path: root/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/luatypemaps.swg
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Diffstat (limited to 'share/swig/2.0.11/lua/luatypemaps.swg')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/luatypemaps.swg b/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/luatypemaps.swg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6791a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/luatypemaps.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * luatypemaps.swg
+ *
+ * basic typemaps for Lua.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * standard typemaps
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ the 'checkfn' param is something that I added for typemap(in)
+ it is an optional fn call to check the type of the lua object
+ the fn call must be of the form
+ int checkfn(lua_State *L, int index);
+ and return 1/0 depending upon if this is the correct type
+ For the typemap(out), an additional SWIG_arg parameter must be incremented
+ to reflect the number of values returned (normally SWIG_arg++; will do)
+// numbers
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isnumber") int, short, long,
+ signed char, float, double
+%{$1 = ($type)lua_tonumber(L, $input);%}
+// additional check for unsigned numbers, to not permit negative input
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isnumber") unsigned int,
+ unsigned short, unsigned long, unsigned char
+%{SWIG_contract_assert((lua_tonumber(L,$input)>=0),"number must not be negative")
+$1 = ($type)lua_tonumber(L, $input);%}
+%typemap(out) int,short,long,
+ unsigned int,unsigned short,unsigned long,
+ signed char,unsigned char,
+ float,double
+%{ lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number) $1); SWIG_arg++;%}
+// we must also provide typemaps for primitives by const reference:
+// given a function:
+// int intbyref(const int& i);
+// SWIG assumes that this code will need a pointer to int to be passed in
+// (this might be ok for objects by const ref, but not for numeric primitives)
+// therefore we add a set of typemaps to fix this (for both in & out)
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isnumber") const int&($basetype temp)
+%{ temp=($basetype)lua_tonumber(L,$input); $1=&temp;%}
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isnumber") const unsigned int&($basetype temp)
+%{SWIG_contract_assert((lua_tonumber(L,$input)>=0),"number must not be negative")
+temp=($basetype)lua_tonumber(L,$input); $1=&temp;%}
+%typemap(out) const int&, const unsigned int&
+%{ lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number) *$1); SWIG_arg++;%}
+// for the other numbers we can just use an apply statement to cover them
+%apply const int & {const short&,const long&,const signed char&,
+ const float&,const double&};
+%apply const unsigned int & {const unsigned short&,const unsigned long&,
+ const unsigned char&};
+/* enums have to be handled slightly differently
+ VC++ .net will not allow a cast from lua_Number(double) to enum directly.
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isnumber") enum SWIGTYPE
+%{$1 = ($type)(int)lua_tonumber(L, $input);%}
+%typemap(out) enum SWIGTYPE
+%{ lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)(int)($1)); SWIG_arg++;%}
+// and const refs
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isnumber") const enum SWIGTYPE &($basetype temp)
+%{ temp=($basetype)(int)lua_tonumber(L,$input); $1=&temp;%}
+%typemap(out) const enum SWIGTYPE &
+%{ lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number) *$1); SWIG_arg++;%}
+// boolean (which is a special type in lua)
+// note: lua_toboolean() returns 1 or 0
+// note: 1 & 0 are not booleans in lua, only true & false
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isboolean") bool
+%{$1 = (lua_toboolean(L, $input)!=0);%}
+%typemap(out) bool
+%{ lua_pushboolean(L,(int)($1!=0)); SWIG_arg++;%}
+// for const bool&, SWIG treats this as a const bool* so we must dereference it
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isboolean") const bool& (bool temp)
+%{temp=(lua_toboolean(L, $input)!=0);
+ $1=&temp;%}
+%typemap(out) const bool&
+%{ lua_pushboolean(L,(int)((*$1)!=0)); SWIG_arg++;%}
+// strings (char * and char[])
+%fragment("SWIG_lua_isnilstring", "header") {
+SWIGINTERN int SWIG_lua_isnilstring(lua_State *L, int idx) {
+ int ret = lua_isstring(L, idx);
+ if (!ret)
+ ret = lua_isnil(L, idx);
+ return ret;
+%typemap(in,checkfn="SWIG_lua_isnilstring",fragment="SWIG_lua_isnilstring") const char *, char *
+%{$1 = ($ltype)lua_tostring(L, $input);%}
+%typemap(in,checkfn="SWIG_lua_isnilstring",fragment="SWIG_lua_isnilstring") const char[ANY], char[ANY]
+%{$1 = ($ltype)lua_tostring(L, $input);%}
+%typemap(out) const char *, char *
+%{ lua_pushstring(L,(const char *)$1); SWIG_arg++;%}
+%typemap(out) const char[ANY], char[ANY]
+%{ lua_pushstring(L,(const char *)$1); SWIG_arg++;%}
+// char's
+// currently treating chars as small strings, not as numbers
+// (however signed & unsigned char's are numbers...)
