path: root/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com
diff options
authorTreehugger Robot <treehugger-gerrit@google.com>2020-05-06 04:17:13 +0000
committerAutomerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>2020-05-06 04:17:13 +0000
commitb96d49b79df68d7cc1d63c15fe7416e27e419151 (patch)
tree80b3fe3337118647f3c58e0ad33a1ab928180c2d /eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com
parent31b3d471a4d3dd7262f50cdfac83dbce7e7c5479 (diff)
parenta4cd7aaab7aca28152fa804716a1d585d5bc7a40 (diff)
Merge "Remove unused project." am: 1aa104fb55 am: 0300bcd44e am: e36f051d41 am: 14a008655d am: a4cd7aaab7
Change-Id: Ib3ba18b7f4f2cffa0ca2f17eaae1801ee3cca906
Diffstat (limited to 'eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com')
358 files changed, 0 insertions, 15362 deletions
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/build/AaptParserTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/build/AaptParserTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index af4e2b7c5..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/build/AaptParserTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.build;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtConstants;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-public class AaptParserTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- public void testBasic() throws Exception {
- // Test the "at 'property' with value 'value' range matching included with most aapt errors
- checkRanges("quickfix1.xml", "res/layout/quickfix1.xml",
- "quickfix1.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at"
- + " 'text' with value '@string/firststring').",
- "android:text=\"^@string/firststring\"",
- "android:text=\"@string/firststring^\"");
- }
- public void testRange1() throws Exception {
- // Check that when the actual aapt error occurs on a line later than the original error
- // line, the forward search which looks for a value match does not stop on an
- // earlier line that happens to have the same value prefix
- checkRanges("aapterror1.xml", "res/layout/aapterror1.xml",
- "aapterror1.xml:5: error: Error: Integer types not allowed (at "
- + "'layout_marginBottom' with value '50').",
- "marginBottom=\"^50\"", "marginBottom=\"50^\"");
- }
- public void testRange2() throws Exception {
- // Check that when we have a duplicate resource error, we highlight both the original
- // property and the original definition.
- // This tests the second, duplicate declaration ration.
- checkRanges("aapterror2.xml", "res/values/aapterror2.xml",
- "aapterror2.xml:7: error: Resource entry repeatedStyle1 already has bag item "
- + "android:gravity.",
- "<item name=\"^android:gravity\">bottom</item>",
- "<item name=\"android:gravity^\">bottom</item>");
- }
- public void testRange3() throws Exception {
- // Check that when we have a duplicate resource error, we highlight both the original
- // property and the original definition.
- // This tests the original definition. Note that we don't have enough position info
- // so we simply highlight the whitespace portion of the line.
- checkRanges("aapterror2.xml", "res/values/aapterror2.xml",
- "aapterror2.xml:4: Originally defined here.",
- "^<item name=\"android:gravity\">left</item>",
- "<item name=\"android:gravity\">left</item>^");
- }
- public void testRange4() throws Exception {
- // Check for aapt error which occurs when the attribute name in an item style declaration
- // is nonexistent
- checkRanges("aapterror3.xml", "res/values/aapterror3.xml",
- "aapterror3.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name: "
- + "attr 'nonexistent'.",
- "<item name=\"^nonexistent\">5</item>",
- "<item name=\"nonexistent^\">5</item>");
- }
- public void testRange5() throws Exception {
- // Test missing resource name
- checkRanges("aapterror4.xml", "res/values/aapterror4.xml",
- "aapterror4.xml:3: error: A 'name' attribute is required for <style>",
- "<^style>",
- "<style^>");
- }
- public void testRange6() throws Exception {
- checkRanges("aapterror4.xml", "res/values/aapterror4.xml",
- "aapterror4.xml:6: error: A 'type' attribute is required for <item>",
- "<^item></item>",
- "<item^></item>");
- }
- public void testRange7() throws Exception {
- // Test missing resource name
- checkRanges("aapterror4.xml", "res/values/aapterror4.xml",
- "aapterror4.xml:6: error: A 'name' attribute is required for <item>",
- "<^item></item>",
- "<item^></item>");
- }
- // This test is disabled because I can't find a useful scenario for handling this error
- // message. When this error occurs, we will also get a warning on a missing attribute, and
- // that warning already underlines the element name.
- //public void testRange8() throws Exception {
- // // Test missing resource name
- // checkRanges("aapterror4.xml", "res/values/aapterror4.xml",
- // "aapterror4.xml:4: error: Error: Resource id cannot be an empty string: attr ''.",
- // " ^<item />",
- // " <item />^");
- //}
- public void testRange9() throws Exception {
- // Test missing resource name
- checkRanges("aapterror5.xml", "res/values/aapterror5.xml",
- "aapterror5.xml:4: error: Error: String types not allowed (at "
- + "'android:layout_width' with value '').",
- " <item name=\"^android:layout_width\"></item>",
- " <item name=\"android:layout_width^\"></item>");
- }
- public void testRange10() throws Exception {
- // Test missing resource name
- checkRanges("aapterror6.xml", "res/layout/aapterror6.xml",
- "aapterror6.xml:5: error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'layout_marginTop'"
- + " with value '').",
- "android:layout_marginTop=^\"\"",
- "android:layout_marginTop=\"\"^");
- }
- public void testRange11() throws Exception {
- // Test missing resource name
- checkRanges("aapterror6.xml", "res/layout/aapterror6.xml",
- "aapterror1.xml:5: error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'layout_marginLeft'"
- + " with value '').",
- "android:layout_marginLeft=^''",
- "android:layout_marginLeft=''^");
- }
- public void testRange12() throws Exception {
- // Test missing resource name
- checkRanges("aapterror7.xml", "res/layout/aapterror7.xml",
- "aapterror7.xml:5: error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'id'"
- + " with value '').",
- "android:id=^\"\"",
- "android:id=\"\"^");
- }
- private void checkRanges(String name, String destPath, String aaptError,
- String expectCaretBegin, String expectCaretEnd)
- throws Exception {
- IProject project = getProject();
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(project, name, destPath);
- // Make file paths absolute
- String osRoot = project.getLocation().toOSString();
- String fileRelativePath = file.getProjectRelativePath().toPortableString();
- String filePath = osRoot + File.separator + fileRelativePath;
- String originalError = filePath + aaptError.substring(aaptError.indexOf(':'));
- List<String> errors = Collections.singletonList(originalError);
- // Remove anything already placed there by the project create/build automatic
- // (this usually only happens while debugging so the background thread has a chance
- // to get things going)
- IMarker[] markers = file.findMarkers(AdtConstants.MARKER_AAPT_COMPILE, true,
- IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- for (IMarker marker : markers) {
- marker.delete();
- }
- AaptParser.parseOutput(errors, project);
- markers = file.findMarkers(AdtConstants.MARKER_AAPT_COMPILE, true,
- IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- assertNotNull(markers);
- assertEquals(1, markers.length);
- String fileContents = AdtPlugin.readFile(file);
- int rangeBegin = getCaretOffset(file, expectCaretBegin);
- int rangeEnd = getCaretOffset(file, expectCaretEnd);
- // Check text range
- IMarker marker = markers[0];
- String message = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
- String simplerMessage = aaptError.substring(aaptError.indexOf(' ') + 1);
- assertEquals(simplerMessage, message);
- int start = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_START, 0);
- int end = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_END, 0);
- assertEquals("Wrong start offset, expected " + expectCaretBegin + " but was "
- + getCaretContext(fileContents, start), rangeBegin, start);
- assertEquals("Wrong end offset, expected " + expectCaretEnd + " but was "
- + getCaretContext(fileContents, end), rangeEnd, end);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/build/AaptQuickFixTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/build/AaptQuickFixTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cc3504f58..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/build/AaptQuickFixTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.build;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES_COLOR;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES_LAYOUT;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtConstants;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.AndroidXmlEditor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.quickassist.IQuickAssistInvocationContext;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer;
-import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IMarkerResolution;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
-import org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class AaptQuickFixTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- @Override
- protected boolean testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() {
- // Make a separate test project for this test such that we don't pollute code assist
- // tests with our new resources
- return true;
- }
- public void testQuickFix1() throws Exception {
- // Test adding a value into an existing file (res/values/strings.xml)
- checkResourceFix("quickfix1.xml", "android:text=\"@string/firs^tstring\"",
- "res/values/strings.xml");
- }
- public void testQuickFix2() throws Exception {
- // Test adding a value into a new file (res/values/dimens.xml, will be created)
- checkResourceFix("quickfix1.xml", "android:layout_width=\"@dimen/^testdimen\"",
- "res/values/dimens.xml");
- }
- public void testQuickFix3() throws Exception {
- // Test adding a file based resource (uses new file wizard machinery)
- checkResourceFix("quickfix1.xml", "layout=\"@layout/^testlayout\"",
- "res/layout/testlayout.xml");
- }
- public void testQuickFix4() throws Exception {
- // Test adding a value into a new file (res/values/dimens.xml, will be created)
- checkNamespaceFix("quickfix2.xml", "<c^olor");
- }
- private void checkResourceFix(String name, String caretLocation, String expectedNewPath)
- throws Exception {
- IProject project = getProject();
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(project, name, FD_RES + "/" + FD_RES_LAYOUT + "/" + name);
- // Determine the offset
- final int offset = getCaretOffset(file, caretLocation);
- String osRoot = project.getLocation().toOSString();
- List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
- String fileRelativePath = file.getProjectRelativePath().toPortableString();
- String filePath = osRoot + File.separator + fileRelativePath;
- // Run AaptParser such that markers are added...
- // When debugging these tests, the project gets a chance to build itself so
- // the real aapt errors are there. But when the test is run directly, aapt has
- // not yet run. I tried waiting for the build (using the code in SampleProjectTest)
- // but this had various adverse effects (exception popups from the Eclipse debugger
- // etc) so instead this test just hardcodes the aapt errors that should be
- // observed on quickfix1.xml.
- assertEquals("Unit test is hardcoded to errors for quickfix1.xml", "quickfix1.xml", name);
- errors.add(filePath + ":7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name"
- + " (at 'text' with value '@string/firststring').");
- errors.add(filePath + ":7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name"
- + " (at 'layout_width' with value '@dimen/testdimen').");
- errors.add(filePath + ":13: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name"
- + " (at 'layout' with value '@layout/testlayout').");
- AaptParser.parseOutput(errors, project);
- AaptQuickFix aaptQuickFix = new AaptQuickFix();
- // Open file
- IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
- assertNotNull(page);
- IEditorPart editor = IDE.openEditor(page, file);
- assertTrue(editor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor layoutEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) editor;
- final ISourceViewer viewer = layoutEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer();
- // Test marker resolution.
- IMarker[] markers = file.findMarkers(AdtConstants.MARKER_AAPT_COMPILE, true,
- IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- for (IMarker marker : markers) {
- int start = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_START, 0);
- int end = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_END, 0);
- if (offset >= start && offset <= end) {
- // Found the target marker. Now check the marker resolution of it.
- assertTrue(aaptQuickFix.hasResolutions(marker));
- IMarkerResolution[] resolutions = aaptQuickFix.getResolutions(marker);
- assertNotNull(resolutions);
- assertEquals(1, resolutions.length);
- IMarkerResolution resolution = resolutions[0];
- assertNotNull(resolution);
- assertTrue(resolution.getLabel().contains("Create resource"));
- // Not running marker yet -- if we create the files here they already
- // exist when the quick assist code runs. (The quick fix and the quick assist
- // mostly share code for the implementation anyway.)
- //resolution.run(marker);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Next test quick assist.
- IQuickAssistInvocationContext invocationContext = new IQuickAssistInvocationContext() {
- @Override
- public int getLength() {
- return 0;
- }
- @Override
- public int getOffset() {
- return offset;
- }
- @Override
- public ISourceViewer getSourceViewer() {
- return viewer;
- }
- };
- ICompletionProposal[] proposals = aaptQuickFix
- .computeQuickAssistProposals(invocationContext);
- assertNotNull(proposals);
- assertTrue(proposals.length == 1);
- ICompletionProposal proposal = proposals[0];
- assertNotNull(proposal.getAdditionalProposalInfo());
- assertNotNull(proposal.getImage());
- assertTrue(proposal.getDisplayString().contains("Create resource"));
- IDocument document = new Document();
- String fileContent = AdtPlugin.readFile(file);
- document.set(fileContent);
- // Apply quick fix
- proposal.apply(document);
- IPath path = new Path(expectedNewPath);
- IFile newFile = project.getFile(path);
- assertNotNull(path.toPortableString(), newFile);
- // Ensure that the newly created file was opened
- IEditorPart currentFile = AdtUtils.getActiveEditor();
- assertEquals(newFile.getProjectRelativePath(),
- ((FileEditorInput) currentFile.getEditorInput()).getFile().getProjectRelativePath());
- // Look up caret offset
- assertTrue(currentFile != null ? currentFile.getClass().getName() : "null",
- currentFile instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor newEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) currentFile;
- ISourceViewer newViewer = newEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer();
- Point selectedRange = newViewer.getSelectedRange();
- String newFileContents = AdtPlugin.readFile(newFile);
- // Insert selection markers -- [ ] for the selection range, ^ for the caret
- String newFileWithCaret = addSelection(newFileContents, selectedRange);
- newFileWithCaret = removeSessionData(newFileWithCaret);
- assertEqualsGolden(name, newFileWithCaret);
- }
- private void checkNamespaceFix(String name, String caretLocation)
- throws Exception {
- IProject project = getProject();
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(project, name, FD_RES + "/" + FD_RES_COLOR + "/" + name);
- // Determine the offset
- final int offset = getCaretOffset(file, caretLocation);
- String osRoot = project.getLocation().toOSString();
- List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
- String fileRelativePath = file.getProjectRelativePath().toPortableString();
- String filePath = osRoot + File.separator + fileRelativePath;
- assertEquals("Unit test is hardcoded to errors for quickfix2.xml", "quickfix2.xml", name);
- errors.add(filePath + ":5: error: Error parsing XML: unbound prefix");
- AaptParser.parseOutput(errors, project);
- AaptQuickFix aaptQuickFix = new AaptQuickFix();
- // Open file
- IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
- assertNotNull(page);
- IEditorPart editor = IDE.openEditor(page, file);
- assertTrue(editor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor layoutEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) editor;
- final ISourceViewer viewer = layoutEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer();
- // Test marker resolution.
- IMarker[] markers = file.findMarkers(AdtConstants.MARKER_AAPT_COMPILE, true,
- IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- assertEquals(1, markers.length);
- IMarker marker = markers[0];
- // Found the target marker. Now check the marker resolution of it.
- assertTrue(aaptQuickFix.hasResolutions(marker));
- IMarkerResolution[] resolutions = aaptQuickFix.getResolutions(marker);
- assertNotNull(resolutions);
- assertEquals(1, resolutions.length);
- IMarkerResolution resolution = resolutions[0];
- assertNotNull(resolution);
- assertTrue(resolution.getLabel().contains("Insert namespace"));
- // Next test quick assist.
- IQuickAssistInvocationContext invocationContext = new IQuickAssistInvocationContext() {
- @Override
- public int getLength() {
- return 0;
- }
- @Override
- public int getOffset() {
- return offset;
- }
- @Override
- public ISourceViewer getSourceViewer() {
- return viewer;
- }
- };
- ICompletionProposal[] proposals = aaptQuickFix
- .computeQuickAssistProposals(invocationContext);
- assertNotNull(proposals);
- assertTrue(proposals.length == 1);
- ICompletionProposal proposal = proposals[0];
- assertNotNull(proposal.getAdditionalProposalInfo());
- assertNotNull(proposal.getImage());
- assertTrue(proposal.getDisplayString().contains("Insert namespace"));
- // Open the file to ensure we can get an XML model with getExistingModelForEdit:
- AdtPlugin.openFile(file, null);
- IEditorPart newEditor = AdtUtils.getActiveEditor();
- assertTrue(newEditor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor xmlEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) newEditor;
- IDocument document = xmlEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer().getDocument();
- // Apply quick fix
- String before = document.get();
- proposal.apply(document);
- String after = document.get();
- String diff = getDiff(before, after);
- assertEqualsGolden(name, diff);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/AndroidContentAssistTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/AndroidContentAssistTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 700e68bad..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/AndroidContentAssistTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,990 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES_ANIM;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES_ANIMATOR;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES_COLOR;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES_DRAWABLE;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.animator.AnimationContentAssist;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.color.ColorContentAssist;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.common.CommonXmlEditor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.descriptors.AttributeDescriptor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.descriptors.ElementDescriptor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.drawable.DrawableContentAssist;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.LayoutContentAssist;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.descriptors.ViewElementDescriptor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.manifest.ManifestContentAssist;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.manifest.ManifestEditor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.uimodel.UiElementNode;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.values.ValuesContentAssist;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer;
-import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
-public class AndroidContentAssistTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- private static final String CARET = "^"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- @Override
- protected boolean testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() {
- return true;
- }
- public void testStartsWith() {
- assertTrue(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("", ""));
- assertTrue(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("a", ""));
- assertTrue(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("A", ""));
- assertTrue(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("A", "a"));
- assertTrue(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("A", "A"));
- assertTrue(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("Ab", "a"));
- assertTrue(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("ab", "A"));
- assertTrue(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("ab", "AB"));
- assertFalse(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("ab", "ABc"));
- assertFalse(AndroidContentAssist.startsWith("", "ABc"));
- }
- public void testNameStartsWith() {
- String fullWord = "android:marginTop";
- for (int i = 0; i < fullWord.length(); i++) {
- assertTrue(i + ":" + fullWord.substring(0, i),
- AndroidContentAssist.nameStartsWith(
- "android:layout_marginTop", fullWord.substring(0, i), "android:"));
- }
- fullWord = "android:layout_marginTop";
- for (int i = 0; i < fullWord.length(); i++) {
- assertTrue(i + ":" + fullWord.substring(0, i),
- AndroidContentAssist.nameStartsWith("android:layout_marginTop", fullWord
- .substring(0, i), "android:"));
- }
- fullWord = "layout_marginTop";
- for (int i = 0; i < fullWord.length(); i++) {
- assertTrue(i + ":" + fullWord.substring(0, i),
- AndroidContentAssist.nameStartsWith("android:layout_marginTop", fullWord
- .substring(0, i), "android:"));
- }
- fullWord = "marginTop";
- for (int i = 0; i < fullWord.length(); i++) {
- assertTrue(i + ":" + fullWord.substring(0, i),
- AndroidContentAssist.nameStartsWith("android:layout_marginTop", fullWord
- .substring(0, i), "android:"));
- }
- assertFalse(AndroidContentAssist.nameStartsWith("ab", "ABc", null));
- assertFalse(AndroidContentAssist.nameStartsWith("", "ABc", null));
- }
- public void testCompletion1() throws Exception {
- // Change attribute name completion
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_w^idth=\"fill_parent\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion2() throws Exception {
- // Check attribute value completion for enum
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_width=\"^fill_parent\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion3() throws Exception {
- // Check attribute value completion for enum with a prefix
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_width=\"fi^ll_parent\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion4() throws Exception {
- // Check attribute value completion on units
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "marginBottom=\"50^\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion5() throws Exception {
- // Check attribute value completion on units with prefix
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_marginLeft=\"50d^p\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion6() throws Exception {
- // Check resource sorting - "style" should bubble to the top for a style attribute
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "style=\"@android:^style/Widget.Button\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion7a() throws Exception {
- // Check flags (multiple values inside a single XML value, separated by | - where
- // the prefix is reset as soon as you pass each | )
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "android:gravity=\"l^eft|bottom\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion7b() throws Exception {
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "android:gravity=\"left|b^ottom\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion8() throws Exception {
- // Test completion right at the "=" sign; this will be taken to be the last
- // character of the attribute name (the caret is between the last char and before
- // the = characters), so it should match a single attribute
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_width^=\"fill_parent\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion9() throws Exception {
- // Test completion right after the "=" sign; this will be taken to be the beginning
- // of the attribute value, but all values will also include a leading quote
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_width=^\"fill_parent\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion10() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of element names
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "<T^extView");
- }
- public void testCompletion11() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of element names at the outside of the <. This should include
- // all the elements too (along with the leading <).
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "^<TextView");
- }
- public void testCompletion12() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of element names inside a nested XML; ensure that this will
- // correctly compute element names, not previous attribute
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "btn_default\">^</FrameLayout>");
- }
- public void testCompletion13a() throws Exception {
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion2.xml", "gravity=\"left|bottom|^cen");
- }
- public void testCompletion13b() throws Exception {
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion2.xml", "gravity=\"left|bottom|cen^");
- }
- public void testCompletion13c() throws Exception {
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion2.xml", "gravity=\"left|bottom^|cen");
- }
- public void testCompletion14() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of permissions
- checkManifestCompletion("manifest.xml", "android.permission.ACC^ESS_NETWORK_STATE");
- }
- public void testCompletion15() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of intents
- checkManifestCompletion("manifest.xml", "android.intent.category.L^AUNCHER");
- }
- public void testCompletion16() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of top level elements
- checkManifestCompletion("manifest.xml", "<^application android:i");
- }
- public void testCompletion17() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of attributes on the manifest element
- checkManifestCompletion("manifest.xml", "^android:versionCode=\"1\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion18() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of attributes on the manifest element
- checkManifestCompletion("manifest.xml",
- "<activity android:^name=\".TestActivity\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion19() throws Exception {
- // Test special case where completing on a new element in an otherwise blank line
- // does not add in full completion (with closing tags)
- checkLayoutCompletion("broken3.xml", "<EditT^");
- }
- public void testCompletion20() throws Exception {
- checkLayoutCompletion("broken1.xml", "android:textColorHigh^");
- }
- public void testCompletion21() throws Exception {
- checkLayoutCompletion("broken2.xml", "style=^");
- }
- public void testCompletion22() throws Exception {
- // Test completion where the cursor is inside an element (e.g. the next
- // char is NOT a <) - should not complete with end tags
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion4.xml", "<Button^");
- }
- // Test completion in style files
- public void testCompletion23() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "android:textS^ize");
- }
- public void testCompletion24() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "17^sp");
- }
- public void testCompletion25() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "textColor\">^@color/title_color</item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion26() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:shadowColor\">@an^</item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion27() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:gravity\">^ </item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion28() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:gravity\"> ^</item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion29() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "<item name=\"gr^\">");
- }
- public void testCompletion30() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "<item name=\"an^\">");
- }
- public void testCompletion31() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "<item ^></item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion32() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "<item name=\"^\"></item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion33() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:allowSingleTap\">^</item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion34() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:alwaysDrawnWithCache\">^ false </item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion35() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:alwaysDrawnWithCache\"> ^false </item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion36() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:alwaysDrawnWithCache\"> f^alse </item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion37() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:orientation\">h^</item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion38() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- " c^");
- }
- public void testCompletion39() throws Exception {
- // If you are at the end of a closing quote (but with no space), completion should
- // include a separating space.
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "marginBottom=\"50\"^");
- }
- public void testCompletion40() throws Exception {
- // Same as test 39 but with single quote
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion5.xml", "android:id='@+id/button2'^");
- }
- public void testCompletion41() throws Exception {
- // Test prefix matching on layout_ with namespace prefix
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion8.xml", "android:mar^=\"50dp\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion42() throws Exception {
- // Test prefix matching on layout_ with namespace prefix
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion8.xml", "android:w^i=\"100\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion43() throws Exception {
- // Test prefix matching on layout_ without namespace prefix
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion8.xml", "mar^=\"60dp\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion44() throws Exception {
- // Test prefix matching on layout_ without namespace prefix
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion8.xml", "android:layo^ut_width=\"fill_parent\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion45() throws Exception {
- // Test top level elements in colors
- checkColorCompletion("color1.xml", "^<selector");
- }
- public void testCompletion46a() throws Exception {
- // Test children of selector: should offer item
- checkColorCompletion("color1.xml", "^<item android");
- }
- public void testCompletion46b() throws Exception {
- // Test attribute matching in color files
- checkColorCompletion("color1.xml", "<item ^android:state_focused=\"true\"/>");
- }
- public void testCompletion47() throws Exception {
- // Check root completion in drawables: should list all drawable root elements
- checkDrawableCompletion("drawable1.xml", "^<layer-list");
- }
- public void testCompletion48() throws Exception {
- // Check attributes of the layer list
- checkDrawableCompletion("drawable1.xml", "^xmlns:android");
- }
- public void testCompletion49() throws Exception {
- // Check attributes of the <item> element inside a <layer-list>
- checkDrawableCompletion("drawable1.xml", "<item ^></item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion50() throws Exception {
- // Check elements nested inside the <item> in a layer list: can use any drawable again
- checkDrawableCompletion("drawable1.xml", "<item >^</item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion51() throws Exception {
- // Check attributes of <shape> element
- checkDrawableCompletion("drawable2.xml", "^android:innerRadiusRatio=\"2\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion52() throws Exception {
- // Check list of available elements inside a shape
- checkDrawableCompletion("drawable2.xml", "^<gradient");
- }
- public void testCompletion53() throws Exception {
- // Check list of root anim elements
- checkAnimCompletion("anim1.xml", "^<set xmlns");
- }
- public void testCompletion54() throws Exception {
- // Check that we can nest inside <set>'s
- checkAnimCompletion("anim1.xml", "^<translate android:id=");
- }
- public void testCompletion55() throws Exception {
- // translate properties
- checkAnimCompletion("anim1.xml", "android:^fromXDelta=");
- }
- public void testCompletion56() throws Exception {
- // alpha properties
- checkAnimCompletion("anim1.xml", "android:^fromAlpha=");
- }
- public void testCompletion57() throws Exception {
- // Fractional properties
- checkAnimCompletion("anim1.xml", "android:fromXDelta=\"100^%p\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion58() throws Exception {
- // Top level animator elements
- checkAnimatorCompletion("animator1.xml", "^<set xmlns");
- }
- public void testCompletion59() throws Exception {
- // objectAnimator properties
- checkAnimatorCompletion("animator1.xml", "android:^duration=\"2000\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion60() throws Exception {
- // propertyName completion
- checkAnimatorCompletion("animator1.xml", "android:propertyName=\"scal^eX\"/>");
- }
- public void testCompletion61() throws Exception {
- // Interpolator completion
- checkAnimatorCompletion("animator1.xml",
- "android:interpolator=\"^@android:anim/bounce_interpolator\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion62() throws Exception {
- // Test completing inside an element that contains .'s, such as a custom view tag
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion9.xml", "android:layout_wi^dth=");
- }
- public void testCompletion63() throws Exception {
- // Test attribute completion inside a custom view tag
- // TODO: This works in a running IDE but not in a test context; figure out why.
- //checkLayoutCompletion("completion9.xml", "android:drawable^Top");
- }
- public void testCompletion64() throws Exception {
- // Test element completion inside a custom view tag
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion9.xml", "^<Button");
- }
- public void testCompletion65() throws Exception {
- // Test completion replacement when there is a selection
- // (see issue http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=18607 )
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion10.xml", "\"[^wrap_content]\"");
- }
- public void testCompletion66() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "17[^sp]");
- }
- public void testCompletion67() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "17[^sp]");
- }
- public void testCompletion68() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "[^false]");
- }
- public void testCompletion69() throws Exception {
- // Test minimum SDK completion
- checkManifestCompletion("manifest.xml", "<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=\"^11\" />");
- }
- public void testCompletion70() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues2.xml",
- "<item name=\"main_layout4\" type=\"layout\">^</item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion71() throws Exception {
- checkResourceCompletion("completionvalues2.xml",
- "<item name=\"main_layout5\" type=\"string\">@string/^app_name</item>");
- }
- public void testCompletion72() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of theme attributes
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion11.xml", "?^android:attr/Textapp");
- }
- public void testCompletion73() throws Exception {
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion11.xml", "?android:attr/Textapp^");
- }
- public void testCompletion74() throws Exception {
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion11.xml", "?and^roid:attr/Textapp");
- }
- public void testCompletion75() throws Exception {
- // Test <include> attributes
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion12.xml", "<include ^/>");
- }
- public void testComplation76() throws Exception {
- // Test theme completion with implicit attr
- checkLayoutCompletion("navigation1.xml", "?android:a^ttr/alertDialogStyle");
- }
- public void testComplation77() throws Exception {
- // Test <fragment class="^" completion
- checkLayoutCompletion("fragmentlayout.xml", "android:name=\"^com");
- }
- public void testComplation78() throws Exception {
- // Test <fragment android:name="^" completion
- checkLayoutCompletion("fragmentlayout.xml", "class=\"^com");
- }
- public void testComplation79() throws Exception {
- // Test tools context completion
- checkLayoutCompletion("completion11.xml", "tools:context=\"^.MainActivity\"");
- }
- public void testComplation80() throws Exception {
- // Test manifest class completion
- checkManifestCompletion("manifest.xml", "<activity android:name=\"^.");
- }
- // TODO: Test <view completion!
- // ---- Test *applying* code completion ----
- // The following tests check -applying- a specific code completion
- // match - this verifies that the document is updated correctly, the
- // caret is moved appropriately, etc.
- public void testApplyCompletion1() throws Exception {
- // Change attribute name completion
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_w^idth=\"fill_parent\"",
- "android:layout_weight");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion2() throws Exception {
- // Check attribute value completion for enum
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_width=\"^fill_parent\"",
- "match_parent");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion3() throws Exception {
- // Check attribute value completion for enum with a prefix
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_width=\"fi^ll_parent\"",
- "fill_parent");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion4() throws Exception {
- // Check attribute value completion on units
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "marginBottom=\"50^\"", "50mm");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion5() throws Exception {
- // Check attribute value completion on units with prefix
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_marginLeft=\"50d^p\"", "50dp");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion6() throws Exception {
- // Check resource sorting - "style" should bubble to the top for a style attribute
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "style=\"@android:^style/Widget.Button\"",
- "@android:drawable/");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion7a() throws Exception {
- // Check flags (multiple values inside a single XML value, separated by | - where
- // the prefix is reset as soon as you pass each | )
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "android:gravity=\"l^eft|bottom\"",
- "left");
- // NOTE - this will replace all flag values with the newly selected value.
- // That may not be the best behavior - perhaps we should only replace one portion
- // of the value.
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion7b() throws Exception {
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "android:gravity=\"left|b^ottom\"",
- "bottom");
- // NOTE - this will replace all flag values with the newly selected value.
- // That may not be the best behavior - perhaps we should only replace one portion
- // of the value.
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion8() throws Exception {
- // Test completion right at the "=" sign; this will be taken to be the last
- // character of the attribute name (the caret is between the last char and before
- // the = characters), so it should match a single attribute
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_width^=\"fill_parent\"",
- "android:layout_width");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion9() throws Exception {
- // Test completion right after the "=" sign; this will be taken to be the beginning
- // of the attribute value, but all values will also include a leading quote
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "layout_width=^\"fill_parent\"",
- "\"wrap_content\"");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion10() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of element names
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "<T^extView", "TableLayout");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion11a() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of element names at the outside of the <. This should include
- // all the elements too (along with the leading <).
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "^<TextView", "<RadioGroup ></RadioGroup>");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion11b() throws Exception {
- // Similar to testApplyCompletion11a, but replacing with an element that does not
- // have children (to test the closing tag insertion code)
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "^<TextView", "<CheckBox />");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion12() throws Exception {
- // Test completion of element names inside a nested XML; ensure that this will
- // correctly compute element names, not previous attribute
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "btn_default\">^</FrameLayout>",
- "<FrameLayout ></FrameLayout>");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion13a() throws Exception {
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion2.xml", "gravity=\"left|bottom|^cen",
- "fill_vertical");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion13b() throws Exception {
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion2.xml", "gravity=\"left|bottom|cen^",
- "center_horizontal");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion13c() throws Exception {
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion2.xml", "gravity=\"left|bottom^|cen",
- "bottom|fill_horizontal");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion14() throws Exception {
- // Test special case where completing on a new element in an otherwise blank line
- // does not add in full completion (with closing tags)
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("broken3.xml", "<EditT^", "EditText />");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion15() throws Exception {
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("broken1.xml", "android:textColorHigh^",
- "android:textColorHighlight");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion16() throws Exception {
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("broken2.xml", "style=^",
- "\"@android:\"");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion17() throws Exception {
- // Make sure that completion right before a / inside an element still
- // inserts the ="" part (e.g. handles it as "insertNew)
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion3.xml", "<EditText ^/>",
- "android:textColorHighlight");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion18() throws Exception {
- // Make sure that completion right before a > inside an element still
- // inserts the ="" part (e.g. handles it as "insertNew)
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion3.xml", "<Button ^></Button>",
- "android:paddingRight");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion19() throws Exception {
- // Test completion with single quotes (apostrophe)
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion5.xml", "android:orientation='^'", "horizontal");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion20() throws Exception {
- // Test completion with single quotes (apostrophe)
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion5.xml", "android:layout_marginTop='50^dp'", "50pt");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion21() throws Exception {
- // Test completion with single quotes (apostrophe)
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion5.xml", "android:layout_width='^wrap_content'",
- "match_parent");
- // Still broken - but not a common case
- //checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion5.xml", "android:layout_width=^'wrap_content'",
- // "\"match_parent\"");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion22() throws Exception {
- // Test completion in an empty string
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion6.xml", "android:orientation=\"^\"", "horizontal");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion23() throws Exception {
- // Test completion in an empty string
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion7.xml", "android:orientation=\"^", "horizontal");
- }
- // Test completion in style files
- public void testApplyCompletion24a() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "android:textS^ize",
- "android:textSelectHandleLeft");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion24b() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "17^sp", "17mm");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion25() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "textColor\">^@color/title_color</item>", "@android:");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion26() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:shadowColor\">@an^</item>", "@android:");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion27() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:gravity\">^ </item>", "center_vertical");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion28() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:gravity\"> ^</item>", "left");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion29() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "<item name=\"gr^\">",
- "android:gravity");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion30() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "<item name=\"an^\">",
- "android:animateOnClick");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion31() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "<item ^></item>", "name");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion32() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "<item name=\"^\"></item>",
- "android:background");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion33() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:allowSingleTap\">^</item>", "true");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion34() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:alwaysDrawnWithCache\">^ false </item>", "true");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion35() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:alwaysDrawnWithCache\"> ^false </item>", "true");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion36() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:alwaysDrawnWithCache\"> f^alse </item>", "false");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion37() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- "<item name=\"android:orientation\">h^</item>", "horizontal");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion38() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml",
- " c^", "center");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion39() throws Exception {
- // If you are at the end of a closing quote (but with no space), completion should
- // include a separating space.
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion1.xml", "marginBottom=\"50\"^", " android:maxEms");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion40() throws Exception {
- // If you are at the end of a closing quote (but with no space), completion should
- // include a separating space.
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion5.xml", "android:id='@+id/button2'^",
- " android:maxWidth");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion41() throws Exception {
- // Test prefix matching on layout_ with namespace prefix
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion8.xml", "android:mar^=\"50dp\"",
- "android:layout_marginRight");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion42() throws Exception {
- // Test completion replacement when there is a selection
- // (see issue http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=18607 )
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion10.xml", "\"[^wrap_content]\"", "fill_parent");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion43() throws Exception {
- // Same as testApplyCompletion42 but with a smaller selection range
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion10.xml", "\"[^wrap_c]ontent\"", "fill_parent");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion44() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues1.xml", "[^false]", "true");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion45() throws Exception {
- checkApplyResourceCompletion("completionvalues2.xml",
- "@string/^app_name", "@string/hello");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion46() throws Exception {
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("completion11.xml",
- "?android:attr/Textapp^", "?android:attr/textAppearanceLargeInverse");
- }
- public void testApplyCompletion47() throws Exception {
- // Test applying <fragment android:name="^" completion
- checkApplyLayoutCompletion("fragmentlayout.xml", "class=\"^com",
- "android.app.ListFragment");
- }
- // --- Code Completion test infrastructure ----
- private void checkLayoutCompletion(String name, String caretLocation) throws Exception {
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), name);
- IDE.setDefaultEditor(file, CommonXmlEditor.ID);
- checkCompletion(name, file, caretLocation,
- new LayoutContentAssist());
- }
- private void checkColorCompletion(String name, String caretLocation) throws Exception {
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(getProject(), name, FD_RES + "/" + FD_RES_COLOR + "/" + name);
- IDE.setDefaultEditor(file, CommonXmlEditor.ID);
- checkCompletion(name, file, caretLocation, new ColorContentAssist());
- }
- private void checkAnimCompletion(String name, String caretLocation) throws Exception {
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(getProject(), name, FD_RES + "/" + FD_RES_ANIM + "/" + name);
- IDE.setDefaultEditor(file, CommonXmlEditor.ID);
- checkCompletion(name, file, caretLocation, new AnimationContentAssist());
- }
- private void checkAnimatorCompletion(String name, String caretLocation) throws Exception {
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(getProject(), name, FD_RES + "/" + FD_RES_ANIMATOR + "/"
- + name);
- IDE.setDefaultEditor(file, CommonXmlEditor.ID);
- checkCompletion(name, file, caretLocation, new AnimationContentAssist());
- }
- private void checkDrawableCompletion(String name, String caretLocation) throws Exception {
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(getProject(), name, FD_RES + "/" + FD_RES_DRAWABLE + "/"
- + name);
- IDE.setDefaultEditor(file, CommonXmlEditor.ID);
- checkCompletion(name, file, caretLocation, new DrawableContentAssist());
- }
- private void checkManifestCompletion(String name, String caretLocation) throws Exception {
- // Manifest files must be named AndroidManifest.xml. Must overwrite to replace
- // the default manifest created in the test project.
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(getProject(), name, "AndroidManifest.xml", true);
- IDE.setDefaultEditor(file, ManifestEditor.ID);
- checkCompletion(name, file, caretLocation,
- new ManifestContentAssist());
- }
- private void checkApplyLayoutCompletion(String name, String caretLocation,
- String match) throws Exception {
- checkApplyCompletion(name, getLayoutFile(getProject(), name), caretLocation,
- new LayoutContentAssist(), match);
- }
- private void checkResourceCompletion(String name, String caretLocation) throws Exception {
- checkCompletion(name, getValueFile(getProject(), name), caretLocation,
- new ValuesContentAssist());
- }
- private void checkApplyResourceCompletion(String name, String caretLocation,
- String match) throws Exception {
- checkApplyCompletion(name, getValueFile(getProject(), name), caretLocation,
- new ValuesContentAssist(), match);
- }
- private ICompletionProposal[] complete(IFile file, String caretLocation,
- AndroidContentAssist assist) throws Exception {
- // Open file
- IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
- assertNotNull(page);
- IEditorPart editor = IDE.openEditor(page, file);
- assertTrue(editor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor xmlEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) editor;
- UiElementNode root = xmlEditor.getUiRootNode();
- ElementDescriptor descriptor = root.getDescriptor();
- if (descriptor instanceof ViewElementDescriptor) {
- ViewElementDescriptor vd = (ViewElementDescriptor) descriptor;
- AttributeDescriptor[] attributes = vd.getAttributes();
- assertTrue(Integer.toString(attributes.length), attributes.length > 0);
- }
- ISourceViewer viewer = xmlEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer();
- // Determine the offset, and possibly make text range selections as well
- int offset = updateCaret(viewer, caretLocation);
- // Run code completion
- ICompletionProposal[] proposals = assist.computeCompletionProposals(viewer, offset);
- if (proposals == null) {
- proposals = new ICompletionProposal[0];
- }
- editor.getEditorSite().getPage().closeAllEditors(false);
- return proposals;
- }
- private void checkApplyCompletion(String basename, IFile file, String caretLocation,
- AndroidContentAssist assist, String match) throws Exception {
- ICompletionProposal[] proposals = complete(file, caretLocation, assist);
- ICompletionProposal chosen = null;
- for (ICompletionProposal proposal : proposals) {
- if (proposal.getDisplayString().equals(match)) {
- chosen = proposal;
- break;
- }
- }
- assertNotNull(chosen);
- assert chosen != null; // Eclipse null pointer analysis doesn't believe the JUnit assertion
- String fileContent = AdtPlugin.readFile(file);
- IDocument document = new Document();
- document.set(fileContent);
- // Apply code completion
- chosen.apply(document);
- // Insert caret location as well
- Point location = chosen.getSelection(document);
- document.replace(location.x, 0, CARET);
- String actual = document.get();
- int offset = getCaretOffset(fileContent, caretLocation);
- String beforeWithCaret = fileContent.substring(0, offset) + CARET
- + fileContent.substring(offset);
- String diff = getDiff(beforeWithCaret, actual);
- assertTrue(diff + " versus " + actual, diff.length() > 0 || beforeWithCaret.equals(actual));
- StringBuilder summary = new StringBuilder();
- summary.append("Code completion in " + basename + " for " + caretLocation + " selecting "
- + match + ":\n");
- if (diff.length() == 0) {
- diff = "No changes";
- }
- summary.append(diff);
- // assertEqualsGolden(basename, actual);
- assertEqualsGolden(basename, summary.toString(), "diff");
- }
- private void checkCompletion(String basename, IFile file, String caretLocation,
- AndroidContentAssist assist) throws Exception {
- ICompletionProposal[] proposals = complete(file, caretLocation, assist);
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000);
- sb.append("Code completion in " + basename + " for " + caretLocation + ":\n");
- for (ICompletionProposal proposal : proposals) {
- // TODO: assertNotNull(proposal.getImage());
- int length = sb.length();
- sb.append(proposal.getDisplayString().trim());
- String help = proposal.getAdditionalProposalInfo();
- if (help != null && help.trim().length() > 0) {
- sb.append(" : ");
- sb.append(help.replace('\n', ' ').trim());
- if (sb.length() > length + 300) {
- sb.setLength(length + 300 - "...".length());
- sb.append("...");
- }
- }
- sb.append('\n');
- }
- assertEqualsGolden(basename, sb.toString(), "txt");
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/AndroidXmlAutoEditStrategyTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/AndroidXmlAutoEditStrategyTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 27661b3f2..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/AndroidXmlAutoEditStrategyTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentCommand;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer;
-import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
-public class AndroidXmlAutoEditStrategyTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- public void checkInsertNewline(String before, String after) throws Exception {
- AndroidXmlAutoEditStrategy s = new AndroidXmlAutoEditStrategy();
- // All tests just operate on the "edithandling" document; the contents are
- // ignored and replaced with the before-document passed in
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), "edithandling.xml");
- IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
- assertNotNull(page);
- IEditorPart editor = IDE.openEditor(page, file);
- assertTrue(editor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor layoutEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) editor;
- ISourceViewer viewer = layoutEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer();
- String newDocumentContent = stripCaret(before);
- IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();
- document.replace(0, document.getLength(), newDocumentContent);
- // Determine the offset, and possibly make text range selections as well
- int offset = updateCaret(viewer, before);
- DocumentCommand c = new TestDocumentCommand();
- c.doit = true;
- c.offset = offset;
- c.caretOffset = -1;
- c.length = 0;
- c.text = "\n";
- s.customizeDocumentCommand(document, c);
- if (c.doit) {
- if (c.length == 0 && c.text == null) {
- return;
- }
- document.replace(c.offset, c.length, c.text);
- int caretOffset = c.offset + c.text.length();
- // The shiftsCaret flag doesn't behave the way it's documented to
- //if (c.shiftsCaret && c.caretOffset != -1) {
- if (c.caretOffset != -1) {
- caretOffset = c.caretOffset;
- }
- viewer.setSelectedRange(caretOffset, 0);
- }
- String text = document.get();
- Point selectedRange = viewer.getSelectedRange();
- assert selectedRange.y == 0;
- String textWithCaret = text;
- if (selectedRange.x >= 0) {
- textWithCaret = text.substring(0, selectedRange.x) + "^" +
- text.substring(selectedRange.x);
- }
- assertEquals(after, textWithCaret);
- }
- private static String stripCaret(String s) {
- int index = s.indexOf('^');
- assertTrue(index != -1);
- return s.substring(0, index) + s.substring(index + 1);
- }
- public void testCornerCase1() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline("^", "\n^");
- }
- public void testCornerCase2() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n^",
- "\n\n^");
- }
- public void testCornerCase3() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- " ^",
- " \n" +
- " ^");
- }
- public void testSimpleIndentation1() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- " ^ ",
- " \n" +
- " ^ ");
- }
- public void testSimpleIndentation2() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " foo^\n",
- "\n" +
- " foo\n" +
- " ^\n");
- }
- public void testSimpleIndentation3() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " <newtag>^\n",
- "\n" +
- " <newtag>\n" +
- " ^\n");
- }
- public void testSimpleIndentation4() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " <newtag/>^\n",
- "\n" +
- " <newtag/>\n" +
- " ^\n");
- }
- public void testSimpleIndentation5() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " <newtag^\n",
- "\n" +
- " <newtag\n" +
- " ^\n");
- }
- public void testSplitAttribute() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " <newtag ^attribute='value'/>\n",
- "\n" +
- " <newtag \n" +
- " ^attribute='value'/>\n");
- }
- public void testIndentationInComments1() throws Exception {
- // Make sure that inside a comment we ignore tags etc
- checkInsertNewline(
- "<!--\n foo^\n--->\n",
- "<!--\n foo\n ^\n--->\n");
- }
- public void testIndentationInComments2() throws Exception {
- // Make sure that inside a comment we ignore tags etc
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- "<!--\n" +
- "<foo><^\n" +
- "-->\n",
- "\n" +
- "<!--\n" +
- "<foo><\n" +
- "^\n" +
- "-->\n");
- }
- public void testSurroundCaret() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " <item>^</item>\n",
- "\n" +
- " <item>\n" +
- " ^\n" +
- " </item>\n");
- }
- public void testSurroundCaret2() throws Exception {
- // This test combines both surround with and continuing earlier lines (where
- // it searches for a matching tag)
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " <foo\n" +
- " name='value'>^</foo>\n",
- "\n" +
- " <foo\n" +
- " name='value'>\n" +
- " ^\n" +
- " </foo>\n");
- }
- public void testContinueEarlierLine1() throws Exception {
- // Here we need to indent to the exact location of an earlier line
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " <foo\n" +
- " name='value'/>^\n",
- "\n" +
- " <foo\n" +
- " name='value'/>\n" +
- " ^\n");
- }
- public void testContinueEarlierLine2() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " <foo\n" +
- " name='value'></foo>^\n",
- "\n" +
- " <foo\n" +
- " name='value'></foo>\n" +
- " ^\n");
- // Note that
- // <foo
- // >
- // </foo>
- // does not require special handling, this only happens with the closing tag is sharing
- // a line.
