path: root/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/lua_fnptr.i
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Diffstat (limited to 'share/swig/2.0.11/lua/lua_fnptr.i')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/lua_fnptr.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/lua_fnptr.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e2c8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/lua_fnptr.i
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * lua_fnptr.i
+ *
+ * SWIG Library file containing the main typemap code to support Lua modules.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Basic function pointer support
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+The structure: SWIGLUA_FN provides a simple (local only) wrapping for a function.
+For example if you wanted to have a C/C++ function take a lua function as a parameter.
+You could declare it as:
+ int my_func(int a, int b, SWIGLUA_FN fn);
+note: it should be passed by value, not byref or as a pointer.
+The SWIGLUA_FN holds a pointer to the lua_State, and the stack index where the function is held.
+The macro SWIGLUA_FN_GET() will put a copy of the lua function at the top of the stack.
+After that its fairly simple to write the rest of the code (assuming know how to use lua),
+just push the parameters, call the function and return the result.
+ int my_func(int a, int b, SWIGLUA_FN fn)
+ {
+ lua_pushnumber(fn.L,a);
+ lua_pushnumber(fn.L,b);
+ lua_call(fn.L,2,1); // 2 in, 1 out
+ return luaL_checknumber(fn.L,-1);
+ }
+SWIG will automatically performs the wrapping of the arguments in and out.
+However: if you wish to store the function between calls, look to the SWIGLUA_REF below.
+// this is for the C code only, we don't want SWIG to wrapper it for us.
+typedef struct{
+ lua_State* L; /* the state */
+ int idx; /* the index on the stack */
+#define SWIGLUA_FN_GET(fn) {lua_pushvalue(fn.L,fn.idx);}
+// the actual typemap
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isfunction") SWIGLUA_FN
+%{ $1.L=L; $1.idx=$input; %}
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Storing lua object support
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+The structure: SWIGLUA_REF provides a mechanism to store object (usually functions)
+between calls to the interpreter.
+For example if you wanted to have a C/C++ function take a lua function as a parameter.
+Then call it later, You could declare it as:
+ SWIGLUA_REF myref;
+ void set_func(SWIGLUA_REF ref);
+ SWIGLUA_REF get_func();
+ void call_func(int val);
+note: it should be passed by value, not byref or as a pointer.
+The SWIGLUA_REF holds a pointer to the lua_State, and an integer reference to the object.
+Because it holds a permanent ref to an object, the SWIGLUA_REF must be handled with a bit more care.
+It should be initialised to {0,0}. The function swiglua_ref_set() should be used to set it.
+swiglua_ref_clear() should be used to clear it when not in use, and swiglua_ref_get() to get the
+data back.
+Note: the typemap does not check that the object is in fact a function,
+if you need that you must add it yourself.
+ int my_func(int a, int b, SWIGLUA_FN fn)
+ {
+ lua_pushnumber(fn.L,a);
+ lua_pushnumber(fn.L,b);
+ lua_call(fn.L,2,1); // 2 in, 1 out
+ return luaL_checknumber(fn.L,-1);
+ }
+SWIG will automatically performs the wrapping of the arguments in and out.
+However: if you wish to store the function between calls, look to the SWIGLUA_REF below.
+typedef struct{
+ lua_State* L; /* the state */
+ int ref; /* a ref in the lua global index */
+void swiglua_ref_clear(SWIGLUA_REF* pref){
+ if (pref->L!=0 && pref->ref!=LUA_NOREF && pref->ref!=LUA_REFNIL){
+ luaL_unref(pref->L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,pref->ref);
+ }
+ pref->L=0; pref->ref=0;
+void swiglua_ref_set(SWIGLUA_REF* pref,lua_State* L,int idx){
+// swiglua_ref_clear(pref); /* just in case */
+ pref->L=L;
+ lua_pushvalue(L,idx); /* copy obj to top */
+ pref->ref=luaL_ref(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); /* remove obj from top & put into registry */
+void swiglua_ref_get(SWIGLUA_REF* pref){
+ if (pref->L!=0)
+ lua_rawgeti(pref->L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,pref->ref);
+%typemap(in) SWIGLUA_REF
+%{ swiglua_ref_set(&$1,L,$input); %}
+%typemap(out) SWIGLUA_REF
+%{ if ($1.L!=0) {swiglua_ref_get(&$1);} else {lua_pushnil(L);}
+ SWIG_arg++; %}