path: root/share/swig/3.0.12/go/goruntime.swg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/swig/3.0.12/go/goruntime.swg')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/swig/3.0.12/go/goruntime.swg b/share/swig/3.0.12/go/goruntime.swg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6193d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/3.0.12/go/goruntime.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------
+ * goruntime.swg
+ *
+ * Go runtime code for the various generated files.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+%inline %{
+static void Swig_free(void* p) {
+ free(p);
+static void* Swig_malloc(int c) {
+ return malloc(c);
+%insert(runtime) %{
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+%insert(cgo_comment_typedefs) %{
+#include <stdint.h>
+%insert(runtime) %{
+typedef int intgo;
+typedef unsigned int uintgo;
+%insert(cgo_comment_typedefs) %{
+typedef int intgo;
+typedef unsigned int uintgo;
+#elif SWIGGO_INTGO_SIZE == 64
+%insert(runtime) %{
+typedef long long intgo;
+typedef unsigned long long uintgo;
+%insert(cgo_comment_typedefs) %{
+typedef long long intgo;
+typedef unsigned long long uintgo;
+%insert(runtime) %{
+typedef ptrdiff_t intgo;
+typedef size_t uintgo;
+%insert(cgo_comment_typedefs) %{
+typedef ptrdiff_t intgo;
+typedef size_t uintgo;
+// Set the host compiler struct attribute that will be
+// used to match gc's struct layout. For example, on 386 Windows,
+// gcc wants to 8-align int64s, but gc does not.
+// Use __gcc_struct__ to work around on x86,
+// and
+// See:
+%insert(runtime) %{
+# if !defined(__clang__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
+# define SWIGSTRUCTPACKED __attribute__((__packed__, __gcc_struct__))
+# else
+# define SWIGSTRUCTPACKED __attribute__((__packed__))
+# endif
+%insert(runtime) %{
+typedef struct { char *p; intgo n; } _gostring_;
+typedef struct { void* array; intgo len; intgo cap; } _goslice_;
+#ifdef SWIGGO_CGO
+%insert(cgo_comment_typedefs) %{
+typedef struct { char *p; intgo n; } _gostring_;
+typedef struct { void* array; intgo len; intgo cap; } _goslice_;
+/* Boilerplate for C/C++ code when using 6g/8g. This code is compiled
+ with gcc. */
+%insert(runtime) %{
+#define swiggo_size_assert_eq(x, y, name) typedef char name[(x-y)*(x-y)*-2+1];
+#define swiggo_size_assert(t, n) swiggo_size_assert_eq(sizeof(t), n, swiggo_sizeof_##t##_is_not_##n)
+swiggo_size_assert(char, 1)
+swiggo_size_assert(short, 2)
+swiggo_size_assert(int, 4)
+typedef long long swiggo_long_long;
+swiggo_size_assert(swiggo_long_long, 8)
+swiggo_size_assert(float, 4)
+swiggo_size_assert(double, 8)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern void crosscall2(void (*fn)(void *, int), void *, int);
+extern char* _cgo_topofstack(void) __attribute__ ((weak));
+extern void _cgo_allocate(void *, int);
+extern void _cgo_panic(void *, int);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+static char *_swig_topofstack() {
+ if (_cgo_topofstack) {
+ return _cgo_topofstack();
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+static void _swig_gopanic(const char *p) {
+ struct {
+ const char *p;
+ a.p = p;
+ crosscall2(_cgo_panic, &a, (int) sizeof a);
+/* This is here for backward compatibility, but it will not work
+ with Go 1.5 or later. Do not use it in new code. */
+%insert(runtime) %{
+static void *_swig_goallocate(size_t len) {
+ struct {
+ size_t len;
+ void *ret;
+ a.len = len;
+ crosscall2(_cgo_allocate, &a, (int) sizeof a);
+ return a.ret;
+/* Boilerplate for C code when using 6g/8g. This code is compiled
+ with 6c/8c. */
+%insert(gc_header) %{
+#include "runtime.h"
+#include "cgocall.h"
+#pragma dataflag 16
+static void *cgocall = runtime·cgocall;
+#pragma dataflag 16
+void *·_cgo_runtime_cgocall = &cgocall;
+/* Boilerplate for C/C++ code when using gccgo. */
+%insert(runtime) %{
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern void *_cgo_allocate(size_t);
+extern void _cgo_panic(const char *);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define _swig_goallocate _cgo_allocate
+#define _swig_gopanic _cgo_panic
+%insert(runtime) %{
+/* Implementations of SwigCgocall and friends for different versions
+ of gccgo. The Go code will call these functions using C names with
+ a prefix of the module name. The implementations here call the
+ routine in libgo. The routines to call vary depending on the gccgo
+ version. We assume that the version of gcc used to compile this
+ file is the same as the version of gccgo. */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ (__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
+#if SWIG_GCC_VERSION < 40700
+#define SwigDoCgocall()
+#define SwigDoCgocallDone()
+#define SwigDoCgocallBack()
+#define SwigDoCgocallBackDone()