- }
- public void testContinueEarlierLine3() throws Exception {
- // Make sure the code to look up the corresponding opening tag works properly
- checkInsertNewline(
- "\n" +
- " <foo\n" +
- " name='value'><bar></bar><baz/></foo>^\n",
- "\n" +
- " <foo\n" +
- " name='value'><bar></bar><baz/></foo>\n" +
- " ^\n");
- }
- public void testContinueEarlierLine4() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- " <Button\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/button1\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:text=\"Button\" >^\n" +
- " </Button>\n",
- " <Button\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/button1\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:text=\"Button\" >\n" +
- " ^\n" +
- " </Button>\n");
- }
- public void testIndent() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- " <Button\n" +
- " attr=\"value\"></Button>^\n",
- " <Button\n" +
- " attr=\"value\"></Button>\n" +
- " ^\n" +
- "");
- }
- public void testLineBeginning1() throws Exception {
- // Test that if you insert on a blank line, we just add a newline and indent
- checkInsertNewline(
- "<foo>\n" +
- "^\n" +
- "</foo>",
- "<foo>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " ^\n" +
- "</foo>");
- }
- public void testLineBeginning2() throws Exception {
- // Test that if you insert with the caret on the beginning of a line that has
- // content, we insert an indent correctly
- checkInsertNewline(
- "<foo>\n" +
- "^ <bar/>\n" +
- "</foo>",
- "<foo>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " ^<bar/>\n" +
- "</foo>");
- }
- public void testLineBeginning3() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "<foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- "^\n" +
- " <baz/>\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- "</foo>",
- "<foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " ^\n" +
- " <baz/>\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- "</foo>");
- }
- public void testLineBeginning4() throws Exception {
- // Test that if you insert with the caret on the beginning of a line that has
- // content, we insert an indent correctly
- checkInsertNewline(
- "<foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "^ <baz/>\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- "</foo>",
- "<foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- " ^<baz/>\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- "</foo>");
- }
- public void testLineBeginning5() throws Exception {
- // Test that if you insert with the caret on the beginning of a line that has
- // content, we insert an indent correctly
- checkInsertNewline(
- "<foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " ^ <baz/>\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- "</foo>",
- "<foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " \n" +
- " ^<baz/>\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- "</foo>");
- }
- public void testLineBeginning6() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- " <foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- " \n" +
- " \n" +
- "^ </bar>\n" +
- " </foo>\n",
- " <foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- " \n" +
- " \n" +
- "\n" +
- " ^</bar>\n" +
- " </foo>\n");
- }
- public void testBlankContinuation() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- " <foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- " ^\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- " </foo>\n" +
- "",
- " <foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- " \n" +
- " ^\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- " </foo>\n" +
- "");
- }
- public void testIssue22332a() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"hello\">Hello World, MainActivity!</string>^\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"hello\">Hello World, MainActivity!</string>\n" +
- " ^\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testIssue22332b() throws Exception {
- checkInsertNewline(
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"hello\">Hello World, MainActivity!</string>\n" +
- " ^\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"hello\">Hello World, MainActivity!</string>\n" +
- " \n" +
- " ^\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- /**
- * To test
- * When you press / after < I should reindent the current line. For example,
- * if you have
- * <foo>
- * <bar>
- * </ the moment you've typed this we should dedent it back out
- * When you press newline we need to reindent
- */
- /** Subclassed for test usage since constructor is protected */
- private class TestDocumentCommand extends DocumentCommand {
- public TestDocumentCommand() {
- }
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/AndroidXmlCharacterMatcherTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/AndroidXmlCharacterMatcherTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index acb2b049b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/AndroidXmlCharacterMatcherTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocument;
-public class AndroidXmlCharacterMatcherTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- public void testGotoMatchingFwd1() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "<app^lication android:icon",
- "^</application>");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingFwd2() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "^<application android:icon",
- "^</application>");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingFwd3() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "<application^ android:icon",
- "^</application>");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingBwd1() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "^</application>",
- "^<application android:icon");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingBwd2() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "<^/application>",
- "^<application android:icon");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingBwd3() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "</^application>",
- "^<application android:icon");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingBwd4() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "</app^lication>",
- "^<application android:icon");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingBwd5() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "</^application>",
- "^<application android:icon");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingBwd6() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "</^application>",
- "^<application android:icon");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingFwd4() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "<intent-filter^>",
- "^</intent-filter>");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingFwd5() throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- "<intent-filter>^",
- "^</intent-filter>");
- }
- public void testGotoMatchingFallback() throws Exception {
- // Character matching is done by the superclass; ensure that fallback to the
- // other XML matchers is working
- checkGotoMatching(
- "android:icon=^\"@drawable/icon\"",
- "android:icon=\"@drawable/icon^\"");
- }
- private void checkGotoMatching(IFile file, String caretBefore,
- String caretAfter) throws Exception {
- IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
- assertNotNull(page);
- IEditorPart editor = IDE.openEditor(page, file);
- assertTrue(editor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor layoutEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) editor;
- ISourceViewer viewer = layoutEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer();
- int caretPosBefore = updateCaret(viewer, caretBefore);
- AndroidXmlCharacterMatcher matcher = new AndroidXmlCharacterMatcher();
- IStructuredDocument document = layoutEditor.getStructuredDocument();
- IRegion match = matcher.match(document, caretPosBefore);
- assertNotNull(match);
- String text = document.get();
- final String after = stripCaret(caretAfter);
- int index = text.indexOf(after);
- int caretPosAfter = match.getOffset() - index;
- String textWithCaret = after.substring(0, caretPosAfter)
- + "^" + after.substring(caretPosAfter);
- assertEquals(caretAfter, textWithCaret);
- }
- private static String stripCaret(String s) {
- int index = s.indexOf('^');
- assertTrue(index != -1);
- return s.substring(0, index) + s.substring(index + 1);
- }
- private void checkGotoMatching(String caretBefore,
- String caretAfter) throws Exception {
- checkGotoMatching(
- getTestDataFile(getProject(), "manifest.xml", "AndroidManifest.xml", true),
- caretBefore, caretAfter);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/HyperlinksTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/HyperlinksTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 20aae846b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/HyperlinksTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_SOURCES;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.ResourceFile;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.Hyperlinks.ResourceLink;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.Hyperlinks.XmlResolver;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.JavaEditor;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.IHyperlink;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer;
-import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
-import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ErrorEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.ui.internal.browser.WebBrowserEditor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.StructuredTextEditor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.internal.StructuredTextViewer;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.internal.tabletree.XMLMultiPageEditorPart;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- "restriction", "javadoc"
-public class HyperlinksTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- @Override
- protected boolean testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() {
- return true;
- }
- public void testFqnRegexp() throws Exception {
- assertTrue(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("com.android.Foo"));
- assertTrue(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("com.android.pk_g.Foo_Bar1"));
- assertTrue(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("com.android.Foo$Inner"));
- // Should we allow non-standard packages and class names?
- // For now, we're allowing it -- see how this works out in practice.
- //assertFalse(XmlHyperlinkResolver.isViewClassName("Foo.bar"));
- assertTrue(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("Foo.bar"));
- assertFalse(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("LinearLayout"));
- assertFalse(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("."));
- assertFalse(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName(".F"));
- assertFalse(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("f."));
- assertFalse(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("Foo"));
- assertFalse(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("com.android.1Foo"));
- assertFalse(Hyperlinks.isViewClassName("1com.Foo"));
- }
- public void testNavigate1() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a local resource
- checkXmlNavigation("navigation1.xml", "res/layout/navigation1.xml",
- "android:text=\"@string/app^_name\"");
- }
- public void testNavigate2() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a framework resource
- checkXmlNavigation("navigation1.xml", "res/layout/navigation1.xml",
- "marginLeft=\"@android:dimen/app_ico^n_size\"");
- }
- public void testNavigate3() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a style
- checkXmlNavigation("navigation1.xml", "res/layout/navigation1.xml",
- "style=\"@android:style/Widget.B^utton\"");
- }
- public void testNavigate4() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to resource with many resolutions
- checkXmlNavigation("navigation1.xml", "res/layout/navigation1.xml",
- "android:text=\"@android:st^ring/ok\"");
- }
- public void testNavigate5() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to styles
- checkXmlNavigation("navigationstyles.xml", "res/values/navigationstyles.xml",
- "parent=\"android:Theme.Li^ght\">");
- }
- public void testNavigate6() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a portion of a style (this should pick android:Theme, not
- // android:Theme.Light
- checkXmlNavigation("navigationstyles.xml", "res/values/navigationstyles.xml",
- "parent=\"android:The^me.Light\">");
- }
- public void testNavigate7() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a resource inside text content
- checkXmlNavigation("navigationstyles.xml", "res/values/navigationstyles.xml",
- "popupBackground\">@android:drawable/spinner_dr^opdown_background</item>");
- }
- public void testNavigate8() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a resource inside text content where there is space around
- // the URL
- checkXmlNavigation("navigationstyles.xml", "res/values/navigationstyles.xml",
- "colorBackground\"> @color/cust^om_theme_color </item>");
- }
- public void testNavigate9a() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a an activity
- checkXmlNavigation("manifest.xml", "AndroidManifest.xml",
- "<activity android:name=\".Test^Activity\"");
- }
- /* Not yet implemented
- public void testNavigate9b() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a an activity - clicking on the activity element should
- // work too
- checkXmlNavigation("manifest.xml", "AndroidManifest.xml",
- "<acti^vity android:name=\".TestActivity\"");
- }
- */
- public void testNavigate10() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a permission
- checkXmlNavigation("manifest.xml", "AndroidManifest.xml",
- "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.AC^CESS_NETWORK_STATE\" />");
- }
- public void testNavigate11a() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to an intent
- checkXmlNavigation("manifest.xml", "AndroidManifest.xml",
- "<action android:name=\"android.intent.ac^tion.MAIN\" />");
- }
- public void testNavigate11g() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to an intent
- checkXmlNavigation("manifest.xml", "AndroidManifest.xml",
- "<category android:name=\"android.intent.category.LA^UNCHER\" />");
- }
- public void testNavigate12() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a custom view class
- checkXmlNavigation("navigation1.xml", "res/layout/navigation1.xml",
- "<my.Cust^omView></my.CustomView>");
- }
- public void testNavigate13() throws Exception {
- // Check jumping to classes pointed to by fragments
- getTestDataFile(getProject(), "TestFragment.java.txt",
- FD_SOURCES + "/" + TEST_PROJECT_PACKAGE.replace('.', '/') + "/TestFragment.java");
- checkXmlNavigation("fragmentlayout.xml", "res/layout/fragmentlayout.xml",
- "android:name=\"com.android.ecl^ipse.tests.TestFragment\"");
- }
- public void testNavigate14() throws Exception {
- // Check jumping to classes pointed to by fragments
- getTestDataFile(getProject(), "TestFragment.java.txt",
- FD_SOURCES + "/" + TEST_PROJECT_PACKAGE.replace('.', '/') + "/TestFragment.java");
- checkXmlNavigation("fragmentlayout.xml", "res/layout/fragmentlayout.xml",
- "class=\"com.and^roid.eclipse.tests.TestFragment\"");
- }
- public void testNavigate15() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a theme resource
- checkXmlNavigation("navigation1.xml", "res/layout/navigation1.xml",
- "?android:attr/alert^DialogStyle");
- }
- public void testNavigate16() throws Exception {
- // Check navigating to a theme resource
- checkXmlNavigation("navigation1.xml", "res/layout/navigation1.xml",
- "?android:alert^DialogStyle");
- }
- // Left to test:
- // onClick handling
- // class attributes
- // Test that the correct file is actually opened!
- private void checkXmlNavigation(String basename, String targetPath,
- String caretLocation) throws Exception {
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(getProject(), basename, targetPath, true);
- // Determine the offset
- int offset = getCaretOffset(file, caretLocation);
- // Open file
- IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
- assertNotNull(page);
- IEditorPart editor = IDE.openEditor(page, file);
- assertTrue(editor.getClass().getName(), editor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor layoutEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) editor;
- ISourceViewer viewer = layoutEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer();
- XmlResolver resolver = new Hyperlinks.XmlResolver();
- IHyperlink[] links = resolver.detectHyperlinks(viewer, new Region(offset, 0), true);
- assertNotNull(links);
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000);
- sb.append("Go To Declaration in " + basename + " for " + caretLocation + ":\n");
- for (IHyperlink link : links) {
- sb.append(link.getHyperlinkText());
- sb.append(" : ");
- sb.append(" [");
- IRegion region = link.getHyperlinkRegion();
- sb.append(viewer.getDocument().get(region.getOffset(), region.getLength()));
- sb.append("]");
- if (link instanceof Hyperlinks.ResourceLink) {
- Hyperlinks.ResourceLink resourceLink = (ResourceLink) link;
- sb.append("\n ");
- ResourceFile resourceFile = resourceLink.getFile();
- String desc = resourceFile.toString();
- desc = desc.replace('\\', '/');
- // For files in the SDK folder, strip out file prefix
- int dataRes = desc.indexOf("data/res");
- if (dataRes != -1) {
- desc = desc.substring(dataRes);
- }
- desc = removeSessionData(desc);
- sb.append(desc);
- }
- sb.append('\n');
- }
- // Open the first link
- IHyperlink link = links[0];
- link.open();
- IEditorPart newEditor = AdtUtils.getActiveEditor();
- // Ensure that this isn't an invalid file (e.g. opening the SDK platform files
- // with incorrect content binding could cause this)
- assertTrue(!(newEditor instanceof ErrorEditorPart));
- IDocument document = null;
- Point selection = null;
- if (newEditor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor) {
- AndroidXmlEditor xmlEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) newEditor;
- document = xmlEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer().getDocument();
- selection = xmlEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer().getSelectedRange();
- } else if (newEditor instanceof XMLMultiPageEditorPart) {
- XMLMultiPageEditorPart xmlEditor = (XMLMultiPageEditorPart) newEditor;
- Field field = xmlEditor.getClass().getDeclaredField("fTextEditor");
- field.setAccessible(true);
- StructuredTextEditor ste = (StructuredTextEditor) field.get(newEditor);
- if (ste == null) {
- Method method = xmlEditor.getClass().getMethod("getTextEditor", new Class[0]);
- ste = (StructuredTextEditor) method.invoke(newEditor, new Object[0]);
- }
- StructuredTextViewer textViewer = ste.getTextViewer();
- document = textViewer.getDocument();
- selection = textViewer.getSelectedRange();
- } else if (newEditor instanceof WebBrowserEditor) {
- WebBrowserEditor browser = (WebBrowserEditor) newEditor;
- Field field = browser.getClass().getDeclaredField("initialURL");
- field.setAccessible(true);
- String initialUrl = (String) field.get(newEditor);
- int index = initialUrl.indexOf("reference");
- if (index != -1) {
- initialUrl = initialUrl.substring(index);
- }
- initialUrl = initialUrl.replace('\\', '/');
- sb.append("\n\nAfter open, a browser is shown with this URL:\n");
- sb.append(" ");
- sb.append(initialUrl);
- sb.append("\n");
- } else if (newEditor instanceof JavaEditor) {
- JavaEditor javaEditor = (JavaEditor) newEditor;
- document = javaEditor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(javaEditor.getEditorInput());
- IRegion range = javaEditor.getHighlightRange();
- selection = new Point(range.getOffset(), range.getLength());
- } else {
- fail("Unhandled editor type: " + newEditor.getClass().getName());
- return;
- }
- if (document != null && selection != null) {
- int lineStart = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(selection.x).getOffset();
- IRegion lineEndInfo = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(selection.x + selection.y);
- int lineEnd = lineEndInfo.getOffset() + lineEndInfo.getLength();
- String text = document.get(lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart);
- int selectionStart = selection.x - lineStart;
- int selectionEnd = selectionStart + selection.y;
- if (selectionEnd > selectionStart) {
- // Selection range
- text = text.substring(0, selectionStart) + "[^" +
- text.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd) + "]" +
- text.substring(selectionEnd);
- } else {
- text = text.substring(0, selectionStart) + "^" +
- text.substring(selectionStart);
- }
- text = removeSessionData(text);
- sb.append("\n\nAfter open, the selected text is:\n");
- sb.append(text);
- sb.append("\n");
- }
- assertEqualsGolden(basename, sb.toString(), "txt");
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/formatting/EclipseXmlPrettyPrinterTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/formatting/EclipseXmlPrettyPrinterTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ac5fd0196..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/formatting/EclipseXmlPrettyPrinterTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,978 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.formatting;
-import com.android.ide.common.xml.XmlFormatStyle;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.gle2.DomUtilities;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.preferences.AdtPrefs;
-import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceStore;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-import org.w3c.dom.Node;
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
- "javadoc", "restriction"
-public class EclipseXmlPrettyPrinterTest extends TestCase {
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- PreferenceStore store = new PreferenceStore();
- AdtPrefs.init(store);
- AdtPrefs prefs = AdtPrefs.getPrefs();
- prefs.initializeStoreWithDefaults(store);
- prefs.loadValues(null);
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences formatPrefs = EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create();
- assertTrue(formatPrefs.oneAttributeOnFirstLine);
- }
- private void checkFormat(EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs, String baseLocation,
- String xml,
- String expected, String delimiter, String startNodeName,
- boolean openTagOnly, String endNodeName) throws Exception {
- IStructuredModel model = DomUtilities.createStructuredModel(xml);
- assertNotNull(model);
- model.setBaseLocation(baseLocation);
- Document document = null;
- if (model instanceof IDOMModel) {
- IDOMModel domModel = (IDOMModel) model;
- document = domModel.getDocument();
- } else {
- fail("Can't get DOM model");
- return;
- }
- XmlFormatStyle style = AndroidXmlFormattingStrategy.guessStyle(model, document);
- EclipseXmlPrettyPrinter printer = new EclipseXmlPrettyPrinter(prefs, style, delimiter);
- printer.setEndWithNewline(xml.endsWith("\n"));
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000);
- Node startNode = document;
- Node endNode = document;
- if (startNodeName != null) {
- startNode = findNode(document.getDocumentElement(), startNodeName);
- }
- if (endNodeName != null) {
- endNode = findNode(document.getDocumentElement(), endNodeName);
- }
- printer.prettyPrint(-1, document, startNode, endNode, sb, false/*openTagOnly*/);
- String formatted = sb.toString();
- if (!expected.equals(formatted)) {
- System.out.println(formatted);
- }
- assertEquals(expected, formatted);
- }
- private Node findNode(Node node, String nodeName) {
- if (node.getNodeName().equals(nodeName)) {
- return node;
- }
- NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
- for (int i = 0, n = children.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
- Node child = children.item(i);
- Node result = findNode(child, nodeName);
- if (result != null) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected int getCaretOffset(String fileContent, String caretLocation) {
- int caretDelta = caretLocation.indexOf("^"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertTrue(caretLocation, caretDelta != -1);
- String caretContext = caretLocation.substring(0, caretDelta)
- + caretLocation.substring(caretDelta + 1); // +1: skip "^"
- int caretContextIndex = fileContent.indexOf(caretContext);
- assertTrue("Caret content " + caretContext + " not found in file",
- caretContextIndex != -1);
- return caretContextIndex + caretDelta;
- }
- private void checkFormat(EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs, String baseLocation, String xml,
- String expected, String delimiter) throws Exception {
- checkFormat(prefs, baseLocation, xml, expected, delimiter, null, false, null);
- }
- private void checkFormat(EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs, String baseLocation, String xml,
- String expected) throws Exception {
- checkFormat(prefs, baseLocation, xml, expected, "\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- private void checkFormat(String baseLocation, String xml, String expected)
- throws Exception {
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs = EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create();
- checkFormat(prefs, baseLocation, xml, expected);
- }
- public void testLayout1() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/layout-port/layout1.xml",
- "<LinearLayout><Button></Button></LinearLayout>",
- "<LinearLayout>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <Button>\n" +
- " </Button>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</LinearLayout>");
- }
- public void testLayout2() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/layout-port/layout2.xml",
- "<LinearLayout><Button foo=\"bar\"></Button></LinearLayout>",
- "<LinearLayout>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <Button foo=\"bar\" >\n" +
- " </Button>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</LinearLayout>");
- }
- public void testLayout3() throws Exception {
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs = EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create();
- prefs.oneAttributeOnFirstLine = true;
- checkFormat(
- prefs, "res/layout-land/layout3.xml",
- "<LinearLayout><Button foo=\"bar\"></Button></LinearLayout>",
- "<LinearLayout>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <Button foo=\"bar\" >\n" +
- " </Button>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</LinearLayout>");
- }
- public void testClosedElements() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/strings.xml",
- "<resources>\n" +
- "<item name=\"title_container\" type=\"id\" />\n" +
- "<item name=\"title_logo\" type=\"id\"/>\n" +
- "</resources>\n",
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <item name=\"title_container\" type=\"id\"/>\n" +
- " <item name=\"title_logo\" type=\"id\"/>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>\n");
- }
- public void testResources() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values-us/strings.xml",
- "<resources><item name=\"foo\">Text value here </item></resources>",
- "<resources>\n\n" +
- " <item name=\"foo\">Text value here </item>\n" +
- "\n</resources>");
- }
- public void testNodeTypes() throws Exception {
- // Ensures that a document with all kinds of node types is serialized correctly
- checkFormat(
- "res/layout-xlarge/layout.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<!--\n" +
- "/**\n" +
- " * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n" +
- " */\n" +
- "-->\n" +
- "<!DOCTYPE metadata [\n" +
- "<!ELEMENT metadata (category)*>\n" +
- "<!ENTITY % ISOLat2\n" +
- " SYSTEM \"http://www.xml.com/iso/isolat2-xml.entities\" >\n" +
- "]>\n" +
- "<LinearLayout\n" +
- " xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " android:orientation=\"vertical\">\n" +
- "<![CDATA[\n" +
- "This is character data!\n" +
- "<!-- This is not a comment! -->\n" +
- "and <this is not an element>\n" +
- "]]> \n" +
- "This is text: &lt; and &amp;\n" +
- "<!-- comment 1 \"test\"... -->\n" +
- "<!-- ... comment2 -->\n" +
- "%ISOLat2; \n" +
- "<!-- \n" +
- "Type <key>less-than</key> (&#x3C;)\n" +
- "--> \n" +
- "</LinearLayout>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<!--\n" +
- "/**\n" +
- " * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n" +
- " */\n" +
- "-->\n" +
- "<!DOCTYPE metadata [\n" +
- "<!ELEMENT metadata (category)*>\n" +
- "<!ENTITY % ISOLat2\n" +
- " SYSTEM \"http://www.xml.com/iso/isolat2-xml.entities\" >\n" +
- "]>\n" +
- "<LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " android:orientation=\"vertical\" >\n" +
- "<![CDATA[\n" +
- "This is character data!\n" +
- "<!-- This is not a comment! -->\n" +
- "and <this is not an element>\n" +
- "]]>\n" +
- "This is text: &lt; and &amp;\n" +
- " <!-- comment 1 \"test\"... -->\n" +
- " <!-- ... comment2 -->\n" +
- "%ISOLat2; \n" +
- "<!-- Type <key>less-than</key> (&#x3C;) -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</LinearLayout>");
- }
- public void testWindowsDelimiters() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create(), "res/layout-xlarge/layout.xml",
- "<LinearLayout><Button foo=\"bar\"></Button></LinearLayout>",
- "<LinearLayout>\r\n" +
- "\r\n" +
- " <Button foo=\"bar\" >\r\n" +
- " </Button>\r\n" +
- "\r\n" +
- "</LinearLayout>",
- "\r\n");
- }
- public void testRemoveBlanklines() throws Exception {
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs = EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create();
- prefs.removeEmptyLines = true;
- checkFormat(
- prefs, "res/layout-xlarge/layout.xml",
- "<foo><bar><baz1></baz1><baz2></baz2></bar><bar2></bar2><bar3><baz12></baz12></bar3></foo>",
- "<foo>\n" +
- " <bar>\n" +
- " <baz1>\n" +
- " </baz1>\n" +
- " <baz2>\n" +
- " </baz2>\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- " <bar2>\n" +
- " </bar2>\n" +
- " <bar3>\n" +
- " <baz12>\n" +
- " </baz12>\n" +
- " </bar3>\n" +
- "</foo>");
- }
- public void testRange() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create(), "res/layout-xlarge/layout.xml",
- "<LinearLayout><Button foo=\"bar\"></Button><CheckBox/></LinearLayout>",
- "\n" +
- " <Button foo=\"bar\" >\n" +
- " </Button>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <CheckBox />\n",
- "\n",
- "Button", false, "CheckBox");
- }
- public void testOpenTagOnly() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create(), "res/layout-xlarge/layout.xml",
- "<LinearLayout><Button foo=\"bar\"></Button><CheckBox/></LinearLayout>",
- "\n" +
- " <Button foo=\"bar\" >\n" +
- " </Button>\n",
- "\n",
- "Button", true, "Button");
- }
- public void testRange2() throws Exception {
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs = EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create();
- prefs.removeEmptyLines = true;
- checkFormat(
- prefs, "res/layout-xlarge/layout.xml",
- "<foo><bar><baz1></baz1><baz2></baz2></bar><bar2></bar2><bar3><baz12></baz12></bar3></foo>",
- " <baz1>\n" +
- " </baz1>\n" +
- " <baz2>\n" +
- " </baz2>\n" +
- " </bar>\n" +
- " <bar2>\n" +
- " </bar2>\n" +
- " <bar3>\n" +
- " <baz12>\n" +
- " </baz12>\n",
- "\n",
- "baz1", false, "baz12");
- }
- public void testEOLcomments() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/drawable-mdpi/states.xml",
- "<selector xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\">\n" +
- " <item android:state_pressed=\"true\"\n" +
- " android:color=\"#ffff0000\"/> <!-- pressed -->\n" +
- " <item android:state_focused=\"true\"\n" +
- " android:color=\"#ff0000ff\"/> <!-- focused -->\n" +
- " <item android:color=\"#ff000000\"/> <!-- default -->\n" +
- "</selector>",
- "<selector xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\">\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <item android:state_pressed=\"true\" android:color=\"#ffff0000\"/> <!-- pressed -->\n" +
- " <item android:state_focused=\"true\" android:color=\"#ff0000ff\"/> <!-- focused -->\n" +
- " <item android:color=\"#ff000000\"/> <!-- default -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</selector>");
- }
- public void testFormatColorList() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/drawable-hdpi/states.xml",
- "<selector xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\">\n" +
- "<item android:state_activated=\"true\" android:color=\"#FFFFFF\"/>\n" +
- "<item android:color=\"#777777\" /> <!-- not selected -->\n" +
- "</selector>",
- "<selector xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\">\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <item android:state_activated=\"true\" android:color=\"#FFFFFF\"/>\n" +
- " <item android:color=\"#777777\"/> <!-- not selected -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</selector>");
- }
- public void testPreserveNewlineAfterComment() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/dimen.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources><dimen name=\"colorstrip_height\">6dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <!-- comment1 --><dimen name=\"title_height\">45dip</dimen>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- comment2: newline above --><dimen name=\"now_playing_height\">90dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_small\">14sp</dimen>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- comment3: newline above and below -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_medium\">18sp</dimen><dimen name=\"text_size_large\">22sp</dimen>\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"colorstrip_height\">6dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <!-- comment1 -->\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"title_height\">45dip</dimen>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- comment2: newline above -->\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"now_playing_height\">90dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_small\">14sp</dimen>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- comment3: newline above and below -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_medium\">18sp</dimen>\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_large\">22sp</dimen>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testPlurals() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values-us/strings.xml",
- "<resources xmlns:xliff=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2\">\n" +
- "<string name=\"toast_sync_error\">Sync error: <xliff:g id=\"error\">%1$s</xliff:g></string>\n" +
- "<string name=\"session_subtitle\"><xliff:g id=\"time\">%1$s</xliff:g> in <xliff:g id=\"room\">%2$s</xliff:g></string>\n" +
- "<plurals name=\"now_playing_countdown\">\n" +
- "<item quantity=\"zero\"><xliff:g id=\"remaining_time\">%2$s</xliff:g></item>\n" +
- "<item quantity=\"one\"><xliff:g id=\"number_of_days\">%1$s</xliff:g> day, <xliff:g id=\"remaining_time\">%2$s</xliff:g></item>\n" +
- "<item quantity=\"other\"><xliff:g id=\"number_of_days\">%1$s</xliff:g> days, <xliff:g id=\"remaining_time\">%2$s</xliff:g></item>\n" +
- "</plurals>\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<resources xmlns:xliff=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2\">\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"toast_sync_error\">Sync error: <xliff:g id=\"error\">%1$s</xliff:g></string>\n" +
- " <string name=\"session_subtitle\"><xliff:g id=\"time\">%1$s</xliff:g> in <xliff:g id=\"room\">%2$s</xliff:g></string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <plurals name=\"now_playing_countdown\">\n" +
- " <item quantity=\"zero\"><xliff:g id=\"remaining_time\">%2$s</xliff:g></item>\n" +
- " <item quantity=\"one\"><xliff:g id=\"number_of_days\">%1$s</xliff:g> day, <xliff:g id=\"remaining_time\">%2$s</xliff:g></item>\n" +
- " <item quantity=\"other\"><xliff:g id=\"number_of_days\">%1$s</xliff:g> days, <xliff:g id=\"remaining_time\">%2$s</xliff:g></item>\n" +
- " </plurals>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testMultiAttributeResource() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values-us/strings.xml",
- "<resources><string name=\"debug_enable_debug_logging_label\" translatable=\"false\">Enable extra debug logging?</string></resources>",
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"debug_enable_debug_logging_label\" translatable=\"false\">Enable extra debug logging?</string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testMultilineCommentAlignment() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values-us/strings.xml",
- "<resources>" +
- " <!-- Deprecated strings - Move the identifiers to this section, mark as DO NOT TRANSLATE,\n" +
- " and remove the actual text. These will be removed in a bulk operation. -->\n" +
- " <!-- Do Not Translate. Unused string. -->\n" +
- " <string name=\"meeting_invitation\"></string>\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!--\n" +
- " Deprecated strings - Move the identifiers to this section, mark as DO NOT TRANSLATE,\n" +
- " and remove the actual text. These will be removed in a bulk operation.\n" +
- " -->\n" +
- " <!-- Do Not Translate. Unused string. -->\n" +
- " <string name=\"meeting_invitation\"></string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testLineCommentSpacing() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values-us/strings.xml",
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"colorstrip_height\">6dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <!-- comment1 -->\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"title_height\">45dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <!-- comment2: no newlines -->\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"now_playing_height\">90dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_small\">14sp</dimen>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- comment3: newline above and below -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_medium\">18sp</dimen>\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_large\">22sp</dimen>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"colorstrip_height\">6dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <!-- comment1 -->\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"title_height\">45dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <!-- comment2: no newlines -->\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"now_playing_height\">90dip</dimen>\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_small\">14sp</dimen>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- comment3: newline above and below -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_medium\">18sp</dimen>\n" +
- " <dimen name=\"text_size_large\">22sp</dimen>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testCommentHandling() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create(), "res/layout/layout1.xml",
- "<foo >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- abc\n" +
- " def\n" +
- " ghi -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- abc\n" +
- " def\n" +
- " ghi -->\n" +
- " \n" +
- "<!-- abc\n" +
- "def\n" +
- "ghi -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</foo>",
- "<foo>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!--\n" +
- " abc\n" +
- " def\n" +
- " ghi\n" +
- " -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!--\n" +
- " abc\n" +
- " def\n" +
- " ghi\n" +
- " -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!--\n" +
- "abc\n" +
- "def\n" +
- "ghi\n" +
- " -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</foo>");
- }
- public void testCommentHandling2() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create(), "res/layout-xlarge/layout.xml",
- "<foo >\n" +
- " <!-- multi -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <bar />\n" +
- "</foo>",
- "<foo>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- multi -->\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <bar />\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</foo>");
- }
- public void testMenus1() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create(), "res/menu/menu1.xml",
- // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=21383
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<menu xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\" >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/menu_debug\"\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_more\"\n" +
- " android:showAsAction=\"ifRoom|withText\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/menu_debug\">\n" +
- " \n" +
- " <menu>\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/menu_debug_clearCache_memory\"\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_delete\"\n" +
- " android:showAsAction=\"ifRoom|withText\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/menu_debug_clearCache_memory\"/>\n" +
- " \n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/menu_debug_clearCache_file\"\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_delete\"\n" +
- " android:showAsAction=\"ifRoom|withText\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/menu_debug_clearCache_file\"/>\n" +
- " </menu>\n" +
- " </item>\n" +
- "</menu>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<menu xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\" >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/menu_debug\"\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_more\"\n" +
- " android:showAsAction=\"ifRoom|withText\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/menu_debug\">\n" +
- " <menu>\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/menu_debug_clearCache_memory\"\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_delete\"\n" +
- " android:showAsAction=\"ifRoom|withText\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/menu_debug_clearCache_memory\"/>\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/menu_debug_clearCache_file\"\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_delete\"\n" +
- " android:showAsAction=\"ifRoom|withText\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/menu_debug_clearCache_file\"/>\n" +
- " </menu>\n" +
- " </item>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</menu>");
- }
- public void testMenus2() throws Exception {
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs = EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create();
- prefs.removeEmptyLines = true;
- checkFormat(
- prefs, "res/drawable-hdpi/layerlist.xml",
- // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=21346
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<layer-list xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\">\n" +
- " <item>\n" +
- " <shape android:shape=\"rectangle\">\n" +
- " <stroke\n" +
- " android:width=\"1dip\"\n" +
- " android:color=\"@color/line_separator\"/>\n" +
- " <solid android:color=\"@color/event_header_background\"/>\n" +
- " </shape>\n" +
- " </item>\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:bottom=\"1dip\"\n" +
- " android:top=\"1dip\">\n" +
- " <shape android:shape=\"rectangle\">\n" +
- " <stroke\n" +
- " android:width=\"1dip\"\n" +
- " android:color=\"@color/event_header_background\"/>\n" +
- " <solid android:color=\"@color/transparent\"/>\n" +
- " </shape>\n" +
- " </item>\n" +
- "</layer-list>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<layer-list xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\" >\n" +
- " <item>\n" +
- " <shape android:shape=\"rectangle\" >\n" +
- " <stroke\n" +
- " android:width=\"1dip\"\n" +
- " android:color=\"@color/line_separator\" />\n" +
- " <solid android:color=\"@color/event_header_background\" />\n" +
- " </shape>\n" +
- " </item>\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:bottom=\"1dip\"\n" +
- " android:top=\"1dip\">\n" +
- " <shape android:shape=\"rectangle\" >\n" +
- " <stroke\n" +
- " android:width=\"1dip\"\n" +
- " android:color=\"@color/event_header_background\" />\n" +
- " <solid android:color=\"@color/transparent\" />\n" +
- " </shape>\n" +
- " </item>\n" +
- "</layer-list>");
- }
- public void testMenus3() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create(), "res/menu/menu1.xml",
- // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=21227
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<menu xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\" >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_more\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/account_list_menu_more\">\n" +
- " <menu>\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/account_list_menu_backup_restore\"\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_save\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/account_list_menu_backup_restore\"/>\n" +
- " </menu>\n" +
- " </item>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</menu>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<menu xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\" >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_more\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/account_list_menu_more\">\n" +
- " <menu>\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/account_list_menu_backup_restore\"\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@android:drawable/ic_menu_save\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/account_list_menu_backup_restore\"/>\n" +
- " </menu>\n" +
- " </item>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</menu>");
- }
- public void testColors1() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences.create(), "res/values/colors.xml",
- "<resources>\n" +
- " <color name=\"enrollment_error\">#99e21f14</color>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <color name=\"service_starting_up\">#99000000</color>\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <color name=\"enrollment_error\">#99e21f14</color>\n" +
- " <color name=\"service_starting_up\">#99000000</color>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testEclipseFormatStyle1() throws Exception {
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs = new EclipseXmlFormatPreferences() {
- @Override
- public String getOneIndentUnit() {
- return "\t";
- }
- @Override
- public int getTabWidth() {
- return 8;
- }
- };
- checkFormat(
- prefs, "res/values/colors.xml",
- "<resources>\n" +
- " <color name=\"enrollment_error\">#99e21f14</color>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <color name=\"service_starting_up\">#99000000</color>\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\t<color name=\"enrollment_error\">#99e21f14</color>\n" +
- "\t<color name=\"service_starting_up\">#99000000</color>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testEclipseFormatStyle2() throws Exception {
- EclipseXmlFormatPreferences prefs = new EclipseXmlFormatPreferences() {
- @Override
- public String getOneIndentUnit() {
- return " ";
- }
- @Override
- public int getTabWidth() {
- return 2;
- }
- };
- prefs.useEclipseIndent = true;
- checkFormat(
- prefs, "res/values/colors.xml",
- "<resources>\n" +
- " <color name=\"enrollment_error\">#99e21f14</color>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <color name=\"service_starting_up\">#99000000</color>\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <color name=\"enrollment_error\">#99e21f14</color>\n" +
- " <color name=\"service_starting_up\">#99000000</color>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testNameSorting() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/dimen.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- " <attr format=\"integer\" name=\"no\" />\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <attr name=\"no\" format=\"integer\" />\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testStableText() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/layout/stable.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:orientation=\"vertical\">\n" +
- " Hello World\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</LinearLayout>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:orientation=\"vertical\" >\n" +
- " Hello World\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</LinearLayout>");
- }
- public void testResources1() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/strings.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"test_string\">a\n" +
- " </string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"test_string\">a</string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testMarkup() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/strings.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "<string name=\"welcome\">Welcome to <b>Android</b>!</string>" +
- "<string name=\"glob_settings_top_text\"><b>To install a 24 Clock Widget, " +
- "please <i>long press</i> in Home Screen.</b> Configure the Global Settings " +
- "here.</string>" +
- "" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"welcome\">Welcome to <b>Android</b>!</string>\n" +
- " <string name=\"glob_settings_top_text\"><b>To install a 24 Clock Widget, " +
- "please <i>long press</i> in Home Screen.</b> Configure the Global Settings " +
- "here.</string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testPreserveEntities() throws Exception {
- // Ensure that entities such as &gt; in the input string are preserved in the output
- // format
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/strings.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources><string name=\"untitled\">&lt;untitled2></string>\n" +
- "<string name=\"untitled2\">&lt;untitled2&gt;</string>\n" +
- "<string name=\"untitled3\">&apos;untitled3&quot;</string></resources>\n",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"untitled\">&lt;untitled2></string>\n" +
- " <string name=\"untitled2\">&lt;untitled2&gt;</string>\n" +
- " <string name=\"untitled3\">&apos;untitled3&quot;</string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>\n");
- }
- public void testCData1() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/strings.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- " <string name=\"foo\"><![CDATA[bar]]></string>\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"foo\"><![CDATA[bar]]></string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testCData2() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/strings.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- " <string name=\"foo1\"><![CDATA[bar1\n" +
- "bar2\n" +
- "bar3]]></string>\n" +
- " <string name=\"foo2\"><![CDATA[bar]]></string>\n" +
- "</resources>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"foo1\">\n" +
- "<![CDATA[bar1\n" +
- "bar2\n" +
- "bar3]]>\n" +
- " </string>\n" +
- " <string name=\"foo2\"><![CDATA[bar]]></string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void testComplexString() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/strings.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "<string name=\"progress_completed_export_all\">The database has " +
- "<b>successfully</b> been exported into: <br /><br /><font size=\"14\">" +
- "\\\"<i>%s</i>\\\"</font></string>" +
- "</resources>",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"progress_completed_export_all\">The database has " +
- "<b>successfully</b> been exported into: <br /><br /><font size=\"14\">" +
- "\\\"<i>%s</i>\\\"</font></string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>");
- }
- public void test52887() throws Exception {
- // https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=52887
- checkFormat(
- "res/layout/relative.xml",
- "<!--Comment-->\n" +
- "<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"/>\n",
- "<!-- Comment -->\n" +
- "<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\" />\n");
- }
- public void testPreserveLastNewline() throws Exception {
- checkFormat(
- "res/values/strings.xml",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "<string name=\"progress_completed_export_all\">The database has " +
- "<b>successfully</b> been exported into: <br /><br /><font size=\"14\">" +
- "\\\"<i>%s</i>\\\"</font></string>" +
- "</resources>\n",
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"progress_completed_export_all\">The database has " +
- "<b>successfully</b> been exported into: <br /><br /><font size=\"14\">" +
- "\\\"<i>%s</i>\\\"</font></string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>\n");
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/gle2/LayoutMetadataTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/gle2/LayoutMetadataTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c71064eba..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/gle2/LayoutMetadataTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.gle2;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.ATTR_ID;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.ID_PREFIX;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.NEW_ID_PREFIX;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.TOOLS_PREFIX;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.TOOLS_URI;
-import com.android.ide.common.layout.BaseLayoutRule;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.AndroidXmlEditor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.uimodel.UiElementNode;
-import com.android.utils.Pair;
-import com.android.utils.XmlUtils;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IndexedRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocument;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import org.w3c.dom.Node;
- *
- */
-@SuppressWarnings({"restriction", "javadoc", "deprecation"}) // XML DOM model
-public class LayoutMetadataTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- public void testMetadata1() throws Exception {
- Pair<IDocument, UiElementNode> pair = getNode("metadata.xml", "listView1");
- UiElementNode uiNode = pair.getSecond();
- Node node = uiNode.getXmlNode();
- assertNull(LayoutMetadata.getProperty(node, "foo"));
- Element element = (Element) node;
- String prefix = XmlUtils.lookupNamespacePrefix(element, TOOLS_URI, null, false);
- if (prefix == null) {
- // Add in new prefix...
