BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
android-games-sdk-game-activity-releaseCheck in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libArmelle Laine17 months
android-games-sdk-game-text-input-releaseCheck in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libArmelle Laine17 months
android-games-sdk-games-controller-releaseCheck in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libArmelle Laine17 months
android-games-sdk-games-frame-pacing-releaseCheck in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libArmelle Laine17 months
android-games-sdk-games-memory-advice-releaseCheck in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libArmelle Laine17 months
android-games-sdk-games-performance-tuner-releaseCheck in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libArmelle Laine17 months
android-games-sdk-releaseInitial empty repositoryBill Yi9 years
mainCheck in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libArmelle Laine17 months
masterCheck in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libArmelle Laine17 months
trustyCheck in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libArmelle Laine18 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-11-17Check in prebuilt protoc compiler and protobuf python libtrustyArmelle Laine
2018-09-10Check in built python library.Yu Shan
2018-08-29Initial checkin for protobuf prebuilts for trusty.Yu Shan
2015-10-02Initial empty repositoryandroid-games-sdk-releaseBill Yi