path: root/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/typemaps.i
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/swig/2.0.11/lua/typemaps.i')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/typemaps.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/typemaps.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a095a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/lua/typemaps.i
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * typemaps.swg
+ *
+ * SWIG Library file containing the main typemap code to support Lua modules.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Basic inout typemaps
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+These provide the basic ability for passing in & out of standard numeric data types
+(int,long,float,double, etc)
+The basic code looks like this:
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isnumber") int *INPUT(int temp), int &INPUT(int temp)
+%{ temp = (int)lua_tonumber(L,$input);
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(in, numinputs=0) int *OUTPUT (int temp)
+%{ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(argout) int *OUTPUT
+%{ lua_pushnumber(L, (double) *$1); SWIG_arg++;%}
+%typemap(in) int *INOUT = int *INPUT;
+%typemap(argout) int *INOUT = int *OUTPUT;
+However the code below is a mixture of #defines & such, so nowhere as easy to read
+To make you code work correctly its not just a matter of %including this file
+You also have to give SWIG the hints on which to use where
+extern int add_pointer(int* a1,int* a2); // a1 & a2 are pointer values to be added
+extern void swap(int* s1, int* s2); // does the swap
+You will need to either change the argument names
+extern int add_pointer(int* INPUT,int* INPUT);
+or provide a %apply statement
+%apply int* INOUT{ int *s1, int *s2 };
+ // if SWIG sees int* s1, int* s2, assume they are inout params
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isnumber") TYPE *INPUT($*ltype temp), TYPE &INPUT($*ltype temp)
+%{ temp = ($*ltype)lua_tonumber(L,$input);
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(in, numinputs=0) TYPE *OUTPUT ($*ltype temp)
+%{ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(argout) TYPE *OUTPUT
+%{ lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number) *$1); SWIG_arg++;%}
+%typemap(in) TYPE *INOUT = TYPE *INPUT;
+%typemap(argout) TYPE *INOUT = TYPE *OUTPUT;
+%typemap(in) TYPE &OUTPUT = TYPE *OUTPUT;
+%typemap(argout) TYPE &OUTPUT = TYPE *OUTPUT;
+%typemap(in) TYPE &INOUT = TYPE *INPUT;
+%typemap(argout) TYPE &INOUT = TYPE *OUTPUT;
+// const version (the $*ltype is the basic number without ptr or const's)
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isnumber") const TYPE *INPUT($*ltype temp)
+%{ temp = ($*ltype)lua_tonumber(L,$input);
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+// now the code
+SWIG_NUMBER_TYPEMAP(unsigned char); SWIG_NUMBER_TYPEMAP(signed char);
+// also for long longs's
+SWIG_NUMBER_TYPEMAP(long long); SWIG_NUMBER_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long); SWIG_NUMBER_TYPEMAP(signed long long);
+// note we dont do char, as a char* is probably a string not a ptr to a single char
+// similar for booleans
+%typemap(in,checkfn="lua_isboolean") bool *INPUT(bool temp), bool &INPUT(bool temp)
+%{ temp = (lua_toboolean(L,$input)!=0);
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(in, numinputs=0) bool *OUTPUT (bool temp),bool &OUTPUT (bool temp)
+%{ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(argout) bool *OUTPUT,bool &OUTPUT
+%{ lua_pushboolean(L, (int)((*$1)!=0)); SWIG_arg++;%}
+%typemap(in) bool *INOUT = bool *INPUT;
+%typemap(argout) bool *INOUT = bool *OUTPUT;
+%typemap(in) bool &INOUT = bool &INPUT;
+%typemap(argout) bool &INOUT = bool &OUTPUT;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Basic Array typemaps
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+I have no idea why this kind of code does not exist in SWIG as standard,
+but here is it.
+This code will convert to/from 1D numeric arrays.
+In order to reduce code bloat, there are a few macros
+and quite a few functions defined
+(unfortunately this makes it a lot less clear)
+assuming we have functions
+void process_array(int arr[3]); // nice fixed size array
+void process_var_array(float arr[],int len); // variable sized array
+void process_var_array_inout(double* arr,int len); // variable sized array
+ // data passed in & out
+void process_enum_inout_array_var(enum Days *arrinout, int len); // using enums
+void return_array_5(int arrout[5]); // out array only
+in order to wrap them correctly requires a typemap
+// inform SWIG of the correct typemap
+// For fixed length, you must specify it as <type> INPUT[ANY]
+%apply (int INPUT[ANY]) {(int arr[3])};
+// variable length arrays are just the same
+%apply (float INPUT[],int) {(float arr[],int len)};
+// it is also ok, to map the TYPE* instead of a TYPE[]
+%apply (double *INOUT,int) {(double arr*,int len)};
+// for the enum's you must use enum SWIGTYPE
+%apply (enum SWIGTYPE *INOUT,int) {(enum Days *arrinout, int len)};
+// fixed length out if also fine
+%apply (int OUTPUT[ANY]) {(int arrout[5])};
+Generally, you could use %typemap(...)=...