- prefix = XmlUtils.lookupNamespacePrefix(element,
- }
- element.setAttribute(prefix + ':' + "foo", "bar");
- }
- // ==== Test utilities ====
- private static String getText(IDocument document, Node node) throws Exception {
- IndexedRegion region = (IndexedRegion) node;
- // This often returns the wrong value:
- //int length = region.getLength();
- int length = region.getEndOffset() - region.getStartOffset();
- return document.get(region.getStartOffset(), length);
- }
- private Pair<IDocument, UiElementNode> getNode(String filename, String targetId)
- throws Exception, PartInitException {
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), filename);
- AdtPlugin.openFile(file, null);
- IEditorPart newEditor = AdtUtils.getActiveEditor();
- assertTrue(newEditor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor xmlEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) newEditor;
- IStructuredDocument document = xmlEditor.getStructuredDocument();
- UiElementNode root = xmlEditor.getUiRootNode();
- assertNotNull(root);
- UiElementNode node = findById(root, targetId);
- assertNotNull(node);
- Pair<IDocument, UiElementNode> pair = Pair.<IDocument, UiElementNode>of(document, node);
- return pair;
- }
- private static UiElementNode findById(UiElementNode node, String targetId) {
- assertFalse(targetId.startsWith(NEW_ID_PREFIX));
- assertFalse(targetId.startsWith(ID_PREFIX));
- String id = node.getAttributeValue(ATTR_ID);
- if (id != null && targetId.equals(BaseLayoutRule.stripIdPrefix(id))) {
- return node;
- }
- for (UiElementNode child : node.getUiChildren()) {
- UiElementNode result = findById(child, targetId);
- if (result != null) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/AdtProjectTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/AdtProjectTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c48ccdad..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/AdtProjectTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES_LAYOUT;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES_VALUES;
-import com.android.ide.common.sdk.LoadStatus;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.common.CommonXmlEditor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.descriptors.AttributeDescriptor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.descriptors.ElementDescriptor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.LayoutEditorDelegate;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.descriptors.LayoutDescriptors;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.descriptors.ViewElementDescriptor;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.uimodel.UiViewElementNode;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.uimodel.UiDocumentNode;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.preferences.AdtPrefs;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.BaseProjectHelper;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.AndroidTargetData;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.Sdk;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newproject.NewProjectCreator;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newproject.NewProjectWizardState;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newproject.NewProjectWizardState.Mode;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.SdkLoadingTestCase;
-import com.android.sdklib.IAndroidTarget;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
-import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableContext;
-import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer;
-import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocument;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-@SuppressWarnings({"restriction", "javadoc"})
-public abstract class AdtProjectTest extends SdkLoadingTestCase {
- private static final int TARGET_API_LEVEL = 16;
- public static final String TEST_PROJECT_PACKAGE = "com.android.eclipse.tests"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final long TESTS_START_TIME = System.currentTimeMillis();
- private static final String PROJECTNAME_PREFIX = "testproject-";
- /**
- * We don't stash the project used by each test case as a field such that test cases
- * can share a single project instance (which is typically much faster).
- * However, see {@link #getProjectName()} for exceptions to this sharing scheme.
- */
- private static Map<String, IProject> sProjectMap = new HashMap<String, IProject>();
- @Override
- protected String getTestDataRelPath() {
- return "eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/"
- + "internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata";
- }
- @Override
- protected InputStream getTestResource(String relativePath, boolean expectExists) {
- String path = "testdata" + File.separator + relativePath; //$NON-NLS-1$
- InputStream stream =
- AdtProjectTest.class.getResourceAsStream(path);
- if (!expectExists && stream == null) {
- return null;
- }
- return stream;
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- // Prevent preview icon computation during plugin test to make test faster
- if (AdtPlugin.getDefault() == null) {
- fail("This test must be run as an Eclipse plugin test, not a plain JUnit test!");
- }
- AdtPrefs.getPrefs().setPaletteModes("ICON_TEXT"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- getProject();
- Sdk current = Sdk.getCurrent();
- assertNotNull(current);
- LoadStatus sdkStatus = AdtPlugin.getDefault().getSdkLoadStatus();
- assertSame(LoadStatus.LOADED, sdkStatus);
- IAndroidTarget target = current.getTarget(getProject());
- IJavaProject javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(getProject());
- assertNotNull(javaProject);
- int iterations = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (iterations == 100) {
- fail("Couldn't load target; ran out of time");
- }
- LoadStatus status = current.checkAndLoadTargetData(target, javaProject);
- if (status == LoadStatus.FAILED) {
- fail("Couldn't load target " + target);
- }
- if (status != LoadStatus.LOADING) {
- break;
- }
- Thread.sleep(250);
- iterations++;
- }
- AndroidTargetData targetData = current.getTargetData(target);
- assertNotNull(targetData);
- LayoutDescriptors layoutDescriptors = targetData.getLayoutDescriptors();
- assertNotNull(layoutDescriptors);
- List<ViewElementDescriptor> viewDescriptors = layoutDescriptors.getViewDescriptors();
- assertNotNull(viewDescriptors);
- assertTrue(viewDescriptors.size() > 0);
- List<ViewElementDescriptor> layoutParamDescriptors =
- layoutDescriptors.getLayoutDescriptors();
- assertNotNull(layoutParamDescriptors);
- assertTrue(layoutParamDescriptors.size() > 0);
- }
- /** Set to true if the subclass test case should use a per-instance project rather
- * than a shared project. This is needed by projects which modify the project in such
- * a way that it affects what other tests see (for example, the quickfix resource creation
- * tests will add in new resources, which the code completion tests will then list as
- * possible matches if the code completion test is run after the quickfix test.)
- * @return true to create a per-instance project instead of the default shared project
- */
- protected boolean testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() {
- return false;
- }
- protected boolean testNeedsUniqueProject() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean validateSdk(IAndroidTarget target) {
- // Not quite working yet. When enabled will make tests run faster.
- //if (target.getVersion().getApiLevel() < TARGET_API_LEVEL) {
- // return false;
- //}
- return true;
- }
- /** Returns a name to use for the project used in this test. Subclasses do not need to
- * override this if they can share a project with others - which is the case if they do
- * not modify the project in a way that does not affect other tests. For example
- * the resource quickfix test will create new resources which affect what shows up
- * in the code completion results, so the quickfix tests will override this method
- * to produce a unique project for its own tests.
- */
- private String getProjectName() {
- if (testNeedsUniqueProject()) {
- return PROJECTNAME_PREFIX + getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + getName();
- } else if (testCaseNeedsUniqueProject()) {
- return PROJECTNAME_PREFIX + getClass().getSimpleName();
- } else {
- }
- }
- protected IProject getProject() {
- String projectName = getProjectName();
- IProject project = sProjectMap.get(projectName);
- if (project == null) {
- project = createProject(projectName);
- assertNotNull(project);
- sProjectMap.put(projectName, project);
- }
- if (!testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() && !testNeedsUniqueProject()) {
- addCleanupDir(AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project).toFile());
- }
- addCleanupDir(project.getFullPath().toFile());
- return project;
- }
- protected IFile getTestDataFile(IProject project, String name) throws Exception {
- return getTestDataFile(project, name, name);
- }
- protected IFile getLayoutFile(IProject project, String name) throws Exception {
- return getTestDataFile(project, name, FD_RES + "/" + FD_RES_LAYOUT + "/" + name);
- }
- protected IFile getValueFile(IProject project, String name) throws Exception {
- return getTestDataFile(project, name, FD_RES + "/" + FD_RES_VALUES + "/" + name);
- }
- protected IFile getTestDataFile(IProject project, String sourceName,
- String destPath) throws Exception {
- return getTestDataFile(project, sourceName, destPath, false);
- }
- protected IFile getTestDataFile(IProject project, String sourceName,
- String destPath, boolean overwrite) throws Exception {
- String[] split = destPath.split("/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IContainer parent;
- String name;
- if (split.length == 1) {
- parent = project;
- name = destPath;
- } else {
- IFolder folder = project.getFolder(split[0]);
- NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
- if (!folder.exists()) {
- folder.create(true /* force */, true /* local */, monitor);
- }
- for (int i = 1, n = split.length; i < n -1; i++) {
- IFolder subFolder = folder.getFolder(split[i]);
- if (!subFolder.exists()) {
- subFolder.create(true /* force */, true /* local */, monitor);
- }
- folder = subFolder;
- }
- name = split[split.length - 1];
- parent = folder;
- }
- IFile file = parent.getFile(new Path(name));
- if (overwrite && file.exists()) {
- String currentContents = AdtPlugin.readFile(file);
- String newContents = readTestFile(sourceName, true);
- if (currentContents == null || !currentContents.equals(newContents)) {
- file.delete(true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- } else {
- return file;
- }
- }
- if (!file.exists()) {
- String xml = readTestFile(sourceName, true);
- InputStream bstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
- file.create(bstream, false /* force */, monitor);
- }
- return file;
- }
- protected IProject createProject(String name) {
- IAndroidTarget target = null;
- IAndroidTarget[] targets = getSdk().getTargets();
- for (IAndroidTarget t : targets) {
- if (!t.isPlatform()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (t.getVersion().getApiLevel() >= TARGET_API_LEVEL) {
- target = t;
- break;
- }
- }
- assertNotNull(target);
- IRunnableContext context = new IRunnableContext() {
- @Override
- public void run(boolean fork, boolean cancelable, IRunnableWithProgress runnable)
- throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
- runnable.run(new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- };
- NewProjectWizardState state = new NewProjectWizardState(Mode.ANY);
- state.projectName = name;
- state.target = target;
- state.packageName = TEST_PROJECT_PACKAGE;
- state.activityName = name;
- state.applicationName = name;
- state.createActivity = false;
- state.useDefaultLocation = true;
- if (getMinSdk() != -1) {
- state.minSdk = Integer.toString(getMinSdk());
- }
- NewProjectCreator creator = new NewProjectCreator(state, context);
- creator.createAndroidProjects();
- return validateProjectExists(name);
- }
- protected int getMinSdk() {
- return -1;
- }
- public void createTestProject() {
- IAndroidTarget target = null;
- IAndroidTarget[] targets = getSdk().getTargets();
- for (IAndroidTarget t : targets) {
- if (t.getVersion().getApiLevel() >= TARGET_API_LEVEL) {
- target = t;
- break;
- }
- }
- assertNotNull(target);
- }
- protected static IProject validateProjectExists(String name) {
- IProject iproject = getProject(name);
- assertTrue(String.format("%s project not created", name), iproject.exists());
- assertTrue(String.format("%s project not opened", name), iproject.isOpen());
- return iproject;
- }
- private static IProject getProject(String name) {
- IProject iproject = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- return iproject;
- }
- protected int getCaretOffset(IFile file, String caretLocation) {
- assertTrue(caretLocation, caretLocation.contains("^"));
- String fileContent = AdtPlugin.readFile(file);
- return getCaretOffset(fileContent, caretLocation);
- }
- /**
- * If the given caret location string contains a selection range, select that range in
- * the given viewer
- *
- * @param viewer the viewer to contain the selection
- * @param caretLocation the location string
- */
- protected int updateCaret(ISourceViewer viewer, String caretLocation) {
- assertTrue(caretLocation, caretLocation.contains("^")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- int caretDelta = caretLocation.indexOf("^"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertTrue(caretLocation, caretDelta != -1);
- String text = viewer.getTextWidget().getText();
- int length = 0;
- // String around caret/range without the range and caret marker characters
- String caretContext;
- if (caretLocation.contains("[^")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
- caretDelta--;
- assertTrue(caretLocation, caretLocation.startsWith("[^", caretDelta)); //$NON-NLS-1$
- int caretRangeEnd = caretLocation.indexOf(']', caretDelta + 2);
- assertTrue(caretLocation, caretRangeEnd != -1);
- length = caretRangeEnd - caretDelta - 2;
- assertTrue(length > 0);
- caretContext = caretLocation.substring(0, caretDelta)
- + caretLocation.substring(caretDelta + 2, caretRangeEnd)
- + caretLocation.substring(caretRangeEnd + 1);
- } else {
- caretContext = caretLocation.substring(0, caretDelta)
- + caretLocation.substring(caretDelta + 1); // +1: skip "^"
- }
- int caretContextIndex = text.indexOf(caretContext);
- assertTrue("Caret content " + caretContext + " not found in file",
- caretContextIndex != -1);
- int offset = caretContextIndex + caretDelta;
- viewer.setSelectedRange(offset, length);
- return offset;
- }
- protected String addSelection(String newFileContents, Point selectedRange) {
- int selectionBegin = selectedRange.x;
- int selectionEnd = selectionBegin + selectedRange.y;
- return addSelection(newFileContents, selectionBegin, selectionEnd);
- }
- @Override
- protected String removeSessionData(String data) {
- data = super.removeSessionData(data);
- if (getProject() != null) {
- data = data.replace(getProject().getName(), "PROJECTNAME");
- }
- return data;
- }
- public static ViewElementDescriptor createDesc(String name, String fqn, boolean hasChildren) {
- if (hasChildren) {
- return new ViewElementDescriptor(name, name, fqn, "", "", new AttributeDescriptor[0],
- new AttributeDescriptor[0], new ElementDescriptor[1], false);
- } else {
- return new ViewElementDescriptor(name, fqn);
- }
- }
- public static UiViewElementNode createNode(UiViewElementNode parent, String fqn,
- boolean hasChildren) {
- String name = fqn.substring(fqn.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
- ViewElementDescriptor descriptor = createDesc(name, fqn, hasChildren);
- if (parent == null) {
- // All node hierarchies should be wrapped inside a document node at the root
- parent = new UiViewElementNode(createDesc("doc", "doc", true));
- }
- return (UiViewElementNode) parent.appendNewUiChild(descriptor);
- }
- public static UiViewElementNode createNode(String fqn, boolean hasChildren) {
- return createNode(null, fqn, hasChildren);
- }
- /** Special editor context set on the model to be rendered */
- protected static class TestLayoutEditorDelegate extends LayoutEditorDelegate {
- public TestLayoutEditorDelegate(
- IFile file,
- IStructuredDocument structuredDocument,
- UiDocumentNode uiRootNode) {
- super(new TestAndroidXmlCommonEditor(file, structuredDocument, uiRootNode));
- }
- static class TestAndroidXmlCommonEditor extends CommonXmlEditor {
- private final IFile mFile;
- private final IStructuredDocument mStructuredDocument;
- private UiDocumentNode mUiRootNode;
- TestAndroidXmlCommonEditor(
- IFile file,
- IStructuredDocument structuredDocument,
- UiDocumentNode uiRootNode) {
- mFile = file;
- mStructuredDocument = structuredDocument;
- mUiRootNode = uiRootNode;
- }
- @Override
- public IFile getInputFile() {
- return mFile;
- }
- @Override
- public IProject getProject() {
- return mFile.getProject();
- }
- @Override
- public IStructuredDocument getStructuredDocument() {
- return mStructuredDocument;
- }
- @Override
- public UiDocumentNode getUiRootNode() {
- return mUiRootNode;
- }
- @Override
- public void editorDirtyStateChanged() {
- }
- @Override
- public IStructuredModel getModelForRead() {
- IModelManager mm = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- if (mm != null) {
- try {
- return mm.getModelForRead(mFile);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- fail(e.toString());
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- public void testDummy() {
- // This class contains shared test functionality for testcase subclasses,
- // but without an actual test in the class JUnit complains (even if we make
- // it abstract)
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ChangeLayoutRefactoringTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ChangeLayoutRefactoringTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a716a75a3..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ChangeLayoutRefactoringTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FQCN_GRID_LAYOUT;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FQCN_LINEAR_LAYOUT;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FQCN_RELATIVE_LAYOUT;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.gle2.CanvasViewInfo;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ChangeLayoutRefactoringTest extends RefactoringTest {
- public void testChangeLayout1a() throws Exception {
- // Test a basic layout which performs some nesting -- tests basic grid layout conversion
- checkRefactoring("sample1a.xml", true);
- }
- public void testChangeLayout1b() throws Exception {
- // Same as 1a, but with different formatting to look for edit handling to for example
- // remove a line that is made empty when its only attribute is removed
- checkRefactoring("sample1b.xml", true);
- }
- public void testChangeLayout2() throws Exception {
- // Test code which analyzes an embedded RelativeLayout
- checkRefactoring("sample2.xml", true);
- }
- public void testChangeLayout3() throws Exception {
- // Test handling of LinearLayout "weight" attributes on its children: the child with
- // weight > 0 should fill and subsequent children attach on the bottom/right
- checkRefactoring("sample3.xml", true);
- }
- public void testChangeLayout4() throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring("sample4.xml", true);
- }
- public void testChangeLayout5() throws Exception {
- // Test handling of LinearLayout "gravity" attributes on its children
- checkRefactoring("sample5.xml", true);
- }
- public void testChangeLayout6() throws Exception {
- // Check handling of the LinearLayout "baseline" attribute
- checkRefactoring("sample6.xml", true);
- }
- public void testGridLayout1() throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring(FQCN_GRID_LAYOUT, "sample1a.xml", true);
- }
- public void testGridLayout2() throws Exception {
- // Test code which analyzes an embedded RelativeLayout
- checkRefactoring(FQCN_GRID_LAYOUT, "sample2.xml", true);
- }
- public void testGridLayout5() throws Exception {
- // Test handling of LinearLayout "gravity" attributes on its children
- checkRefactoring(FQCN_GRID_LAYOUT, "sample5.xml", true);
- }
- public void testConvertToGrid() throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring(FQCN_GRID_LAYOUT, "sample9.xml", true);
- }
- public void testConvertFromGrid() throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring(FQCN_LINEAR_LAYOUT, "sample10.xml", true);
- }
- private void checkRefactoring(String basename, boolean flatten) throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring(FQCN_RELATIVE_LAYOUT, basename, flatten);
- }
- public void testInitialAttributes() throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring(FQCN_LINEAR_LAYOUT, "sample10.xml", true, "android:orientation=vertical");
- }
- public void testInsertSpacer() throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring(FQCN_GRID_LAYOUT, "sample11.xml", true);
- }
- private void checkRefactoring(String newLayoutType, String basename,
- boolean flatten) throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring(newLayoutType, basename, flatten, null);
- }
- @Override
- protected int getMinSdk() {
- return 14;
- }
- private void checkRefactoring(String newLayoutType, String basename,
- boolean flatten, String initialAttributes) throws Exception {
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), basename);
- TestContext info = setupTestContext(file, basename);
- TestLayoutEditorDelegate layoutEditor = info.mLayoutEditorDelegate;
- CanvasViewInfo rootView = info.mRootView;
- Element element = info.mElement;
- List<Element> selectedElements = Collections.singletonList(element);
- ChangeLayoutRefactoring refactoring = new ChangeLayoutRefactoring(selectedElements,
- layoutEditor);
- refactoring.setFlatten(flatten);
- refactoring.setType(newLayoutType);
- if (initialAttributes != null) {
- refactoring.setInitializedAttributes(initialAttributes);
- }
- refactoring.setRootView(rootView);
- List<Change> changes = refactoring.computeChanges(new NullProgressMonitor());
- checkEdits(basename, changes);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ChangeViewRefactoringTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ChangeViewRefactoringTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 582ed0f27..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ChangeViewRefactoringTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FQCN_RADIO_BUTTON;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ChangeViewRefactoringTest extends RefactoringTest {
- public void testChangeView1() throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring("sample1a.xml", FQCN_RADIO_BUTTON, "@+id/button1", "@+id/button6");
- }
- public void testChangeView2() throws Exception {
- // Tests (1) updating references to the renamed id of the changed widgets
- // (e.g. button3 is renamed to imageButton1 and layout references to button3
- // must be updated), and (2) removal of attributes not available in the new type
- // (the text property is removed since it is not available on the new widget
- // type ImageButton)
- checkRefactoring("sample2.xml", "android.widget.ImageButton",
- "@+id/button3", "@+id/button5");
- }
- private void checkRefactoring(String basename, String newType,
- String... ids) throws Exception {
- assertTrue(ids.length > 0);
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), basename);
- TestContext info = setupTestContext(file, basename);
- TestLayoutEditorDelegate layoutEditor = info.mLayoutEditorDelegate;
- List<Element> selectedElements = getElements(info.mElement, ids);
- ChangeViewRefactoring refactoring = new ChangeViewRefactoring(selectedElements,
- layoutEditor);
- refactoring.setType(newType);
- List<Change> changes = refactoring.computeChanges(new NullProgressMonitor());
- checkEdits(basename, changes);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ExtractIncludeRefactoringTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ExtractIncludeRefactoringTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1667649c5..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ExtractIncludeRefactoringTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.DOT_XML;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.preferences.AdtPrefs;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class ExtractIncludeRefactoringTest extends RefactoringTest {
- @Override
- protected boolean autoFormat() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() {
- // Because some of these tests look at ALL layouts in the project
- // to identify matches
- return true;
- }
- public void testExtract1() throws Exception {
- // Basic: Extract a single button
- checkRefactoring("sample3.xml", "newlayout1", false, null, 2, false /* diffs */,
- "@+id/button2");
- }
- public void testExtract2() throws Exception {
- // Extract a couple of elements
- checkRefactoring("sample3.xml", "newlayout2", false, null, 2, false /* diffs */,
- "@+id/button2", "@+id/android_logo");
- }
- public void testExtract3() throws Exception {
- // Test to make sure layout attributes are updated
- checkRefactoring("sample2.xml", "newlayout3", false, null, 2, false /* diffs */,
- "@+id/button3");
- }
- public void testExtract4() throws Exception {
- // Tests extracting from -multiple- files (as well as with custom android namespace
- // prefix)
- // Make sure the variation-files exist
- Map<IPath, String> extraFiles = new HashMap<IPath, String>();
- extraFiles.put(getTestDataFile(getProject(), "sample3-variation1.xml",
- "res/layout-land/sample3.xml").getProjectRelativePath(),
- "sample3-variation1.xml");
- extraFiles.put(getTestDataFile(getProject(), "sample3-variation2.xml",
- "res/layout-xlarge-land/sample3.xml").getProjectRelativePath(),
- "sample3-variation2.xml");
- checkRefactoring("sample3.xml", "newlayout3", true, extraFiles, 4, false /* diffs */,
- "@+id/android_logo");
- }
- public void testExtract5() throws Exception {
- // Tests extracting from multiple files with -contiguous regions-.
- // Make sure the variation-files exist
- Map<IPath, String> extraFiles = new HashMap<IPath, String>();
- extraFiles.put(getTestDataFile(getProject(), "sample3-variation1.xml",
- "res/layout-land/sample3.xml").getProjectRelativePath(),
- "sample3-variation1.xml");
- extraFiles.put(getTestDataFile(getProject(), "sample3-variation2.xml",
- "res/layout-xlarge-land/sample3.xml").getProjectRelativePath(),
- "sample3-variation2.xml");
- checkRefactoring("sample3.xml", "newlayout3", true, extraFiles, 4, false /* diffs */,
- "@+id/android_logo", "@+id/button1");
- }
- public void testExtract6() throws Exception {
- // Tests extracting from multiple files where the layouts are completely
- // different/unrelated files
- // Create the duplicate files
- Map<IPath, String> extraFiles = new HashMap<IPath, String>();
- extraFiles.put(getTestDataFile(getProject(), "sample1a.xml",
- "res/layout/sample1a.xml").getProjectRelativePath(),
- "sample1a.xml");
- extraFiles.put(getTestDataFile(getProject(), "sample7.xml", "res/layout/sample7.xml")
- .getProjectRelativePath(), "sample7.xml");
- extraFiles.put(getTestDataFile(getProject(), "sample8.xml", "res/layout/sample8.xml")
- .getProjectRelativePath(), "sample8.xml");
- checkRefactoring("sample7.xml", "newlayout6", true, extraFiles, 4, true /* diffs */,
- "@+id/linearLayout4");
- }
- public void testExtract7() throws Exception {
- // Just like testExtract6, except we turn on auto-formatting
- IPreferenceStore store = AdtPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
- AdtPrefs.init(store);
- AdtPrefs prefs = AdtPrefs.getPrefs();
- prefs.initializeStoreWithDefaults(store);
- store.setValue(AdtPrefs.PREFS_FORMAT_GUI_XML, true);
- prefs.loadValues(null);
- assertTrue(AdtPrefs.getPrefs().getFormatGuiXml());
- testExtract6();
- }
- private void checkRefactoring(String basename, String layoutName,
- boolean replaceOccurrences, Map<IPath,String> extraFiles,
- int expectedModifiedFileCount, boolean createDiffs, String... ids) throws Exception {
- assertTrue(ids.length > 0);
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), basename);
- TestContext info = setupTestContext(file, basename);
- TestLayoutEditorDelegate layoutEditor = info.mLayoutEditorDelegate;
- List<Element> selectedElements = getElements(info.mElement, ids);
- ExtractIncludeRefactoring refactoring = new ExtractIncludeRefactoring(selectedElements,
- layoutEditor);
- refactoring.setLayoutName(layoutName);
- refactoring.setReplaceOccurrences(replaceOccurrences);
- List<Change> changes = refactoring.computeChanges(new NullProgressMonitor());
- assertTrue(changes.size() >= 3);
- Map<IPath,String> fileToGolden = new HashMap<IPath,String>();
- IPath sourcePath = file.getProjectRelativePath();
- fileToGolden.put(sourcePath, basename);
- IPath newPath = sourcePath.removeLastSegments(1).append(layoutName + DOT_XML);
- fileToGolden.put(newPath, layoutName + DOT_XML);
- if (extraFiles != null) {
- fileToGolden.putAll(extraFiles);
- }
- checkEdits(changes, fileToGolden, createDiffs);
- int modifiedFileCount = 0;
- for (Change change : changes) {
- if (change instanceof TextFileChange) {
- modifiedFileCount++;
- }
- }
- assertEquals(expectedModifiedFileCount, modifiedFileCount);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ExtractStyleRefactoringTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ExtractStyleRefactoringTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f64555dd6..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/ExtractStyleRefactoringTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import com.android.utils.Pair;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextSelection;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
-import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class ExtractStyleRefactoringTest extends RefactoringTest {
- @Override
- protected boolean testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() {
- return true;
- }
- public void testExtract1() throws Exception {
- // Test extracting into a new style file
- checkRefactoring("extractstyle1.xml", "newstyles.xml", "newstyle",
- false /* removeExtracted */, false /* applyStyle */, null, 1, "@+id/button2");
- }
- public void testExtract1b() throws Exception {
- // Extract and apply new style
- checkRefactoring("extractstyle1.xml", "newstyles2.xml", "newstyle",
- false /* removeExtracted */, true /* applyStyle */, null, 2, "@+id/button2");
- }
- public void testExtract1c() throws Exception {
- // Extract and remove extracted
- checkRefactoring("extractstyle1.xml", "newstyles3.xml", "newstyle",
- true /* removeExtracted */, false /* applyStyle */, null, 2, "@+id/button2");
- }
- public void testExtract1d() throws Exception {
- // Extract and apply style and remove extracted
- checkRefactoring("extractstyle1.xml", "newstyles4.xml", "newstyle",
- true /* removeExtracted */, true /* applyStyle */, null, 2, "@+id/button2");
- }
- public void testExtract2() throws Exception {
- getTestDataFile(getProject(), "navigationstyles.xml", "res/values/navigationstyles.xml");
- // -Modify- the existing styles.xml file
- checkRefactoring("extractstyle1.xml", "navigationstyles.xml", "newstyle",
- true /* removeExtracted */, true /* applyStyle */, null, 2, "@+id/button2");
- }
- public void testExtract3() throws Exception {
- // Select multiple elements - overlap in values.
- checkRefactoring("extractstyle1.xml", "newstyles4.xml", "newstyle",
- true /* removeExtracted */, true /* applyStyle */, null, 2,
- "@+id/button1", "@+id/button2");
- }
- // This test fails for some reason - not in the refactoring (checked manually)
- // but the DOM model returns null when run in a test context.
- public void testExtract4() throws Exception {
- // Test extracting on a single caret position over an attribute: Should extract
- // just that one attribute
- checkRefactoringByOffset("extractstyle1.xml", "newstyles5.xml", "newstyle",
- true /* removeExtracted */, true /* applyStyle */, null, 2,
- "android:text^Color=\"#FF00FF\"", "android:text^Color=\"#FF00FF\"");
- }
- public void testExtract5() throws Exception {
- // Test extracting on a range selection inside an element: should extract just
- // the attributes that overlap the selection
- checkRefactoringByOffset("extractstyle1.xml", "newstyles6.xml", "newstyle",
- true /* removeExtracted */, true /* applyStyle */, null, 2,
- "android:^textSize=\"20pt",
- "android:id=\"@+id/button1\" android:layout_a^lignParentBottom");
- }
- public void testExtract6() throws Exception {
- // Test extracting on a single caret position which is not over any attributes:
- checkRefactoringByOffset("extractstyle1.xml", "newstyles7.xml", "newstyle",
- true /* removeExtracted */, true /* applyStyle */, null, 0,
- "<Bu^tton", "<Bu^tton");
- }
- public void testExtract7() throws Exception {
- // Verify that even with a different namespace prefix we end up with android:
- // in the extracted style
- checkRefactoring("extractstyle2.xml", "newstyles8.xml", "newstyle",
- true /* removeExtracted */, true /* applyStyle */, null, 2,
- "@+id/button1", "@+id/button2");
- }
- public void testExtract8() throws Exception {
- // Test setting parent style
- checkRefactoring("extractstyle1.xml", "newstyles3.xml", "newstyle",
- true /* removeExtracted */, false /* applyStyle */, "android:Widget.Button",
- 2, "@+id/button2");
- }
- // Check extract style on a selection of elements
- private void checkRefactoring(String basename, String styleFileName, String newStyleName,
- boolean removeExtracted, boolean applyStyle, String parentStyle,
- int expectedModifiedFileCount, String... ids) throws Exception {
- assertTrue(ids.length > 0);
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), basename);
- TestContext info = setupTestContext(file, basename);
- TestLayoutEditorDelegate layoutEditor = info.mLayoutEditorDelegate;
- List<Element> selectedElements = getElements(info.mElement, ids);
- // Open the file such that ModelManager.getExistingModelForRead() in DomUtilities
- // will succeed
- IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
- IWorkbenchWindow activeWorkbenchWindow = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
- IWorkbenchPage page = activeWorkbenchWindow.getActivePage();
- IDE.openEditor(page, file);
- ExtractStyleRefactoring refactoring = new ExtractStyleRefactoring(selectedElements,
- layoutEditor);
- checkRefactoring(basename, styleFileName, newStyleName, removeExtracted, applyStyle,
- parentStyle, expectedModifiedFileCount, file, refactoring);
- }
- // Check extract style against a set of editor text locations
- private void checkRefactoringByOffset(String basename, String styleFileName,
- String newStyleName, boolean removeExtracted, boolean applyStyle,
- String parentStyle,
- int expectedModifiedFileCount, String beginCaretLocation, String endCaretLocation)
- throws Exception {
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), basename);
- int beginOffset = getCaretOffset(file, beginCaretLocation);
- int endOffset = getCaretOffset(file, endCaretLocation);
- TestContext info = setupTestContext(file, basename);
- TestLayoutEditorDelegate layoutEditor = info.mLayoutEditorDelegate;
- // Open the file such that ModelManager.getExistingModelForRead() in DomUtilities
- // will succeed
- IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
- IWorkbenchWindow activeWorkbenchWindow = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
- IWorkbenchPage page = activeWorkbenchWindow.getActivePage();
- IDE.openEditor(page, file);
- ITextSelection selection = new TextSelection(beginOffset, endOffset - beginOffset);
- ExtractStyleRefactoring refactoring = new ExtractStyleRefactoring(file,
- layoutEditor, selection, null);
- checkRefactoring(basename, styleFileName, newStyleName, removeExtracted, applyStyle,
- parentStyle, expectedModifiedFileCount, file, refactoring);
- }
- // Common test code used by the other two check methods
- private void checkRefactoring(String basename, String styleFileName, String newStyleName,
- boolean removeExtracted, boolean applyStyle, String parentStyle,
- int expectedModifiedFileCount, IFile file,
- ExtractStyleRefactoring refactoring) throws Exception {
- refactoring.setStyleName(newStyleName);
- refactoring.setApplyStyle(applyStyle);
- refactoring.setRemoveExtracted(removeExtracted);
- refactoring.setStyleFileName(styleFileName);
- refactoring.setParent(parentStyle);
- // Pick the attributes to extract -- for now everything (and where there are
- // conflicting values, pick the first one)
- Pair<Map<String, List<Attr>>, Set<Attr>> result = refactoring.getAvailableAttributes();
- Map<String, List<Attr>> availableAttributes = result.getFirst();
- Set<Attr> selected = result.getSecond();
- List<Attr> chosenAttributes = new ArrayList<Attr>();
- for (List<Attr> list : availableAttributes.values()) {
- Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Attr>() {
- @Override
- public int compare(Attr a1, Attr a2) {
- return a1.getValue().compareTo(a2.getValue());
- }
- });
- Attr attr = list.get(0);
- if (selected.contains(attr)) {
- chosenAttributes.add(attr);
- }
- }
- refactoring.setChosenAttributes(chosenAttributes);
- List<Change> changes = refactoring.computeChanges(new NullProgressMonitor());
- assertEquals(expectedModifiedFileCount, changes.size());
- Map<IPath,String> fileToGolden = new HashMap<IPath,String>();
- IPath sourcePath = file.getProjectRelativePath();
- fileToGolden.put(sourcePath, basename);
- IPath newPath = refactoring.getStyleFile(getProject()).getProjectRelativePath();
- fileToGolden.put(newPath, styleFileName);
- checkEdits(changes, fileToGolden, true);
- int modifiedFileCount = 0;
- for (Change change : changes) {
- if (change instanceof TextFileChange) {
- modifiedFileCount++;
- }
- }
- assertEquals(expectedModifiedFileCount, modifiedFileCount);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/RefactoringAssistantTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/RefactoringAssistantTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b22717991..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/RefactoringAssistantTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_RES_LAYOUT;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.AndroidXmlEditor;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.quickassist.IQuickAssistInvocationContext;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
-import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
-public class RefactoringAssistantTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- public void testAssistant1() throws Exception {
- // "Extract String"
- checkFixes("sample1a.xml", "<Button android:text=\"Fir^stButton\"");
- }
- public void testAssistant2() throws Exception {
- // Visual refactoring operations
- checkFixes("sample1a.xml", "<Bu^tton android:text");
- }
- public void testAssistant3() throws Exception {
- checkFixes("sample1a.xml", "<Button andr^oid:text=\"FirstButton\"");
- }
- public void testAssistant4() throws Exception {
- // Check for resource rename refactoring (and don't offer extract string)
- checkFixes("sample1a.xml", "android:id=\"@+id/Linea^rLayout2\"");
- }
- private void checkFixes(String name, String caretLocation)
- throws Exception {
- IProject project = getProject();
- IFile file = getTestDataFile(project, name, FD_RES + "/" + FD_RES_LAYOUT + "/" + name);
- // Determine the offset
- String fileContent = AdtPlugin.readFile(file);
- int caretDelta = caretLocation.indexOf("^");
- assertTrue(caretLocation, caretDelta != -1);
- String caretContext = caretLocation.substring(0, caretDelta)
- + caretLocation.substring(caretDelta + "^".length());
- int caretContextIndex = fileContent.indexOf(caretContext);
- assertTrue("Caret content " + caretContext + " not found in file",
- caretContextIndex != -1);
- final int offset = caretContextIndex + caretDelta;
- RefactoringAssistant refactoringAssistant = new RefactoringAssistant();
- // Open file
- IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
- assertNotNull(page);
- IEditorPart editor = IDE.openEditor(page, file);
- assertTrue(editor instanceof AndroidXmlEditor);
- AndroidXmlEditor layoutEditor = (AndroidXmlEditor) editor;
- final ISourceViewer viewer = layoutEditor.getStructuredSourceViewer();
- IQuickAssistInvocationContext invocationContext = new IQuickAssistInvocationContext() {
- @Override
- public int getLength() {
- return 0;
- }
- @Override
- public int getOffset() {
- return offset;
- }
- @Override
- public ISourceViewer getSourceViewer() {
- return viewer;
- }
- };
- ICompletionProposal[] proposals = refactoringAssistant
- .computeQuickAssistProposals(invocationContext);
- if (proposals != null) {
- for (ICompletionProposal proposal : proposals) {
- assertNotNull(proposal.getAdditionalProposalInfo());
- assertNotNull(proposal.getImage());
- }
- }
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000);
- sb.append("Quick assistant in " + name + " for " + caretLocation + ":\n");
- if (proposals != null) {
- for (ICompletionProposal proposal : proposals) {
- sb.append(proposal.getDisplayString());
- String help = proposal.getAdditionalProposalInfo();
- if (help != null && help.trim().length() > 0) {
- sb.append(" : ");
- sb.append(help.replace('\n', ' '));
- }
- sb.append('\n');
- }
- } else {
- sb.append("None found.\n");
- }
- assertEqualsGolden(name, sb.toString(), "txt");
- // No "apply" test on these assists since they are interactive. Refactoring
- // is tested elsewhere.
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/RefactoringTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/RefactoringTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9565183bc..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/RefactoringTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.ANDROID_WIDGET_PREFIX;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.DOT_XML;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.ViewInfo;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.gle2.CanvasViewInfo;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.gle2.DomUtilities;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.uimodel.UiViewElementNode;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.uimodel.UiElementNode;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.preferences.AdtPrefs;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange;
-import org.eclipse.text.edits.MultiTextEdit;
-import org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEdit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IndexedRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-public class RefactoringTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- protected boolean autoFormat() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- // Ensure that the defaults are initialized so for example formatting options are
- // initialized properly
- IPreferenceStore store = AdtPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
- AdtPrefs.init(store);
- AdtPrefs prefs = AdtPrefs.getPrefs();
- prefs.initializeStoreWithDefaults(store);
- store.setValue(AdtPrefs.PREFS_FORMAT_GUI_XML, autoFormat());
- prefs.loadValues(null);
- super.setUp();
- }
- protected static Element findElementById(Element root, String id) {
- if (id.equals(VisualRefactoring.getId(root))) {
- return root;
- }
- for (Element child : DomUtilities.getChildren(root)) {
- Element result = findElementById(child, id);
- if (result != null) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected static List<Element> getElements(Element root, String... ids) {
- List<Element> selectedElements = new ArrayList<Element>();
- for (String id : ids) {
- Element element = findElementById(root, id);
- assertNotNull(element);
- selectedElements.add(element);
- }
- return selectedElements;
- }
- protected void checkEdits(String basename, List<Change> changes) throws BadLocationException,
- IOException {
- IDocument document = new Document();
- String xml = readTestFile(basename, false);
- if (xml == null) { // New file
- xml = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- document.set(xml);
- for (Change change : changes) {
- if (change instanceof TextFileChange) {
- TextFileChange tf = (TextFileChange) change;
- TextEdit edit = tf.getEdit();
- IFile file = tf.getFile();
- String contents = AdtPlugin.readFile(file);
- assertEquals(contents, xml);
- if (edit instanceof MultiTextEdit) {
- MultiTextEdit edits = (MultiTextEdit) edit;
- edits.apply(document);
- } else {
- edit.apply(document);
- }
- } else {
- System.out.println("Ignoring non-textfilechange in refactoring result");
- }
- }
- String actual = document.get();
- // Ensure that the document is still valid to make sure the edits don't
- // mangle it:
- org.w3c.dom.Document doc = DomUtilities.parseDocument(actual, true);
- assertNotNull(actual, doc);
- assertEqualsGolden(basename, actual);
- }
- protected void checkEdits(List<Change> changes,
- Map<IPath, String> fileToGoldenName) throws BadLocationException, IOException {
- checkEdits(changes, fileToGoldenName, false);
- }
- protected void checkEdits(List<Change> changes,
- Map<IPath, String> fileToGoldenName, boolean createDiffs)
- throws BadLocationException, IOException {
- for (Change change : changes) {
- if (change instanceof TextFileChange) {
- TextFileChange tf = (TextFileChange) change;
- IFile file = tf.getFile();
- assertNotNull(file);
- IPath path = file.getProjectRelativePath();
- String goldenName = fileToGoldenName.get(path);
- assertNotNull("Not found: " + path.toString(), goldenName);
- String xml = readTestFile(goldenName, false);
- if (xml == null) { // New file
- xml = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- IDocument document = new Document();
- document.set(xml);
- String before = document.get();
- TextEdit edit = tf.getEdit();
- if (edit instanceof MultiTextEdit) {
- MultiTextEdit edits = (MultiTextEdit) edit;
- edits.apply(document);
- } else {
- edit.apply(document);
- }
- String actual = document.get();
- if (createDiffs) {
- // Use a diff as the golden file instead of the after
- actual = getDiff(before, actual);
- if (goldenName.endsWith(DOT_XML)) {
- goldenName = goldenName.substring(0,
- goldenName.length() - DOT_XML.length())
- + ".diff";
- }
- }
- assertEqualsGolden(goldenName, actual);
- } else {
- System.out.println("Ignoring non-textfilechange in refactoring result");
- assertNull(change.getAffectedObjects());
- }
- }
- }
- protected UiViewElementNode createModel(UiViewElementNode parent, Element element) {
- List<Element> children = DomUtilities.getChildren(element);
- String fqcn = ANDROID_WIDGET_PREFIX + element.getTagName();
- boolean hasChildren = children.size() > 0;
- UiViewElementNode node = createNode(parent, fqcn, hasChildren);
- node.setXmlNode(element);
- for (Element child : children) {
- createModel(node, child);
- }
- return node;
- }
- /**
- * Builds up a ViewInfo hierarchy for the given model. This is done by
- * reading .info dump files which record the exact pixel sizes of each
- * ViewInfo object. These files are assumed to match up exactly with the
- * model objects. This is done rather than rendering an actual layout
- * hierarchy to insulate the test from pixel difference (in say font size)
- * among platforms, as well as tying the test to particulars about relative
- * sizes of things which may change with theme adjustments etc.
- * <p>
- * Each file can be generated by the dump method in the ViewHierarchy.
- */
- protected ViewInfo createInfos(UiElementNode model, String relativePath) throws IOException {
- String basename = relativePath.substring(0, relativePath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
- String relative = basename + "info"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- String info = readTestFile(relative, true);
- // Parse the info file and build up a model from it
- // Each line contains a new info.
- // If indented it is a child of the parent.