+%typemap(in,checkfn="SWIG_lua_isnilstring",fragment="SWIG_lua_isnilstring") char
+%{$1 = (lua_tostring(L, $input))[0];%}
+%typemap(out) char
+%{ lua_pushfstring(L,"%c",$1); SWIG_arg++;%}
+// by const ref
+%typemap(in,checkfn="SWIG_lua_isnilstring",fragment="SWIG_lua_isnilstring") const char& (char temp)
+%{temp = (lua_tostring(L, $input))[0]; $1=&temp;%}
+%typemap(out) const char&
+%{ lua_pushfstring(L,"%c",*$1); SWIG_arg++;%}
+// pointers and references
+// under SWIG rules, it is ok, to have a pass in a lua nil,
+// it should be converted to a SWIG NULL.
+// This will only be allowed for pointers & arrays, not refs or by value
+// the checkfn lua_isuserdata will only work for userdata
+// the checkfn SWIG_isptrtype will work for both userdata and nil
+%typemap(in,checkfn="SWIG_isptrtype") SWIGTYPE*,SWIGTYPE[]
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,$input,(void**)&$1,$descriptor,$disown))){
+ SWIG_fail_ptr("$symname",$argnum,$descriptor);
+ }
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isuserdata") SWIGTYPE&
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,$input,(void**)&$1,$descriptor,$disown))){
+ SWIG_fail_ptr("$symname",$argnum,$descriptor);
+ }
+// out is simple
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE*,SWIGTYPE&
+%{SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,$1,$descriptor,$owner); SWIG_arg++; %}
+// dynamic casts
+// this uses the SWIG_TypeDynamicCast() which relies on RTTI to find out what the pointer really is
+// the we return it as the correct type
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE *DYNAMIC,
+ swig_type_info *ty = SWIG_TypeDynamicCast($1_descriptor, (void **) &$1);
+ SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,(void*)$1,ty,$owner); SWIG_arg++;
+// passing objects by value
+// SWIG_ConvertPtr wants an object pointer (the $&ltype argp)
+// then dereferences it to get the object
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isuserdata") SWIGTYPE ($&ltype argp)
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,$input,(void**)&argp,$&descriptor,0))){
+ SWIG_fail_ptr("$symname",$argnum,$&descriptor);
+ }
+ $1 = *argp;
+// Also needed for object ptrs by const ref
+// eg A* const& ref_pointer(A* const& a);
+// found in mixed_types.i
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isuserdata") SWIGTYPE *const&($*ltype temp)
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE *const&
+%{SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,*$1,$*descriptor,$owner); SWIG_arg++; %}
+// DISOWN-ing typemaps
+// if you have an object pointer which must be disowned, use this typemap
+// eg. for void destroy_foo(Foo* toDie);
+// use %apply SWIGTYPE* DISOWN {Foo* toDie};
+// you could just use %delobject, but this is more flexible
+%typemap(in,checkfn="SWIG_isptrtype") SWIGTYPE* DISOWN,SWIGTYPE DISOWN[]
+%{ if (!SWIG_IsOK(SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,$input,(void**)&$1,$descriptor,SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN))){
+ SWIG_fail_ptr("$symname",$argnum,$descriptor);
+ }
+// Primitive types--return by value
+// must make a new object, copy the data & return the new object
+// Note: the brackets are {...} and not %{..%}, because we want them to be included in the wrapper
+// this is because typemap(out) does not support local variables, like in typemap(in) does
+// and we need the $&1_ltype resultptr; to be declared
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE
+ $&1_ltype resultptr = new $1_ltype((const $1_ltype &) $1);
+ SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,(void *) resultptr,$&1_descriptor,1); SWIG_arg++;
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE
+ $&1_ltype resultptr;
+ resultptr = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_type));
+ memmove(resultptr, &$1, sizeof($1_type));
+ SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,(void *) resultptr,$&1_descriptor,1); SWIG_arg++;
+// member function pointer
+// a member fn ptr is not 4 bytes like a normal pointer, but 8 bytes (at least on mingw)
+// so the standard wrapping cannot be done
+// nor can you cast a member function pointer to a void* (obviously)
+// therefore a special wrapping functions SWIG_ConvertMember() & SWIG_NewMemberObj() were written
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isuserdata") SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*)
+ if (!SWIG_IsOK(SWIG_ConvertMember(L,$input,(void*)(&$1),sizeof($type),$descriptor)))
+ SWIG_fail_ptr("$symname",$argnum,$descriptor);
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*)
+ SWIG_NewMemberObj(L,(void*)(&$1),sizeof($type),$descriptor); SWIG_arg++;
+// void (must be empty without the SWIG_arg++)
+%typemap(out) void "";
+/* void* is a special case
+A function void fn(void*) should take any kind of pointer as a parameter (just like C/C++ does)
+but if its an output, then it should be wrapped like any other SWIG object (using default typemap)
+%typemap(in,checkfn="SWIG_isptrtype") void*
+/* long long is another special case:
+as lua only supports one numeric type (lua_Number), we will just
+cast it to that & accept the loss of precision.