+but the %apply is neater & easier
+a few things of note:
+* all Lua tables are indexed from 1, all C/C++ arrays are indexed from 0
+ therefore t={6,5,3} -- t[1]==6, t[2]==5, t[3]==3
+ when passed to process_array(int arr[3]) becomes
+ arr[0]==6, arr[1]==5, arr[2]==3
+* for OUTPUT arrays, no array need be passed in, the fn will return a Lua table
+ so for the above mentioned return_array_5() would look like
+ arr=return_array_5() -- no parameters passed in
+* for INOUT arrays, a table must be passed in, and a new table will be returned
+ (this is consistent with the way that numbers are processed)
+ if you want just use
+ arr={...}
+ arr=process_var_array_inout(arr) -- arr is replaced by the new version
+The following are not yet supported:
+* variable length output only array (inout works ok)
+* multidimensional arrays
+* arrays of objects/structs
+* arrays of pointers
+The internals of the array management stuff
+helper fns/macros
+SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY(TYPE,LEN) // returns a typed array TYPE[LEN]
+SWIG_FREE_ARRAY(PTR) // delete the ptr (if not zero)
+// counts the specified table & gets the size
+// integer version
+int SWIG_itable_size(lua_State* L, int index);
+// other version
+int SWIG_table_size(lua_State* L, int index);
+// this fn declares up 4 functions for helping to read/write tables
+// these can then be called by the macros ...
+// all assume the table is an integer indexes from 1
+// but the C array is a indexed from 0
+ // created a fixed size array, reads the specified table
+ // and then fills the array with numbers
+ // returns ptr to the array if ok, or 0 for error
+ // (also pushes a error message to the stack)
+TYPE* SWIG_get_NAME_num_array_fixed(lua_State* L, int index, int size);
+ // as per SWIG_get_NAME_num_array_fixed()
+ // but reads the entire table & creates an array of the correct size
+ // (if the table is empty, it returns an error rather than a zero length array)
+TYPE* SWIG_get_NAME_num_array_var(lua_State* L, int index, int* size);
+ // writes a table to Lua with all the specified numbers
+void SWIG_write_NAME_num_array(lua_State* L,TYPE *array,int size);
+ // read the specified table, and fills the array with numbers
+ // returns 1 of ok (only fails if it doesnt find numbers)
+ // helper fn (called by SWIG_get_NAME_num_array_*() fns)
+int SWIG_read_NAME_num_array(lua_State* L,int index,TYPE *array,int size);
+/* Reported that you don't need to check for NULL for delete & free
+There probably is some compiler that its not true for, so the code is left here just in case.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define SWIG_FREE_ARRAY(PTR) if(PTR){delete[] PTR;}
+#define SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY(TYPE,LEN) (TYPE *)malloc(LEN*sizeof(TYPE))
+#define SWIG_FREE_ARRAY(PTR) if(PTR){free(PTR);}
+#ifdef __cplusplus /* generic alloc/dealloc fns*/
+#define SWIG_FREE_ARRAY(PTR) delete[] PTR
+#define SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY(TYPE,LEN) (TYPE *)malloc(LEN*sizeof(TYPE))
+#define SWIG_FREE_ARRAY(PTR) free(PTR)
+/* counting the size of arrays:*/
+SWIGINTERN int SWIG_itable_size(lua_State* L, int index)
+ int n=0;
+ while(1){
+ lua_rawgeti(L,index,n+1);
+ if (lua_isnil(L,-1))break;
+ ++n;
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ }
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ return n;
+SWIGINTERN int SWIG_table_size(lua_State* L, int index)