- String[] lines = info.split("\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // Iteration order for the info file should match exactly the UI model so
- // we can just advance the line index sequentially as we traverse
- return create(model, Arrays.asList(lines).iterator());
- }
- protected ViewInfo create(UiElementNode node, Iterator<String> lineIterator) {
- // android.widget.LinearLayout [0,36,240,320]
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\s*)(\\S+) \\[(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)\\].*");
- assertTrue(lineIterator.hasNext());
- String description = lineIterator.next();
- Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(description);
- assertTrue(matcher.matches());
- //String indent = matcher.group(1);
- //String fqcn = matcher.group(2);
- String left = matcher.group(3);
- String top = matcher.group(4);
- String right = matcher.group(5);
- String bottom = matcher.group(6);
- ViewInfo view = new ViewInfo(node.getXmlNode().getLocalName(), node,
- Integer.parseInt(left), Integer.parseInt(top),
- Integer.parseInt(right), Integer.parseInt(bottom));
- List<UiElementNode> childNodes = node.getUiChildren();
- if (childNodes.size() > 0) {
- List<ViewInfo> children = new ArrayList<ViewInfo>();
- for (UiElementNode child : childNodes) {
- children.add(create(child, lineIterator));
- }
- view.setChildren(children);
- }
- return view;
- }
- protected TestContext setupTestContext(IFile file, String relativePath) throws Exception {
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = null;
- org.w3c.dom.Document domDocument = null;
- IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = null;
- Element element = null;
- try {
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- structuredModel = modelManager.getModelForRead(file);
- if (structuredModel instanceof IDOMModel) {
- IDOMModel domModel = (IDOMModel) structuredModel;
- domDocument = domModel.getDocument();
- element = domDocument.getDocumentElement();
- structuredDocument = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument();
- }
- } finally {
- if (structuredModel != null) {
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- }
- assertNotNull(structuredModel);
- assertNotNull(domDocument);
- assertNotNull(element);
- assertNotNull(structuredDocument);
- assertTrue(element instanceof IndexedRegion);
- UiViewElementNode model = createModel(null, element);
- ViewInfo info = createInfos(model, relativePath);
- CanvasViewInfo rootView = CanvasViewInfo.create(info, true /* layoutlib5 */).getFirst();
- TestLayoutEditorDelegate layoutEditor =
- new TestLayoutEditorDelegate(file, structuredDocument, null);
- TestContext testInfo = createTestContext();
- testInfo.mFile = file;
- testInfo.mStructuredModel = structuredModel;
- testInfo.mStructuredDocument = structuredDocument;
- testInfo.mElement = element;
- testInfo.mDomDocument = domDocument;
- testInfo.mUiModel = model;
- testInfo.mViewInfo = info;
- testInfo.mRootView = rootView;
- testInfo.mLayoutEditorDelegate = layoutEditor;
- return testInfo;
- }
- protected TestContext createTestContext() {
- return new TestContext();
- }
- protected static class TestContext {
- protected IFile mFile;
- protected IStructuredModel mStructuredModel;
- protected IStructuredDocument mStructuredDocument;
- protected org.w3c.dom.Document mDomDocument;
- protected Element mElement;
- protected UiViewElementNode mUiModel;
- protected ViewInfo mViewInfo;
- protected CanvasViewInfo mRootView;
- protected TestLayoutEditorDelegate mLayoutEditorDelegate;
- }
- @Override
- public void testDummy() {
- // To avoid JUnit warning that this class contains no tests, even though
- // this is an abstract class and JUnit shouldn't try
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/UnwrapRefactoringTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/UnwrapRefactoringTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e03ea9e06..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/UnwrapRefactoringTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import java.util.List;
-public class UnwrapRefactoringTest extends RefactoringTest {
- public void testUnwrap1() throws Exception {
- // Unwrap view with parent, no children - this will unwrap the parent (frame layout)
- checkRefactoring("unwrap.xml", "@+id/button");
- }
- public void testUnwrap2() throws Exception {
- // Unwrap view with parent and children; this should unwrap the element itself
- checkRefactoring("unwrap.xml", "@+id/frame");
- }
- public void testUnwrap3() throws Exception {
- // Unwrap root: should transfer namespace
- checkRefactoring("unwrap.xml", "@+id/linear");
- }
- private void checkRefactoring(String basename, String id) throws Exception {
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), basename);
- TestContext info = setupTestContext(file, basename);
- TestLayoutEditorDelegate layoutEditor = info.mLayoutEditorDelegate;
- List<Element> selectedElements = getElements(info.mElement, id);
- assertEquals(1, selectedElements.size());
- UnwrapRefactoring refactoring = new UnwrapRefactoring(selectedElements,
- layoutEditor);
- RefactoringStatus status = refactoring.checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor());
- assertFalse(status.hasError());
- List<Change> changes = refactoring.computeChanges(new NullProgressMonitor());
- checkEdits(basename, changes);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/UseCompoundDrawableRefactoringTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/UseCompoundDrawableRefactoringTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 01a0e1e7d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/UseCompoundDrawableRefactoringTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import static com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.UseCompoundDrawableRefactoring.combine;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import java.util.List;
-public class UseCompoundDrawableRefactoringTest extends RefactoringTest {
- public void testCombine() throws Exception {
- assertNull(combine(null, null));
- assertNull(combine("@dimen/foo", "@dimen/bar"));
- assertNull(combine("@dimen/foo", "@dimen/bar"));
- assertNull(combine("1sp", "@dimen/bar"));
- assertNull(combine("1sp", "2dp"));
- assertNull(combine(null, ""));
- assertNull(combine("", null));
- assertEquals("@dimen/foo", combine(null, "@dimen/foo"));
- assertEquals("@dimen/foo", combine("@dimen/foo", null));
- assertEquals("5sp", combine("5sp", null));
- assertEquals("10sp", combine("8sp", "2sp"));
- assertEquals("50dp", combine("30dp", "20dp"));
- }
- public void test1() throws Exception {
- // Test converting an image above a text view
- checkRefactoring("refactoring/usecompound/compound1.xml", "@+id/layout1");
- }
- public void test2() throws Exception {
- // Test converting an image below a text view
- checkRefactoring("refactoring/usecompound/compound2.xml", "@+id/layout2");
- }
- public void test3() throws Exception {
- // Test converting an image to the left of a text view
- checkRefactoring("refactoring/usecompound/compound3.xml", "@+id/layout3");
- }
- public void test4() throws Exception {
- // Test converting an image to the right of a text view
- checkRefactoring("refactoring/usecompound/compound4.xml", "@+id/layout4");
- }
- public void test5() throws Exception {
- // Test converting an image where the LinearLayout is referenced (in a relative layout)
- // and the text view has an id
- checkRefactoring("refactoring/usecompound/compound_all.xml", "@+id/layout2");
- }
- public void test6() throws Exception {
- // Test converting an image where the LinearLayout is referenced (in a relative layout)
- // and the text view does not have an id
- checkRefactoring("refactoring/usecompound/compound_all.xml", "@+id/layout3");
- }
- public void test7() throws Exception {
- // Test converting where a namespace needs to be migrated
- checkRefactoring("refactoring/usecompound/compound5.xml", "@+id/layout");
- }
- public void test8() throws Exception {
- // Test padding handling
- checkRefactoring("refactoring/usecompound/compound6.xml", "@+id/layout1");
- }
- public void test9() throws Exception {
- // Test margin combination
- checkRefactoring("refactoring/usecompound/compound7.xml", "@+id/layout1");
- }
- private void checkRefactoring(String basename, String id)
- throws Exception {
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), basename);
- TestContext info = setupTestContext(file, basename);
- TestLayoutEditorDelegate layoutEditor = info.mLayoutEditorDelegate;
- List<Element> selectedElements = getElements(info.mElement, new String[] { id });
- UseCompoundDrawableRefactoring refactoring = new UseCompoundDrawableRefactoring(
- selectedElements, layoutEditor);
- List<Change> changes = refactoring.computeChanges(new NullProgressMonitor());
- CompositeChange cc = new CompositeChange("Combined from unit test",
- changes.toArray(new Change[changes.size()]));
- cc.markAsSynthetic();
- addCleanupDir(AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(getProject()).toFile());
- checkEdits(basename, changes);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/WrapInRefactoringTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/WrapInRefactoringTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dc6744e6..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/WrapInRefactoringTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FQCN_GESTURE_OVERLAY_VIEW;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FQCN_LINEAR_LAYOUT;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import java.util.List;
-public class WrapInRefactoringTest extends RefactoringTest {
- public void testWrapIn1() throws Exception {
- // Test wrapping view: should indent view
- checkRefactoring("sample3.xml", FQCN_LINEAR_LAYOUT, "@+id/button2");
- }
- public void testWrapIn2() throws Exception {
- // Test wrapping the root: should move namespace
- checkRefactoring("sample3.xml", FQCN_GESTURE_OVERLAY_VIEW, "@+id/newlinear");
- }
- public void testWrapIn3() throws Exception {
- // Test wrap multiple adjacent elements - should wrap all as a unit
- checkRefactoring("sample3.xml", FQCN_LINEAR_LAYOUT, "@+id/button2", "@+id/android_logo");
- }
- private void checkRefactoring(String basename, String fqcn, String... ids) throws Exception {
- assertTrue(ids.length > 0);
- IFile file = getLayoutFile(getProject(), basename);
- TestContext info = setupTestContext(file, basename);
- TestLayoutEditorDelegate layoutEditor = info.mLayoutEditorDelegate;
- List<Element> selectedElements = getElements(info.mElement, ids);
- WrapInRefactoring refactoring = new WrapInRefactoring(selectedElements,
- layoutEditor);
- refactoring.setType(fqcn);
- List<Change> changes = refactoring.computeChanges(new NullProgressMonitor());
- checkEdits(basename, changes);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/TestFragment.java.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/TestFragment.java.txt
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index 0942a19fe..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/TestFragment.java.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package com.android.eclipse.tests;
-import android.app.Fragment;
-import android.os.Bundle;
-import android.view.LayoutInflater;
-import android.view.View;
-import android.view.ViewGroup;
-public class TestFragment extends Fragment {
- @Override
- public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
- Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- return null;
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror1.xml
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index d72f4ba4c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror1.xml
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <TextView
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_marginTop="50pt"
- android:layout_marginLeft="50dp"
- android:layout_marginBottom="50"
- />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror2.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b720daac8..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <style name="repeatedStyle1">
- <item name="android:gravity">left</item>
- </style>
- <style name="repeatedStyle1">
- <item name="android:gravity">bottom</item>
- </style>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror3.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc9c134c7..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <style name="wrongAttribute">
- <item name="nonexistent">5</item>
- </style>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror4.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror4.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 28dd46786..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror4.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <style>
- <item />
- </style>
- <item></item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror5.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror5.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ee89ac4be..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror5.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <style name="test">
- <item name="android:layout_width"></item>
- </style>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror6.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror6.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e552ff797..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror6.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <TextView
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_marginTop=""
- android:layout_marginLeft=''
- />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror7.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror7.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d47f4ae83..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/aapterror7.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <TextView
- android:id=""
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion53.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion53.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e44918d9..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion53.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in anim1.xml for ^<set xmlns:
-<alpha />
-<rotate />
-<scale />
-<set ></set>
-<translate />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion54.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion54.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f5e5cba69..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion54.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in anim1.xml for ^<translate android:id=:
-<alpha />
-<rotate />
-<scale />
-<set ></set>
-<translate />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion55.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion55.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 385f4761b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion55.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in anim1.xml for android:^fromXDelta=:
-android:fromXDelta : [float, fraction]
-android:toXDelta : [float, fraction]
-android:fromYDelta : [float, fraction]
-android:toYDelta : [float, fraction]
-android:interpolator : Defines the interpolator used to smooth the animation movement in time. [reference]
-android:fillEnabled : When set to true, the value of fillBefore is taken into account. [boolean]
-android:fillBefore : When set to true or when fillEnabled is not set to true, the animation transformation is applied before the animation has started. [boolean]
-android:fillAfter : When set to true, the animation transformation is applied after the animation is over. [boolean]
-android:duration : Amount of time (in milliseconds) for the animation to run. [integer]
-android:startOffset : Delay in milliseconds before the animation runs, once start time is reached. [integer]
-android:repeatCount : Defines how many times the animation should repeat. [integer, enum]
-android:repeatMode : Defines the animation behavior when it reaches the end and the repeat count is greater than 0 or infinite. [enum]
-android:zAdjustment : Allows for an adjustment of the Z ordering of the content being animated for the duration of the animation. [enum]
-android:background : Special background behind animation. [color, reference]
-android:detachWallpaper : Special option for window animations: if this window is on top of a wallpaper, don't animate the wallpaper with it. [boolean]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion56.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion56.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e12a66fa5..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion56.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in anim1.xml for android:^fromAlpha=:
-android:fromAlpha : [float]
-android:toAlpha : [float]
-android:interpolator : Defines the interpolator used to smooth the animation movement in time. [reference]
-android:fillEnabled : When set to true, the value of fillBefore is taken into account. [boolean]
-android:fillBefore : When set to true or when fillEnabled is not set to true, the animation transformation is applied before the animation has started. [boolean]
-android:fillAfter : When set to true, the animation transformation is applied after the animation is over. [boolean]
-android:duration : Amount of time (in milliseconds) for the animation to run. [integer]
-android:startOffset : Delay in milliseconds before the animation runs, once start time is reached. [integer]
-android:repeatCount : Defines how many times the animation should repeat. [integer, enum]
-android:repeatMode : Defines the animation behavior when it reaches the end and the repeat count is greater than 0 or infinite. [enum]
-android:zAdjustment : Allows for an adjustment of the Z ordering of the content being animated for the duration of the animation. [enum]
-android:background : Special background behind animation. [color, reference]
-android:detachWallpaper : Special option for window animations: if this window is on top of a wallpaper, don't animate the wallpaper with it. [boolean]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion57.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion57.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9225dac46..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1-expected-completion57.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in anim1.xml for android:fromXDelta="100^%p":
-100% : <b>Fraction</b> - a percentage of the base size
-100%p : <b>Fraction</b> - a percentage relative to parent container
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 48fefc2ba..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/anim1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <translate android:id="@+id/test1"
- android:fromXDelta="100%p"
- android:pivotY="60%p"
- android:toXDelta="40%p"
- android:toYDelta="33%p"
- android:fillBefore="true"
- android:fillAfter="true"
- android:startOffset="1000"
- android:duration="1000" />
- <alpha
- android:id="@+id/test2"
- android:fromAlpha="1.0"
- android:toAlpha="0.0"
- android:startOffset="3000"
- android:duration="250"
- android:fillBefore="true"
- android:fillAfter="false"
- />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion58.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion58.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 075941502..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion58.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in animator1.xml for ^<set xmlns:
-<animator ></animator>
-<objectAnimator ></objectAnimator>
-<set ></set>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion59.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion59.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 474fe7761..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion59.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in animator1.xml for android:^duration="2000":
-android:propertyName : Name of the property being animated. [string]
-android:interpolator : Defines the interpolator used to smooth the animation movement in time. [reference]
-android:duration : Amount of time (in milliseconds) for the animation to run. [integer]
-android:startOffset : Delay in milliseconds before the animation runs, once start time is reached. [integer]
-android:repeatCount : Defines how many times the animation should repeat. [integer, enum]
-android:repeatMode : Defines the animation behavior when it reaches the end and the repeat count is greater than 0 or infinite. [enum]
-android:valueFrom : Value the animation starts from. [integer, float, color, dimension]
-android:valueTo : Value the animation animates to. [integer, float, color, dimension]
-android:valueType : The type of valueFrom and valueTo. [enum]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion60.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion60.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e5e6b127..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion60.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in animator1.xml for android:propertyName="scal^eX"/>:
-scaleX : scale of the view in the x direction.
-scaleY : scale of the view in the y direction.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion61.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion61.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b298ac0b4..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1-expected-completion61.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in animator1.xml for android:interpolator="^@android:anim/bounce_interpolator":
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bdf10dced..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/animator1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Simple bounce animation -->
-<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:ordering="sequentially">
- <set>
- <objectAnimator
- android:duration="2000"
- android:valueTo="310"
- android:propertyName="x"/>
- <objectAnimator
- android:duration="2000"
- android:valueTo="130"
- android:propertyName="y"
- android:interpolator="@android:anim/bounce_interpolator"/>
- <objectAnimator
- android:duration="2000"
- android:valueTo=".4"
- android:propertyName="scaleX"/>
- <objectAnimator
- android:duration="2000"
- android:valueTo=".4"
- android:propertyName="scaleY"/>
- </set>
- <objectAnimator
- android:duration="500"
- android:valueTo="0"
- android:propertyName="alpha"/>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken1-expected-applyCompletion15.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken1-expected-applyCompletion15.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ce3540da..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken1-expected-applyCompletion15.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in broken1.xml for android:textColorHigh^ selecting android:textColorHighlight:
-@@ -8 +8
-- android:textColorHigh^
-+ android:textColorHighlight="^"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken1-expected-completion20.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken1-expected-completion20.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 063dc8c4b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken1-expected-completion20.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in broken1.xml for android:textColorHigh^:
-android:textColorHighlight : Color of the text selection highlight. [color, reference]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 161b9818c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <Button
- android:text="@string/app_name"
- android:textColorHigh
- android:layout_marginLeft="@android:dimen/app_icon_size"
- android:id="@+id/button1"
- ></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken2-expected-applyCompletion16.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken2-expected-applyCompletion16.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 3337ad265..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken2-expected-applyCompletion16.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in broken2.xml for style=^ selecting "@android:":
-@@ -9 +9
-- style=^
-+ style="@android:^"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken2-expected-completion21.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken2-expected-completion21.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ee2585cd..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken2-expected-completion21.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in broken2.xml for style=^:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken2.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 60644b90c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <Button
- android:text="@string/app_name"
- android:layout_marginLeft="@android:dimen/app_icon_size"
- style=
- android:id="@+id/button1"
- ></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken3-expected-applyCompletion14.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken3-expected-applyCompletion14.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 2787380ee..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken3-expected-applyCompletion14.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in broken3.xml for <EditT^ selecting EditText />:
-@@ -6 +6
-- <EditT^
-+ <EditText ^/>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken3-expected-completion19.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken3-expected-completion19.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc6a4c66..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken3-expected-completion19.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in broken3.xml for <EditT^:
-EditText />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken3.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b8b168586..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/broken3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <EditT
- <Button
- android:text="@string/app_name"
- android:layout_marginLeft="@android:dimen/app_icon_size"
- android:id="@+id/button1"
- ></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1-expected-completion45.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1-expected-completion45.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c799b8094..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1-expected-completion45.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in color1.xml for ^<selector:
-<selector ></selector> : Required. This must be the root element. Contains one or more <item> elements.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1-expected-completion46a.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1-expected-completion46a.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 32f0066b6..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1-expected-completion46a.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in color1.xml for ^<item android:
-<item /> : Drawable states.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1-expected-completion46b.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1-expected-completion46b.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index def6d13b1..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1-expected-completion46b.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in color1.xml for <item ^android:state_focused="true"/>:
-android:state_focused : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view has input focus. [boolean]
-android:state_window_focused : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view's window has input focus. [boolean]
-android:state_enabled : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view is enabled. [boolean]
-android:state_checkable : State identifier indicating that the object <var>may</var> display a check mark. [boolean]
-android:state_checked : State identifier indicating that the object is currently checked. [boolean]
-android:state_selected : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view (or one of its parents) is currently selected. [boolean]
-android:state_pressed : State value for StateListDrawable, set when the user is pressing down in a view. [boolean]
-android:state_activated : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view or its parent has been "activated" meaning the user has currently marked it as being of interest. [boolean]
-android:state_active : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean]
-android:state_single : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean]
-android:state_first : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean]
-android:state_middle : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean]
-android:state_last : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean]
-android:state_accelerated : State value for StateListDrawable, indicating that the Drawable is in a view that is hardware accelerated. [boolean]
-android:state_hovered : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a pointer is hovering over the view. [boolean]
-android:state_drag_can_accept : State for StateListDrawable indicating that the Drawable is in a view that is capable of accepting a drop of the content currently being manipulated in a drag-and-drop operation. [boolean]
-android:state_drag_hovered : State for StateListDrawable indicating that a drag operation (for which the Drawable's view is a valid recipient) is currently positioned over the Drawable. [boolean]
-android:state_accessibility_focused : State for StateListDrawable indicating that a View has accessibility focus. [boolean]
-android:color : Hexadeximal color. Required. The color is specified with an RGB value and optional alpha channel. The value always begins with a pound (#) character and then followed by the Alpha-Red-Green-Blue information in one of the following formats: * RGB * ARGB * RRGGBB * AARRGGBB
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a8482abac..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/color1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <item android:state_focused="true"/>
- <item />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-actual-applyCompletion1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-actual-applyCompletion1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2413658a7..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-actual-applyCompletion1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- This file deliberately contains errors - it represents partial keyboard
- typing for interactive code completion
- <TextView
- android:layout_weight^="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_marginTop="@android:dimen/app_icon_size"
- android:layout_marginLeft="50dp"
- android:layout_marginBottom="50"
- android:textColor="#000000"
- style="@android:style/Widget.Button"
- android:gravity="left|bottom"
- android:text="@string/hello"
- android:hint="hint" />
- <FrameLayout android:foreground="@android:drawable/btn_default"></FrameLayout>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion1.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion1.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b0556615..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion1.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_w^idth="fill_parent" selecting android:layout_weight:
-@@ -8 +8
-- android:layout_w^idth="fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_weight^="fill_parent"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion10.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion10.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b448c29f..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion10.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for <T^extView selecting TableLayout:
-@@ -7 +7
-- <T^extView
-+ <TableLayout^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion11a.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion11a.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a5f24d6c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion11a.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for ^<TextView selecting <RadioGroup ></RadioGroup>:
-@@ -7 +7
-- ^<TextView
-+ <RadioGroup ^></RadioGroup><TextView
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion11b.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion11b.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 9010bf60c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion11b.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for ^<TextView selecting <CheckBox />:
-@@ -7 +7
-- ^<TextView
-+ <CheckBox ^/><TextView
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion12.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion12.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a463877..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion12.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for btn_default">^</FrameLayout> selecting <FrameLayout ></FrameLayout>:
-@@ -18 +18
-- <FrameLayout android:foreground="@android:drawable/btn_default">^</FrameLayout>
-+ <FrameLayout android:foreground="@android:drawable/btn_default"><FrameLayout ^></FrameLayout></FrameLayout>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion2.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion2.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 77761316d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion2.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_width="^fill_parent" selecting match_parent:
-@@ -8 +8
-- android:layout_width="^fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion3.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion3.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index e67a3369d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion3.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_width="fi^ll_parent" selecting fill_parent:
-@@ -8 +8
-- android:layout_width="fi^ll_parent"
-+ android:layout_width="fill_parent"^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion39.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion39.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index fe63acd22..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion39.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for marginBottom="50"^ selecting android:maxEms:
-@@ -12 +12
-- android:layout_marginBottom="50"^
-+ android:layout_marginBottom="50" android:maxEms="^"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion4.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion4.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d229f3c4..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion4.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for marginBottom="50^" selecting 50mm:
-@@ -12 +12
-- android:layout_marginBottom="50^"
-+ android:layout_marginBottom="50mm"^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion5.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion5.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a2b413d1..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion5.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_marginLeft="50d^p" selecting 50dp:
-@@ -11 +11
-- android:layout_marginLeft="50d^p"
-+ android:layout_marginLeft="50dp"^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion6.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion6.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index d3a8c1120..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion6.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for style="@android:^style/Widget.Button" selecting @android:drawable/:
-@@ -14 +14
-- style="@android:^style/Widget.Button"
-+ style="@android:drawable/^"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion7a.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion7a.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index afd7e21e0..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion7a.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for android:gravity="l^eft|bottom" selecting left:
-@@ -15 +15
-- android:gravity="l^eft|bottom"
-+ android:gravity="left^"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion7b.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion7b.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 73f2bd48a..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion7b.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for android:gravity="left|b^ottom" selecting bottom:
-@@ -15 +15
-- android:gravity="left|b^ottom"
-+ android:gravity="left|bottom^"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion8.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion8.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 655afc529..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion8.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_width^="fill_parent" selecting android:layout_width:
-No changes \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion9.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion9.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b4198e43..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-applyCompletion9.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_width=^"fill_parent" selecting "wrap_content":
-@@ -8 +8
-- android:layout_width=^"fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion1.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e75ad54..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_w^idth="fill_parent":
-android:layout_width : Specifies the basic width of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_weight : [float]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion10.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion10.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 973d95eff..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion10.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for <T^extView:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion11.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion11.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 20dad3a53..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion11.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for ^<TextView:
-<AbsoluteLayout ></AbsoluteLayout>
-<AdapterViewFlipper ></AdapterViewFlipper>
-<AnalogClock />
-<AutoCompleteTextView />
-<Button />
-<CalendarView />
-<CheckBox />
-<CheckedTextView />
-<Chronometer />
-<DatePicker />
-<DialerFilter ></DialerFilter>
-<DigitalClock />
-<EditText />
-<ExpandableListView ></ExpandableListView>
-<FrameLayout ></FrameLayout>
-<Gallery />
-<GridLayout ></GridLayout>
-<GridView ></GridView>
-<HorizontalScrollView ></HorizontalScrollView>
-<ImageButton />
-<ImageSwitcher ></ImageSwitcher>
-<ImageView />
-<LinearLayout ></LinearLayout>
-<ListView ></ListView>
-<MediaController ></MediaController>
-<MultiAutoCompleteTextView />
-<NumberPicker />
-<ProgressBar />
-<QuickContactBadge />
-<RadioButton />
-<RadioGroup ></RadioGroup>
-<RatingBar />
-<RelativeLayout ></RelativeLayout>
-<ScrollView ></ScrollView>
-<SearchView ></SearchView>
-<SeekBar />
-<SlidingDrawer ></SlidingDrawer> : SlidingDrawer specific attributes.
-<Space />
-<Spinner />
-<StackView ></StackView>
-<SurfaceView />
-<Switch />
-<TabHost ></TabHost>
-<TabWidget ></TabWidget>
-<TableLayout ></TableLayout>
-<TableRow ></TableRow>
-<TextSwitcher ></TextSwitcher>
-<TextView />
-<TextureView />
-<TimePicker />
-<ToggleButton />
-<TwoLineListItem />
-<VideoView />
-<View /> : Attributes that can be used with android.view.View or any of its subclasses.
-<ViewAnimator ></ViewAnimator>
-<ViewFlipper ></ViewFlipper>
-<ViewStub /> : A android.view.ViewStub lets you lazily include other XML layouts inside your application at runtime.
-<ViewSwitcher ></ViewSwitcher>
-<WebView />
-<ZoomButton />
-<ZoomControls />
-<android.gesture.GestureOverlayView ></android.gesture.GestureOverlayView> : GestureOverlayView specific attributes.
-<fragment /> : A Fragment is a piece of an application's user interface or behavior that can be placed in an Activity
-<include /> : Lets you statically include XML layouts inside other XML layouts.
-<requestFocus /> : Requests focus for the parent element or one of its descendants
-<view /> : A view tag whose class attribute names the class to be instantiated
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion12.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion12.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8da18db43..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion12.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for btn_default">^</FrameLayout>:
-<AbsoluteLayout ></AbsoluteLayout>
-<AdapterViewFlipper ></AdapterViewFlipper>
-<AnalogClock />
-<AutoCompleteTextView />
-<Button />
-<CalendarView />
-<CheckBox />
-<CheckedTextView />
-<Chronometer />
-<DatePicker />
-<DialerFilter ></DialerFilter>
-<DigitalClock />
-<EditText />
-<ExpandableListView ></ExpandableListView>
-<FrameLayout ></FrameLayout>
-<Gallery />
-<GridLayout ></GridLayout>
-<GridView ></GridView>
-<HorizontalScrollView ></HorizontalScrollView>
-<ImageButton />
-<ImageSwitcher ></ImageSwitcher>
-<ImageView />
-<LinearLayout ></LinearLayout>
-<ListView ></ListView>
-<MediaController ></MediaController>
-<MultiAutoCompleteTextView />
-<NumberPicker />
-<ProgressBar />
-<QuickContactBadge />
-<RadioButton />
-<RadioGroup ></RadioGroup>
-<RatingBar />
-<RelativeLayout ></RelativeLayout>
-<ScrollView ></ScrollView>
-<SearchView ></SearchView>
-<SeekBar />
-<SlidingDrawer ></SlidingDrawer> : SlidingDrawer specific attributes.
-<Space />
-<Spinner />
-<StackView ></StackView>
-<SurfaceView />
-<Switch />
-<TabHost ></TabHost>
-<TabWidget ></TabWidget>
-<TableLayout ></TableLayout>
-<TableRow ></TableRow>
-<TextSwitcher ></TextSwitcher>
-<TextView />
-<TextureView />
-<TimePicker />
-<ToggleButton />
-<TwoLineListItem />
-<VideoView />
-<View /> : Attributes that can be used with android.view.View or any of its subclasses.
-<ViewAnimator ></ViewAnimator>
-<ViewFlipper ></ViewFlipper>
-<ViewStub /> : A android.view.ViewStub lets you lazily include other XML layouts inside your application at runtime.
-<ViewSwitcher ></ViewSwitcher>
-<WebView />
-<ZoomButton />
-<ZoomControls />
-<android.gesture.GestureOverlayView ></android.gesture.GestureOverlayView> : GestureOverlayView specific attributes.
-<fragment /> : A Fragment is a piece of an application's user interface or behavior that can be placed in an Activity
-<include /> : Lets you statically include XML layouts inside other XML layouts.
-<requestFocus /> : Requests focus for the parent element or one of its descendants
-<view /> : A view tag whose class attribute names the class to be instantiated
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion2.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 136a6fe4d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_width="^fill_parent":
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion3.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion3.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 09c27ce2d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion3.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_width="fi^ll_parent":
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion39.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion39.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac2d3186..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion39.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for marginBottom="50"^:
-style : A reference to a custom style [reference]
-android:bufferType : Determines the minimum type that getText() will return. [enum]
-android:text : Text to display. [string]
-android:hint : Hint text to display when the text is empty. [string]
-android:textColor : Text color. [color, reference]
-android:textColorHighlight : Color of the text selection highlight. [color, reference]
-android:textColorHint : Color of the hint text. [color, reference]
-android:textAppearance : Base text color, typeface, size, and style. [reference]
-android:textSize : Size of the text. [dimension]
-android:textScaleX : Sets the horizontal scaling factor for the text. [float]
-android:typeface : Typeface (normal, sans, serif, monospace) for the text. [enum]
-android:textStyle : Style (bold, italic, bolditalic) for the text. [flag]
-android:fontFamily : Font family (named by string) for the text. [string]
-android:textColorLink : Text color for links. [color, reference]
-android:cursorVisible : Makes the cursor visible (the default) or invisible. [boolean]
-android:maxLines : Makes the TextView be at most this many lines tall. [integer]
-android:maxHeight : Makes the TextView be at most this many pixels tall. [dimension]
-android:lines : Makes the TextView be exactly this many lines tall. [integer]
-android:height : Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels tall. [dimension]
-android:minLines : Makes the TextView be at least this many lines tall. [integer]
-android:minHeight : Makes the TextView be at least this many pixels tall. [dimension]
-android:maxEms : Makes the TextView be at most this many ems wide. [integer]
-android:maxWidth : Makes the TextView be at most this many pixels wide. [dimension]
-android:ems : Makes the TextView be exactly this many ems wide. [integer]
-android:width : Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels wide. [dimension]
-android:minEms : Makes the TextView be at least this many ems wide. [integer]
-android:minWidth : Makes the TextView be at least this many pixels wide. [dimension]
-android:gravity : Specifies how to align the text by the view's x- and/or y-axis when the text is smaller than the view. [flag]
-android:scrollHorizontally : Whether the text is allowed to be wider than the view (and therefore can be scrolled horizontally). [boolean]
-android:password : Whether the characters of the field are displayed as password dots instead of themselves. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:singleLine : Constrains the text to a single horizontally scrolling line instead of letting it wrap onto multiple lines, and advances focus instead of inserting a newline when you press the enter key. * Deprecated: This attribute is deprecated. Use "maxLines" instead to change the layo...
-android:enabled : Specifies whether the widget is enabled. [boolean]
-android:selectAllOnFocus : If the text is selectable, select it all when the view takes focus. [boolean]
-android:includeFontPadding : Leave enough room for ascenders and descenders instead of using the font ascent and descent strictly. [boolean]
-android:maxLength : Set an input filter to constrain the text length to the specified number. [integer]
-android:shadowColor : Place a shadow of the specified color behind the text. [color]
-android:shadowDx : Horizontal offset of the shadow. [float]
-android:shadowDy : Vertical offset of the shadow. [float]
-android:shadowRadius : Radius of the shadow. [float]
-android:autoLink : Controls whether links such as urls and email addresses are automatically found and converted to clickable links. [flag]
-android:linksClickable : If set to false, keeps the movement method from being set to the link movement method even if autoLink causes links to be found. [boolean]
-android:numeric : If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [flag]
-android:digits : If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method and that these specific characters are the ones that it will accept. [string]
-android:phoneNumber : If set, specifies that this TextView has a phone number input method. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:inputMethod : If set, specifies that this TextView should use the specified input method (specified by fully-qualified class name). * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [string]
-android:capitalize : If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and should automatically capitalize what the user types. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [enum]
-android:autoText : If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and automatically corrects some common spelling errors. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:editable : If set, specifies that this TextView has an input method. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:freezesText : If set, the text view will include its current complete text inside of its frozen icicle in addition to meta-data such as the current cursor position. [boolean]
-android:ellipsize : If set, causes words that are longer than the view is wide to be ellipsized instead of broken in the middle. [enum]
-android:drawableTop : The drawable to be drawn above the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableBottom : The drawable to be drawn below the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableLeft : The drawable to be drawn to the left of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableRight : The drawable to be drawn to the right of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableStart : The drawable to be drawn to the start of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableEnd : The drawable to be drawn to the end of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawablePadding : The padding between the drawables and the text. [dimension]
-android:lineSpacingExtra : Extra spacing between lines of text. [dimension]
-android:lineSpacingMultiplier : Extra spacing between lines of text, as a multiplier. [float]
-android:marqueeRepeatLimit : The number of times to repeat the marquee animation. [integer, enum]
-android:inputType : The type of data being placed in a text field, used to help an input method decide how to let the user enter text. [flag]
-android:imeOptions : Additional features you can enable in an IME associated with an editor to improve the integration with your application. [flag]
-android:privateImeOptions : An addition content type description to supply to the input method attached to the text view, which is private to the implementation of the input method. [string]
-android:imeActionLabel : Supply a value for EditorInfo.actionLabel used when an input method is connected to the text view. [string]
-android:imeActionId : Supply a value for EditorInfo.actionId used when an input method is connected to the text view. [integer]
-android:editorExtras : Reference to an "input-extras" XML resource containing additional data to supply to an input method, which is private to the implementation of the input method. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandleLeft : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the left side of a selection region. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandleRight : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the right side of a selection region. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandle : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor for positioning the cursor within text. [reference]
-android:textEditPasteWindowLayout : The layout of the view that is displayed on top of the cursor to paste inside a TextEdit field. [reference]
-android:textEditNoPasteWindowLayout : Variation of textEditPasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty. [reference]
-android:textEditSidePasteWindowLayout : Used instead of textEditPasteWindowLayout when the window is moved on the side of the insertion cursor because it would be clipped if it were positioned on top. [reference]
-android:textEditSideNoPasteWindowLayout : Variation of textEditSidePasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty. [reference]
-android:textEditSuggestionItemLayout : Layout of the TextView item that will populate the suggestion popup window. [reference]
-android:textCursorDrawable : Reference to a drawable that will be drawn under the insertion cursor. [reference]
-android:textIsSelectable : Indicates that the content of a non-editable text can be selected. [boolean]
-android:textAllCaps : Present the text in ALL CAPS. [boolean]
-android:id : Supply an identifier name for this view, to later retrieve it with View.findViewById() or Activity.findViewById(). [reference]
-android:tag : Supply a tag for this view containing a String, to be retrieved later with View.getTag() or searched for with View.findViewWithTag() . [string]
-android:scrollX : The initial horizontal scroll offset, in pixels. [dimension]
-android:scrollY : The initial vertical scroll offset, in pixels. [dimension]
-android:background : A drawable to use as the background. [color, reference]
-android:padding : Sets the padding, in pixels, of all four edges. [dimension]
-android:paddingLeft : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the left edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingTop : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the top edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingRight : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the right edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingBottom : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the bottom edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingStart : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the start edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingEnd : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the end edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:focusable : Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus. [boolean]
-android:focusableInTouchMode : Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus while in touch mode. [boolean]
-android:visibility : Controls the initial visibility of the view. [enum]
-android:fitsSystemWindows : Boolean internal attribute to adjust view layout based on system windows such as the status bar. [boolean]
-android:scrollbars : Defines which scrollbars should be displayed on scrolling or not. [flag]
-android:scrollbarStyle : Controls the scrollbar style and position. [enum]
-android:isScrollContainer : Set this if the view will serve as a scrolling container, meaing that it can be resized to shrink its overall window so that there will be space for an input method. [boolean]
-android:fadeScrollbars : Defines whether to fade out scrollbars when they are not in use. [boolean]
-android:scrollbarFadeDuration : Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar takes to fade out. [integer]
-android:scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade : Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar waits before fade out. [integer]
-android:scrollbarSize : Sets the width of vertical scrollbars and height of horizontal scrollbars. [dimension]
-android:scrollbarThumbHorizontal : Defines the horizontal scrollbar thumb drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarThumbVertical : Defines the vertical scrollbar thumb drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarTrackHorizontal : Defines the horizontal scrollbar track drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarTrackVertical : Defines the vertical scrollbar track drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack : Defines whether the horizontal scrollbar track should always be drawn. [boolean]
-android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack : Defines whether the vertical scrollbar track should always be drawn. [boolean]
-android:fadingEdge : This attribute is deprecated and will be ignored as of API level 14 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH). [flag]
-android:requiresFadingEdge : Defines which edges should be faded on scrolling. [flag]
-android:fadingEdgeLength : Defines the length of the fading edges. [dimension]
-android:nextFocusLeft : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_LEFT. [reference]
-android:nextFocusRight : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_RIGHT If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusUp : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_UP If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusDown : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_DOWN If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusForward : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_FORWARD If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:clickable : Defines whether this view reacts to click events. [boolean]
-android:longClickable : Defines whether this view reacts to long click events. [boolean]
-android:saveEnabled : If unset, no state will be saved for this view when it is being frozen. [boolean]
-android:filterTouchesWhenObscured : Specifies whether to filter touches when the view's window is obscured by another visible window. [boolean]
-android:drawingCacheQuality : Defines the quality of translucent drawing caches. [enum]
-android:keepScreenOn : Controls whether the view's window should keep the screen on while visible. [boolean]
-android:duplicateParentState : When this attribute is set to true, the view gets its drawable state (focused, pressed, etc.) from its direct parent rather than from itself. [boolean]
-android:minHeight : Defines the minimum height of the view.
-android:minWidth : Defines the minimum width of the view.
-android:soundEffectsEnabled : Boolean that controls whether a view should have sound effects enabled for events such as clicking and touching. [boolean]
-android:hapticFeedbackEnabled : Boolean that controls whether a view should have haptic feedback enabled for events such as long presses. [boolean]
-android:contentDescription : Defines text that briefly describes content of the view. [string]
-android:onClick : Name of the method in this View's context to invoke when the view is clicked. [string]
-android:overScrollMode : Defines over-scrolling behavior. [enum]
-android:alpha : alpha property of the view, as a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque). [float]
-android:translationX : translation in x of the view. [dimension]
-android:translationY : translation in y of the view. [dimension]
-android:transformPivotX : x location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. [dimension]
-android:transformPivotY : y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. [dimension]
-android:rotation : rotation of the view, in degrees. [float]
-android:rotationX : rotation of the view around the x axis, in degrees. [float]
-android:rotationY : rotation of the view around the y axis, in degrees. [float]
-android:scaleX : scale of the view in the x direction. [float]
-android:scaleY : scale of the view in the y direction. [float]
-android:verticalScrollbarPosition : Determines which side the vertical scroll bar should be placed on. [enum]
-android:layerType : Specifies the type of layer backing this view. [enum]
-android:layoutDirection : Defines the direction of layout drawing. [enum]
-android:textDirection : Direction of the text. [integer, enum]
-android:textAlignment : Alignment of the text. [integer, enum]
-android:importantForAccessibility : Controls how this View is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen. [integer, enum]
-android:layout_width : Specifies the basic width of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_height : Specifies the basic height of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_weight : [float]
-android:layout_gravity : Standard gravity constant that a child can supply to its parent. [flag]
-android:layout_margin : Specifies extra space on the left, top, right and bottom sides of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginLeft : Specifies extra space on the left side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginTop : Specifies extra space on the top side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginRight : Specifies extra space on the right side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginBottom : Specifies extra space on the bottom side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginStart : Specifies extra space on the start side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginEnd : Specifies extra space on the end side of this view. [dimension]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion4.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion4.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a9111eb31..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion4.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for marginBottom="50^":
-50dp : <b>Density-independent Pixels</b> - an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen.
-50sp : <b>Scale-independent Pixels</b> - this is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference.
-50pt : <b>Points</b> - 1/72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen.
-50mm : <b>Millimeters</b> - based on the physical size of the screen.
-50in : <b>Inches</b> - based on the physical size of the screen.
-50px : <b>Pixels</b> - corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. Not recommended.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion5.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion5.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b1c99363..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion5.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_marginLeft="50d^p":
-50dp : <b>Density-independent Pixels</b> - an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion6.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion6.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f92b8f3..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion6.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for style="@android:^style/Widget.Button":
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion7a.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion7a.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cf373adde..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion7a.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for android:gravity="l^eft|bottom":
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion7b.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion7b.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 66276d628..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion7b.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for android:gravity="left|b^ottom":
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion8.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion8.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a364bc3ff..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion8.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_width^="fill_parent":
-android:layout_width : Specifies the basic width of the view. [dimension, enum]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion9.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion9.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ab6a0d249..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1-expected-completion9.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion1.xml for layout_width=^"fill_parent":
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d523eeb3d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- This file deliberately contains errors - it represents partial keyboard
- typing for interactive code completion
- <TextView
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_marginTop="@android:dimen/app_icon_size"
- android:layout_marginLeft="50dp"
- android:layout_marginBottom="50"
- android:textColor="#000000"
- style="@android:style/Widget.Button"
- android:gravity="left|bottom"
- android:text="@string/hello"
- android:hint="hint" />
- <FrameLayout android:foreground="@android:drawable/btn_default"></FrameLayout>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10-expected-applyCompletion42.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10-expected-applyCompletion42.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index af28a1343..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10-expected-applyCompletion42.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion10.xml for "[^wrap_content]" selecting fill_parent:
-@@ -9 +9
-- android:layout_height="^wrap_content"/>
-+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"^/>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10-expected-applyCompletion43.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10-expected-applyCompletion43.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a4d338e2..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10-expected-applyCompletion43.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion10.xml for "[^wrap_c]ontent" selecting fill_parent:
-@@ -9 +9
-- android:layout_height="^wrap_content"/>
-+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"^/>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10-expected-completion65.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10-expected-completion65.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 69fae0da3..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10-expected-completion65.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion10.xml for "[^wrap_content]":
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 57b38ee11..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion10.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:gravity="center_vertical">
-<Gallery xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/gallery"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-applyCompletion46.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-applyCompletion46.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 321deaa46..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-applyCompletion46.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion11.xml for ?android:attr/Textapp^ selecting ?android:attr/textAppearanceLargeInverse:
-@@ -7 +7
-- style="?android:attr/Textapp^"
-+ style="?android:attr/textAppearanceLargeInverse^"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-complation79.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-complation79.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3748c77ec..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-complation79.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion11.xml for tools:context="^.MainActivity":
-android.accounts.AccountAuthenticatorActivity : <p>See <code><a href="/reference/android/app/SearchManager.html">android.app.SearchManager</a></code> for more details.</td> </tr> <tr class=" api apilevel-1" > <td class="jd-typecol">int</td> <td class="jd-linkcol"...