+#elif SWIG_GCC_VERSION == 40700
+void SwigDoCgocall(void) __asm__("libgo_syscall.syscall.Entersyscall");
+void SwigDoCgocallDone(void) __asm__("libgo_syscall.syscall.Exitsyscall");
+void SwigDoCgocallBack(void) __asm__("libgo_syscall.syscall.Exitsyscall");
+void SwigDoCgocallBackDone(void) __asm__("libgo_syscall.syscall.Entersyscall");
+void SwigDoCgocall(void) __asm__("syscall.Cgocall");
+void SwigDoCgocallDone(void) __asm__("syscall.CgocallDone");
+void SwigDoCgocallBack(void) __asm__("syscall.CgocallBack");
+void SwigDoCgocallBackDone(void) __asm__("syscall.CgocallBackDone");
+#define SWIGSTRINGIFY2(s) #s
+void SwigCgocall()
+ __asm__(SWIGSTRINGIFY(SWIGGO_PREFIX) ".SwigCgocall");
+void SwigCgocall() {
+ SwigDoCgocall();
+void SwigCgocallDone()
+ __asm__(SWIGSTRINGIFY(SWIGGO_PREFIX) ".SwigCgocallDone");
+void SwigCgocallDone() {
+ SwigDoCgocallDone();
+void SwigCgocallBack()
+ __asm__(SWIGSTRINGIFY(SWIGGO_PREFIX) ".SwigCgocallBack");
+void SwigCgocallBack() {
+ SwigDoCgocallBack();
+void SwigCgocallBackDone()
+ __asm__(SWIGSTRINGIFY(SWIGGO_PREFIX) ".SwigCgocallBackDone");
+void SwigCgocallBackDone() {
+ SwigDoCgocallBackDone();
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+%insert(runtime) %{
+/* This is here for backward compatibility, but it will not work
+ with Go 1.5 or later. Do not use it in new code. */
+static _gostring_ _swig_makegostring(const char *p, size_t l) {
+ _gostring_ ret;
+ ret.p = (char*)_swig_goallocate(l + 1);
+ memcpy(ret.p, p, l);
+ ret.n = l;
+ return ret;
+%insert(runtime) %{
+#define SWIG_contract_assert(expr, msg) \
+ if (!(expr)) { _swig_gopanic(msg); } else
+%go_import("unsafe", _ "runtime/cgo")
+%insert(go_header) %{
+var _cgo_runtime_cgocall func(unsafe.Pointer, uintptr)
+%go_import("syscall", "unsafe")
+%insert(go_header) %{
+type _ syscall.Sockaddr
+%insert(go_header) %{
+type _ unsafe.Pointer
+/* Swig_always_false is used to conditionally assign parameters to
+ Swig_escape_val so that the compiler thinks that they escape. We
+ only assign them if Swig_always_false is true, which it never is.
+ We export the variable so that the compiler doesn't realize that it
+ is never set. */
+%insert(go_header) %{
+var Swig_escape_always_false bool
+var Swig_escape_val interface{}
+/* Function pointers are translated by the code in go.cxx into
+ _swig_fnptr. Member pointers are translated to _swig_memberptr. */
+%insert(go_header) %{
+type _swig_fnptr *byte
+type _swig_memberptr *byte
+/* Handle memory management for directors. */
+%insert(director) %{
+#include <map>
+namespace {
+ struct GCItem {
+ virtual ~GCItem() {}
+ };
+ struct GCItem_var {
+ GCItem_var(GCItem *item = 0) : _item(item) {
+ }
+ GCItem_var& operator=(GCItem *item) {
+ GCItem *tmp = _item;
+ _item = item;
+ delete tmp;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~GCItem_var() {
+ delete _item;
+ }
+ GCItem* operator->() {
+ return _item;
+ }
+ private:
+ GCItem *_item;
+ };
+ template <typename Type>
+ struct GCItem_T : GCItem {
+ GCItem_T(Type *ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {
+ }
+ virtual ~GCItem_T() {
+ delete _ptr;
+ }
+ private:
+ Type *_ptr;
+ };
+class Swig_memory {
+ template <typename Type>
+ void swig_acquire_pointer(Type* vptr) {
+ if (vptr) {
+ swig_owner[vptr] = new GCItem_T<Type>(vptr);
+ }
+ }
+ typedef std::map<void *, GCItem_var> swig_ownership_map;
+ swig_ownership_map swig_owner;
+template <typename Type>
+static void swig_acquire_pointer(Swig_memory** pmem, Type* ptr) {
+ if (!pmem) {
+ *pmem = new Swig_memory;
+ }
+ (*pmem)->swig_acquire_pointer(ptr);
+/* For directors we need C++ to track a Go pointer. Since we can't
+ pass a Go pointer into C++, we use a map to track the pointers on
+ the Go side. */
+%insert(go_header) %{
+type _ sync.Mutex
+%insert(go_director) %{
+var swigDirectorTrack struct {
+ sync.Mutex
+ m map[int]interface{}
+ c int
+func swigDirectorAdd(v interface{}) int {
+ swigDirectorTrack.Lock()
+ defer swigDirectorTrack.Unlock()
+ if swigDirectorTrack.m == nil {
+ swigDirectorTrack.m = make(map[int]interface{})
+ }
+ swigDirectorTrack.c++
+ ret := swigDirectorTrack.c
+ swigDirectorTrack.m[ret] = v
+ return ret
+func swigDirectorLookup(c int) interface{} {
+ swigDirectorTrack.Lock()
+ defer swigDirectorTrack.Unlock()
+ ret := swigDirectorTrack.m[c]
+ if ret == nil {
+ panic("C++ director pointer not found (possible use-after-free)")
+ }
+ return ret
+func swigDirectorDelete(c int) {
+ swigDirectorTrack.Lock()
+ defer swigDirectorTrack.Unlock()
+ if swigDirectorTrack.m[c] == nil {
+ if c > swigDirectorTrack.c {
+ panic("C++ director pointer invalid (possible memory corruption")
+ } else {
+ panic("C++ director pointer not found (possible use-after-free)")
+ }
+ }
+ delete(swigDirectorTrack.m, c)