+ int n=0;
+ lua_pushnil(L); /* first key*/
+ while (lua_next(L, index) != 0) {
+ ++n;
+ lua_pop(L, 1); /* removes `value'; keeps `key' for next iteration*/
+ }
+ return n;
+/* super macro to declare array typemap helper fns */
+ SWIGINTERN int SWIG_read_##NAME##_num_array(lua_State* L,int index,TYPE *array,int size){\
+ int i;\
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {\
+ lua_rawgeti(L,index,i+1);\
+ if (lua_isnumber(L,-1)){\
+ array[i] = (TYPE)lua_tonumber(L,-1);\
+ } else {\
+ lua_pop(L,1);\
+ return 0;\
+ }\
+ lua_pop(L,1);\
+ }\
+ return 1;\
+ }\
+ SWIGINTERN TYPE* SWIG_get_##NAME##_num_array_fixed(lua_State* L, int index, int size){\
+ TYPE *array;\
+ if (!lua_istable(L,index) || SWIG_itable_size(L,index) != size) {\
+ SWIG_Lua_pushferrstring(L,"expected a table of size %d",size);\
+ return 0;\
+ }\
+ array=SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY(TYPE,size);\
+ if (!SWIG_read_##NAME##_num_array(L,index,array,size)){\
+ SWIG_Lua_pusherrstring(L,"table must contain numbers");\
+ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY(array);\
+ return 0;\
+ }\
+ return array;\
+ }\
+ SWIGINTERN TYPE* SWIG_get_##NAME##_num_array_var(lua_State* L, int index, int* size)\
+ {\
+ TYPE *array;\
+ if (!lua_istable(L,index)) {\
+ SWIG_Lua_pusherrstring(L,"expected a table");\
+ return 0;\
+ }\
+ *size=SWIG_itable_size(L,index);\
+ if (*size<1){\
+ SWIG_Lua_pusherrstring(L,"table appears to be empty");\
+ return 0;\
+ }\
+ array=SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY(TYPE,*size);\
+ if (!SWIG_read_##NAME##_num_array(L,index,array,*size)){\
+ SWIG_Lua_pusherrstring(L,"table must contain numbers");\
+ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY(array);\
+ return 0;\
+ }\
+ return array;\
+ }\
+ SWIGINTERN void SWIG_write_##NAME##_num_array(lua_State* L,TYPE *array,int size){\
+ int i;\
+ lua_newtable(L);\
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++){\
+ lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)array[i]);\
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i+1);/* -1 is the number, -2 is the table*/ \
+ }\
+ }
+This is one giant macro to define the typemaps & the helpers
+for array handling
+// fixed size array's
+%typemap(in) TYPE INPUT[ANY]
+%{ $1 = SWIG_get_##NAME##_num_array_fixed(L,$input,$1_dim0);
+ if (!$1) SWIG_fail;%}
+%typemap(freearg) TYPE INPUT[ANY]
+%{ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY($1);%}
+// variable size array's
+%typemap(in) (TYPE *INPUT,int)
+%{ $1 = SWIG_get_##NAME##_num_array_var(L,$input,&$2);
+ if (!$1) SWIG_fail;%}
+%typemap(freearg) (TYPE *INPUT,int)
+%{ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY($1);%}
+// out fixed arrays
+%typemap(in,numinputs=0) TYPE OUTPUT[ANY]
+%{ $1 = SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY(TYPE,$1_dim0); %}
+%typemap(argout) TYPE OUTPUT[ANY]
+%{ SWIG_write_##NAME##_num_array(L,$1,$1_dim0); SWIG_arg++; %}
+%typemap(freearg) TYPE OUTPUT[ANY]
+%{ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY($1); %}
+// inout fixed arrays
+%typemap(argout) TYPE INOUT[ANY]=TYPE OUTPUT[ANY];
+%typemap(freearg) TYPE INOUT[ANY]=TYPE INPUT[ANY];
+// inout variable arrays
+%typemap(in) (TYPE *INOUT,int)=(TYPE *INPUT,int);
+%typemap(argout) (TYPE *INOUT,int)
+%{ SWIG_write_##NAME##_num_array(L,$1,$2); SWIG_arg++; %}
+%typemap(freearg) (TYPE *INOUT,int)=(TYPE *INPUT,int);
+// TODO out variable arrays (is there a standard form for such things?)