-android.app.ActivityGroup : <p> <p class="caution"> <strong>This class was deprecated in API level 13</strong>.<br/> Use the new <code><a href="/reference/android/app/Fragment.html">Fragment</a></code> and <code><a href="/reference/android/app/FragmentManager.html">FragmentManager</...
-android.app.AliasActivity : <p>See <code><a href="/reference/android/app/SearchManager.html">android.app.SearchManager</a></code> for more details.</td> </tr> <tr class=" api apilevel-1" > <td class="jd-typecol">int</td> <td class="jd-linkcol"><a href="/reference...
-android.app.ExpandableListActivity : <p> ExpandableListActivity hosts a <code><a href="/reference/android/widget/ExpandableListView.html">ExpandableListView</a></code> object that can be bound to different data sources that provide a two-levels of data (the top-level is group, and below each ...
-android.app.LauncherActivity : <div id="jd-header"> public abstract class <h1 itemprop="name">LauncherActivity</h1> extends <a href="/reference/android/app/ListActivity.html">ListActivity</a><br/> ...
-android.app.ListActivity : <p> ListActivity hosts a <code><a href="/reference/android/widget/ListView.html">ListView</a></code> object that can be bound to different data sources, typically either an array or a Cursor holding query results. Binding, screen layout, and row layout are discussed ...
-android.app.NativeActivity : <p>A typical manifest would look like: <pre>&lt;manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.example.native_activity" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"&gt; &lt;!-- This is the platform ...
-android.app.TabActivity : <p> <p class="caution"> <strong>This class was deprecated in API level 13</strong>.<br/> New applications should use Fragments instead of this class; to continue to run on older devices, you can use the v4 support library which provides a version of the F...
-android.preference.PreferenceActivity : <p>This activity shows one or more headers of preferences, each of which is associated with a <code><a href="/reference/android/preference/PreferenceFragment.html">PreferenceFragment</a></code> to display the preferences of that header. The actual layout...
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-completion72.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-completion72.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e4c21f9a4..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-completion72.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion11.xml for ?^android:attr/Textapp:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-completion73.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-completion73.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 04cbbce93..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-completion73.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion11.xml for ?android:attr/Textapp^:
-?android:attr/textAppearance : Base text color, typeface, size, and style.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-completion74.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-completion74.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9579c93db..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11-expected-completion74.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion11.xml for ?and^roid:attr/Textapp:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e15b83019..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion11.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent" >
- <TextView
- style="?android:attr/Textapp"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"
- android:layout_centerVertical="true"
- android:text="@string/hello_world"
- tools:context=".MainActivity" />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion12-expected-completion75.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion12-expected-completion75.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ad38e61c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion12-expected-completion75.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion12.xml for <include ^/>:
-layout : [reference]. * Required.
-style : A reference to a custom style [reference]
-android:id : Supply an identifier name for this view, to later retrieve it with View.findViewById() or Activity.findViewById(). [reference]
-android:tag : Supply a tag for this view containing a String, to be retrieved later with View.getTag() or searched for with View.findViewWithTag() . [string]
-android:scrollX : The initial horizontal scroll offset, in pixels. [dimension]
-android:scrollY : The initial vertical scroll offset, in pixels. [dimension]
-android:background : A drawable to use as the background. [color, reference]
-android:padding : Sets the padding, in pixels, of all four edges. [dimension]
-android:paddingLeft : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the left edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingTop : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the top edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingRight : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the right edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingBottom : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the bottom edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingStart : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the start edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingEnd : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the end edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:focusable : Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus. [boolean]
-android:focusableInTouchMode : Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus while in touch mode. [boolean]
-android:visibility : Controls the initial visibility of the view. [enum]
-android:fitsSystemWindows : Boolean internal attribute to adjust view layout based on system windows such as the status bar. [boolean]
-android:scrollbars : Defines which scrollbars should be displayed on scrolling or not. [flag]
-android:scrollbarStyle : Controls the scrollbar style and position. [enum]
-android:isScrollContainer : Set this if the view will serve as a scrolling container, meaing that it can be resized to shrink its overall window so that there will be space for an input method. [boolean]
-android:fadeScrollbars : Defines whether to fade out scrollbars when they are not in use. [boolean]
-android:scrollbarFadeDuration : Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar takes to fade out. [integer]
-android:scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade : Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar waits before fade out. [integer]
-android:scrollbarSize : Sets the width of vertical scrollbars and height of horizontal scrollbars. [dimension]
-android:scrollbarThumbHorizontal : Defines the horizontal scrollbar thumb drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarThumbVertical : Defines the vertical scrollbar thumb drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarTrackHorizontal : Defines the horizontal scrollbar track drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarTrackVertical : Defines the vertical scrollbar track drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack : Defines whether the horizontal scrollbar track should always be drawn. [boolean]
-android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack : Defines whether the vertical scrollbar track should always be drawn. [boolean]
-android:fadingEdge : This attribute is deprecated and will be ignored as of API level 14 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH). [flag]
-android:requiresFadingEdge : Defines which edges should be faded on scrolling. [flag]
-android:fadingEdgeLength : Defines the length of the fading edges. [dimension]
-android:nextFocusLeft : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_LEFT. [reference]
-android:nextFocusRight : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_RIGHT If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusUp : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_UP If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusDown : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_DOWN If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusForward : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_FORWARD If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:clickable : Defines whether this view reacts to click events. [boolean]
-android:longClickable : Defines whether this view reacts to long click events. [boolean]
-android:saveEnabled : If unset, no state will be saved for this view when it is being frozen. [boolean]
-android:filterTouchesWhenObscured : Specifies whether to filter touches when the view's window is obscured by another visible window. [boolean]
-android:drawingCacheQuality : Defines the quality of translucent drawing caches. [enum]
-android:keepScreenOn : Controls whether the view's window should keep the screen on while visible. [boolean]
-android:duplicateParentState : When this attribute is set to true, the view gets its drawable state (focused, pressed, etc.) from its direct parent rather than from itself. [boolean]
-android:minHeight : Defines the minimum height of the view.
-android:minWidth : Defines the minimum width of the view.
-android:soundEffectsEnabled : Boolean that controls whether a view should have sound effects enabled for events such as clicking and touching. [boolean]
-android:hapticFeedbackEnabled : Boolean that controls whether a view should have haptic feedback enabled for events such as long presses. [boolean]
-android:contentDescription : Defines text that briefly describes content of the view. [string]
-android:onClick : Name of the method in this View's context to invoke when the view is clicked. [string]
-android:overScrollMode : Defines over-scrolling behavior. [enum]
-android:alpha : alpha property of the view, as a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque). [float]
-android:translationX : translation in x of the view. [dimension]
-android:translationY : translation in y of the view. [dimension]
-android:transformPivotX : x location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. [dimension]
-android:transformPivotY : y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. [dimension]
-android:rotation : rotation of the view, in degrees. [float]
-android:rotationX : rotation of the view around the x axis, in degrees. [float]
-android:rotationY : rotation of the view around the y axis, in degrees. [float]
-android:scaleX : scale of the view in the x direction. [float]
-android:scaleY : scale of the view in the y direction. [float]
-android:verticalScrollbarPosition : Determines which side the vertical scroll bar should be placed on. [enum]
-android:layerType : Specifies the type of layer backing this view. [enum]
-android:layoutDirection : Defines the direction of layout drawing. [enum]
-android:textDirection : Direction of the text. [integer, enum]
-android:textAlignment : Alignment of the text. [integer, enum]
-android:importantForAccessibility : Controls how this View is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen. [integer, enum]
-android:layout_toLeftOf : Positions the right edge of this view to the left of the given anchor view ID. [reference]
-android:layout_toRightOf : Positions the left edge of this view to the right of the given anchor view ID. [reference]
-android:layout_above : Positions the bottom edge of this view above the given anchor view ID. [reference]
-android:layout_below : Positions the top edge of this view below the given anchor view ID. [reference]
-android:layout_alignBaseline : Positions the baseline of this view on the baseline of the given anchor view ID. [reference]
-android:layout_alignLeft : Makes the left edge of this view match the left edge of the given anchor view ID. [reference]
-android:layout_alignTop : Makes the top edge of this view match the top edge of the given anchor view ID. [reference]
-android:layout_alignRight : Makes the right edge of this view match the right edge of the given anchor view ID. [reference]
-android:layout_alignBottom : Makes the bottom edge of this view match the bottom edge of the given anchor view ID. [reference]
-android:layout_alignParentLeft : If true, makes the left edge of this view match the left edge of the parent. [boolean]
-android:layout_alignParentTop : If true, makes the top edge of this view match the top edge of the parent. [boolean]
-android:layout_alignParentRight : If true, makes the right edge of this view match the right edge of the parent. [boolean]
-android:layout_alignParentBottom : If true, makes the bottom edge of this view match the bottom edge of the parent. [boolean]
-android:layout_centerInParent : If true, centers this child horizontally and vertically within its parent. [boolean]
-android:layout_centerHorizontal : If true, centers this child horizontally within its parent. [boolean]
-android:layout_centerVertical : If true, centers this child vertically within its parent. [boolean]
-android:layout_alignWithParentIfMissing : If set to true, the parent will be used as the anchor when the anchor cannot be be found for layout_toLeftOf, layout_toRightOf, etc. [boolean]
-android:layout_width : Specifies the basic width of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_height : Specifies the basic height of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_margin : Specifies extra space on the left, top, right and bottom sides of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginLeft : Specifies extra space on the left side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginTop : Specifies extra space on the top side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginRight : Specifies extra space on the right side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginBottom : Specifies extra space on the bottom side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginStart : Specifies extra space on the start side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginEnd : Specifies extra space on the end side of this view. [dimension]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion12.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion12.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 946a23277..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion12.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent" >
- <include />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-applyCompletion13a.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-applyCompletion13a.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index b36573657..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-applyCompletion13a.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion2.xml for gravity="left|bottom|^cen selecting fill_vertical:
-@@ -4 +4
-- <TextView android:gravity="left|bottom|^cen"></TextView>
-+ <TextView android:gravity="left|bottom|fill_vertical^"></TextView>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-applyCompletion13b.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-applyCompletion13b.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 46268af6d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-applyCompletion13b.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion2.xml for gravity="left|bottom|cen^ selecting center_horizontal:
-@@ -4 +4
-- <TextView android:gravity="left|bottom|cen^"></TextView>
-+ <TextView android:gravity="left|bottom|center_horizontal^"></TextView>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-applyCompletion13c.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-applyCompletion13c.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index bcac56d16..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-applyCompletion13c.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion2.xml for gravity="left|bottom^|cen selecting bottom|fill_horizontal:
-@@ -4 +4
-- <TextView android:gravity="left|bottom^|cen"></TextView>
-+ <TextView android:gravity="left|bottom|fill_horizontal^"></TextView>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-completion13a.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-completion13a.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd28c7365..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-completion13a.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion2.xml for gravity="left|bottom|^cen:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-completion13b.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-completion13b.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e6d4d865..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-completion13b.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion2.xml for gravity="left|bottom|cen^:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-completion13c.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-completion13c.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aebfedea..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2-expected-completion13c.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion2.xml for gravity="left|bottom^|cen:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0921674cd..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <!-- Test multiple pipes in the flag value -->
- <TextView android:gravity="left|bottom|cen"></TextView>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion3-expected-applyCompletion17.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion3-expected-applyCompletion17.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index ef070b28e..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion3-expected-applyCompletion17.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion3.xml for <EditText ^/> selecting android:textColorHighlight:
-@@ -3 +3
-- <EditText ^/>
-+ <EditText android:textColorHighlight="^"/>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion3-expected-applyCompletion18.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion3-expected-applyCompletion18.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 283636b4e..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion3-expected-applyCompletion18.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion3.xml for <Button ^></Button> selecting android:paddingRight:
-@@ -4 +4
-- <Button ^></Button>
-+ <Button android:paddingRight="^"></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion3.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index afb64b827..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <EditText />
- <Button ></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion4-expected-completion22.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion4-expected-completion22.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c7170dfcc..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion4-expected-completion22.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion4.xml for <Button^:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion4.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion4.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0047772f5..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion4.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <Button
- android:text="@string/app_name"
- android:layout_marginLeft="@android:dimen/app_icon_size"
- android:id="@+id/button1"
- ></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion19.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion19.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f7866324..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion19.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion5.xml for android:orientation='^' selecting horizontal:
-@@ -5 +5
-- android:orientation='^'
-+ android:orientation='horizontal'^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion20.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion20.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 4933d1320..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion20.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion5.xml for android:layout_marginTop='50^dp' selecting 50pt:
-@@ -10 +10
-- android:layout_marginTop='50^dp'
-+ android:layout_marginTop='50pt'^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion21.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion21.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c88d7fc..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion21.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion5.xml for android:layout_width='^wrap_content' selecting match_parent:
-@@ -11 +11
-- android:layout_width='^wrap_content'
-+ android:layout_width='match_parent'^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion40.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion40.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 705f865ce..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-applyCompletion40.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion5.xml for android:id='@+id/button2'^ selecting android:maxWidth:
-@@ -15 +15
-- android:id='@+id/button2'^
-+ android:id='@+id/button2' android:maxWidth="^"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-completion40.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-completion40.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a4cf0fa45..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5-expected-completion40.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion5.xml for android:id='@+id/button2'^:
-style : A reference to a custom style [reference]
-android:bufferType : Determines the minimum type that getText() will return. [enum]
-android:text : Text to display. [string]
-android:hint : Hint text to display when the text is empty. [string]
-android:textColor : Text color. [color, reference]
-android:textColorHighlight : Color of the text selection highlight. [color, reference]
-android:textColorHint : Color of the hint text. [color, reference]
-android:textAppearance : Base text color, typeface, size, and style. [reference]
-android:textSize : Size of the text. [dimension]
-android:textScaleX : Sets the horizontal scaling factor for the text. [float]
-android:typeface : Typeface (normal, sans, serif, monospace) for the text. [enum]
-android:textStyle : Style (bold, italic, bolditalic) for the text. [flag]
-android:fontFamily : Font family (named by string) for the text. [string]
-android:textColorLink : Text color for links. [color, reference]
-android:cursorVisible : Makes the cursor visible (the default) or invisible. [boolean]
-android:maxLines : Makes the TextView be at most this many lines tall. [integer]
-android:maxHeight : Makes the TextView be at most this many pixels tall. [dimension]
-android:lines : Makes the TextView be exactly this many lines tall. [integer]
-android:height : Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels tall. [dimension]
-android:minLines : Makes the TextView be at least this many lines tall. [integer]
-android:minHeight : Makes the TextView be at least this many pixels tall. [dimension]
-android:maxEms : Makes the TextView be at most this many ems wide. [integer]
-android:maxWidth : Makes the TextView be at most this many pixels wide. [dimension]
-android:ems : Makes the TextView be exactly this many ems wide. [integer]
-android:width : Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels wide. [dimension]
-android:minEms : Makes the TextView be at least this many ems wide. [integer]
-android:minWidth : Makes the TextView be at least this many pixels wide. [dimension]
-android:gravity : Specifies how to align the text by the view's x- and/or y-axis when the text is smaller than the view. [flag]
-android:scrollHorizontally : Whether the text is allowed to be wider than the view (and therefore can be scrolled horizontally). [boolean]
-android:password : Whether the characters of the field are displayed as password dots instead of themselves. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:singleLine : Constrains the text to a single horizontally scrolling line instead of letting it wrap onto multiple lines, and advances focus instead of inserting a newline when you press the enter key. * Deprecated: This attribute is deprecated. Use "maxLines" instead to change the layo...
-android:enabled : Specifies whether the widget is enabled. [boolean]
-android:selectAllOnFocus : If the text is selectable, select it all when the view takes focus. [boolean]
-android:includeFontPadding : Leave enough room for ascenders and descenders instead of using the font ascent and descent strictly. [boolean]
-android:maxLength : Set an input filter to constrain the text length to the specified number. [integer]
-android:shadowColor : Place a shadow of the specified color behind the text. [color]
-android:shadowDx : Horizontal offset of the shadow. [float]
-android:shadowDy : Vertical offset of the shadow. [float]
-android:shadowRadius : Radius of the shadow. [float]
-android:autoLink : Controls whether links such as urls and email addresses are automatically found and converted to clickable links. [flag]
-android:linksClickable : If set to false, keeps the movement method from being set to the link movement method even if autoLink causes links to be found. [boolean]
-android:numeric : If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [flag]
-android:digits : If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method and that these specific characters are the ones that it will accept. [string]
-android:phoneNumber : If set, specifies that this TextView has a phone number input method. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:inputMethod : If set, specifies that this TextView should use the specified input method (specified by fully-qualified class name). * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [string]
-android:capitalize : If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and should automatically capitalize what the user types. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [enum]
-android:autoText : If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and automatically corrects some common spelling errors. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:editable : If set, specifies that this TextView has an input method. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:freezesText : If set, the text view will include its current complete text inside of its frozen icicle in addition to meta-data such as the current cursor position. [boolean]
-android:ellipsize : If set, causes words that are longer than the view is wide to be ellipsized instead of broken in the middle. [enum]
-android:drawableTop : The drawable to be drawn above the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableBottom : The drawable to be drawn below the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableLeft : The drawable to be drawn to the left of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableRight : The drawable to be drawn to the right of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableStart : The drawable to be drawn to the start of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableEnd : The drawable to be drawn to the end of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawablePadding : The padding between the drawables and the text. [dimension]
-android:lineSpacingExtra : Extra spacing between lines of text. [dimension]
-android:lineSpacingMultiplier : Extra spacing between lines of text, as a multiplier. [float]
-android:marqueeRepeatLimit : The number of times to repeat the marquee animation. [integer, enum]
-android:inputType : The type of data being placed in a text field, used to help an input method decide how to let the user enter text. [flag]
-android:imeOptions : Additional features you can enable in an IME associated with an editor to improve the integration with your application. [flag]
-android:privateImeOptions : An addition content type description to supply to the input method attached to the text view, which is private to the implementation of the input method. [string]
-android:imeActionLabel : Supply a value for EditorInfo.actionLabel used when an input method is connected to the text view. [string]
-android:imeActionId : Supply a value for EditorInfo.actionId used when an input method is connected to the text view. [integer]
-android:editorExtras : Reference to an "input-extras" XML resource containing additional data to supply to an input method, which is private to the implementation of the input method. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandleLeft : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the left side of a selection region. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandleRight : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the right side of a selection region. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandle : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor for positioning the cursor within text. [reference]
-android:textEditPasteWindowLayout : The layout of the view that is displayed on top of the cursor to paste inside a TextEdit field. [reference]
-android:textEditNoPasteWindowLayout : Variation of textEditPasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty. [reference]
-android:textEditSidePasteWindowLayout : Used instead of textEditPasteWindowLayout when the window is moved on the side of the insertion cursor because it would be clipped if it were positioned on top. [reference]
-android:textEditSideNoPasteWindowLayout : Variation of textEditSidePasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty. [reference]
-android:textEditSuggestionItemLayout : Layout of the TextView item that will populate the suggestion popup window. [reference]
-android:textCursorDrawable : Reference to a drawable that will be drawn under the insertion cursor. [reference]
-android:textIsSelectable : Indicates that the content of a non-editable text can be selected. [boolean]
-android:textAllCaps : Present the text in ALL CAPS. [boolean]
-android:id : Supply an identifier name for this view, to later retrieve it with View.findViewById() or Activity.findViewById(). [reference]
-android:tag : Supply a tag for this view containing a String, to be retrieved later with View.getTag() or searched for with View.findViewWithTag() . [string]
-android:scrollX : The initial horizontal scroll offset, in pixels. [dimension]
-android:scrollY : The initial vertical scroll offset, in pixels. [dimension]
-android:background : A drawable to use as the background. [color, reference]
-android:padding : Sets the padding, in pixels, of all four edges. [dimension]
-android:paddingLeft : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the left edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingTop : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the top edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingRight : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the right edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingBottom : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the bottom edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingStart : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the start edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingEnd : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the end edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:focusable : Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus. [boolean]
-android:focusableInTouchMode : Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus while in touch mode. [boolean]
-android:visibility : Controls the initial visibility of the view. [enum]
-android:fitsSystemWindows : Boolean internal attribute to adjust view layout based on system windows such as the status bar. [boolean]
-android:scrollbars : Defines which scrollbars should be displayed on scrolling or not. [flag]
-android:scrollbarStyle : Controls the scrollbar style and position. [enum]
-android:isScrollContainer : Set this if the view will serve as a scrolling container, meaing that it can be resized to shrink its overall window so that there will be space for an input method. [boolean]
-android:fadeScrollbars : Defines whether to fade out scrollbars when they are not in use. [boolean]
-android:scrollbarFadeDuration : Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar takes to fade out. [integer]
-android:scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade : Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar waits before fade out. [integer]
-android:scrollbarSize : Sets the width of vertical scrollbars and height of horizontal scrollbars. [dimension]
-android:scrollbarThumbHorizontal : Defines the horizontal scrollbar thumb drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarThumbVertical : Defines the vertical scrollbar thumb drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarTrackHorizontal : Defines the horizontal scrollbar track drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarTrackVertical : Defines the vertical scrollbar track drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack : Defines whether the horizontal scrollbar track should always be drawn. [boolean]
-android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack : Defines whether the vertical scrollbar track should always be drawn. [boolean]
-android:fadingEdge : This attribute is deprecated and will be ignored as of API level 14 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH). [flag]
-android:requiresFadingEdge : Defines which edges should be faded on scrolling. [flag]
-android:fadingEdgeLength : Defines the length of the fading edges. [dimension]
-android:nextFocusLeft : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_LEFT. [reference]
-android:nextFocusRight : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_RIGHT If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusUp : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_UP If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusDown : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_DOWN If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusForward : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_FORWARD If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:clickable : Defines whether this view reacts to click events. [boolean]
-android:longClickable : Defines whether this view reacts to long click events. [boolean]
-android:saveEnabled : If unset, no state will be saved for this view when it is being frozen. [boolean]
-android:filterTouchesWhenObscured : Specifies whether to filter touches when the view's window is obscured by another visible window. [boolean]
-android:drawingCacheQuality : Defines the quality of translucent drawing caches. [enum]
-android:keepScreenOn : Controls whether the view's window should keep the screen on while visible. [boolean]
-android:duplicateParentState : When this attribute is set to true, the view gets its drawable state (focused, pressed, etc.) from its direct parent rather than from itself. [boolean]
-android:minHeight : Defines the minimum height of the view.
-android:minWidth : Defines the minimum width of the view.
-android:soundEffectsEnabled : Boolean that controls whether a view should have sound effects enabled for events such as clicking and touching. [boolean]
-android:hapticFeedbackEnabled : Boolean that controls whether a view should have haptic feedback enabled for events such as long presses. [boolean]
-android:contentDescription : Defines text that briefly describes content of the view. [string]
-android:onClick : Name of the method in this View's context to invoke when the view is clicked. [string]
-android:overScrollMode : Defines over-scrolling behavior. [enum]
-android:alpha : alpha property of the view, as a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque). [float]
-android:translationX : translation in x of the view. [dimension]
-android:translationY : translation in y of the view. [dimension]
-android:transformPivotX : x location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. [dimension]
-android:transformPivotY : y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. [dimension]
-android:rotation : rotation of the view, in degrees. [float]
-android:rotationX : rotation of the view around the x axis, in degrees. [float]
-android:rotationY : rotation of the view around the y axis, in degrees. [float]
-android:scaleX : scale of the view in the x direction. [float]
-android:scaleY : scale of the view in the y direction. [float]
-android:verticalScrollbarPosition : Determines which side the vertical scroll bar should be placed on. [enum]
-android:layerType : Specifies the type of layer backing this view. [enum]
-android:layoutDirection : Defines the direction of layout drawing. [enum]
-android:textDirection : Direction of the text. [integer, enum]
-android:textAlignment : Alignment of the text. [integer, enum]
-android:importantForAccessibility : Controls how this View is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen. [integer, enum]
-android:layout_width : Specifies the basic width of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_height : Specifies the basic height of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_weight : [float]
-android:layout_gravity : Standard gravity constant that a child can supply to its parent. [flag]
-android:layout_margin : Specifies extra space on the left, top, right and bottom sides of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginLeft : Specifies extra space on the left side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginTop : Specifies extra space on the top side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginRight : Specifies extra space on the right side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginBottom : Specifies extra space on the bottom side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginStart : Specifies extra space on the start side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginEnd : Specifies extra space on the end side of this view. [dimension]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 757be8b8e..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion5.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
- xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'
- android:layout_width='match_parent'
- android:orientation=''
- android:layout_height='match_parent'>
- <Button
- android:text="what's up doc?"
- android:id='@+id/button1'
- android:layout_marginTop='50dp'
- android:layout_width='wrap_content'
- android:layout_height='wrap_content'></Button>
- <Button
- android:text="quote='"
- android:id='@+id/button2'
- android:layout_width='wrap_content'
- android:layout_height='wrap_content'></Button>
- <Button
- android:text='quote="'
- android:id='@+id/button2'
- android:layout_width='wrap_content'
- android:layout_height='wrap_content'></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion6-expected-applyCompletion22.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion6-expected-applyCompletion22.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 92cd2f2ab..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion6-expected-applyCompletion22.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion6.xml for android:orientation="^" selecting horizontal:
-@@ -5 +5
-- android:orientation="^"
-+ android:orientation="horizontal"^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion6.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion6.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 55bfa0c93..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion6.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
- xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'
- android:layout_width='match_parent'
- android:orientation=""
- android:layout_height='match_parent'>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion7-expected-applyCompletion23.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion7-expected-applyCompletion23.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aaadc267..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion7-expected-applyCompletion23.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion7.xml for android:orientation="^ selecting horizontal:
-@@ -5 +5
-- android:orientation="^
-+ android:orientation="horizontal^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion7.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion7.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 30afbaf4f..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion7.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
- xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'
- android:layout_width='match_parent'
- android:orientation="
- android:layout_height='match_parent'>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-applyCompletion41.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-applyCompletion41.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 7678740d1..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-applyCompletion41.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion8.xml for android:mar^="50dp" selecting android:layout_marginRight:
-@@ -6 +6
-- android:mar^="50dp"
-+ android:layout_marginRight^="50dp"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion41.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion41.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c2e215ec..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion41.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion8.xml for android:mar^="50dp":
-android:layout_margin : Specifies extra space on the left, top, right and bottom sides of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginLeft : Specifies extra space on the left side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginTop : Specifies extra space on the top side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginRight : Specifies extra space on the right side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginBottom : Specifies extra space on the bottom side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginStart : Specifies extra space on the start side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginEnd : Specifies extra space on the end side of this view. [dimension]
-android:marqueeRepeatLimit : The number of times to repeat the marquee animation. [integer, enum]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion42.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion42.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f5b072093..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion42.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion8.xml for android:w^i="100":
-android:layout_width : Specifies the basic width of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_weight : [float]
-android:width : Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels wide. [dimension]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion43.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion43.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 50f13d18b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion43.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion8.xml for mar^="60dp":
-android:layout_margin : Specifies extra space on the left, top, right and bottom sides of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginLeft : Specifies extra space on the left side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginTop : Specifies extra space on the top side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginRight : Specifies extra space on the right side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginBottom : Specifies extra space on the bottom side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginStart : Specifies extra space on the start side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginEnd : Specifies extra space on the end side of this view. [dimension]
-android:marqueeRepeatLimit : The number of times to repeat the marquee animation. [integer, enum]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion44.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion44.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 357814507..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8-expected-completion44.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion8.xml for android:layo^ut_width="fill_parent":
-android:layout_width : Specifies the basic width of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_height : Specifies the basic height of the view. [dimension, enum]
-android:layout_weight : [float]
-android:layout_gravity : Standard gravity constant that a child can supply to its parent. [flag]
-android:layout_margin : Specifies extra space on the left, top, right and bottom sides of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginLeft : Specifies extra space on the left side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginTop : Specifies extra space on the top side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginRight : Specifies extra space on the right side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginBottom : Specifies extra space on the bottom side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginStart : Specifies extra space on the start side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layout_marginEnd : Specifies extra space on the end side of this view. [dimension]
-android:layoutDirection : Defines the direction of layout drawing. [enum]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f9d6b537..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion8.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <TextView
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:mar="50dp"
- android:wi="100"
- mar="60dp"
- />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9-expected-completion62.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9-expected-completion62.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9189a827c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9-expected-completion62.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion9.xml for android:layout_wi^dth=:
-android:layout_width : Specifies the basic width of the view. [dimension, enum]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9-expected-completion63.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9-expected-completion63.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c6ee31dbe..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9-expected-completion63.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion9.xml for android:drawable^Top:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9-expected-completion64.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9-expected-completion64.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2085e96da..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9-expected-completion64.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completion9.xml for ^<Button:
-<AbsoluteLayout ></AbsoluteLayout>
-<AdapterViewFlipper ></AdapterViewFlipper>
-<AnalogClock />
-<AutoCompleteTextView />
-<Button />
-<CalendarView />
-<CheckBox />
-<CheckedTextView />
-<Chronometer />
-<DatePicker />
-<DialerFilter ></DialerFilter>
-<DigitalClock />
-<EditText />
-<ExpandableListView ></ExpandableListView>
-<FrameLayout ></FrameLayout>
-<Gallery />
-<GridLayout ></GridLayout>
-<GridView ></GridView>
-<HorizontalScrollView ></HorizontalScrollView>
-<ImageButton />
-<ImageSwitcher ></ImageSwitcher>
-<ImageView />
-<LinearLayout ></LinearLayout>
-<ListView ></ListView>
-<MediaController ></MediaController>
-<MultiAutoCompleteTextView />
-<NumberPicker />
-<ProgressBar />
-<QuickContactBadge />
-<RadioButton />
-<RadioGroup ></RadioGroup>
-<RatingBar />
-<RelativeLayout ></RelativeLayout>
-<ScrollView ></ScrollView>
-<SearchView ></SearchView>
-<SeekBar />
-<SlidingDrawer ></SlidingDrawer> : SlidingDrawer specific attributes.
-<Space />
-<Spinner />
-<StackView ></StackView>
-<SurfaceView />
-<Switch />
-<TabHost ></TabHost>
-<TabWidget ></TabWidget>
-<TableLayout ></TableLayout>
-<TableRow ></TableRow>
-<TextSwitcher ></TextSwitcher>
-<TextView />
-<TextureView />
-<TimePicker />
-<ToggleButton />
-<TwoLineListItem />
-<VideoView />
-<View /> : Attributes that can be used with android.view.View or any of its subclasses.
-<ViewAnimator ></ViewAnimator>
-<ViewFlipper ></ViewFlipper>
-<ViewStub /> : A android.view.ViewStub lets you lazily include other XML layouts inside your application at runtime.
-<ViewSwitcher ></ViewSwitcher>
-<WebView />
-<ZoomButton />
-<ZoomControls />
-<android.gesture.GestureOverlayView ></android.gesture.GestureOverlayView> : GestureOverlayView specific attributes.
-<fragment /> : A Fragment is a piece of an application's user interface or behavior that can be placed in an Activity
-<include /> : Lets you statically include XML layouts inside other XML layouts.
-<merge ></merge> : A root tag useful for XML layouts inflated using a ViewStub.
-<requestFocus /> : Requests focus for the parent element or one of its descendants
-<view /> : A view tag whose class attribute names the class to be instantiated
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9040d8c1f..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completion9.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent">
- <Button android:id="@+id/home_btn_schedule"
- style="@style/DashboardButton"
- android:text="@string/btn_schedule"
- android:drawableTop="@drawable/home_btn_schedule" />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion24a.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion24a.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index d3232190c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion24a.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for android:textS^ize selecting android:textSelectHandleLeft:
-@@ -4 +4
-- <item name="android:textS^ize">17sp</item>
-+ <item name="android:textSelectHandleLeft"^>17sp</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion24b.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion24b.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index ac71df7eb..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion24b.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for 17^sp selecting 17mm:
-@@ -4 +4
-- <item name="android:textSize">17^sp</item>
-+ <item name="android:textSize">17mm^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion25.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion25.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index df6fceb9e..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion25.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for textColor">^@color/title_color</item> selecting @android::
-@@ -5 +5
-- <item name="android:textColor">^@color/title_color</item>
-+ <item name="android:textColor">@android:^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion26.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion26.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 36fce8b9e..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion26.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:shadowColor">@an^</item> selecting @android::
-@@ -6 +6
-- <item name="android:shadowColor">@an^</item>
-+ <item name="android:shadowColor">@android:^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion27.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion27.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 6315fc4fd..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion27.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:gravity">^ </item> selecting center_vertical:
-@@ -7 +7
-- <item name="android:gravity">^ </item>
-+ <item name="android:gravity">center_vertical^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion28.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion28.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db9773a1..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion28.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:gravity"> ^</item> selecting left:
-@@ -7 +7
-- <item name="android:gravity"> ^</item>
-+ <item name="android:gravity"> left^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion29.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion29.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 63076464d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion29.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="gr^"> selecting android:gravity:
-@@ -8 +8
-- <item name="gr^">@color/title_color</item>
-+ <item name="android:gravity"^>@color/title_color</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion30.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion30.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index c8a119fd9..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion30.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="an^"> selecting android:animateOnClick:
-@@ -9 +9
-- <item name="an^">@color/title_color</item>
-+ <item name="android:animateOnClick"^>@color/title_color</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion31.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion31.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b3743807..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion31.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item ^></item> selecting name:
-@@ -10 +10
-- <item ^></item>
-+ <item name="^"></item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion32.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion32.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index b34a8ec5c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion32.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="^"></item> selecting android:background:
-@@ -11 +11
-- <item name="^"></item>
-+ <item name="android:background"^></item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion33.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion33.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index b78adee5b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion33.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:allowSingleTap">^</item> selecting true:
-@@ -12 +12
-- <item name="android:allowSingleTap">^</item>
-+ <item name="android:allowSingleTap">true^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion34.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion34.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af6c92d5..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion34.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache">^ false </item> selecting true:
-@@ -13 +13
-- <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache">^ false </item>
-+ <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache">true^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion35.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion35.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index f48f10143..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion35.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> ^false </item> selecting true:
-@@ -13 +13
-- <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> ^false </item>
-+ <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> true^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion36.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion36.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c246a8ff..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion36.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> f^alse </item> selecting false:
-@@ -13 +13
-- <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> f^alse </item>
-+ <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> false^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion37.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion37.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 082f2b25c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion37.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:orientation">h^</item> selecting horizontal:
-@@ -14 +14
-- <item name="android:orientation">h^</item>
-+ <item name="android:orientation">horizontal^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion38.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion38.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 47580e1d8..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion38.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for c^ selecting center:
-@@ -16 +16
-- c^
-+ center^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion44.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion44.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 57fe472e5..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-applyCompletion44.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for [^false] selecting true:
-@@ -13 +13
-- <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> ^false </item>
-+ <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> true^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion23.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion23.txt
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index a2f64dc72..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion23.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for android:textS^ize:
-android:textScaleX : Sets the horizontal scaling factor for the text. [float]
-android:textSelectHandle : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor for positioning the cursor within text. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandleLeft : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the left side of a selection region. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandleRight : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the right side of a selection region. [reference]
-android:textSize : Size of the text. [dimension]
-android:textStyle : Style (bold, italic, bolditalic) for the text. [flag]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion24.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion24.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c1de9ec99..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion24.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for 17^sp:
-17dp : <b>Density-independent Pixels</b> - an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen.
-17sp : <b>Scale-independent Pixels</b> - this is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference.
-17pt : <b>Points</b> - 1/72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen.
-17mm : <b>Millimeters</b> - based on the physical size of the screen.
-17in : <b>Inches</b> - based on the physical size of the screen.
-17px : <b>Pixels</b> - corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. Not recommended.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion25.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion25.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b57246dd0..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion25.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for textColor">^@color/title_color</item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion26.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion26.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c541c38..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion26.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:shadowColor">@an^</item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion27.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion27.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22b636ddf..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion27.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:gravity">^ </item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion28.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion28.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a850294d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion28.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:gravity"> ^</item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion29.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion29.txt
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index c082ce44b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion29.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="gr^">:
-android:gravity : Specifies how to place the content of an object, both on the x- and y-axis, within the object itself. [flag]
-android:groupIndicator : Indicator shown beside the group View. [reference]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion30.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion30.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index efee2bcf5..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion30.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="an^">:
-android:animateFirstView : Defines whether to animate the current View when the ViewAnimation is first displayed. [boolean]
-android:animateLayoutChanges : Defines whether changes in layout (caused by adding and removing items) should cause a LayoutTransition to run. [boolean]
-android:animateOnClick : Indicates whether the drawer should be opened/closed with an animation when the user clicks the handle. [boolean]
-android:animationCache : Defines whether layout animations should create a drawing cache for their children. [boolean]
-android:animationDuration : Sets how long a transition animation should run (in milliseconds) when layout has changed. [integer]
-android:animationResolution : Timeout between frames of animation in milliseconds * Deprecated: Not used by the framework. [integer]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion31.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion31.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 90441643c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion31.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item ^></item>:
-name : The mandatory name used in referring to this item.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion32.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion32.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 57684d7ce..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion32.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="^"></item>:
-android:addStatesFromChildren : Sets whether this ViewGroup's drawable states also include its children's drawable states. [boolean]
-android:adjustViewBounds : Set this to true if you want the ImageView to adjust its bounds to preserve the aspect ratio of its drawable. [boolean]
-android:alignmentMode : When set to alignMargins, causes alignment to take place between the outer boundary of a view, as defined by its margins. [enum]
-android:allowSingleTap : Indicates whether the drawer can be opened/closed by a single tap on the handle. [boolean]
-android:alpha : alpha property of the view, as a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque). [float]
-android:alwaysDrawnWithCache : Defines whether the ViewGroup should always draw its children using their drawing cache or not. [boolean]
-android:animateFirstView : Defines whether to animate the current View when the ViewAnimation is first displayed. [boolean]
-android:animateLayoutChanges : Defines whether changes in layout (caused by adding and removing items) should cause a LayoutTransition to run. [boolean]
-android:animateOnClick : Indicates whether the drawer should be opened/closed with an animation when the user clicks the handle. [boolean]
-android:animationCache : Defines whether layout animations should create a drawing cache for their children. [boolean]
-android:animationDuration : Sets how long a transition animation should run (in milliseconds) when layout has changed. [integer]
-android:animationResolution : Timeout between frames of animation in milliseconds * Deprecated: Not used by the framework. [integer]
-android:autoLink : Controls whether links such as urls and email addresses are automatically found and converted to clickable links. [flag]
-android:autoStart : When true, automatically start animating [boolean]
-android:autoText : If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and automatically corrects some common spelling errors. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:background : A drawable to use as the background. [color, reference]
-android:baseline : The offset of the baseline within this view. [dimension]
-android:baselineAlignBottom : If true, the image view will be baseline aligned with based on its bottom edge. [boolean]
-android:baselineAligned : When set to false, prevents the layout from aligning its children's baselines. [boolean]
-android:baselineAlignedChildIndex : When a linear layout is part of another layout that is baseline aligned, it can specify which of its children to baseline align to (that is, which child TextView). [integer]
-android:bottomOffset : Extra offset for the handle at the bottom of the SlidingDrawer. [dimension]
-android:bufferType : Determines the minimum type that getText() will return. [enum]
-android:button : Drawable used for the button graphic (e.g. checkbox, radio button, etc). [reference]
-android:cacheColorHint : Indicates that this list will always be drawn on top of solid, single-color opaque background. [color]
-android:calendarViewShown : Whether the calendar view is shown. [boolean]
-android:capitalize : If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and should automatically capitalize what the user types. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [enum]
-android:checkMark : Drawable used for the check mark graphic. [reference]
-android:checked : Indicates the initial checked state of this button. [boolean]
-android:checkedButton : The id of the child radio button that should be checked by default within this radio group. [integer]
-android:childDivider : Drawable or color that is used as a divider for children. [color, reference]
-android:childIndicator : Indicator shown beside the child View. [reference]
-android:childIndicatorLeft : The left bound for a child's indicator. [dimension]
-android:childIndicatorRight : The right bound for a child's indicator. [dimension]
-android:choiceMode : Defines the choice behavior for the view. [enum]
-class : Supply the name of the view class to instantiate
-android:clickColor : Color of the outline of click feedback. [color]
-android:clickable : Defines whether this view reacts to click events. [boolean]
-android:clipChildren : Defines whether a child is limited to draw inside of its bounds or not. [boolean]
-android:clipToPadding : Defines whether the ViewGroup will clip its drawing surface so as to exclude the padding area. [boolean]
-android:collapseColumns : The zero-based index of the columns to collapse. [string]
-android:columnCount : The maxmimum number of columns to create when automatically positioning children. [integer]
-android:columnOrderPreserved : When set to true, forces column boundaries to appear in the same order as column indices. [boolean]
-android:columnWidth : Specifies the fixed width for each column. [dimension]
-android:completionHint : Defines the hint displayed in the drop down menu. [string]
-android:completionHintView : Defines the hint view displayed in the drop down menu. [reference]
-android:completionThreshold : Defines the number of characters that the user must type before completion suggestions are displayed in a drop down menu. [integer]
-android:content : Identifier for the child that represents the drawer's content. [reference]
-android:contentDescription : Defines text that briefly describes content of the view. [string]
-android:cropToPadding : If true, the image will be cropped to fit within its padding. [boolean]
-android:cursorVisible : Makes the cursor visible (the default) or invisible. [boolean]
-android:dateTextAppearance : The text appearance for the calendar dates. [reference]
-android:descendantFocusability : Defines the relationship between the ViewGroup and its descendants when looking for a View to take focus. [enum]
-android:dial : [reference]
-android:digits : If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method and that these specific characters are the ones that it will accept. [string]
-android:disableChildrenWhenDisabled : Whether this spinner should mark child views as enabled/disabled when the spinner itself is enabled/disabled. [boolean]
-android:disabledAlpha : The alpha to apply to the indicator when disabled. [float]
-android:divider : Drawable to use as a vertical divider between buttons.