+An alternative solution would be a long long struct or class
+with the relevant operators.
+%apply long {long long, signed long long, unsigned long long};
+%apply const long& {const long long&, const signed long long&, const unsigned long long&};
+/* It is possible to also pass a lua_State* into a function, so
+void fn(int a, float b, lua_State* s) is wrappable as
+> fn(1,4.3) -- note: the state is implicitly passed in
+%typemap(in, numinputs=0) lua_State*
+%{$1 = L;%}
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * typecheck rules
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* These are needed for the overloaded functions
+These define the detection routines which will spot what
+parameters match which function
+// unfortunately lua only considers one type of number
+// so all numbers (int,float,double) match
+// you could add an advanced fn to get type & check if its integral
+ int, short, long,
+ unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned long,
+ signed char, unsigned char,
+ long long, unsigned long long, signed long long,
+ const int &, const short &, const long &,
+ const unsigned int &, const unsigned short &, const unsigned long &,
+ const signed char&, const unsigned char&,
+ const long long &, const unsigned long long &,
+ enum SWIGTYPE, const enum SWIGTYPE&,
+ float, double, const float &, const double&
+ $1 = lua_isnumber(L,$input);
+ bool, const bool &
+ $1 = lua_isboolean(L,$input);
+// special check for a char (string of length 1)
+%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR,fragment="SWIG_lua_isnilstring") char, const char& {
+ $1 = SWIG_lua_isnilstring(L,$input) && (lua_rawlen(L,$input)==1);
+%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING,fragment="SWIG_lua_isnilstring") char *, char[] {
+ $1 = SWIG_lua_isnilstring(L,$input);
+ void *ptr;
+ if (SWIG_isptrtype(L,$input)==0 || SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,$input, (void **) &ptr, $1_descriptor, 0)) {
+ $1 = 0;
+ } else {
+ $1 = 1;
+ }
+ void *ptr;
+ if (lua_isuserdata(L,$input)==0 || SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,$input, (void **) &ptr, $1_descriptor, 0)) {
+ $1 = 0;
+ } else {
+ $1 = 1;
+ }
+ void *ptr;
+ if (lua_isuserdata(L,$input)==0 || SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,$input, (void **) &ptr, $&1_descriptor, 0)) {
+ $1 = 0;
+ } else {
+ $1 = 1;
+ }
+%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_VOIDPTR) void * {
+ void *ptr;
+ if (SWIG_isptrtype(L,$input)==0 || SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,$input, (void **) &ptr, 0, 0)) {
+ $1 = 0;
+ } else {
+ $1 = 1;
+ }
+// Also needed for object pointers by const ref
+// eg const A* ref_pointer(A* const& a);
+// found in mixed_types.i
+ void *ptr;
+ if (lua_isuserdata(L,$input)==0 || SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,$input, (void **) &ptr, $*descriptor, 0)) {
+ $1 = 0;
+ } else {
+ $1 = 1;
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Others
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Array reference typemaps
+%apply SWIGTYPE & { SWIGTYPE ((&)[ANY]) }
+/* const pointers */
+%apply SWIGTYPE * { SWIGTYPE *const }
+// size_t (which is just a unsigned long)
+%apply unsigned long { size_t };
+%apply const unsigned long & { const size_t & };
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Specials
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ was added to allow containers of native objects
+// however its rather difficult to do this in lua, as you cannot hold pointers
+// to native objects (they are held in the interpreter)
+// therefore for now: just ignoring this feature
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+%ignore swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ;
+//%inline %{
+namespace swig {
+typedef struct{} LANGUAGE_OBJ;
+#endif // __cplusplus