- # directory)
- import os
- sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir)
- t = Timer(stmt, setup, timer)
- if number == 0:
- # determine number so that 0.2 <= total time < 2.0
- for i in range(1, 10):
- number = 10**i
- try:
- x = t.timeit(number)
- except:
- t.print_exc()
- return 1
- if verbose:
- print "%d loops -> %.*g secs" % (number, precision, x)
- if x >= 0.2:
- break
- try:
- r = t.repeat(repeat, number)
- except:
- t.print_exc()
- return 1
- best = min(r)
- if verbose:
- print "raw times:", " ".join(["%.*g" % (precision, x) for x in r])
- print "%d loops," % number,
- usec = best * 1e6 / number
- if usec < 1000:
- print "best of %d: %.*g usec per loop" % (repeat, precision, usec)
- else:
- msec = usec / 1000
- if msec < 1000:
- print "best of %d: %.*g msec per loop" % (repeat, precision, msec)
- else:
- sec = msec / 1000
- print "best of %d: %.*g sec per loop" % (repeat, precision, sec)
- return None
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main())