-android:dividerHeight : Height of the divider. [dimension]
-android:dividerPadding : Size of padding on either end of a divider. [dimension]
-android:drawSelectorOnTop : When set to true, the selector will be drawn over the selected item. [boolean]
-android:drawableBottom : The drawable to be drawn below the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableEnd : The drawable to be drawn to the end of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableLeft : The drawable to be drawn to the left of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawablePadding : The padding between the drawables and the text. [dimension]
-android:drawableRight : The drawable to be drawn to the right of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableStart : The drawable to be drawn to the start of the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawableTop : The drawable to be drawn above the text. [color, reference]
-android:drawingCacheQuality : Defines the quality of translucent drawing caches. [enum]
-android:dropDownAnchor : View to anchor the auto-complete dropdown to. [reference]
-android:dropDownHeight : Specifies the basic height of the dropdown. [dimension, enum]
-android:dropDownHorizontalOffset : Horizontal offset from the spinner widget for positioning the dropdown in spinnerMode="dropdown". [dimension]
-android:dropDownSelector : List selector to use for spinnerMode="dropdown" display. [color, reference]
-android:dropDownVerticalOffset : Vertical offset from the spinner widget for positioning the dropdown in spinnerMode="dropdown". [dimension]
-android:dropDownWidth : Width of the dropdown in spinnerMode="dropdown". [dimension, enum]
-android:duplicateParentState : When this attribute is set to true, the view gets its drawable state (focused, pressed, etc.) from its direct parent rather than from itself. [boolean]
-android:editable : If set, specifies that this TextView has an input method. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:editorExtras : Reference to an "input-extras" XML resource containing additional data to supply to an input method, which is private to the implementation of the input method. [reference]
-android:ellipsize : If set, causes words that are longer than the view is wide to be ellipsized instead of broken in the middle. [enum]
-android:ems : Makes the TextView be exactly this many ems wide. [integer]
-android:enabled : Specifies whether the widget is enabled. [boolean]
-android:endYear : The last year (inclusive), for example "2010". * Deprecated: Use maxDate instead. [integer]
-android:entries : Reference to an array resource that will populate the Spinner. [reference]
-android:eventsInterceptionEnabled : Defines whether the overlay should intercept the motion events when a gesture is recognized. [boolean]
-android:fadeDuration : Duration, in milliseconds, of the fade out effect after the user is done drawing a gesture. [integer]
-android:fadeEnabled : Defines whether the gesture will automatically fade out after being recognized. [boolean]
-android:fadeOffset : Time, in milliseconds, to wait before the gesture fades out after the user is done drawing it. [integer]
-android:fadeScrollbars : Defines whether to fade out scrollbars when they are not in use. [boolean]
-android:fadingEdge : This attribute is deprecated and will be ignored as of API level 14 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH). [flag]
-android:fadingEdgeLength : Defines the length of the fading edges. [dimension]
-android:fastScrollAlwaysVisible : When set to true, the list will always show the fast scroll interface. [boolean]
-android:fastScrollEnabled : Enables the fast scroll thumb that can be dragged to quickly scroll through the list. [boolean]
-android:fillViewport : Defines whether the scrollview should stretch its content to fill the viewport. [boolean]
-android:filterTouchesWhenObscured : Specifies whether to filter touches when the view's window is obscured by another visible window. [boolean]
-android:firstDayOfWeek : The first day of week according to java.util.Calendar. [integer]
-android:fitsSystemWindows : Boolean internal attribute to adjust view layout based on system windows such as the status bar. [boolean]
-android:flipInterval : [integer]
-android:focusable : Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus. [boolean]
-android:focusableInTouchMode : Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus while in touch mode. [boolean]
-android:focusedMonthDateColor : The color for the dates of the focused month. [color, reference]
-android:fontFamily : Font family (named by string) for the text. [string]
-android:footerDividersEnabled : When set to false, the ListView will not draw the divider before each footer view. [boolean]
-android:foreground : Defines the drawable to draw over the content. [color, reference]
-android:foregroundGravity : Defines the gravity to apply to the foreground drawable. [flag]
-android:foregroundInsidePadding : Defines whether the foreground drawable should be drawn inside the padding. [boolean]
-android:format : Format string: if specified, the Chronometer will display this string, with the first "%s" replaced by the current timer value in "MM:SS" or "H:MM:SS" form. [string]
-android:freezesText : If set, the text view will include its current complete text inside of its frozen icicle in addition to meta-data such as the current cursor position. [boolean]
-android:gestureColor : Color used to draw a gesture. [color]
-android:gestureStrokeAngleThreshold : Minimum curve angle a stroke must contain before it is recognized as a gesture. [float]
-android:gestureStrokeLengthThreshold : Minimum length of a stroke before it is recognized as a gesture. [float]
-android:gestureStrokeSquarenessThreshold : Squareness threshold of a stroke before it is recognized as a gesture. [float]
-android:gestureStrokeType : Defines the type of strokes that define a gesture. [enum]
-android:gestureStrokeWidth : Width of the stroke used to draw the gesture. [float]
-android:gravity : Specifies how to place the content of an object, both on the x- and y-axis, within the object itself. [flag]
-android:groupIndicator : Indicator shown beside the group View. [reference]
-android:hand_hour : [reference]
-android:hand_minute : [reference]
-android:handle : Identifier for the child that represents the drawer's handle. [reference]
-android:hapticFeedbackEnabled : Boolean that controls whether a view should have haptic feedback enabled for events such as long presses. [boolean]
-android:headerDividersEnabled : When set to false, the ListView will not draw the divider after each header view. [boolean]
-android:height : Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels tall. [dimension]
-android:hint : Hint text to display when the text is empty. [string]
-android:horizontalSpacing : Defines the default horizontal spacing between columns. [dimension]
-android:iconifiedByDefault : The default state of the SearchView. [boolean]
-android:id : Supply an identifier name for the top-level view, to later retrieve it with View.findViewById() or Activity.findViewById(). [reference]
-android:ignoreGravity : Indicates what view should not be affected by gravity. [reference]
-android:imeActionId : Supply a value for EditorInfo.actionId used when an input method is connected to the text view. [integer]
-android:imeActionLabel : Supply a value for EditorInfo.actionLabel used when an input method is connected to the text view. [string]
-android:imeOptions : Additional features you can enable in an IME associated with an editor to improve the integration with your application. [flag]
-android:importantForAccessibility : Controls how this View is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen. [integer, enum]
-android:inAnimation : Identifier for the animation to use when a view is shown. [reference]
-android:includeFontPadding : Leave enough room for ascenders and descenders instead of using the font ascent and descent strictly. [boolean]
-android:indeterminate : Allows to enable the indeterminate mode. [boolean]
-android:indeterminateBehavior : Defines how the indeterminate mode should behave when the progress reaches max. [enum]
-android:indeterminateDrawable : Drawable used for the indeterminate mode. [reference]
-android:indeterminateDuration : Duration of the indeterminate animation. [integer]
-android:indeterminateOnly : Restricts to ONLY indeterminate mode (state-keeping progress mode will not work). [boolean]
-android:indicatorLeft : The left bound for an item's indicator. [dimension]
-android:indicatorRight : The right bound for an item's indicator. [dimension]
-android:inflatedId : Overrides the id of the inflated View with this value. [reference]
-android:inputMethod : If set, specifies that this TextView should use the specified input method (specified by fully-qualified class name). * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [string]
-android:inputType : The type of data being placed in a text field, used to help an input method decide how to let the user enter text. [flag]
-android:interpolator : [reference]
-android:isIndicator : Whether this rating bar is an indicator (and non-changeable by the user). [boolean]
-android:isScrollContainer : Set this if the view will serve as a scrolling container, meaing that it can be resized to shrink its overall window so that there will be space for an input method. [boolean]
-android:keepScreenOn : Controls whether the view's window should keep the screen on while visible. [boolean]
-android:layerType : Specifies the type of layer backing this view. [enum]
-layout : [reference]. * Required.
-android:layoutAnimation : Defines the layout animation to use the first time the ViewGroup is laid out. [reference]
-android:layoutDirection : Defines the direction of layout drawing. [enum]
-android:lineSpacingExtra : Extra spacing between lines of text. [dimension]
-android:lineSpacingMultiplier : Extra spacing between lines of text, as a multiplier. [float]
-android:lines : Makes the TextView be exactly this many lines tall. [integer]
-android:linksClickable : If set to false, keeps the movement method from being set to the link movement method even if autoLink causes links to be found. [boolean]
-android:listSelector : Drawable used to indicate the currently selected item in the list. [color, reference]
-android:longClickable : Defines whether this view reacts to long click events. [boolean]
-android:loopViews : Defines whether the animator loops to the first view once it has reached the end of the list. [boolean]
-android:marqueeRepeatLimit : The number of times to repeat the marquee animation. [integer, enum]
-android:max : Defines the maximum value the progress can take. [integer]
-android:maxDate : The minimal date shown by this calendar view in mm/dd/yyyy format. [string]
-android:maxEms : Makes the TextView be at most this many ems wide. [integer]
-android:maxHeight : An optional argument to supply a maximum height for this view. [dimension]
-android:maxLength : Set an input filter to constrain the text length to the specified number. [integer]
-android:maxLines : Makes the TextView be at most this many lines tall. [integer]
-android:maxWidth : An optional argument to supply a maximum width for this view. [dimension]
-android:measureAllChildren : Determines whether to measure all children or just those in the VISIBLE or INVISIBLE state when measuring. [boolean]
-android:measureWithLargestChild : When set to true, all children with a weight will be considered having the minimum size of the largest child. [boolean]
-android:minDate : The minimal date shown by this calendar view in mm/dd/yyyy format. [string]
-android:minEms : Makes the TextView be at least this many ems wide. [integer]
-android:minHeight : Defines the minimum height of the view.
-android:minLines : Makes the TextView be at least this many lines tall. [integer]
-android:minWidth : Defines the minimum width of the view.
-android:mode : [enum]
-android:name : Supply the name of the fragment class to instantiate.
-android:nextFocusDown : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_DOWN If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusForward : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_FORWARD If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusLeft : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_LEFT. [reference]
-android:nextFocusRight : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_RIGHT If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:nextFocusUp : Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_UP If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a java.lang.RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed. [reference]
-android:numColumns : Defines how many columns to show. [integer, enum]
-android:numStars : The number of stars (or rating items) to show. [integer]
-android:numeric : If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [flag]
-android:onClick : Name of the method in this View's context to invoke when the view is clicked. [string]
-android:orientation : Should the layout be a column or a row? Use "horizontal" for a row, "vertical" for a column. [enum]
-android:outAnimation : Identifier for the animation to use when a view is hidden. [reference]
-android:overScrollFooter : Drawable to draw below list content. [color, reference]
-android:overScrollHeader : Drawable to draw above list content. [color, reference]
-android:overScrollMode : Defines over-scrolling behavior. [enum]
-android:padding : Sets the padding, in pixels, of all four edges. [dimension]
-android:paddingBottom : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the bottom edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingEnd : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the end edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingLeft : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the left edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingRight : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the right edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingStart : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the start edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:paddingTop : Sets the padding, in pixels, of the top edge; see padding. [dimension]
-android:password : Whether the characters of the field are displayed as password dots instead of themselves. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:persistentDrawingCache : Defines the persistence of the drawing cache. [flag]
-android:phoneNumber : If set, specifies that this TextView has a phone number input method. * Deprecated: Use inputType instead. [boolean]
-android:popupBackground : Background drawable to use for the dropdown in spinnerMode="dropdown". [color, reference]
-android:popupPromptView : Reference to a layout to use for displaying a prompt in the dropdown for spinnerMode="dropdown". [reference]
-android:privateImeOptions : An addition content type description to supply to the input method attached to the text view, which is private to the implementation of the input method. [string]
-android:progress : Defines the default progress value, between 0 and max. [integer]
-android:progressDrawable : Drawable used for the progress mode. [reference]
-android:prompt : The prompt to display when the spinner's dialog is shown. [reference]
-android:queryHint : An optional query hint string to be displayed in the empty query field. [string]
-android:quickContactWindowSize : [enum]
-android:rating : The rating to set by default. [float]
-android:requiresFadingEdge : Defines which edges should be faded on scrolling. [flag]
-android:resOutColor : Color of the res-out outline. [color]
-android:rotation : rotation of the view, in degrees. [float]
-android:rotationX : rotation of the view around the x axis, in degrees. [float]
-android:rotationY : rotation of the view around the y axis, in degrees. [float]
-android:rowCount : The maxmimum number of rows to create when automatically positioning children. [integer]
-android:rowOrderPreserved : When set to true, forces row boundaries to appear in the same order as row indices. [boolean]
-android:saveEnabled : If unset, no state will be saved for this view when it is being frozen. [boolean]
-android:scaleType : Controls how the image should be resized or moved to match the size of this ImageView. [enum]
-android:scaleX : scale of the view in the x direction. [float]
-android:scaleY : scale of the view in the y direction. [float]
-android:scrollHorizontally : Whether the text is allowed to be wider than the view (and therefore can be scrolled horizontally). [boolean]
-android:scrollX : The initial horizontal scroll offset, in pixels. [dimension]
-android:scrollY : The initial vertical scroll offset, in pixels. [dimension]
-android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack : Defines whether the horizontal scrollbar track should always be drawn. [boolean]
-android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack : Defines whether the vertical scrollbar track should always be drawn. [boolean]
-android:scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade : Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar waits before fade out. [integer]
-android:scrollbarFadeDuration : Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar takes to fade out. [integer]
-android:scrollbarSize : Sets the width of vertical scrollbars and height of horizontal scrollbars. [dimension]
-android:scrollbarStyle : Controls the scrollbar style and position. [enum]
-android:scrollbarThumbHorizontal : Defines the horizontal scrollbar thumb drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarThumbVertical : Defines the vertical scrollbar thumb drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarTrackHorizontal : Defines the horizontal scrollbar track drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbarTrackVertical : Defines the vertical scrollbar track drawable. [reference]
-android:scrollbars : Defines which scrollbars should be displayed on scrolling or not. [flag]
-android:scrollingCache : When set to true, the list uses a drawing cache during scrolling. [boolean]
-android:secondaryProgress : Defines the secondary progress value, between 0 and max. [integer]
-android:selectAllOnFocus : If the text is selectable, select it all when the view takes focus. [boolean]
-android:selectedDateVerticalBar : Drawable for the vertical bar shown at the beginning and at the end of the selected date. [reference]
-android:selectedWeekBackgroundColor : The background color for the selected week. [color, reference]
-android:shadowColor : Place a shadow of the specified color behind the text. [color]
-android:shadowDx : Horizontal offset of the shadow. [float]
-android:shadowDy : Vertical offset of the shadow. [float]
-android:shadowRadius : Radius of the shadow. [float]
-android:showDividers : Setting for which dividers to show. [flag]
-android:showWeekNumber : Whether do show week numbers. [boolean]
-android:shownWeekCount : The number of weeks to be shown. [integer]
-android:shrinkColumns : The zero-based index of the columns to shrink. [string]
-android:singleLine : Constrains the text to a single horizontally scrolling line instead of letting it wrap onto multiple lines, and advances focus instead of inserting a newline when you press the enter key. * Deprecated: This attribute is deprecated. Use "maxLines" instead to change the layo...
-android:smoothScrollbar : When set to true, the list will use a more refined calculation method based on the pixels height of the items visible on screen. [boolean]
-android:soundEffectsEnabled : Boolean that controls whether a view should have sound effects enabled for events such as clicking and touching. [boolean]
-android:spacing : [dimension]
-android:spinnerMode : Display mode for spinner options. [enum]
-android:spinnersShown : Whether the spinners are shown. [boolean]
-android:splitMotionEvents : Sets whether this ViewGroup should split MotionEvents to separate child views during touch event dispatch. [boolean]
-android:src : Sets a drawable as the content of this ImageView. [color, reference]
-android:stackFromBottom : Used by ListView and GridView to stack their content from the bottom. [boolean]
-android:startYear : The first year (inclusive), for example "1940". * Deprecated: Use minDate instead. [integer]
-android:stepSize : The step size of the rating. [float]
-android:stretchColumns : The zero-based index of the columns to stretch. [string]
-android:stretchMode : Defines how columns should stretch to fill the available empty space, if any. [enum]
-style : A reference to a custom style [reference]
-android:switchMinWidth : Minimum width for the switch component [dimension]
-android:switchPadding : Minimum space between the switch and caption text [dimension]
-android:switchTextAppearance : TextAppearance style for text displayed on the switch thumb. [reference]
-android:tabLayout : Layout used to organize each tab's content. [reference]
-android:tabStripEnabled : Determines whether the strip under the tab indicators is drawn or not. [boolean]
-android:tabStripLeft : Drawable used to draw the left part of the strip underneath the tabs. [reference]
-android:tabStripRight : Drawable used to draw the right part of the strip underneath the tabs. [reference]
-android:tag : Supply a tag for the top-level view containing a String, to be retrieved later with View.getTag() or searched for with View.findViewWithTag() . [string]
-android:text : Text to display. [string]
-android:textAlignment : Alignment of the text. [integer, enum]
-android:textAllCaps : Present the text in ALL CAPS. [boolean]
-android:textAppearance : Base text color, typeface, size, and style. [reference]
-android:textColor : Text color. [color, reference]
-android:textColorHighlight : Color of the text selection highlight. [color, reference]
-android:textColorHint : Color of the hint text. [color, reference]
-android:textColorLink : Text color for links. [color, reference]
-android:textCursorDrawable : Reference to a drawable that will be drawn under the insertion cursor. [reference]
-android:textDirection : Direction of the text. [integer, enum]
-android:textEditNoPasteWindowLayout : Variation of textEditPasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty. [reference]
-android:textEditPasteWindowLayout : The layout of the view that is displayed on top of the cursor to paste inside a TextEdit field. [reference]
-android:textEditSideNoPasteWindowLayout : Variation of textEditSidePasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty. [reference]
-android:textEditSidePasteWindowLayout : Used instead of textEditPasteWindowLayout when the window is moved on the side of the insertion cursor because it would be clipped if it were positioned on top. [reference]
-android:textEditSuggestionItemLayout : Layout of the TextView item that will populate the suggestion popup window. [reference]
-android:textFilterEnabled : When set to true, the list will filter results as the user types. [boolean]
-android:textIsSelectable : Indicates that the content of a non-editable text can be selected. [boolean]
-android:textOff : The text for the button when it is not checked. [string]
-android:textOn : The text for the button when it is checked. [string]
-android:textScaleX : Sets the horizontal scaling factor for the text. [float]
-android:textSelectHandle : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor for positioning the cursor within text. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandleLeft : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the left side of a selection region. [reference]
-android:textSelectHandleRight : Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the right side of a selection region. [reference]
-android:textSize : Size of the text. [dimension]
-android:textStyle : Style (bold, italic, bolditalic) for the text. [flag]
-android:thumb : Drawable to use as the "thumb" that switches back and forth. [reference]
-android:thumbOffset : An offset for the thumb that allows it to extend out of the range of the track. [dimension]
-android:thumbTextPadding : Amount of padding on either side of text within the switch thumb. [dimension]
-android:tint : Set a tinting color for the image. [color]
-android:topOffset : Extra offset for the handle at the top of the SlidingDrawer. [dimension]
-android:track : Drawable to use as the "track" that the switch thumb slides within. [reference]
-android:transcriptMode : Sets the transcript mode for the list. [enum]
-android:transformPivotX : x location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. [dimension]
-android:transformPivotY : y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale. [dimension]
-android:translationX : translation in x of the view. [dimension]
-android:translationY : translation in y of the view. [dimension]
-android:typeface : Typeface (normal, sans, serif, monospace) for the text. [enum]
-android:uncertainGestureColor : Color used to draw the user's strokes until we are sure it's a gesture. [color]
-android:unfocusedMonthDateColor : The color for the dates of an unfocused month. [color, reference]
-android:unselectedAlpha : Sets the alpha on the items that are not selected. [float]
-android:useDefaultMargins : When set to true, tells GridLayout to use default margins when none are specified in a view's layout parameters. [boolean]
-android:verticalScrollbarPosition : Determines which side the vertical scroll bar should be placed on. [enum]
-android:verticalSpacing : Defines the default vertical spacing between rows. [dimension]
-android:visibility : Controls the initial visibility of the view. [enum]
-android:weekDayTextAppearance : The text appearance for the week day abbreviation of the calendar header. [reference]
-android:weekNumberColor : The color for the week numbers. [color, reference]
-android:weekSeparatorLineColor : The color for the separator line between weeks. [color, reference]
-android:weightSum : Defines the maximum weight sum. [float]
-android:width : Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels wide. [dimension]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion33.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion33.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c008d25..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion33.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:allowSingleTap">^</item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion34.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion34.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 861a41334..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion34.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache">^ false </item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion35.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion35.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e8a0b1d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion35.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> ^false </item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion36.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion36.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d85133f57..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion36.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> f^alse </item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion37.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion37.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d4135106..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion37.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for <item name="android:orientation">h^</item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion38.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion38.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8819bcd39..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion38.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for c^:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion66.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion66.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f29a8b71..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion66.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for 17[^sp]:
-17dp : <b>Density-independent Pixels</b> - an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen.
-17sp : <b>Scale-independent Pixels</b> - this is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference.
-17pt : <b>Points</b> - 1/72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen.
-17mm : <b>Millimeters</b> - based on the physical size of the screen.
-17in : <b>Inches</b> - based on the physical size of the screen.
-17px : <b>Pixels</b> - corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. Not recommended.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion67.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion67.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f29a8b71..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion67.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for 17[^sp]:
-17dp : <b>Density-independent Pixels</b> - an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen.
-17sp : <b>Scale-independent Pixels</b> - this is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference.
-17pt : <b>Points</b> - 1/72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen.
-17mm : <b>Millimeters</b> - based on the physical size of the screen.
-17in : <b>Inches</b> - based on the physical size of the screen.
-17px : <b>Pixels</b> - corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. Not recommended.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion68.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion68.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aa1d43c1..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1-expected-completion68.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues1.xml for [^false]:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 89b5f4609..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <style name="stylename">
- <item name="android:textSize">17sp</item>
- <item name="android:textColor">@color/title_color</item>
- <item name="android:shadowColor">@an</item>
- <item name="android:gravity"> </item>
- <item name="gr">@color/title_color</item>
- <item name="an">@color/title_color</item>
- <item ></item>
- <item name=""></item>
- <item name="android:allowSingleTap"></item>
- <item name="android:alwaysDrawnWithCache"> false </item>
- <item name="android:orientation">h</item>
- <item name="android:gravity">
- c
- </item>
- </style>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2-expected-applyCompletion45.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2-expected-applyCompletion45.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 649866860..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2-expected-applyCompletion45.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues2.xml for @string/^app_name selecting @string/hello:
-< <item name="main_layout5" type="string">@string/^app_name</item>
-> <item name="main_layout5" type="string">@string/hello^</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2-expected-completion70.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2-expected-completion70.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 20f8a7442..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2-expected-completion70.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues2.xml for <item name="main_layout4" type="layout">^</item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2-expected-completion71.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2-expected-completion71.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c491feabe..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2-expected-completion71.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in completionvalues2.xml for <item name="main_layout5" type="string">@string/^app_name</item>:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 293abc01a..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/completionvalues2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <item name="main_layout" type="layout">@layout/main2</item>
- <item name="main_layout2" type="layout"> @layout/main_layout </item>
- <item name="main_layout3" type="layout"> </item>
- <item name="main_layout4" type="layout"></item>
- <item name="main_layout5" type="string">@string/app_name</item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion47.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion47.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c7f495b1b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion47.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in drawable1.xml for ^<layer-list:
-<animation-list /> : Drawable used to render several animated frames.
-<bitmap /> : Drawable used to draw bitmaps.
-<clip />
-<color /> : Drawable used to draw a single color.
-<inset />
-<layer-list ></layer-list> : Drawable used to render several drawables stacked on top of each other.
-<nine-patch /> : Drawable used to draw 9-patches.
-<rotate /> : Drawable used to rotate another drawable.
-<scale />
-<selector ></selector> : Drawable used to render several states.
-<shape ></shape> : Drawable used to render a geometric shape, with a gradient or a solid color.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion48.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion48.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 024cdebe4..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion48.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in drawable1.xml for ^xmlns:android:
-android:opacity : Indicates the opacity of the layer. [enum]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion49.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion49.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 269fd86f0..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion49.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in drawable1.xml for <item ^></item>:
-android:left : Left coordinate of the layer. [dimension]
-android:top : Top coordinate of the layer. [dimension]
-android:right : Right coordinate of the layer. [dimension]
-android:bottom : Bottom coordinate of the layer. [dimension]
-android:drawable : Drawable used to render the layer. [reference]
-android:id : Identifier of the layer. [reference]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion50.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion50.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d05bc768c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1-expected-completion50.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in drawable1.xml for <item >^</item>:
-<animation-list /> : Drawable used to render several animated frames.
-<bitmap /> : Drawable used to draw bitmaps.
-<clip />
-<color /> : Drawable used to draw a single color.
-<inset />
-<layer-list ></layer-list> : Drawable used to render several drawables stacked on top of each other.
-<nine-patch /> : Drawable used to draw 9-patches.
-<rotate /> : Drawable used to rotate another drawable.
-<scale />
-<selector ></selector> : Drawable used to render several states.
-<shape ></shape> : Drawable used to render a geometric shape, with a gradient or a solid color.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9513f1709..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <item ></item>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable2-expected-completion51.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable2-expected-completion51.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 438bd768c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable2-expected-completion51.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in drawable2.xml for ^android:innerRadiusRatio="2":
-android:visible : Indicates whether the drawable should intially be visible. [boolean]
-android:dither : Enables or disables dithering. [boolean]
-android:shape : Indicates what shape to fill with a gradient. [enum]
-android:innerRadiusRatio : Inner radius of the ring expressed as a ratio of the ring's width. [float]
-android:thicknessRatio : Thickness of the ring expressed as a ratio of the ring's width. [float]
-android:innerRadius : Inner radius of the ring. [dimension]
-android:thickness : Thickness of the ring. [dimension]
-android:useLevel : Indicates whether the drawable's level affects the way the gradient is drawn.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable2-expected-completion52.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable2-expected-completion52.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a2853363..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable2-expected-completion52.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in drawable2.xml for ^<gradient:
-<corners /> : Describes the corners for the rectangle shape of a GradientDrawable.
-<gradient /> : Used to describe the gradient used to fill the shape of a GradientDrawable.
-<padding /> : Used to specify the optional padding of a GradientDrawable.
-<size /> : Used to specify the size of the shape for GradientDrawable.
-<solid /> : Used to fill the shape of GradientDrawable with a solid color.
-<stroke /> : Used to describe the optional stroke of a GradientDrawable.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable2.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a672fd8..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/drawable2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:innerRadiusRatio="2">
- <gradient />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/edithandling.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/edithandling.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0488fd6f1..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/edithandling.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract1b.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract1b.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index e21c594d1..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract1b.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent">
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-- android:textColor="#FF00FF" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF0000"
-+ android:textSize="20pt" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ style="@style/newstyle"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
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-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF00FF"
-+ android:textSize="20pt" >
-+ </Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract1c.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract1c.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c12b7cde..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract1c.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent">
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-- android:textColor="#FF00FF" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF0000"
-+ android:textSize="20pt" >
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-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button" >
-+ </Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract1d.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract1d.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index c819b09aa..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract1d.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent">
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-- android:textColor="#FF00FF" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF0000"
-+ android:textSize="20pt" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ style="@style/newstyle"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button" >
-+ </Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract2.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract2.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index c819b09aa..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract2.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent">
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-- android:textColor="#FF00FF" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF0000"
-+ android:textSize="20pt" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ style="@style/newstyle"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button" >
-+ </Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract3.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract3.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 36186b83f..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract3.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent">
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-- android:textColor="#FF00FF" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ style="@style/newstyle"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ style="@style/newstyle"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF00FF" >
-+ </Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract4.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract4.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 83837f57b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract4.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent">
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-- android:textColor="#FF00FF" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF0000"
-+ android:textSize="20pt" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ style="@style/newstyle"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textSize="20pt" >
-+ </Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract5.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract5.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d658ddd..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract5.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent">
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-- android:textColor="#FF00FF" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ style="@style/newstyle"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF0000" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF00FF"
-+ android:textSize="20pt" >
-+ </Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract6.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract6.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db5e3811..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract6.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-< <Button android:text="Button"
-< android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-< android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
-< android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-> <Button style="@style/newstyle" android:id="@+id/button1" ></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract8.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract8.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c12b7cde..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1-expected-extract8.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent">
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-- <Button android:text="Button"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-- android:textColor="#FF00FF" android:textSize="20pt"
-- android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button"
-+ android:textColor="#FF0000"
-+ android:textSize="20pt" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
-+ android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ android:text="Button" >
-+ </Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1.info b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1.info
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f773989..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,36,140,320] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,140,62] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [0,62,140,284] <Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c49b2c1..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <Button android:text="Button"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:textColor="#FF0000" android:textSize="20pt"
- android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
- <Button android:text="Button"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
- android:textColor="#FF00FF" android:textSize="20pt"
- android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle2-expected-extract7.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle2-expected-extract7.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index bb2960e48..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle2-expected-extract7.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- foo:layout_width="wrap_content" foo:layout_height="match_parent" foo:orientation="vertical">
-- <Button foo:text="Button"
-- foo:layout_width="wrap_content" foo:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- foo:textColor="#FF0000" foo:textSize="20pt"
-- foo:id="@+id/button1" foo:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-- <Button foo:text="Button"
-- foo:layout_width="wrap_content" foo:layout_height="fill_parent"
-- foo:textColor="#00FF00" foo:textSize="20pt"
-- foo:id="@+id/button2" foo:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
-+ foo:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ foo:layout_height="match_parent"
-+ foo:orientation="vertical" >
-+ <Button
-+ foo:id="@+id/button1"
-+ style="@style/newstyle"
-+ foo:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ foo:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ foo:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ foo:text="Button"
-+ foo:textColor="#FF0000" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ foo:id="@+id/button2"
-+ style="@style/newstyle"
-+ foo:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ foo:layout_height="fill_parent"
-+ foo:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
-+ foo:text="Button" >
-+ </Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle2.info b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle2.info
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f773989..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle2.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,36,140,320] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,140,62] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [0,62,140,284] <Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle2.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cb966f30..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/extractstyle2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<LinearLayout xmlns:foo="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- foo:layout_width="wrap_content" foo:layout_height="match_parent" foo:orientation="vertical">
- <Button foo:text="Button"
- foo:layout_width="wrap_content" foo:layout_height="wrap_content"
- foo:textColor="#FF0000" foo:textSize="20pt"
- foo:id="@+id/button1" foo:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
- <Button foo:text="Button"
- foo:layout_width="wrap_content" foo:layout_height="fill_parent"
- foo:textColor="#00FF00" foo:textSize="20pt"
- foo:id="@+id/button2" foo:layout_alignParentBottom="true"></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-applyCompletion47.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-applyCompletion47.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed60f13d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-applyCompletion47.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in fragmentlayout.xml for class="^com selecting android.app.ListFragment:
-@@ -16 +16
-- <fragment class="^com.android.eclipse.tests.TestFragment"
-+ <fragment class="android.app.ListFragment^"
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-complation77.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-complation77.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e8687f4f..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-complation77.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in fragmentlayout.xml for android:name="^com:
-android.app.DialogFragment : <p>Implementations should override this class and implement <code><a href="/reference/android/app/Fragment.html#onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle)">onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)</a></code> to supply ...
-android.app.ListFragment : <p> ListFragment hosts a <code><a href="/reference/android/widget/ListView.html">ListView</a></code> object that can be bound to different data sources, typically either an array or a Cursor holding query results. Binding, screen layout, and row layout are discussed ...
-android.preference.PreferenceFragment : <p> Furthermore, the preferences shown will follow the visual style of system preferences. It is easy to create a hierarchy of preferences (that can be shown on multiple screens) via XML. For these reasons, it is recommended to use this fragment (as a s...
-android.webkit.WebViewFragment : <p> The WebView is automically paused or resumed when the Fragment is paused or resumed. </p> </div><!-- jd-descr --> <div class="jd-descr"> <h2>Summary</h2> <!-- =========== ENUM CONSTANT SUMMARY =========== --> <table id="...
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-complation78.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-complation78.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e02637c86..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-complation78.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in fragmentlayout.xml for class="^com:
-android.app.DialogFragment : <p>Implementations should override this class and implement <code><a href="/reference/android/app/Fragment.html#onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle)">onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)</a></code> to supply ...
-android.app.ListFragment : <p> ListFragment hosts a <code><a href="/reference/android/widget/ListView.html">ListView</a></code> object that can be bound to different data sources, typically either an array or a Cursor holding query results. Binding, screen layout, and row layout are discussed ...
-android.preference.PreferenceFragment : <p> Furthermore, the preferences shown will follow the visual style of system preferences. It is easy to create a hierarchy of preferences (that can be shown on multiple screens) via XML. For these reasons, it is recommended to use this fragment (as a s...
-android.webkit.WebViewFragment : <p> The WebView is automically paused or resumed when the Fragment is paused or resumed. </p> </div><!-- jd-descr --> <div class="jd-descr"> <h2>Summary</h2> <!-- =========== ENUM CONSTANT SUMMARY =========== --> <table id="...
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-navigate13.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-navigate13.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ae30d58a3..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-navigate13.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in fragmentlayout.xml for android:name="com.android.ecl^ipse.tests.TestFragment":
-Open XML Declaration : [com.android.eclipse.tests.TestFragment]
-After open, the selected text is:
-[^public class TestFragment extends Fragment {
- @Override
- public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
- Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- return null;
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-navigate14.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-navigate14.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0046483fc..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout-expected-navigate14.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in fragmentlayout.xml for class="com.and^roid.eclipse.tests.TestFragment":
-Open XML Declaration : [com.android.eclipse.tests.TestFragment]
-After open, the selected text is:
-[^public class TestFragment extends Fragment {
- @Override
- public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
- Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- return null;
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 758599c9c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/fragmentlayout.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/home_root"
- android:orientation="horizontal"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent">
- <LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent">
- <fragment android:name="com.android.eclipse.tests.TestFragment"
- android:id="@+id/test_fragment"
- android:layout_marginLeft="20dp"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="0dp" />
- <fragment class="com.android.eclipse.tests.TestFragment"
- android:id="@+id/test_fragment2" />
- </LinearLayout>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-complation80.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-complation80.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cb1d0ce9d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-complation80.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in manifest.xml for <activity android:name="^.:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion14.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion14.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 478e4357c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion14.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in manifest.xml for android.permission.ACC^ESS_NETWORK_STATE:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion15.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion15.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c6b35386d..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion15.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in manifest.xml for android.intent.category.L^AUNCHER:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion16.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion16.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f3367c72a..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion16.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in manifest.xml for <^application android:i:
-application : The "application" tag describes application-level components contained in the package, as well as general application attributes.
-instrumentation : Attributes that can be supplied in an AndroidManifest.xml "instrumentation" tag, a child of the root manifest tag.
-original-package : Private tag to declare the original package name that this package is based on.
-package-verifier : Attributes relating to a package verifier.
-permission : The "permission" tag declares a security permission that can be used to control access from other packages to specific components or features in your package (or other packages).
-permission-group : The "permission-group" tag declares a logical grouping of related permissions.
-permission-tree : The "permission-tree" tag declares the base of a tree of permission values: it declares that this package has ownership of the given permission name, as well as all names underneath it (separated by '.').
-protected-broadcast : Private tag to declare system protected broadcast actions.
-supports-screens : The "supports-screens" specifies the screen dimensions an application supports.
-uses-configuration : The "uses-configuration" tag specifies a specific hardware configuration value used by the application.
-uses-feature : The "uses-feature" tag specifies a specific feature used by the application.
-uses-permission : The "uses-permission" tag requests a "permission" that the containing package must be granted in order for it to operate correctly.
-uses-sdk : The "uses-sdk" tag describes the SDK features that the containing package must be running on to operate correctly.
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion17.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion17.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8244f0a81..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion17.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in manifest.xml for ^android:versionCode="1":
-package : This attribute gives a unique name for the package, using a Java-style naming convention to avoid name collisions. For example, applications published by Google could have names of the form com.google.app.appname
-android:versionCode : Internal version code. [integer]
-android:versionName : The text shown to the user to indicate the version they have. [string]
-android:sharedUserId : Specify the name of a user ID that will be shared between multiple packages. [string]
-android:sharedUserLabel : Specify a label for the shared user UID of this package. [reference]
-android:installLocation : The default install location defined by an application. [enum]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion18.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion18.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 12152445e..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion18.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in manifest.xml for <activity android:^name=".TestActivity":
-android:name : Required name of the class implementing the activity, deriving from android.app.Activity. [string]. * Required.