+// referencing so that (int *INPUT,int) and (int INPUT[],int) are the same
+%typemap(in) (TYPE INPUT[],int)=(TYPE *INPUT,int);
+%typemap(freearg) (TYPE INPUT[],int)=(TYPE *INPUT,int);
+// the following line of code
+// declares the C helper fns for the array typemaps
+// as well as defining typemaps for
+// fixed len arrays in & out, & variable length arrays in
+SWIG_TYPEMAP_NUM_ARR(schar,signed char);
+SWIG_TYPEMAP_NUM_ARR(uchar,unsigned char);
+SWIG_TYPEMAP_NUM_ARR(uint,unsigned int);
+SWIG_TYPEMAP_NUM_ARR(ushort,unsigned short);
+SWIG_TYPEMAP_NUM_ARR(ulong,unsigned long);
+// again enums are a problem so they need their own type
+// we use the int conversion routine & recast it
+%typemap(in) enum SWIGTYPE INPUT[ANY]
+%{ $1 = ($ltype)SWIG_get_int_num_array_fixed(L,$input,$1_dim0);
+ if (!$1) SWIG_fail;%}
+%typemap(freearg) enum SWIGTYPE INPUT[ANY]
+%{ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY($1);%}
+// variable size arrays
+%typemap(in) (enum SWIGTYPE *INPUT,int)
+%{ $1 = ($ltype)SWIG_get_int_num_array_var(L,$input,&$2);
+ if (!$1) SWIG_fail;%}
+%typemap(freearg) (enum SWIGTYPE *INPUT,int)
+%{ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY($1);%}
+// out fixed arrays
+%typemap(in,numinputs=0) enum SWIGTYPE OUTPUT[ANY]
+%{ $1 = SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY(enum SWIGTYPE,$1_dim0); %}
+%typemap(argout) enum SWIGTYPE OUTPUT[ANY]
+%{ SWIG_write_int_num_array(L,(int*)$1,$1_dim0); SWIG_arg++; %}
+%typemap(freearg) enum SWIGTYPE OUTPUT[ANY]
+%{ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY($1); %}
+// inout fixed arrays
+%typemap(in) enum SWIGTYPE INOUT[ANY]=enum SWIGTYPE INPUT[ANY];
+%typemap(argout) enum SWIGTYPE INOUT[ANY]=enum SWIGTYPE OUTPUT[ANY];
+%typemap(freearg) enum SWIGTYPE INOUT[ANY]=enum SWIGTYPE INPUT[ANY];
+// inout variable arrays
+%typemap(in) (enum SWIGTYPE *INOUT,int)=(enum SWIGTYPE *INPUT,int);
+%typemap(argout) (enum SWIGTYPE *INOUT,int)
+%{ SWIG_write_int_num_array(L,(int*)$1,$2); SWIG_arg++; %}
+%typemap(freearg) (enum SWIGTYPE *INOUT,int)=(enum SWIGTYPE *INPUT,int);
+/* Surprisingly pointer arrays are easier:
+this is because all ptr arrays become void**
+so only a few fns are needed & a few casts
+The function defined are
+ // created a fixed size array, reads the specified table
+ // and then fills the array with pointers (checking the type)
+ // returns ptr to the array if ok, or 0 for error
+ // (also pushes a error message to the stack)
+void** SWIG_get_ptr_array_fixed(lua_State* L, int index, int size,swig_type_info *type);
+ // as per SWIG_get_ptr_array_fixed()
+ // but reads the entire table & creates an array of the correct size
+ // (if the table is empty, it returns an error rather than a zero length array)
+void** SWIG_get_ptr_array_var(lua_State* L, int index, int* size,swig_type_info *type);
+ // writes a table to Lua with all the specified pointers
+ // all pointers have the ownership value 'own' (normally 0)
+void SWIG_write_ptr_array(lua_State* L,void **array,int size,int own);
+ // read the specified table, and fills the array with ptrs
+ // returns 1 of ok (only fails if it doesn't find correct type of ptrs)
+ // helper fn (called by SWIG_get_ptr_array_*() fns)
+int SWIG_read_ptr_array(lua_State* L,int index,void **array,int size,swig_type_info *type);
+The key thing to remember is that it is assumed that there is no
+modification of pointers ownership in the arrays
+eg A fn:
+void pointers_in(TYPE* arr[],int len);
+will make copies of the pointer into a temp array and then pass it into the fn
+Lua does not remember that this fn held the pointers, so it is not safe to keep
+these pointers until later
+eg A fn:
+void pointers_out(TYPE* arr[3]);
+will return a table containing three pointers
+however these pointers are NOT owned by Lua, merely borrowed
+so if the C/C++ frees then Lua is not aware
+SWIGINTERN int SWIG_read_ptr_array(lua_State* L,int index,void **array,int size,swig_type_info *type){
