AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-01-31modinfo: add tool to check the kernel module signature informationHEADmasterYongqin Liu
2022-07-08llvm-strip: add to support stripping ko filesYongqin Liu
2022-03-23host: add minigzip repack_bootimg toybox unpack_bootimg for GSI setupYongqin Liu add for getting information from prebuilt kernel fileYongqin Liu
2020-05-30update avbtool and add fec tool to support avb imagesYongqin Liu
2020-04-16add prebuilts of avbtool and mkdtimg for x15 master buildsYongqin Liu
2020-01-14mkbootimg: update to use mkbootimg from aosp masterYongqin Liu
2019-11-19host: add lpmake and build_super_image for recreating super.img fileYongqin Liu
2019-06-24Pull in mkbootimge from the AOSP core.git project.Tom Gall
2019-06-14add mkdtimg for hikey960 dt.imgYongqin Liu
2019-06-07add mkfs.fat and fat16copy.pyYongqin Liu
2019-05-17add tool of depmod for vendor.img recreationYongqin Liu
2019-05-15add mkbootimg which used for hikey boot.img creationYongqin Liu
2019-05-09add dtc commandYongqin Liu
2019-05-08add as well for the binaries to workYongqin Liu
2019-05-08initial create with simg2img/img2simg/mkimageYongqin Liu