-android:theme : The overall theme to use for an activity. [reference]
-android:label : A user-legible name for the given item. [string, reference]
-android:description : Descriptive text for the associated data. [reference]
-android:icon : [reference]
-android:logo : A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item. [reference]
-android:launchMode : Specify how an activity should be launched. [enum]
-android:screenOrientation : Specify the orientation an activity should be run in. [enum]
-android:configChanges : Specify one or more configuration changes that the activity will handle itself. [flag]
-android:permission : Specify a permission that a client is required to have in order to use the associated object. [string]
-android:multiprocess : Specify whether a component is allowed to have multiple instances of itself running in different processes. [boolean]
-android:process : Specify a specific process that the associated code is to run in. [string]
-android:taskAffinity : Specify a task name that activities have an "affinity" to. [string]
-android:allowTaskReparenting : Specify that an activity can be moved out of a task it is in to the task it has an affinity for when appropriate. [boolean]
-android:finishOnTaskLaunch : Specify whether an activity should be finished when its task is brought to the foreground by relaunching from the home screen. [boolean]
-android:finishOnCloseSystemDialogs : Specify whether an activity should be finished when a "close system windows" request has been made. [boolean]
-android:clearTaskOnLaunch : Specify whether an activity's task should be cleared when it is re-launched from the home screen. [boolean]
-android:noHistory : Specify whether an activity should be kept in its history stack. [boolean]
-android:alwaysRetainTaskState : Specify whether an acitivty's task state should always be maintained by the system, or if it is allowed to reset the task to its initial state in certain situations. [boolean]
-android:stateNotNeeded : Indicates that an Activity does not need to have its freeze state (as returned by onSaveInstanceState retained in order to be restarted. [boolean]
-android:excludeFromRecents : Indicates that an Activity should be excluded from the list of recently launched activities. [boolean]
-android:enabled : Specify whether the activity is enabled or not (that is, can be instantiated by the system). [boolean]
-android:exported : Flag indicating whether the given application component is available to other applications. [boolean]
-android:windowSoftInputMode : Specify the default soft-input mode for the main window of this activity. [flag]
-android:immersive : Flag declaring this activity to be 'immersive'; immersive activities should not be interrupted with other activities or notifications. [boolean]
-android:hardwareAccelerated : <p>Flag indicating whether the application's rendering should be hardware accelerated if possible. [boolean]
-android:uiOptions : Extra options for an activity's UI. [flag]
-android:parentActivityName : The name of the logical parent of the activity as it appears in the manifest. [string]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion69.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion69.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7e0f4a1..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-completion69.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in manifest.xml for <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="^11" />:
-17 : API 17: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)
-16 : API 16: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
-15 : API 15: Android 4.0.3 (IceCreamSandwich)
-14 : API 14: Android 4.0 (IceCreamSandwich)
-13 : API 13: Android 3.2 (Honeycomb)
-12 : API 12: Android 3.1 (Honeycomb)
-11 : API 11: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)
-10 : API 10: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread)
-9 : API 9: Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)
-8 : API 8: Android 2.2 (Froyo)
-7 : API 7: Android 2.1 (Eclair)
-6 : API 6: Android 2.0.1 (Eclair)
-5 : API 5: Android 2.0 (Eclair)
-4 : API 4: Android 1.6 (Donut)
-3 : API 3: Android 1.5 (Cupcake)
-2 : API 2: Android 1.1
-1 : API 1: Android 1.0
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate10.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate10.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c745f54d3..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate10.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in manifest.xml for <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.AC^CESS_NETWORK_STATE" />:
-Open XML Declaration : [android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE]
-After open, a browser is shown with this URL:
- reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate11a.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate11a.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index eaeddf9ef..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate11a.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in manifest.xml for <action android:name="android.intent.ac^tion.MAIN" />:
-Open XML Declaration : [android.intent.action.MAIN]
-After open, a browser is shown with this URL:
- reference/android/content/Intent.html#ACTION_MAIN
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate11g.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate11g.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9acb3308a..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate11g.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in manifest.xml for <category android:name="android.intent.category.LA^UNCHER" />:
-Open XML Declaration : [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
-After open, a browser is shown with this URL:
- reference/android/content/Intent.html#CATEGORY_LAUNCHER
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate9a.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate9a.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2221e377c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest-expected-navigate9a.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in manifest.xml for <activity android:name=".Test^Activity":
-Open XML Declaration : [.TestActivity]
-After open, the selected text is:
-^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c0024f04..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/manifest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- package="foo.bar"
- android:versionCode="1"
- android:versionName="1.0">
- <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" />
- <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
- <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
- <activity android:name=".TestActivity"
- android:label="@string/app_name">
- <intent-filter>
- <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
- <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
- </intent-filter>
- </activity>
- </application>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/metadata.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9262f97cd..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout1"
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <ListView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:id="@+id/listView1"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content">
- </ListView>
- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button1"/>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-complation76.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-complation76.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b9cf5b45..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-complation76.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-Code completion in navigation1.xml for ?android:a^ttr/alertDialogStyle:
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate1.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7308a4832..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigation1.xml for android:text="@string/app^_name":
-Open Declaration in values/strings.xml : [@string/app_name]
- L/PROJECTNAME/res/values/strings.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
- [^<string name="app_name">PROJECTNAME</string>]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate12.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate12.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 23fa07e00..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate12.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigation1.xml for <my.Cust^omView></my.CustomView>:
-Open XML Declaration : [my.CustomView]
-After open, the selected text is:
-^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate15.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate15.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e36c5f30b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate15.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigation1.xml for ?android:attr/alert^DialogStyle:
-Open Declaration in values/attrs.xml : [?android:attr/alertDialogStyle]
- data/res/values/attrs.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
- <attr name="alertDialogStyle" format="reference" />^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate16.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate16.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b6f6cb2bc..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate16.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigation1.xml for ?android:alert^DialogStyle:
-Open Declaration in values/attrs.xml : [?android:alertDialogStyle]
- data/res/values/attrs.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
- <attr name="alertDialogStyle" format="reference" />^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate2.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f91e1f9ae..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigation1.xml for marginLeft="@android:dimen/app_ico^n_size":
-Open Declaration in values/dimens.xml : [@android:dimen/app_icon_size]
- data/res/values/dimens.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
- <dimen name="app_icon_size">^48dip</dimen>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate3.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate3.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 53776a062..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate3.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigation1.xml for style="@android:style/Widget.B^utton":
-Open Declaration in values/styles.xml : [@android:style/Widget.Button]
- data/res/values/styles.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
- <style name="Widget.Button">^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate4.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate4.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ec5ee3801..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1-expected-navigate4.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigation1.xml for android:text="@android:st^ring/ok":
-Open Declaration in values-en-rGB/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-ar/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-ar/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-bg/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-bg/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-ca/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-ca/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-cs/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-cs/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-da/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-da/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-de/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-de/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-el/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-el/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-es/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-es/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-es-rUS/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-fa/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-fa/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-fi/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-fi/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-fr/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-fr/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-hr/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-hr/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-hu/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-hu/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-in/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-in/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-it/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-it/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-iw/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-iw/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-ja/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-ja/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-ko/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-ko/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-lt/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-lt/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-lv/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-lv/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-nb/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-nb/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-nl/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-nl/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-pl/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-pl/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-pt/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-pt/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-pt-rPT/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-rm/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-rm/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-ro/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-ro/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-ru/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-ru/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-sk/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-sk/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-sl/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-sl/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-sr/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-sr/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-sv/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-sv/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-th/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-th/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-tl/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-tl/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-tr/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-tr/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-uk/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-uk/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-vi/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-vi/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-zh-rCN/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
-Open Declaration in values-zh-rTW/strings.xml : [@android:string/ok]
- data/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
- <string name="ok" msgid="5970060430562524910">^"OK"</string>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c5b292e7b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigation1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <Button
- android:text="@string/app_name"
- android:layout_marginLeft="@android:dimen/app_icon_size"
- style="@android:style/Widget.Button"
- android:id="@+id/button1"
- ></Button>
- <my.CustomView></my.CustomView>
- <EditText
- android:text="@android:string/ok"
- </EditText>
- <EditText android:text="?android:attr/alertDialogStyle" />
- <EditText android:text="?android:alertDialogStyle" />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-extract2.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-extract2.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 8890f79ea..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-extract2.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-@@ -28 +28
-+ <style name="newstyle">
-+ <item name="android:textColor">#FF00FF</item>
-+ <item name="android:textSize">20pt</item>
-+ </style>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate5.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate5.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 15c91d1be..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate5.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigationstyles.xml for parent="android:Theme.Li^ght">:
-Open Declaration in values/themes.xml : [android:Theme.Light]
- data/res/values/themes.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
- <style name="Theme.Light">^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate6.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate6.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a4f40aa4..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate6.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigationstyles.xml for parent="android:The^me.Light">:
-Open Declaration in values/themes.xml : [android:Theme]
- data/res/values/themes.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
- <style name="Theme">^
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate7.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate7.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f7eb46b8..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate7.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigationstyles.xml for popupBackground">@android:drawable/spinner_dr^opdown_background</item>:
-Open Declaration in drawable/spinner_dropdown_background.xml : [@android:drawable/spinner_dropdown_background]
- data/res/drawable/spinner_dropdown_background.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
-^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate8.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate8.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b74c67681..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles-expected-navigate8.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Go To Declaration in navigationstyles.xml for colorBackground"> @color/cust^om_theme_color </item>:
-Open Declaration in values/navigationstyles.xml : [@color/custom_theme_color]
- L/PROJECTNAME/res/values/navigationstyles.xml
-After open, the selected text is:
- [^<color name="custom_theme_color">#b0b0ff</color>]
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index da4bbf289..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/navigationstyles.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <color name="custom_theme_color">#b0b0ff</color>
- <style name="CustomTheme" parent="android:Theme.Light">
- <item name="android:windowBackground">@color/custom_theme_color</item>
- <item name="android:colorBackground"> @color/custom_theme_color </item>
- </style>
- <style name="BrowserTheme" parent="@android:Theme.Black">
- <item name="android:autoCompleteTextViewStyle">@style/AutoCompleteTextView</item>
- <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
- </style>
- <style name="AutoCompleteTextView">
- <item name="android:focusable">true</item>
- <item name="android:focusableInTouchMode">true</item>
- <item name="android:clickable">true</item>
- <item name="android:completionHintView">@android:layout/simple_dropdown_item_1line</item>
- <item name="android:textAppearance">?android:attr/textAppearanceLargeInverse</item>
- <item name="android:completionThreshold">2</item>
- <item name="android:dropDownSelector">@android:drawable/list_selector_background</item>
- <item name="android:popupBackground">@android:drawable/spinner_dropdown_background</item>
- </style>
- <style name="CustomTitle" parent="@android:Theme">
- <item name="android:windowTitleSize">60dip</item>
- </style>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout1-expected-extract1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout1-expected-extract1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a0e9477c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout1-expected-extract1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<Button xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout2-expected-extract2.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout2-expected-extract2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b2d1789aa..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout2-expected-extract2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<merge xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <ImageView android:id="@+id/android_logo" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/android_button" android:focusable="false" android:clickable="false" android:layout_weight="1.0" />
- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout3-expected-extract3.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout3-expected-extract3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba61c838..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout3-expected-extract3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<Button xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/button3" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Button" ></Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout3-expected-extract4.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout3-expected-extract4.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ee8568e68..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout3-expected-extract4.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<ImageView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/android_logo" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/android_button" android:focusable="false" android:clickable="false" />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout3-expected-extract5.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout3-expected-extract5.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index be5706645..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout3-expected-extract5.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<merge xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
- <ImageView android:id="@+id/android_logo" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/android_button" android:focusable="false" android:clickable="false" android:layout_weight="1.0" />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout6-expected-extract6.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout6-expected-extract6.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 6772a8fa2..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/newlayout6-expected-extract6.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-@@ -1 +1
-@@ -2 +1
-+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-+ <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout4" android:layout_width="match_parent">
-+ <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout5" android:layout_width="wrap_content">
-+ <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout6" android:layout_width="wrap_content">
-+ <!-- Comment -->
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- Random comment here
- -->
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- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,181,72] <LinearLayout>
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- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
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- android.widget.TextView [0,72,109,97] <TextView>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,97,109,194] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.TextView [0,0,109,25] <TextView>
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- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,194,181,266] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.ImageView [0,0,72,72] <ImageView>
- android.widget.TextView [72,23,181,48] <TextView>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,266,181,338] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.TextView [0,23,109,48] <TextView>
- android.widget.ImageView [109,0,181,72] <ImageView>
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- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_below="@+id/layout1"
- android:gravity="center"
- android:orientation="vertical" >
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/textView2"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="Hello World" />
- <ImageView
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" />
- </LinearLayout>
- <LinearLayout
- android:id="@+id/layout3"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_below="@+id/layout2"
- android:gravity="center"
- android:orientation="horizontal" >
- <ImageView
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" />
- <TextView
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="Hello World" />
- </LinearLayout>
- <LinearLayout
- android:id="@+id/layout4"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_below="@+id/layout3"
- android:gravity="center"
- android:orientation="horizontal" >
- <TextView
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="Hello World" />
- <ImageView
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" />
- </LinearLayout>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10-expected-convertFromGrid.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10-expected-convertFromGrid.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e1f36f4..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10-expected-convertFromGrid.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/LinearLayout1"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:columnCount="2"
- android:orientation="horizontal" >
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="Button" />
- <RadioButton
- android:id="@+id/radioButton1"
- android:layout_width="150dp"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_column="0"
- android:layout_row="1"
- android:text="RadioButton" />
- <RadioButton
- android:id="@+id/radioButton2"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="RadioButton" />
- <CheckBox
- android:id="@+id/checkBox1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="CheckBox" />
-</LinearLayout> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10-expected-initialAttributes.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10-expected-initialAttributes.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index aa8ecdac2..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10-expected-initialAttributes.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/LinearLayout1"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:columnCount="2"
- android:orientation="vertical" >
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="Button" />
- <RadioButton
- android:id="@+id/radioButton1"
- android:layout_width="150dp"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_column="0"
- android:layout_row="1"
- android:text="RadioButton" />
- <RadioButton
- android:id="@+id/radioButton2"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="RadioButton" />
- <CheckBox
- android:id="@+id/checkBox1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="CheckBox" />
-</LinearLayout> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10.info b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10.info
deleted file mode 100644
index c964b0eba..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.GridLayout [0,73,320,480] <GridLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,79,48] <Button>
- android.widget.RadioButton [0,48,150,86] <RadioButton>
- android.widget.RadioButton [150,48,273,86] <RadioButton>
- android.widget.CheckBox [0,86,107,124] <CheckBox>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fcaab569..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample10.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<GridLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/GridLayout1"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:columnCount="2"
- android:orientation="horizontal" >
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button1"
- android:text="Button" />
- <RadioButton
- android:id="@+id/radioButton1"
- android:layout_width="150dp"
- android:layout_column="0"
- android:layout_row="1"
- android:text="RadioButton" />
- <RadioButton
- android:id="@+id/radioButton2"
- android:text="RadioButton" />
- <CheckBox
- android:id="@+id/checkBox1"
- android:text="CheckBox" />
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample11-expected-insertSpacer.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample11-expected-insertSpacer.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d10626a90..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample11-expected-insertSpacer.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<GridLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/home_root"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent"
- android:columnCount="3"
- android:orientation="horizontal" >
- <Button
- android:layout_gravity="fill_horizontal"
- android:layout_weight="1" />
- <Button
- android:layout_gravity="fill_horizontal"
- android:layout_weight="1" />
- <Button
- android:layout_column="0"
- android:layout_gravity="fill_horizontal"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:gravity="center_horizontal" />
- <Button
- android:layout_gravity="fill_horizontal"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:gravity="center_horizontal" />
- <Button
- android:layout_column="0"
- android:layout_gravity="fill_horizontal"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:gravity="center_horizontal" />
- <Button
- android:layout_gravity="fill_horizontal"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:gravity="center_horizontal" />
- <Space
- android:layout_column="2"
- android:layout_gravity="fill_vertical"
- android:layout_row="3" />
-</GridLayout> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample11.info b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample11.info
deleted file mode 100644
index 560e8a877..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample11.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,50,480,320] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,480,270] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [6,6,474,92] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,19,234,67] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [234,19,468,67] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [6,92,474,178] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,19,234,67] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [234,19,468,67] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [6,178,474,264] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,19,234,67] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [234,19,468,67] <Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample11.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample11.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4df91a190..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample11.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/home_root"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent"
- android:orientation="vertical" >
- <LinearLayout
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:orientation="vertical"
- android:padding="6dip" >
- <LinearLayout
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:orientation="horizontal" >
- <Button
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"
- android:layout_weight="1" />
- <Button
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"
- android:layout_weight="1" />
- </LinearLayout>
- <LinearLayout
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:orientation="horizontal" >
- <Button
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:gravity="center_horizontal" />
- <Button
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:gravity="center_horizontal" />
- </LinearLayout>
- <LinearLayout
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:orientation="horizontal" >
- <Button
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:gravity="center_horizontal" />
- <Button
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"
- android:layout_weight="1"
- android:gravity="center_horizontal" />
- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant1.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8eccdfc52..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Quick assistant in sample1a.xml for <Button android:text="Fir^stButton":
-Extract Android String : Initiates the "Extract Android String" refactoring
-Extract Style : Initiates the "Extract Style" refactoring
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant2.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b435ef49c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Quick assistant in sample1a.xml for <Bu^tton android:text:
-Wrap in Container : Initiates the "Wrap in Container" refactoring
-Remove Container : Initiates the "Remove Container" refactoring
-Change Widget Type : Initiates the "Change Widget Type" refactoring
-Change Layout : Initiates the "Change Layout" refactoring
-Extract as Include : Initiates the "Extract as Include" refactoring
-Extract Style : Initiates the "Extract Style" refactoring
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant3.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant3.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a7c46c026..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant3.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Quick assistant in sample1a.xml for <Button andr^oid:text="FirstButton":
-Wrap in Container : Initiates the "Wrap in Container" refactoring
-Remove Container : Initiates the "Remove Container" refactoring
-Change Widget Type : Initiates the "Change Widget Type" refactoring
-Change Layout : Initiates the "Change Layout" refactoring
-Extract as Include : Initiates the "Extract as Include" refactoring
-Extract Style : Initiates the "Extract Style" refactoring
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant4.txt b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant4.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 30bb00b25..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-assistant4.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Quick assistant in sample1a.xml for android:id="@+id/Linea^rLayout2":
-Rename Android Resource : Initiates the "Rename Android Resource" refactoring
-Extract Style : Initiates the "Extract Style" refactoring
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-changeLayout1a.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-changeLayout1a.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d03c92535..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-changeLayout1a.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/RelativeLayout1"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:orientation="vertical" >
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"
- android:layout_alignParentTop="true"
- android:text="FirstButton" >
- </Button>
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button2"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"
- android:layout_below="@+id/button1"
- android:layout_marginTop="2dp"
- android:text="SecondButton" >
- </Button>
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button3"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_alignBaseline="@+id/button2"
- android:layout_alignTop="@+id/button2"
- android:layout_toRightOf="@+id/button2"
- android:text="ThirdButton" >
- </Button>
- <CheckBox
- android:id="@+id/checkBox1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_alignBaseline="@+id/button2"
- android:layout_below="@+id/button1"
- android:layout_toRightOf="@+id/button3"
- android:text="CheckBox" >
- </CheckBox>
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button4"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"
- android:layout_below="@+id/checkBox1"
- android:text="FourthButton" >
- </Button>
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button5"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"
- android:layout_below="@+id/button4"
- android:layout_gravity="right"
- android:text="FifthButton" >
- </Button>
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button6"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"
- android:layout_below="@+id/button5"
- android:text="Button" >
- </Button>
-</RelativeLayout> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-changeView1.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-changeView1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4a08d023..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-changeView1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout2" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical">
- <RadioButton android:text="FirstButton" android:id="@+id/RadioButton1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></RadioButton>
- <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout1" android:layout_height="wrap_content">
- <Button android:text="SecondButton" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/button2"></Button>
- <Button android:text="ThirdButton" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/button3"></Button>
- <CheckBox android:id="@+id/checkBox1" android:text="CheckBox" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></CheckBox>
- </LinearLayout>
- <Button android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="FourthButton" android:id="@+id/button4" android:layout_width="match_parent"></Button>
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout3" android:layout_width="match_parent">
- <Button android:layout_gravity="right" android:id="@+id/button5" android:text="FifthButton" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content"></Button>
- </LinearLayout>
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout4" android:layout_width="match_parent">
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout5" android:layout_width="wrap_content">
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout6" android:layout_width="wrap_content">
- <RadioButton android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/RadioButton2" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></RadioButton>
- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-extract6.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-extract6.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ae5748e4..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-extract6.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-@@ -13 +13
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout4" android:layout_width="match_parent">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout5" android:layout_width="wrap_content">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout6" android:layout_width="wrap_content">
-- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button6" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
-+ <include layout="@layout/newlayout6" android:id="@+id/linearLayout4_ref" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-extract7.diff b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-extract7.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d18aab26..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-extract7.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout2" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical">
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-+ android:id="@+id/LinearLayout2"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent"
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-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
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-+ android:id="@+id/linearLayout1"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
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-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="SecondButton" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button3"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="ThirdButton" >
-+ </Button>
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-+ android:id="@+id/checkBox1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="CheckBox" >
-+ </CheckBox>
-@@ -13 +41
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-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout5" android:layout_width="wrap_content">
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-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
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-+ android:id="@+id/button4"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="FourthButton" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <LinearLayout
-+ android:id="@+id/linearLayout3"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
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-+ android:id="@+id/button5"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
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-+ android:text="FifthButton" >
-+ </Button>
-@@ -20 +62
-+ <include
-+ android:id="@+id/linearLayout4_ref"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ layout="@layout/newlayout6" />
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a-expected-gridLayout1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
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- android:layout_gravity="left"
- android:text="CheckBox" >
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- </Button>
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- android:text="Button" >
- </Button>
- <Space
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- android:layout_gravity="fill_vertical"
- android:layout_row="5" />
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,36,240,320] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,70,36] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,36,240,72] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,2,84,38] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [84,2,158,38] <Button>
- android.widget.CheckBox [158,0,238,36] <CheckBox>
- android.widget.Button [0,72,240,108] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,108,240,144] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,71,36] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,144,240,180] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,49,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,49,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,49,36] <Button>
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1a.xml
+++ /dev/null
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- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout4" android:layout_width="match_parent">
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- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1b-expected-changeLayout1b.xml
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- android:layout_below="@+id/checkBox1"
- android:text="FourthButton" >
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- android:layout_gravity="right"
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- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
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- android:layout_below="@+id/button5"
- android:text="Button" >
- </Button>
-</RelativeLayout> \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1b.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,36,240,320] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,70,36] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,36,240,72] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,2,84,38] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [84,2,158,38] <Button>
- android.widget.CheckBox [158,0,238,36] <CheckBox>
- android.widget.Button [0,72,240,108] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,108,240,144] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,71,36] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,144,240,180] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,49,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,49,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,49,36] <Button>
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample1b.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
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- android:layout_width="wrap_content"></Button>
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample2-expected-changeLayout2.xml
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
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- android:layout_alignTop="@+id/button2"
- android:text="Button" >
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample2-expected-changeView2.xml
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample2-expected-extract3.xml
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index 8b9056216..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample2-expected-gridLayout2.xml
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@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
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- android.widget.Button [0,0,49,36] <Button>
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- android.widget.Button [0,248,49,284] <Button>
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- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
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- android:layout_below="@+id/checkBox1"
- android:text="Button" >
- </Button>
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@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
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- android.widget.CheckBox [0,0,80,36] <CheckBox>
- android.widget.RelativeLayout [0,36,240,284] <RelativeLayout>
- android.widget.Button [191,0,240,36] <Button>
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- android:text="Button" >
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- android:text="Button" >
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- android.widget.Button [95,0,144,36] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [95,36,144,72] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [191,72,240,108] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,108,240,284] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,70,49,106] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [49,70,98,106] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [98,140,147,176] <Button>
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample5.xml
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
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- android:text="Button" >
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@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,36,240,320] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,38,49,74] <Button>
- android.widget.RadioButton [49,36,143,72] <RadioButton>
- android.widget.Button [143,0,192,113] <Button>
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample6.xml
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-@@ -4 +4
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-- <!-- Comment -->
-- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button6" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
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@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
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-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout6" android:layout_width="wrap_content">
-- <!-- Comment -->
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-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
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-- <Button android:text="ThirdButton" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/button3"></Button>
-- <CheckBox android:id="@+id/checkBox1" android:text="CheckBox" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></CheckBox>
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-+ android:id="@+id/LinearLayout2"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent"
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-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="FirstButton" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <include
-+ android:id="@+id/linearLayout4_ref"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ layout="@layout/newlayout6" />
-+ <LinearLayout
-+ android:id="@+id/linearLayout9"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button2"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="SecondButton" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button3"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="ThirdButton" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <CheckBox
-+ android:id="@+id/checkBox1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="CheckBox" >
-+ </CheckBox>
-@@ -17 +47
-- <Button android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="FourthButton" android:id="@+id/button4" android:layout_width="match_parent"></Button>
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button4"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="FourthButton" >
-+ </Button>
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,240,320] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,101,36] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,36,240,72] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,73,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,73,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,73,36] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,72,240,192] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,117,36] <Button>
- android.widget.Button [117,0,223,36] <Button>
- android.widget.CheckBox [223,10,240,130] <CheckBox>
- android.widget.Button [0,192,240,228] <Button>
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample7.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
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- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout6" android:layout_width="wrap_content">
- <!-- Comment -->
- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button6" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
- <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:id="@+id/linearLayout9" android:layout_height="wrap_content">
- <Button android:text="SecondButton" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/button2"></Button>
- <Button android:text="ThirdButton" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/button3"></Button>
- <CheckBox android:id="@+id/checkBox1" android:text="CheckBox" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></CheckBox>
- </LinearLayout>
- <Button android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="FourthButton" android:id="@+id/button4" android:layout_width="match_parent"></Button>
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index ea3afc2e3..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample8-expected-extract6.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-@@ -10 +10
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:id="@+id/linearLayout4" android:layout_width="match_parent">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout5">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
-- android:id="@+id/linearLayout6"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content">
-- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button6"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-- android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
-+ <include layout="@layout/newlayout6" android:id="@+id/linearLayout4_ref" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample8-expected-extract7.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-@@ -2 +2
-- <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout2"
-- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
-- android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"
-- android:orientation="vertical">
-- <Button android:text="FirstButton" android:id="@+id/button1"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
-- <FrameLayout android:id="@+id/outer"
-- android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:id="@+id/linearLayout4" android:layout_width="match_parent">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout5">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
-- android:id="@+id/linearLayout6"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content">
-- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button6"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-- android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
-- </LinearLayout>
-+ <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
-+ android:id="@+id/LinearLayout2"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent"
-+ android:orientation="vertical" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button1"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="FirstButton" >
-+ </Button>
-+ <FrameLayout
-+ android:id="@+id/outer"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
-+ <include
-+ android:id="@+id/linearLayout4_ref"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ layout="@layout/newlayout6" />
-@@ -24 +26
-- <FrameLayout android:id="@+id/outer"
-- android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-- android:id="@+id/linearLayout4" android:layout_width="match_parent">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout5">
-- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
-+ <FrameLayout
-+ android:id="@+id/outer"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
-+ <LinearLayout
-+ android:id="@+id/linearLayout4"
-+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
-+ <LinearLayout
-+ android:id="@+id/linearLayout5"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <LinearLayout
-@@ -32 +44
-- android:layout_width="wrap_content">
-- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button6"
-+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
-+ android:layout_height="match_parent" >
-+ <Button
-+ android:id="@+id/button6"
-@@ -35 +50
-- android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
-+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
-+ android:text="Button" >
-+ </Button>
-@@ -40 +57
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample8.info b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample8.info
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index ca294ba10..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample8.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,240,320] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,101,36] <Button>
- android.widget.FrameLayout [0,36,240,72] <FrameLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,240,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,73,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,73,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,73,36] <Button>
- android.widget.FrameLayout [0,72,240,108] <FrameLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,240,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,73,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,0,73,36] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,73,36] <Button>
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index c7984692e..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample8.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout2"
- xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:orientation="vertical">
- <Button android:text="FirstButton" android:id="@+id/button1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
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- android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content">
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:id="@+id/linearLayout4" android:layout_width="match_parent">
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout5">
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:id="@+id/linearLayout6"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content">
- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button6"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
- </FrameLayout>
- <FrameLayout android:id="@+id/outer"
- android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content">
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:id="@+id/linearLayout4" android:layout_width="match_parent">
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/linearLayout5">
- <LinearLayout android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:id="@+id/linearLayout6"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content">
- <Button android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button6"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"></Button>
- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
- </LinearLayout>
- </FrameLayout>
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index 03ffac714..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample9-expected-convertToGrid.xml
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
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- android:layout_gravity="left"
- android:text="RadioButton" />
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- android:layout_gravity="left"
- android:text="CheckBox" />
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- android:layout_column="2"
- android:layout_gravity="fill_vertical"
- android:layout_row="3" />
-</GridLayout> \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample9.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,73,320,480] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,79,48] <Button>
- android.widget.LinearLayout [0,48,320,86] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.RadioButton [0,0,150,38] <RadioButton>
- android.widget.RadioButton [150,0,273,38] <RadioButton>
- android.widget.CheckBox [0,86,107,124] <CheckBox>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample9.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample9.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 13068e763..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/sample9.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/LinearLayout1"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:orientation="vertical" >
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- android:id="@+id/button1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="Button" />
- <LinearLayout
- android:id="@+id/linearLayout2"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
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- android:id="@+id/radioButton1"
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- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="RadioButton" />
- <RadioButton
- android:id="@+id/radioButton2"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="RadioButton" />
- </LinearLayout>
- <CheckBox
- android:id="@+id/checkBox1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="CheckBox" />
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deleted file mode 100644
index e5aba11bb..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap-expected-unwrap1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/linear"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:orientation="vertical" >
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- android:id="@+id/text"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/hello" />
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/hello" />
-</LinearLayout> \ No newline at end of file
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index e5aba11bb..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap-expected-unwrap2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/linear"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:orientation="vertical" >
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- android:id="@+id/text"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/hello" />
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/hello" />
-</LinearLayout> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap-expected-unwrap3.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap-expected-unwrap3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 348b2bc81..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap-expected-unwrap3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/frame"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/text"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/hello" />
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/hello" />
-</FrameLayout> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap.info b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap.info
deleted file mode 100644
index c5461b399..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap.info
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-android.widget.LinearLayout [0,56,1280,104] <LinearLayout>
- android.widget.FrameLayout [0,0,1280,48] <FrameLayout>
- android.widget.TextView [0,0,1280,17] <TextView>
- android.widget.Button [0,0,1280,48] <Button>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap.xml b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index db94dc358..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/layout/refactoring/testdata/unwrap.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:id="@+id/linear"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:orientation="vertical" >
- <FrameLayout
- android:id="@+id/frame"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/text"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/hello" />
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/button"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/hello" />
- </FrameLayout>
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/manifest/ManifestInfoTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/manifest/ManifestInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 43f9d681f..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/manifest/ManifestInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.manifest;
-import static com.android.resources.ScreenSize.LARGE;
-import static com.android.resources.ScreenSize.NORMAL;
-import static com.android.resources.ScreenSize.XLARGE;
-import com.android.annotations.NonNull;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.manifest.ManifestInfo.ActivityAttributes;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.ResourceHelper;
-import com.android.sdklib.AndroidVersion;
-import com.android.sdklib.BuildToolInfo;
-import com.android.sdklib.IAndroidTarget;
-import com.android.sdklib.ISystemImage;
-import com.android.sdklib.repository.descriptors.IdDisplay;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class ManifestInfoTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- @Override
- protected boolean testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() {
- return true;
- }
- public void testGetActivityThemes1() throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion='3' android:targetSdkVersion='4'/>\n" +
- "</manifest>\n");
- Map<String, ActivityAttributes> map = info.getActivityAttributesMap();
- assertEquals(map.toString(), 0, map.size());
- assertEquals("com.android.unittest", info.getPackage());
- assertEquals("Theme", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null, NORMAL)));
- assertEquals("@android:style/Theme", info.getDefaultTheme(null, null));
- assertEquals("Theme", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null, XLARGE)));
- }
- public void testGetActivityThemes2() throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion='3' android:targetSdkVersion='11'/>\n" +
- "</manifest>\n");
- Map<String, ActivityAttributes> map = info.getActivityAttributesMap();
- assertEquals(map.toString(), 0, map.size());
- assertEquals("com.android.unittest", info.getPackage());
- assertEquals("Theme.Holo", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null,
- XLARGE)));
- assertEquals("Theme", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null, LARGE)));
- }
- public void testGetActivityThemes3() throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion='11'/>\n" +
- "</manifest>\n");
- Map<String, ActivityAttributes> map = info.getActivityAttributesMap();
- assertEquals(map.toString(), 0, map.size());
- assertEquals("com.android.unittest", info.getPackage());
- assertEquals("Theme.Holo", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null,
- XLARGE)));
- assertEquals("Theme", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null, NORMAL)));
- }
- public void testGetActivityThemes4() throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <application\n" +
- " android:label='@string/app_name'\n" +
- " android:name='.app.TestApp' android:icon='@drawable/app_icon'>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <activity\n" +
- " android:name='.prefs.PrefsActivity'\n" +
- " android:label='@string/prefs_title' />\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <activity\n" +
- " android:name='.app.IntroActivity'\n" +
- " android:label='@string/intro_title'\n" +
- " android:theme='@android:style/Theme.Dialog' />\n" +
- " </application>\n" +
- " <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion='3' android:targetSdkVersion='4'/>\n" +
- "</manifest>\n" +
- ""
- );
- assertEquals("com.android.unittest", info.getPackage());
- assertEquals("Theme", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null, XLARGE)));
- Map<String, ActivityAttributes> map = info.getActivityAttributesMap();
- assertEquals(map.toString(), 2, map.size());
- assertNull(map.get("com.android.unittest.prefs.PrefsActivity").getTheme());
- assertEquals("@android:style/Theme.Dialog",
- map.get("com.android.unittest.app.IntroActivity").getTheme());
- }
- public void testGetActivityThemes5() throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <application\n" +
- " android:label='@string/app_name'\n" +
- " android:theme='@style/NoBackground'\n" +
- " android:name='.app.TestApp' android:icon='@drawable/app_icon'>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <activity\n" +
- " android:name='.prefs.PrefsActivity'\n" +
- " android:label='@string/prefs_title' />\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <activity\n" +
- " android:name='.app.IntroActivity'\n" +
- " android:label='@string/intro_title'\n" +
- " android:theme='@android:style/Theme.Dialog' />\n" +
- " </application>\n" +
- " <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion='3' android:targetSdkVersion='4'/>\n" +
- "</manifest>\n" +
- ""
- );
- assertEquals("@style/NoBackground", info.getDefaultTheme(null, XLARGE));
- assertEquals("@style/NoBackground", info.getDefaultTheme(null, NORMAL));
- assertEquals("NoBackground", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null,
- NORMAL)));
- Map<String, ActivityAttributes> map = info.getActivityAttributesMap();
- assertEquals(map.toString(), 2, map.size());
- assertNull(map.get("com.android.unittest.prefs.PrefsActivity").getTheme());
- assertEquals("@android:style/Theme.Dialog",
- map.get("com.android.unittest.app.IntroActivity").getTheme());
- }
- public void testGetActivityThemes6() throws Exception {
- // Ensures that when the *rendering* target is less than version 11, we don't
- // use Holo even though the manifest SDK version calls for it.
- ManifestInfo info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion='3' android:targetSdkVersion='11'/>\n" +
- "</manifest>\n");
- Map<String, ActivityAttributes> map = info.getActivityAttributesMap();
- assertEquals(map.toString(), 0, map.size());
- assertEquals("com.android.unittest", info.getPackage());
- assertEquals("Theme.Holo", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null,
- XLARGE)));
- // Here's the check
- IAndroidTarget olderVersion = new TestAndroidTarget(4);
- assertEquals("Theme", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(olderVersion,
- XLARGE)));
- }
- public void testGetApplicationLabelAndIcon() throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <application android:icon=\"@drawable/icon\"\n" +
- " android:label=\"@string/app_name\">\n" +
- " </application>\n" +
- "" +
- "</manifest>\n");
- Map<String, ActivityAttributes> map = info.getActivityAttributesMap();
- assertEquals(map.toString(), 0, map.size());
- assertEquals("com.android.unittest", info.getPackage());
- assertEquals("Theme", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null, NORMAL)));
- assertEquals("@drawable/icon", info.getApplicationIcon());
- assertEquals("@string/app_name", info.getApplicationLabel());
- }
- public void testGetApplicationNoLabelOrIcon() throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <application>\n" +
- " </application>\n" +
- "" +
- "</manifest>\n");
- Map<String, ActivityAttributes> map = info.getActivityAttributesMap();
- assertEquals(map.toString(), 0, map.size());
- assertEquals("com.android.unittest", info.getPackage());
- assertEquals("Theme", ResourceHelper.styleToTheme(info.getDefaultTheme(null, NORMAL)));
- assertNull(info.getApplicationIcon());
- assertNull(info.getApplicationLabel());
- }
- private ManifestInfo getManifestInfo(String manifestContents) throws Exception {
- InputStream bstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
- manifestContents.getBytes("UTF-8")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IFile file = getProject().getFile("AndroidManifest.xml");
- if (file.exists()) {
- file.setContents(bstream, IFile.FORCE, new NullProgressMonitor());
- } else {
- file.create(bstream, false /* force */, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- ManifestInfo info = ManifestInfo.get(getProject());
- info.clear();
- return info;
- }
- public void testGetMinSdkVersionName() throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info;
- info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion='3' android:targetSdkVersion='4'/>\n" +
- "</manifest>\n");
- assertEquals(3, info.getMinSdkVersion());
- assertEquals("3", info.getMinSdkName());
- assertEquals(4, info.getTargetSdkVersion());
- assertNull(info.getMinSdkCodeName());
- info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion='4'/>\n" +
- "</manifest>\n");
- assertEquals("1", info.getMinSdkName());
- assertEquals(1, info.getMinSdkVersion());
- assertEquals(4, info.getTargetSdkVersion());
- assertNull(info.getMinSdkCodeName());
- info = getManifestInfo(
- "<manifest xmlns:android='http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android'\n" +
- " package='com.android.unittest'>\n" +
- " <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion='JellyBean' />\n" +
- "</manifest>\n");
- assertEquals("JellyBean", info.getMinSdkName());
- assertEquals("JellyBean", info.getMinSdkCodeName());
- }
- private static class TestAndroidTarget implements IAndroidTarget {
- private final int mApiLevel;
- public TestAndroidTarget(int apiLevel) {
- mApiLevel = apiLevel;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean canRunOn(IAndroidTarget target) {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public String getClasspathName() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public File getDefaultSkin() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public String getFullName() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public ISystemImage getSystemImage(IdDisplay tag, String abiType) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public ISystemImage[] getSystemImages() {
- return new ISystemImage[0];
- }
- @Override
- public String getLocation() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public String getName() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public IOptionalLibrary[] getOptionalLibraries() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public IAndroidTarget getParent() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public String getPath(int pathId) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public File getFile(int pathId) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public String[] getPlatformLibraries() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public Map<String, String> getProperties() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public String getProperty(String name) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public Integer getProperty(String name, Integer defaultValue) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public Boolean getProperty(String name, Boolean defaultValue) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public int getRevision() {
- return 0;
- }
- @Override
- public File[] getSkins() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public int getUsbVendorId() {
- return 0;
- }
- @Override
- public String getVendor() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AndroidVersion getVersion() {
- return new AndroidVersion(mApiLevel, null);
- }
- @Override
- public String getVersionName() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public String hashString() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isPlatform() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public int compareTo(IAndroidTarget o) {
- return 0;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean hasRenderingLibrary() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public String getShortClasspathName() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- @NonNull
- public List<String> getBootClasspath() {
- return new ArrayList<String>();
- }
- @Override
- public BuildToolInfo getBuildToolInfo() {
- return null;
- }
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/launch/JUnitLaunchConfigDelegateTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/launch/JUnitLaunchConfigDelegateTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f686adc..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/launch/JUnitLaunchConfigDelegateTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.launch;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.launch.JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-public class JUnitLaunchConfigDelegateTest extends TestCase {
- public void testAbleToFetchJunitJar() throws IOException {
- assertTrue(JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.getJunitJarLocation().endsWith("junit.jar"));
- }
- public void testFixBootpathExtWithAndroidJar() {
- String[][] testArray = {
- null,
- {},
- { "android.jar"},
- null,
- { "some_other_jar.jar" },
- };
- String[][] expectedArray = {
- null,
- {},
- null,
- null,
- { "some_other_jar.jar" },
- };
- assertEqualsArrays(expectedArray, JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.fixBootpathExt(testArray));
- }
- public void testFixBootpathExtWithNoAndroidJar() {
- String[][] testArray = {
- null,
- { "somejar.jar"},
- null,
- };
- String[][] expectedArray = {
- null,
- { "somejar.jar"},
- null,
- };
- assertEqualsArrays(expectedArray, JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.fixBootpathExt(testArray));
- }
- public void testFixClasspathWithJunitJar() throws IOException {
- String[] testArray = {
- JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.getJunitJarLocation(),
- };
- String[] expectedArray = {
- JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.getJunitJarLocation(),
- };
- assertEqualsArrays(expectedArray,
- JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.fixClasspath(testArray, "test"));
- }
- public void testFixClasspathWithoutJunitJar() throws IOException {
- String[] testArray = {
- "random.jar",
- };
- String[] expectedArray = {
- "random.jar",
- JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.getJunitJarLocation(),
- };
- assertEqualsArrays(expectedArray,
- JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.fixClasspath(testArray, "test"));
- }
- public void testFixClasspathWithNoJars() throws IOException {
- String[] testArray = {
- };
- String[] expectedArray = {
- JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.getJunitJarLocation(),
- };
- assertEqualsArrays(expectedArray,
- JUnitLaunchConfigDelegate.fixClasspath(testArray, "test"));
- }
- private void assertEqualsArrays(String[][] a1, String[][] a2) {
- assertTrue(Arrays.deepEquals(a1, a2));
- }
- private void assertEqualsArrays(String[] a1, String[] a2) {
- assertTrue(Arrays.deepEquals(a1, a2));
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/lint/ProjectLintConfigurationTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/lint/ProjectLintConfigurationTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ea8c435..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/lint/ProjectLintConfigurationTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.lint;
-import com.android.annotations.NonNull;
-import com.android.annotations.Nullable;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import com.android.tools.lint.checks.DuplicateIdDetector;
-import com.android.tools.lint.checks.UnusedResourceDetector;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.Configuration;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.JavaParser;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.LintClient;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.XmlParser;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Context;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Issue;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Location;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Project;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Severity;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.TextFormat;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import java.io.File;
-public class ProjectLintConfigurationTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- public void testBasic() {
- Configuration parent = null;
- LintClient client = new TestClient();
- File dir = getTargetDir();
- if (!dir.exists()) {
- boolean ok = dir.mkdirs();
- assertTrue(dir.getPath(), ok);
- }
- Project project = client.getProject(dir, dir);
- ProjectLintConfiguration config =
- new ProjectLintConfiguration(client, project, parent, false /*fatalOnly*/);
- Issue usuallyEnabledIssue = DuplicateIdDetector.WITHIN_LAYOUT;
- Issue usuallyDisabledIssue = UnusedResourceDetector.ISSUE_IDS;
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- config.setSeverity(usuallyEnabledIssue, Severity.IGNORE);
- config.setSeverity(usuallyDisabledIssue, Severity.ERROR);
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- // Make a NEW config object to ensure the state is persisted properly, not just
- // kept on the config object!
- config = new ProjectLintConfiguration(client, project, parent, false /*fatalOnly*/);
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- }
- public void testInheritance() {
- Configuration parent = null;
- LintClient client = new TestClient();
- File dir = getTargetDir();
- assertTrue(dir.mkdirs());
- Project project = client.getProject(dir, dir);
- File otherDir = new File(dir, "otherConfig");
- assertTrue(otherDir.mkdir());
- Project otherProject = client.getProject(otherDir, otherDir);
- ProjectLintConfiguration otherConfig =
- new ProjectLintConfiguration(client, otherProject, parent, false);
- ProjectLintConfiguration config =
- new ProjectLintConfiguration(client, project, otherConfig, false);
- Issue usuallyEnabledIssue = DuplicateIdDetector.WITHIN_LAYOUT;
- Issue usuallyDisabledIssue = UnusedResourceDetector.ISSUE_IDS;
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- otherConfig.setSeverity(usuallyEnabledIssue, Severity.IGNORE);
- otherConfig.setSeverity(usuallyDisabledIssue, Severity.ERROR);
- // Ensure inheritance works
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- // Revert
- otherConfig.setSeverity(usuallyEnabledIssue, Severity.ERROR);
- otherConfig.setSeverity(usuallyDisabledIssue, Severity.IGNORE);
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- // Now override in child
- config.setSeverity(usuallyEnabledIssue, Severity.ERROR);
- config.setSeverity(usuallyDisabledIssue, Severity.IGNORE);
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- // Now change in parent: no change in child
- otherConfig.setSeverity(usuallyEnabledIssue, Severity.IGNORE);
- otherConfig.setSeverity(usuallyDisabledIssue, Severity.ERROR);
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- assertFalse(otherConfig.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertTrue(otherConfig.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- // Clear override in child
- config.setSeverity(usuallyEnabledIssue, null);
- config.setSeverity(usuallyDisabledIssue, null);
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- }
- public void testBulkEditing() {
- Configuration parent = null;
- LintClient client = new TestClient();
- File dir = getTargetDir();
- assertTrue(dir.mkdirs());
- Project project = client.getProject(dir, dir);
- ProjectLintConfiguration config =
- new ProjectLintConfiguration(client, project, parent, false /*fatalOnly*/);
- Issue usuallyEnabledIssue = DuplicateIdDetector.WITHIN_LAYOUT;
- Issue usuallyDisabledIssue = UnusedResourceDetector.ISSUE_IDS;
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- config.setSeverity(usuallyEnabledIssue, Severity.IGNORE);
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyEnabledIssue));
- assertFalse(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- File configFile = new File(dir, "lint.xml");
- assertTrue(configFile.getPath(), configFile.exists());
- long lastModified = configFile.lastModified();
- // We need to make sure that the timestamp of the file is a couple of seconds
- // after the last update or we can't tell whether the file was updated or not
- try {
- Thread.sleep(1000);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- System.err.println("Sleep interrupted, test may not work.");
- }
- config.startBulkEditing();
- assertFalse(lastModified < configFile.lastModified());
- assertEquals(lastModified, configFile.lastModified());
- config.setSeverity(usuallyDisabledIssue, Severity.ERROR);
- config.finishBulkEditing();
- assertTrue(lastModified < configFile.lastModified());
- assertTrue(config.isEnabled(usuallyDisabledIssue));
- }
- public void testPersistence() {
- // Ensure that we use the same configuration object repeatedly for a
- // single project, such that we don't recompute and parse XML for each and
- // every lint run!
- IProject project = getProject();
- TestClient client = new TestClient();
- ProjectLintConfiguration config1 = ProjectLintConfiguration.get(client, project, false);
- ProjectLintConfiguration config2 = ProjectLintConfiguration.get(client, project, false);
- assertSame(config1, config2);
- }
- @Override
- protected File getTargetDir() {
- File targetDir = new File(getTempDir(), getClass().getSimpleName() + "_" + getName());
- addCleanupDir(targetDir);
- return targetDir;
- }
- private static class TestClient extends LintClient {
- @Override
- public void report(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Issue issue,
- @NonNull Severity severity, @Nullable Location location,
- @NonNull String message, @NonNull TextFormat format) {
- }
- @Override
- public void log(@NonNull Severity severity, @Nullable Throwable exception,
- @Nullable String format, @Nullable Object... args) {
- }
- @Override
- public XmlParser getXmlParser() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public @NonNull String readFile(@NonNull File file) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public JavaParser getJavaParser(@Nullable Project project) {
- return null;
- }
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/core/AndroidPackageRenameParticipantTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/core/AndroidPackageRenameParticipantTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df0b0c5e..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/core/AndroidPackageRenameParticipantTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.refactorings.core;
-import com.android.annotations.NonNull;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.manifest.ManifestInfo;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.BaseProjectHelper;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.rename.RenamePackageProcessor;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RenameRefactoring;
- * TODO: Test renaming a DIFFERENT package than the application package!