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ lua_rawgeti(L,index,i+1);
+ if (!lua_isuserdata(L,-1) || SWIG_ConvertPtr(L,-1,&array[i],type,0)==-1){
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+SWIGINTERN void** SWIG_get_ptr_array_fixed(lua_State* L, int index, int size,swig_type_info *type){
+ void **array;
+ if (!lua_istable(L,index) || SWIG_itable_size(L,index) != size) {
+ SWIG_Lua_pushferrstring(L,"expected a table of size %d",size);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ array=SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY(void*,size);
+ if (!SWIG_read_ptr_array(L,index,array,size,type)){
+ SWIG_Lua_pushferrstring(L,"table must contain pointers of type %s",type->name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return array;
+SWIGINTERN void** SWIG_get_ptr_array_var(lua_State* L, int index, int* size,swig_type_info *type){
+ void **array;
+ if (!lua_istable(L,index)) {
+ SWIG_Lua_pusherrstring(L,"expected a table");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *size=SWIG_itable_size(L,index);
+ if (*size<1){
+ SWIG_Lua_pusherrstring(L,"table appears to be empty");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ array=SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY(void*,*size);
+ if (!SWIG_read_ptr_array(L,index,array,*size,type)){
+ SWIG_Lua_pushferrstring(L,"table must contain pointers of type %s",type->name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return array;
+SWIGINTERN void SWIG_write_ptr_array(lua_State* L,void **array,int size,swig_type_info *type,int own){
+ int i;
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
+ SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,array[i],type,own);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i+1);/* -1 is the number, -2 is the table*/
+ }
+// fixed size array's
+%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE* INPUT[ANY]
+%{ $1 = ($ltype)SWIG_get_ptr_array_fixed(L,$input,$1_dim0,$*1_descriptor);
+ if (!$1) SWIG_fail;%}
+%typemap(freearg) SWIGTYPE* INPUT[ANY]
+%{ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY($1);%}
+// variable size array's
+%typemap(in) (SWIGTYPE **INPUT,int)
+%{ $1 = ($ltype)SWIG_get_ptr_array_var(L,$input,&$2,$*1_descriptor);
+ if (!$1) SWIG_fail;%}
+%typemap(freearg) (SWIGTYPE **INPUT,int)
+%{ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY($1);%}
+// out fixed arrays
+%typemap(in,numinputs=0) SWIGTYPE* OUTPUT[ANY]
+%{ $1 = SWIG_ALLOC_ARRAY($*1_type,$1_dim0); %}
+%typemap(argout) SWIGTYPE* OUTPUT[ANY]
+%{ SWIG_write_ptr_array(L,(void**)$1,$1_dim0,$*1_descriptor,0); SWIG_arg++; %}
+%typemap(freearg) SWIGTYPE* OUTPUT[ANY]
+%{ SWIG_FREE_ARRAY($1); %}
+// inout fixed arrays
+// inout variable arrays
+%typemap(in) (SWIGTYPE** INOUT,int)=(SWIGTYPE** INPUT,int);
+%typemap(argout) (SWIGTYPE** INOUT,int)
+%{ SWIG_write_ptr_array(L,(void**)$1,$2,$*1_descriptor,0); SWIG_arg++; %}
+%typemap(freearg) (SWIGTYPE**INOUT,int)=(SWIGTYPE**INPUT,int);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Pointer-Pointer typemaps
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+This code is to deal with the issue for pointer-pointer's
+In particular for factory methods.
+for example take the following code segment:
+struct iMath; // some structure
+int Create_Math(iMath** pptr); // its factory (assume it mallocs)
+to use it you might have the following C code:
+iMath* ptr;
+int ok;
+// do things with ptr
+With the following SWIG code
+%apply SWIGTYPE** OUTPUT{iMath **pptr };
+You can get natural wrapping in Lua as follows:
+ok,ptr=Create_Math() -- ptr is a iMath* which is returned with the int
+ptr=nil -- the iMath* will be GC'ed as normal
+%typemap(in,numinputs=0) SWIGTYPE** OUTPUT ($*ltype temp)
+%{ temp = ($*ltype)0;
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(argout) SWIGTYPE** OUTPUT
+%{SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,*$1,$*descriptor,1); SWIG_arg++; %}