- */
-@SuppressWarnings({"javadoc", "restriction"})
-public class AndroidPackageRenameParticipantTest extends RefactoringTestBase {
- public void testRefactor1() throws Exception {
- renamePackage(
- false /*renameSubpackages*/,
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "my.pkg.name",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] Rename package 'com.example.refactoringtest' to 'my.pkg.name'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor1/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -3 +3\n" +
- " + import com.example.refactoringtest.R;\n" +
- " +\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] activity_main.xml - /testRefactor1/res/layout/activity_main.xml\n" +
- " @@ -33 +33\n" +
- " - <fragment android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MyFragment\"/>\n" +
- " + <fragment android:name=\"my.pkg.name.MyFragment\"/>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] AndroidManifest.xml - /testRefactor1/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- " @@ -16 +16\n" +
- " - android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MainActivity\"\n" +
- " + android:name=\"my.pkg.name.MainActivity\"\n" +
- " @@ -25 +25\n" +
- " - android:name=\".MainActivity2\"\n" +
- " + android:name=\"my.pkg.name.MainActivity2\"",
- true);
- }
- public void testRefactor1_noreferences() throws Exception {
- renamePackage(
- false /*renameSubpackages*/,
- false /*updateReferences*/,
- "my.pkg.name",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] Rename package 'com.example.refactoringtest' to 'my.pkg.name'",
- false);
- }
- public void testRefactor2() throws Exception {
- // Tests custom view handling
- renamePackage(
- false /*renameSubpackages*/,
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "my.pkg.name",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] Rename package 'com.example.refactoringtest' to 'my.pkg.name'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor2/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -3 +3\n" +
- " + import com.example.refactoringtest.R;\n" +
- " +\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] customviews.xml - /testRefactor2/res/layout/customviews.xml\n" +
- " @@ -9 +9\n" +
- " - <com.example.refactoringtest.CustomView1\n" +
- " + <my.pkg.name.CustomView1\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] activity_main.xml - /testRefactor2/res/layout/activity_main.xml\n" +
- " @@ -33 +33\n" +
- " - <fragment android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MyFragment\"/>\n" +
- " + <fragment android:name=\"my.pkg.name.MyFragment\"/>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] customviews.xml - /testRefactor2/res/layout-land/customviews.xml\n" +
- " @@ -9 +9\n" +
- " - <com.example.refactoringtest.CustomView1\n" +
- " + <my.pkg.name.CustomView1\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] AndroidManifest.xml - /testRefactor2/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- " @@ -16 +16\n" +
- " - android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MainActivity\"\n" +
- " + android:name=\"my.pkg.name.MainActivity\"\n" +
- " @@ -25 +25\n" +
- " - android:name=\".MainActivity2\"\n" +
- " + android:name=\"my.pkg.name.MainActivity2\"",
- true);
- }
- public void testRefactor2_renamesub() throws Exception {
- // Tests custom view handling
- renamePackage(
- true /*renameSubpackages*/,
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "my.pkg.name",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] Rename package 'com.example.refactoringtest' and subpackages to 'my.pkg.name'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor2_renamesub/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -3 +3\n" +
- " + import com.example.refactoringtest.R;\n" +
- " +\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] customviews.xml - /testRefactor2_renamesub/res/layout/customviews.xml\n" +
- " @@ -9 +9\n" +
- " - <com.example.refactoringtest.CustomView1\n" +
- " + <my.pkg.name.CustomView1\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] activity_main.xml - /testRefactor2_renamesub/res/layout/activity_main.xml\n" +
- " @@ -33 +33\n" +
- " - <fragment android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MyFragment\"/>\n" +
- " + <fragment android:name=\"my.pkg.name.MyFragment\"/>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] customviews.xml - /testRefactor2_renamesub/res/layout-land/customviews.xml\n" +
- " @@ -9 +9\n" +
- " - <com.example.refactoringtest.CustomView1\n" +
- " + <my.pkg.name.CustomView1\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] AndroidManifest.xml - /testRefactor2_renamesub/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- " @@ -16 +16\n" +
- " - android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MainActivity\"\n" +
- " + android:name=\"my.pkg.name.MainActivity\"\n" +
- " @@ -25 +25\n" +
- " - android:name=\".MainActivity2\"\n" +
- " + android:name=\"my.pkg.name.MainActivity2\"\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] customviews.xml - /testRefactor2_renamesub/res/layout/customviews.xml\n" +
- " @@ -15 +15\n" +
- " - <com.example.refactoringtest.subpackage.CustomView2\n" +
- " + <my.pkg.name.subpackage.CustomView2\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] customviews.xml - /testRefactor2_renamesub/res/layout-land/customviews.xml\n" +
- " @@ -15 +15\n" +
- " - <com.example.refactoringtest.subpackage.CustomView2\n" +
- " + <my.pkg.name.subpackage.CustomView2",
- true);
- }
- public void testRefactor2_renamesub_norefs() throws Exception {
- // Tests custom view handling
- renamePackage(
- true /*renameSubpackages*/,
- false /*updateReferences*/,
- "my.pkg.name",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] Rename package 'com.example.refactoringtest' and subpackages to 'my.pkg.name'",
- false);
- }
- // ---- Test infrastructure ----
- protected void renamePackage(
- @NonNull Object[] testData,
- boolean renameSubpackages,
- boolean updateReferences,
- @NonNull String newName,
- @NonNull String expected,
- boolean expectedAppPackageRenameWarning) throws Exception {
- IProject project = createProject(testData);
- String expectedWarnings = expectedAppPackageRenameWarning ?
- EXPECTED_WARNINGS_TEMPLATE.replace("PROJECTNAME", project.getName()) : null;
- renamePackage(project, renameSubpackages, updateReferences, newName, expected,
- expectedWarnings);
- }
- protected void renamePackage(
- @NonNull IProject project,
- boolean renameSubpackages,
- boolean updateReferences,
- @NonNull String newName,
- @NonNull String expected,
- @NonNull String expectedWarnings) throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info = ManifestInfo.get(project);
- String currentPackage = info.getPackage();
- assertNotNull(currentPackage);
- IPackageFragment pkgFragment = getPackageFragment(project, currentPackage);
- RenamePackageProcessor processor = new RenamePackageProcessor(pkgFragment);
- processor.setNewElementName(newName);
- processor.setRenameSubpackages(renameSubpackages);
- processor.setUpdateReferences(updateReferences);
- assertNotNull(processor);
- RenameRefactoring refactoring = new RenameRefactoring(processor);
- checkRefactoring(refactoring, expected, expectedWarnings);
- }
- private static IPackageFragment getPackageFragment(IProject project, String pkg)
- throws CoreException, JavaModelException {
- IPackageFragment pkgFragment = null;
- IJavaProject javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(project);
- assertNotNull(javaProject);
- IPackageFragment[] fragments = javaProject.getPackageFragments();
- for (IPackageFragment fragment : fragments) {
- String name = fragment.getElementName();
- if (pkg.equals(name)) {
- pkgFragment = fragment;
- break;
- }
- }
- return pkgFragment;
- }
- private static String EXPECTED_WARNINGS_TEMPLATE =
- "<INFO\n" +
- "\t\n" +
- "INFO: You are refactoring the same package as your application's package (specified in the manifest).\n" +
- "\n" +
- "Context: L/PROJECTNAME/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- "code: none\n" +
- "Data: null\n" +
- "\t\n" +
- "INFO: Note that this refactoring does NOT also update your application package.\n" +
- "Context: L/PROJECTNAME/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- "code: none\n" +
- "Data: null\n" +
- "\t\n" +
- "INFO: The application package defines your application's identity.\n" +
- "Context: L/PROJECTNAME/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- "code: none\n" +
- "Data: null\n" +
- "\t\n" +
- "INFO: If you change it, then it is considered to be a different application.\n" +
- "Context: L/PROJECTNAME/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- "code: none\n" +
- "Data: null\n" +
- "\t\n" +
- "INFO: (Users of the previous version cannot update to the new version.)\n" +
- "Context: L/PROJECTNAME/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- "code: none\n" +
- "Data: null\n" +
- "\t\n" +
- "INFO: The application package, and the package containing the code, can differ.\n" +
- "Context: L/PROJECTNAME/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- "code: none\n" +
- "Data: null\n" +
- "\t\n" +
- "INFO: To really change application package, choose \"Android Tools\" > \"Rename Application Package.\" from the project context menu.\n" +
- "Context: L/PROJECTNAME/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- "code: none\n" +
- "Data: null\n" +
- ">";
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/core/RefactoringTestBase.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/core/RefactoringTestBase.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 41838e24b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/core/RefactoringTestBase.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.refactorings.core;
-import com.android.annotations.NonNull;
-import com.android.annotations.Nullable;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
-import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
-import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams;
-import com.google.common.io.Files;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.changes.RenameCompilationUnitChange;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.changes.RenamePackageChange;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Refactoring;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextChange;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource.MoveResourceChange;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource.RenameResourceChange;
-import org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEdit;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.List;
-public abstract class RefactoringTestBase extends AdtProjectTest {
- protected void checkRefactoring(Refactoring refactoring, String expected) throws Exception {
- checkRefactoring(refactoring, expected, null);
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- // Not calling super.setUp
- }
- protected void checkRefactoring(Refactoring refactoring, String expected,
- @Nullable String expectedWarnings) throws Exception {
- RefactoringStatus status = refactoring.checkAllConditions(new NullProgressMonitor());
- assertNotNull(status);
- if (expectedWarnings == null) {
- expectedWarnings = "<OK\n>";
- }
- if (status.toString().trim().startsWith(
- "<WARNING\n" +
- "\t\n" +
- "WARNING: Code modification may not be accurate as affected resource '")) {
- // Test instability, probably a timing issue with getting the new project
- // compiled (to recognize Android classpath entries)
- // Just continue to ensure that the refactoring list matches.
- } else {
- assertEquals(status.toString().trim(), expectedWarnings.trim());
- }
- if (!status.isOK()) {
- return;
- }
- assertTrue(status.toString(), status.isOK());
- Change change = refactoring.createChange(new NullProgressMonitor());
- assertNotNull(change);
- String explanation = "CHANGES:\n-------\n" + describe(change);
- if (!expected.trim().equals(explanation.trim())) { // allow trimming endlines in expected
- assertEquals(expected, explanation);
- }
- }
- private IProject mProject;
- @Override
- protected IProject getProject() {
- return mProject;
- }
- protected IProject createProject(Object[] testData) throws Exception {
- String name = getName();
- IProject project = createProject(name);
- mProject = project;
- File projectDir = AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project).toFile();
- assertNotNull(projectDir);
- assertTrue(projectDir.getPath(), projectDir.exists());
- createTestDataDir(projectDir, testData);
- project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new NullProgressMonitor());
- for (int i = 0; i < testData.length; i+= 2) {
- assertTrue(testData[i].toString(), testData[i] instanceof String);
- String relative = (String) testData[i];
- IResource member = project.findMember(relative);
- assertNotNull(relative, member);
- assertTrue(member.getClass().getSimpleName(), member instanceof IFile);
- }
- return project;
- }
- public static String describe(Change change) throws Exception {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000);
- describe(sb, change, 0);
- // Trim trailing space
- for (int i = sb.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (!Character.isWhitespace(sb.charAt(i))) {
- sb.setLength(i + 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- protected static void describe(StringBuilder sb, Change change, int indent) throws Exception {
- if (change instanceof CompositeChange
- && ((CompositeChange) change).isSynthetic()) {
- // Don't display information about synthetic changes
- } else {
- String changeName = change.getName();
- if (changeName.contains("MoreUnit")) {
- // If MoreUnit plugin is installed, don't include in unit test results
- return;
- }
- // Describe this change
- indent(sb, indent);
- if (change.isEnabled()) {
- sb.append("[x] ");
- } else {
- sb.append("[ ] ");
- }
- sb.append(changeName);
- IFile file = getFile(change);
- if (file != null) {
- sb.append(" - ");
- sb.append(file.getFullPath());
- sb.append('\n');
- } else {
- sb.append('\n');
- }
- if (change instanceof TextFileChange) {
- assertNotNull(file);
- if (file != null) {
- TextChange tc = (TextChange) change;
- TextEdit edit = tc.getEdit();
- byte[] bytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(file.getContents());
- String before = new String(bytes, Charsets.UTF_8);
- IDocument document = new Document();
- document.replace(0, 0, before);
- // Make a copy: edits are sometimes destructive when run repeatedly!
- edit.copy().apply(document);
- String after = document.get();
- String diff = getDiff(before, after);
- for (String line : Splitter.on('\n').split(diff)) {
- if (!line.trim().isEmpty()) {
- indent(sb, indent + 1);
- sb.append(line);
- }
- sb.append('\n');
- }
- }
- } else if (change instanceof RenameCompilationUnitChange) {
- // Change name, appended above, is adequate
- } else if (change instanceof RenameResourceChange) {
- // Change name, appended above, is adequate
- } else if (change instanceof RenamePackageChange) {
- // Change name, appended above, is adequate
- } else if (change instanceof MoveResourceChange) {
- // Change name, appended above, is adequate
- } else if (change instanceof CompositeChange) {
- // Don't print details about children here; they'll be nested below
- } else {
- indent(sb, indent);
- sb.append("<UNKNOWN CHANGE TYPE " + change.getClass().getName() + ">");
- }
- sb.append('\n');
- }
- if (change instanceof CompositeChange) {
- CompositeChange composite = (CompositeChange) change;
- Change[] children = composite.getChildren();
- List<Change> sorted = Arrays.asList(children);
- // Process children in a fixed (output-alphabetical) order to ensure stable output
- Collections.sort(sorted, new Comparator<Change>() {
- @Override
- public int compare(Change change1, Change change2) {
- try {
- IFile file1 = getFile(change1);
- IFile file2 = getFile(change2);
- if (file1 != null && file2 != null) {
- // Sort in decreasing order. This places the most interesting
- // files first: res > src > gen
- int fileDelta = file2.getFullPath().toOSString().compareToIgnoreCase(
- file1.getFullPath().toOSString());
- if (fileDelta != 0) {
- return fileDelta;
- }
- }
- int nameDelta = change2.getName().compareTo(change1.getName());
- if (nameDelta != 0) {
- return nameDelta;
- }
- // This is pretty inefficient but ensures stable output
- return describe(change2).compareTo(describe(change1));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- fail(e.getLocalizedMessage());
- return 0;
- }
- }
- });
- for (Change child : sorted) {
- describe(sb, child, indent + (composite.isSynthetic() ? 0 : 1));
- }
- }
- }
- @Nullable
- private static IFile getFile(@NonNull Change change) {
- if (change instanceof TextFileChange) {
- TextFileChange tfc = (TextFileChange) change;
- return tfc.getFile();
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected static void indent(StringBuilder sb, int indent) {
- for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
- sb.append(" ");
- }
- }
- protected void createTestDataDir(File dir, Object[] data) throws IOException {
- for (int i = 0, n = data.length; i < n; i += 2) {
- assertTrue("Must be a path: " + data[i], data[i] instanceof String);
- String relativePath = ((String) data[i]).replace('/', File.separatorChar);
- File to = new File(dir, relativePath);
- File parent = to.getParentFile();
- if (!parent.exists()) {
- boolean mkdirs = parent.mkdirs();
- assertTrue(to.getPath(), mkdirs);
- }
- Object o = data[i + 1];
- if (o instanceof String) {
- String contents = (String) o;
- Files.write(contents, to, Charsets.UTF_8);
- } else if (o instanceof byte[]) {
- Files.write((byte[]) o, to);
- } else {
- fail("Data must be a String or a byte[] for " + to);
- }
- }
- }
- // Test sources
- protected static final String SAMPLE_MANIFEST =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<manifest xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " package=\"com.example.refactoringtest\"\n" +
- " android:versionCode=\"1\"\n" +
- " android:versionName=\"1.0\" >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <uses-sdk\n" +
- " android:minSdkVersion=\"8\"\n" +
- " android:targetSdkVersion=\"17\" />\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <application\n" +
- " android:icon=\"@drawable/ic_launcher\"\n" +
- " android:label=\"@string/app_name\"\n" +
- " android:theme=\"@style/AppTheme\" >\n" +
- " <activity\n" +
- " android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MainActivity\"\n" +
- " android:label=\"@string/app_name\" >\n" +
- " <intent-filter>\n" +
- " <action android:name=\"android.intent.action.MAIN\" />\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <category android:name=\"android.intent.category.LAUNCHER\" />\n" +
- " </intent-filter>\n" +
- " </activity>\n" +
- " <activity\n" +
- " android:name=\".MainActivity2\"\n" +
- " android:label=\"@string/app_name2\" >\n" +
- " </activity>\n" +
- " </application>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</manifest>";
- protected static final String SAMPLE_MAIN_ACTIVITY =
- "package com.example.refactoringtest;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "import android.os.Bundle;\n" +
- "import android.app.Activity;\n" +
- "import android.view.Menu;\n" +
- "import android.view.View;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public class MainActivity extends Activity {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " @Override\n" +
- " protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n" +
- " super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n" +
- " setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);\n" +
- " View view1 = findViewById(R.id.textView1);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- " @Override\n" +
- " public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {\n" +
- " // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.\n" +
- " getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_main, menu);\n" +
- " return true;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- "}\n";
- protected static final String SAMPLE_MAIN_ACTIVITY2 =
- "package com.example.refactoringtest;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "import android.os.Bundle;\n" +
- "import android.app.Activity;\n" +
- "import android.view.Menu;\n" +
- "import android.view.View;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public class MainActivity2 extends Activity {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " @Override\n" +
- " protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n" +
- " super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- "}\n";
- protected static final String MY_FRAGMENT =
- "package com.example.refactoringtest;\n" +
- "import android.support.v4.app.ListFragment;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public class MyFragment extends ListFragment {\n" +
- "\n" +
- "}\n";
- protected static final String SAMPLE_LAYOUT =
- "<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " xmlns:tools=\"http://schemas.android.com/tools\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " tools:context=\".MainActivity\" >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <TextView\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_centerVertical=\"true\"\n" +
- " android:layout_toRightOf=\"@+id/button2\"\n" +
- " android:text=\"@string/hello_world\" />\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <Button\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/button1\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_alignLeft=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " android:layout_below=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " android:layout_marginLeft=\"22dp\"\n" +
- " android:layout_marginTop=\"24dp\"\n" +
- " android:text=\"Button\" />\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <Button\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/button2\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_alignParentLeft=\"true\"\n" +
- " android:layout_alignParentTop=\"true\"\n" +
- " android:text=\"Button\" />\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <fragment android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MyFragment\"/>" +
- "\n" +
- "</RelativeLayout>";
- protected static final String SAMPLE_LAYOUT_2 =
- "<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " xmlns:tools=\"http://schemas.android.com/tools\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " tools:context=\".MainActivity\" >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <ListView\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " tools:listitem=\"@layout/preview\" >\n" +
- " </ListView>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <fragment\n" +
- " android:name=\"android.support.v4.app.ListFragment\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " tools:layout=\"@layout/preview\" />\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</RelativeLayout>";
- protected static final String SAMPLE_MENU =
- "<menu xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\" >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <item\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/menu_settings\"\n" +
- " android:orderInCategory=\"100\"\n" +
- " android:showAsAction=\"never\"\n" +
- " android:title=\"@string/menu_settings\"/>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</menu>";
- protected static final String SAMPLE_STRINGS =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <string name=\"app_name\">RefactoringTest</string>\n" +
- " <string name=\"hello_world\">Hello world!</string>\n" +
- " <string name=\"menu_settings\">Settings</string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>";
- protected static final String SAMPLE_STYLES =
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!--\n" +
- " Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced\n" +
- " by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.\n" +
- " -->\n" +
- " <style name=\"AppBaseTheme\" parent=\"android:Theme.Light\">\n" +
- " <!--\n" +
- " Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in\n" +
- " res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to\n" +
- " backward-compatibility can go here.\n" +
- " -->\n" +
- " </style>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- Application theme. -->\n" +
- " <style name=\"AppTheme\" parent=\"AppBaseTheme\">\n" +
- " <!-- All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here. -->\n" +
- " </style>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>";
- protected static final String SAMPLE_R =
- " *\n" +
- " * This class was automatically generated by the\n" +
- " * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It\n" +
- " * should not be modified by hand.\n" +
- " */\n" +
- "\n" +
- "package com.example.refactoringtest;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public final class R {\n" +
- " public static final class attr {\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static final class drawable {\n" +
- " public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020000;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static final class id {\n" +
- " public static final int button1=0x7f070002;\n" +
- " public static final int button2=0x7f070001;\n" +
- " public static final int menu_settings=0x7f070003;\n" +
- " public static final int textView1=0x7f070000;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static final class layout {\n" +
- " public static final int activity_main=0x7f030000;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static final class menu {\n" +
- " public static final int activity_main=0x7f060000;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static final class string {\n" +
- " public static final int app_name=0x7f040000;\n" +
- " public static final int hello_world=0x7f040001;\n" +
- " public static final int menu_settings=0x7f040002;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " public static final class style {\n" +
- " /** \n" +
- " Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced\n" +
- " by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.\n" +
- " \n" +
- "\n" +
- " Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in\n" +
- " res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to\n" +
- " backward-compatibility can go here.\n" +
- " \n" +
- "\n" +
- " Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces\n" +
- " AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices.\n" +
- " \n" +
- " API 11 theme customizations can go here. \n" +
- "\n" +
- " Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces\n" +
- " AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and\n" +
- " res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices.\n" +
- " \n" +
- " API 14 theme customizations can go here. \n" +
- " */\n" +
- " public static final int AppBaseTheme=0x7f050000;\n" +
- " /** Application theme. \n" +
- " All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here. \n" +
- " */\n" +
- " public static final int AppTheme=0x7f050001;\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n";
- protected static final Object[] TEST_PROJECT = new Object[] {
- "AndroidManifest.xml",
- "src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java",
- "src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity2.java",
- "gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java",
- "res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png",
- new byte[] { 0 },
- "res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png",
- new byte[] { 0 },
- "res/drawable-ldpi/ic_launcher.png",
- new byte[] { 0 },
- "res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png",
- new byte[] { 0 },
- "res/layout/activity_main.xml",
- "res/layout-land/activity_main.xml",
- "res/menu/activity_main.xml",
- "res/values/strings.xml", // file 3
- "res/values/styles.xml", // file 3
- };
- // More test data
- protected static final String CUSTOM_VIEW_1 =
- "package com.example.refactoringtest;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "import android.content.Context;\n" +
- "import android.widget.Button;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public class CustomView1 extends Button {\n" +
- " public CustomView1(Context context) {\n" +
- " super(context);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n";
- protected static final String CUSTOM_VIEW_1_STYLES =
- "<resources>\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <!-- Aattributes for the custom view -->\n" +
- " <declare-styleable name=\"CustomView1\">\n" +
- " <attr name=\"exampleString\" format=\"string\" />\n" +
- " <attr name=\"exampleDimension\" format=\"dimension\" />\n" +
- " <attr name=\"exampleColor\" format=\"color\" />\n" +
- " <attr name=\"exampleDrawable\" format=\"color|reference\" />\n" +
- " </declare-styleable>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</resources>";
- protected static final String CUSTOM_VIEW_2 =
- "package com.example.refactoringtest.subpackage;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "import android.content.Context;\n" +
- "import android.widget.Button;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public class CustomView2 extends Button {\n" +
- " public CustomView2(Context context) {\n" +
- " super(context);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n";
- protected static final String CUSTOM_VIEW_LAYOUT =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
- "<LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n" +
- " xmlns:tools=\"http://schemas.android.com/tools\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" +
- " android:orientation=\"vertical\"\n" +
- " tools:ignore=\"HardcodedText\" >\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <com.example.refactoringtest.CustomView1\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/customView1\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:text=\"CustomView1\" />\n" +
- "\n" +
- " <com.example.refactoringtest.subpackage.CustomView2\n" +
- " android:id=\"@+id/customView2\"\n" +
- " android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" +
- " android:text=\"CustomView2\" />\n" +
- "\n" +
- "</LinearLayout>";
- protected static final Object[] TEST_PROJECT2 = new Object[] {
- "AndroidManifest.xml",
- "src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java",
- "src/com/example/refactoringtest/CustomView1.java",
- "res/values/attrs_custom_view.xml",
- "src/com/example/refactoringtest/subpackage/CustomView2.java",
- "src/com/example/refactoringtest/MyFragment.java",
- "gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java",
- "res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png",
- new byte[] { 0 },
- "res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png",
- new byte[] { 0 },
- "res/drawable-ldpi/ic_launcher.png",
- new byte[] { 0 },
- "res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png",
- new byte[] { 0 },
- "res/layout/activity_main.xml",
- "res/layout-land/activity_main.xml",
- "res/layout/customviews.xml",
- "res/layout-land/customviews.xml",
- "res/menu/activity_main.xml",
- "res/values/strings.xml", // file 3
- "res/values/styles.xml", // file 3
- // Just a gen file, should not be refactored
- "bin/AndroidManifest.xml",
- };
- protected static final String MANIFEST =
- " *\n" +
- " * This class was automatically generated by the\n" +
- " * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It\n" +
- " * should not be modified by hand.\n" +
- " */\n" +
- "\n" +
- "package com.example.refactoringtest;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public final class Manifest {\n" +
- " public static final class permission {\n" +
- " public static final String WRITE_SCHEDULE=\"com.example.refactoringtest.permission.WRITE_SCHEDULE\";\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}";
- protected static final String BUILD_CONFIG =
- "/** Automatically generated file. DO NOT MODIFY */\n" +
- "package com.example.refactoringtest;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public final class BuildConfig {\n" +
- " public final static boolean DEBUG = true;\n" +
- "}";
- protected static final String MORE_CODE_JAVA =
- "package com.example.refactoringtest.subpkg;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "import android.os.Bundle;\n" +
- "import android.app.Activity;\n" +
- "import android.view.Menu;\n" +
- "import android.view.View;\n" +
- "import com.example.refactoringtest.BuildConfig;\n" +
- "import com.example.refactoringtest.Manifest;\n" +
- "import com.example.refactoringtest.R;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "public class MoreCode extends Activity {\n" +
- "\n" +
- " protected void code() {\n" +
- " if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {\n" +
- " System.out.println(Manifest.permission);\n" +
- " }" +
- " System.out.println(com.example.refactoringtest.BuildConfig.DEBUG);\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "\n" +
- "}\n";
- /** Project which includes references to BuildConfig, Manifest, and R */
- protected static final Object[] TEST_PROJECT3;
- static {
- Object[] additional = new Object[] {
- "src/com/example/refactoringtest/subpkg/MoreCode.java",
- "gen/com/example/refactoringtest/BuildConfig.java",
- "gen/com/example/refactoringtest/Manifest.java",
- };
- TEST_PROJECT3 = new Object[TEST_PROJECT2.length + additional.length];
- System.arraycopy(TEST_PROJECT2, 0, TEST_PROJECT3, 0, TEST_PROJECT2.length);
- System.arraycopy(additional, 0, TEST_PROJECT3, TEST_PROJECT2.length, additional.length);
- };
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/core/RenameResourceParticipantTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/core/RenameResourceParticipantTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f029b93b..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/core/RenameResourceParticipantTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.refactorings.core;
-import com.android.annotations.NonNull;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.ResourceUrl;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.BaseProjectHelper;
-import com.android.resources.ResourceType;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IField;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring.rename.RenameFieldProcessor;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RenameProcessor;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RenameRefactoring;
-@SuppressWarnings({"javadoc", "restriction"})
-public class RenameResourceParticipantTest extends RefactoringTestBase {
- public void testRefactor1() throws Exception {
- renameResource(
- "@string/app_name",
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "myname",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] strings.xml - /testRefactor1/res/values/strings.xml\n" +
- " @@ -4 +4\n" +
- " - <string name=\"app_name\">RefactoringTest</string>\n" +
- " + <string name=\"myname\">RefactoringTest</string>\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[ ] R.java - /testRefactor1/gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java\n" +
- " @@ -29 +29\n" +
- " - public static final int app_name=0x7f040000;\n" +
- " + public static final int myname=0x7f040000;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] AndroidManifest.xml - /testRefactor1/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- " @@ -13 +13\n" +
- " - android:label=\"@string/app_name\"\n" +
- " + android:label=\"@string/myname\"\n" +
- " @@ -17 +17\n" +
- " - android:label=\"@string/app_name\" >\n" +
- " + android:label=\"@string/myname\" >");
- }
- public void testRefactor2() throws Exception {
- renameResource(
- "@+id/menu_settings",
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "new_id_for_the_action_bar",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] activity_main.xml - /testRefactor2/res/menu/activity_main.xml\n" +
- " @@ -4 +4\n" +
- " - android:id=\"@+id/menu_settings\"\n" +
- " + android:id=\"@+id/new_id_for_the_action_bar\"\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[ ] R.java - /testRefactor2/gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java\n" +
- " @@ -19 +19\n" +
- " - public static final int menu_settings=0x7f070003;\n" +
- " + public static final int new_id_for_the_action_bar=0x7f070003;");
- }
- public void testRefactor3() throws Exception {
- renameResource(
- "@+id/textView1",
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "output",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] activity_main.xml - /testRefactor3/res/layout/activity_main.xml\n" +
- " @@ -8 +8\n" +
- " - android:id=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " + android:id=\"@+id/output\"\n" +
- " @@ -19 +19\n" +
- " - android:layout_alignLeft=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " - android:layout_below=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " + android:layout_alignLeft=\"@+id/output\"\n" +
- " + android:layout_below=\"@+id/output\"\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor3/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -14 +14\n" +
- " - View view1 = findViewById(R.id.textView1);\n" +
- " + View view1 = findViewById(R.id.output);\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[ ] R.java - /testRefactor3/gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java\n" +
- " @@ -20 +20\n" +
- " - public static final int textView1=0x7f070000;\n" +
- " + public static final int output=0x7f070000;");
- }
- public void testRefactor4() throws Exception {
- renameResource(
- // same as testRefactor3, but use @id rather than @+id even though @+id is in file
- "@id/textView1",
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "output",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] activity_main.xml - /testRefactor4/res/layout/activity_main.xml\n" +
- " @@ -8 +8\n" +
- " - android:id=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " + android:id=\"@+id/output\"\n" +
- " @@ -19 +19\n" +
- " - android:layout_alignLeft=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " - android:layout_below=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " + android:layout_alignLeft=\"@+id/output\"\n" +
- " + android:layout_below=\"@+id/output\"\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor4/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -14 +14\n" +
- " - View view1 = findViewById(R.id.textView1);\n" +
- " + View view1 = findViewById(R.id.output);\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[ ] R.java - /testRefactor4/gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java\n" +
- " @@ -20 +20\n" +
- " - public static final int textView1=0x7f070000;\n" +
- " + public static final int output=0x7f070000;");
- }
- public void testRefactor5() throws Exception {
- renameResource(
- "@layout/activity_main",
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "newlayout",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor5/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -13 +13\n" +
- " - setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);\n" +
- " + setContentView(R.layout.newlayout);\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[ ] R.java - /testRefactor5/gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java\n" +
- " @@ -23 +23\n" +
- " - public static final int activity_main=0x7f030000;\n" +
- " + public static final int newlayout=0x7f030000;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor5/res/layout/activity_main.xml' to 'newlayout.xml'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor5/res/layout-land/activity_main.xml' to 'newlayout.xml'");
- }
- public void testRefactor6() throws Exception {
- renameResource(
- "@drawable/ic_launcher",
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "newlauncher",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[ ] R.java - /testRefactor6/gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java\n" +
- " @@ -14 +14\n" +
- " - public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020000;\n" +
- " + public static final int newlauncher=0x7f020000;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor6/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png' to 'newlauncher.png'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor6/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png' to 'newlauncher.png'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor6/res/drawable-ldpi/ic_launcher.png' to 'newlauncher.png'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor6/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png' to 'newlauncher.png'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] AndroidManifest.xml - /testRefactor6/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- " @@ -12 +12\n" +
- " - android:icon=\"@drawable/ic_launcher\"\n" +
- " + android:icon=\"@drawable/newlauncher\"");
- }
- public void testRefactor7() throws Exception {
- // Test refactoring initiated on a file rename
- IProject project = createProject(TEST_PROJECT);
- IFile file = project.getFile("res/layout/activity_main.xml");
- renameResource(
- project,
- file,
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "newlayout",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor7/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -13 +13\n" +
- " - setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);\n" +
- " + setContentView(R.layout.newlayout);\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[ ] R.java - /testRefactor7/gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java\n" +
- " @@ -23 +23\n" +
- " - public static final int activity_main=0x7f030000;\n" +
- " + public static final int newlayout=0x7f030000;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor7/res/layout-land/activity_main.xml' to 'newlayout.xml'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor7/res/layout/activity_main.xml' to 'newlayout.xml'",
- null);
- }
- public void testRefactor8() throws Exception {
- // Test refactoring initiated on a Java field rename
- IProject project = createProject(TEST_PROJECT);
- IJavaProject javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(project);
- assertNotNull(javaProject);
- IType type = javaProject.findType("com.example.refactoringtest.R.layout");
- if (type == null || !type.exists()) {
- type = javaProject.findType("com.example.refactoringtest.R$layout");
- System.out.println("Had to switch to $ notation");
- }
- assertNotNull(type);
- assertTrue(type.exists());
- IField field = type.getField("activity_main");
- assertNotNull(field);
- assertTrue(field.exists());
- renameResource(
- project,
- field,
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "newlauncher",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor8/res/layout/activity_main.xml' to 'newlauncher.xml'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Rename 'testRefactor8/res/layout-land/activity_main.xml' to 'newlauncher.xml'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor8/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -13 +13\n" +
- " - setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);\n" +
- " + setContentView(R.layout.newlauncher);\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[ ] R.java - /testRefactor8/gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java\n" +
- " @@ -23 +23\n" +
- " - public static final int activity_main=0x7f030000;\n" +
- " + public static final int newlauncher=0x7f030000;",
- null);
- }
- public void testInvalidName() throws Exception {
- renameResource(
- "@drawable/ic_launcher",
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "Newlauncher",
- "",
- "<ERROR\n" +
- "\t\n" +
- "ERROR: File-based resource names must start with a lowercase letter.\n" +
- "Context: <Unspecified context>\n" +
- "code: none\n" +
- "Data: null\n" +
- ">");
- }
- public void testRefactor9() throws Exception {
- // same as testRefactor4, but not updating references
- renameResource(
- "@id/textView1",
- false /*updateReferences*/,
- "output",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] activity_main.xml - /testRefactor9/res/layout/activity_main.xml\n" +
- " @@ -8 +8\n" +
- " - android:id=\"@+id/textView1\"\n" +
- " + android:id=\"@+id/output\"\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[ ] R.java - /testRefactor9/gen/com/example/refactoringtest/R.java\n" +
- " @@ -20 +20\n" +
- " - public static final int textView1=0x7f070000;\n" +
- " + public static final int output=0x7f070000;");
- }
- public void testRefactor10() throws Exception {
- // Check updating tools: attributes
- renameResource(
- "@layout/preview",
- true /*updateReferences*/,
- "newlayout",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] activity_main.xml - /testRefactor10/res/layout-land/activity_main.xml\n" +
- " @@ -10 +10\n" +
- " - tools:listitem=\"@layout/preview\" >\n" +
- " + tools:listitem=\"@layout/newlayout\" >\n" +
- " @@ -17 +17\n" +
- " - tools:layout=\"@layout/preview\" />\n" +
- " + tools:layout=\"@layout/newlayout\" />");
- }
- // ---- Test infrastructure ----
- protected void renameResource(
- @NonNull Object[] testData,
- @NonNull Object resource,
- boolean updateReferences,
- @NonNull String newName,
- @NonNull String expected) throws Exception {
- renameResource(testData, resource, updateReferences, newName, expected, null);
- }
- protected void renameResource(
- @NonNull Object[] testData,
- @NonNull Object resource,
- boolean updateReferences,
- @NonNull String newName,
- @NonNull String expected,
- @NonNull String expectedWarnings) throws Exception {
- IProject project = createProject(testData);
- renameResource(project, resource, updateReferences, newName, expected, expectedWarnings);
- }
- protected void renameResource(
- @NonNull IProject project,
- @NonNull Object resource,
- boolean updateReferences,
- @NonNull String newName,
- @NonNull String expected,
- @NonNull String expectedWarnings) throws Exception {
- RenameProcessor processor = null;
- if (resource instanceof String) {
- String url = (String) resource;
- assert url.startsWith("@") : resource;
- ResourceUrl parsedUrl = ResourceUrl.parse(url);
- assertNotNull(url, parsedUrl);
- assert parsedUrl != null; // null analysis doesn't recognize assertNotNull
- ResourceType type = parsedUrl.type;
- String currentName = parsedUrl.name;
- RenameResourceProcessor p;
- p = new RenameResourceProcessor(project, type, currentName, newName);
- p.setUpdateReferences(updateReferences);
- processor = p;
- } else if (resource instanceof IResource) {
- IResource r = (IResource) resource;
- org.eclipse.ltk.internal.core.refactoring.resource.RenameResourceProcessor p;
- p = new org.eclipse.ltk.internal.core.refactoring.resource.RenameResourceProcessor(r);
- String fileName = r.getName();
- int dot = fileName.indexOf('.');
- String extension = (dot != -1) ? fileName.substring(dot) : "";
- p.setNewResourceName(newName + extension);
- p.setUpdateReferences(updateReferences);
- processor = p;
- } else if (resource instanceof IField) {
- RenameFieldProcessor p = new RenameFieldProcessor((IField) resource);
- p.setNewElementName(newName);
- p.setUpdateReferences(updateReferences);
- processor = p;
- } else {
- fail("Unsupported resource element in tests: " + resource);
- }
- assertNotNull(processor);
- RenameRefactoring refactoring = new RenameRefactoring(processor);
- checkRefactoring(refactoring, expected, expectedWarnings);
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/renamepackage/ApplicationPackageNameRefactoringTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/renamepackage/ApplicationPackageNameRefactoringTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ac034430..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/renamepackage/ApplicationPackageNameRefactoringTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.refactorings.renamepackage;
-import com.android.annotations.NonNull;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.manifest.ManifestInfo;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.refactorings.core.RefactoringTestBase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Name;
-public class ApplicationPackageNameRefactoringTest extends RefactoringTestBase {
- public void testRefactor1() throws Exception {
- renamePackage(
- "my.pkg.name",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor1/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -7 +7\n" +
- " + import my.pkg.name.R;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Make Manifest edits - /testRefactor1/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- " @@ -3 +3\n" +
- " - package=\"com.example.refactoringtest\"\n" +
- " + package=\"my.pkg.name\"\n" +
- " @@ -25 +25\n" +
- " - android:name=\".MainActivity2\"\n" +
- " + android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MainActivity2\"");
- }
- public void testRefactor2() throws Exception {
- // Tests custom view handling
- renamePackage(
- "my.pkg.name",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor2/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -7 +7\n" +
- " + import my.pkg.name.R;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Make Manifest edits - /testRefactor2/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- " @@ -3 +3\n" +
- " - package=\"com.example.refactoringtest\"\n" +
- " + package=\"my.pkg.name\"\n" +
- " @@ -25 +25\n" +
- " - android:name=\".MainActivity2\"\n" +
- " + android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MainActivity2\"");
- }
- public void testRefactor3() throws Exception {
- // Tests BuildConfig imports and updates
- renamePackage(
- "my.pkg.name",
- "CHANGES:\n" +
- "-------\n" +
- "[x] MoreCode.java - /testRefactor3/src/com/example/refactoringtest/subpkg/MoreCode.java\n" +
- " @@ -7 +7\n" +
- " - import com.example.refactoringtest.BuildConfig;\n" +
- " - import com.example.refactoringtest.Manifest;\n" +
- " - import com.example.refactoringtest.R;\n" +
- " + import my.pkg.name.BuildConfig;\n" +
- " + import my.pkg.name.Manifest;\n" +
- " + import my.pkg.name.R;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] MainActivity.java - /testRefactor3/src/com/example/refactoringtest/MainActivity.java\n" +
- " @@ -7 +7\n" +
- " + import my.pkg.name.R;\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "[x] Make Manifest edits - /testRefactor3/AndroidManifest.xml\n" +
- " @@ -3 +3\n" +
- " - package=\"com.example.refactoringtest\"\n" +
- " + package=\"my.pkg.name\"\n" +
- " @@ -25 +25\n" +
- " - android:name=\".MainActivity2\"\n" +
- " + android:name=\"com.example.refactoringtest.MainActivity2\"");
- }
- // ---- Test infrastructure ----
- protected void renamePackage(
- @NonNull Object[] testData,
- @NonNull String newName,
- @NonNull String expected) throws Exception {
- IProject project = createProject(testData);
- renamePackage(project, newName, expected);
- }
- protected void renamePackage(
- @NonNull IProject project,
- @NonNull String newName,
- @NonNull String expected) throws Exception {
- ManifestInfo info = ManifestInfo.get(project);
- String currentPackage = info.getPackage();
- assertNotNull(currentPackage);
- final AST astValidator = AST.newAST(AST.JLS3);
- Name oldPackageName = astValidator.newName(currentPackage);
- Name newPackageName = astValidator.newName(newName);
- ApplicationPackageNameRefactoring refactoring =
- new ApplicationPackageNameRefactoring(project, oldPackageName, newPackageName);
- checkRefactoring(refactoring, expected);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/wizards/exportgradle/ExportGradleTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/wizards/exportgradle/ExportGradleTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f5cc58bcf..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/wizards/exportgradle/ExportGradleTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.exportgradle;
-import static com.android.sdklib.internal.project.ProjectProperties.PROPERTY_LIBRARY;
-import com.android.SdkConstants;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.layout.refactoring.AdtProjectTest;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.BaseProjectHelper;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.ProjectState;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.Sdk;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newproject.NewProjectCreator;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newproject.NewProjectWizardState;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newproject.NewProjectWizardState.Mode;
-import com.android.sdklib.internal.project.ProjectPropertiesWorkingCopy;
-import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
-import com.google.common.io.Files;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
-import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableContext;
-import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.Collections;
-public class ExportGradleTest extends AdtProjectTest {
- private QualifiedName ERROR_KEY = new QualifiedName(AdtPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "JobErrorKey");
- private Throwable mLastThrown;
- @Override
- public void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- mLastThrown = null;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() {
- return true;
- }
- public void testSimpleAndroidApp() throws Throwable {
- IProject project = getProject("simple-app");
- final IJavaProject javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(project);
- final ProjectSetupBuilder builder = new ProjectSetupBuilder();
- builder.setProject(Collections.singletonList(javaProject));
- Job job = new Job("Validate project") {
- @Override
- protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
- try {
- BuildFileCreator.createBuildFiles(builder, null, monitor);
- File buildfile = new File(javaProject.getResource().getLocation().toString(),
- BuildFileCreator.BUILD_FILE);
- assertTrue(buildfile.exists());
- String contents = Files.toString(buildfile, Charsets.UTF_8);
- String expectedContents =
- "buildscript {\n" +
- " repositories {\n" +
- " " + BuildFileCreator.MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " dependencies {\n" +
- " " + BuildFileCreator.PLUGIN_CLASSPATH + "\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "apply plugin: 'android'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "dependencies {\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "\n" +
- "android {\n" +
- " compileSdkVersion 16\n" +
- " buildToolsVersion \"16\"\n" +
- "\n" +
- " defaultConfig {\n" +
- " minSdkVersion 1\n" +
- " targetSdkVersion 1\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " sourceSets {\n" +
- " main {\n" +
- " manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'\n" +
- " java.srcDirs = ['src']\n" +
- " resources.srcDirs = ['src']\n" +
- " aidl.srcDirs = ['src']\n" +
- " renderscript.srcDirs = ['src']\n" +
- " res.srcDirs = ['res']\n" +
- " assets.srcDirs = ['assets']\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " instrumentTest.setRoot('tests')\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}";
- assertEqualsWhitespaceInsensitive(expectedContents, contents);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- mLastThrown = t;
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- job.schedule(1000);
- job.join();
- Object property = job.getProperty(ERROR_KEY);
- assertNull(property);
- if (mLastThrown != null) {
- throw mLastThrown;
- }
- }
- public void testSimpleAndroidLib() throws Throwable {
- final IProject project = getProject("simple-library");
- ProjectState projectState = Sdk.getProjectState(project.getProject());
- ProjectPropertiesWorkingCopy propertiesWorkingCopy = projectState.getProperties().makeWorkingCopy();
- propertiesWorkingCopy.setProperty(PROPERTY_LIBRARY, "true");
- propertiesWorkingCopy.save();
- IResource projectProp = project.findMember(SdkConstants.FN_PROJECT_PROPERTIES);
- if (projectProp != null) {
- projectProp.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- Job job = new Job("Validate project") {
- @Override
- protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
- try {
- IJavaProject javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(project);
- final ProjectSetupBuilder builder = new ProjectSetupBuilder();
- builder.setProject(Collections.singletonList(javaProject));
- BuildFileCreator.createBuildFiles(builder, null, monitor);
- File buildfile = new File(javaProject.getResource().getLocation().toString(),
- BuildFileCreator.BUILD_FILE);
- assertTrue(buildfile.exists());
- String contents = Files.toString(buildfile, Charsets.UTF_8);
- String expectedContents =
- "buildscript {\n" +
- " repositories {\n" +
- " " + BuildFileCreator.MAVEN_REPOSITORY + "\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " dependencies {\n" +
- " " + BuildFileCreator.PLUGIN_CLASSPATH + "\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "apply plugin: 'android-library'\n" +
- "\n" +
- "dependencies {\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "\n" +
- "android {\n" +
- " compileSdkVersion 16\n" +
- " buildToolsVersion \"16\"\n" +
- "\n" +
- " defaultConfig {\n" +
- " minSdkVersion 1\n" +
- " targetSdkVersion 1\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " sourceSets {\n" +
- " main {\n" +
- " manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'\n" +
- " java.srcDirs = ['src']\n" +
- " resources.srcDirs = ['src']\n" +
- " aidl.srcDirs = ['src']\n" +
- " renderscript.srcDirs = ['src']\n" +
- " res.srcDirs = ['res']\n" +
- " assets.srcDirs = ['assets']\n" +
- " }\n" +
- " instrumentTest.setRoot('tests')\n" +
- " }\n" +
- "}";
- assertEqualsWhitespaceInsensitive(expectedContents, contents);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- mLastThrown = t;
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- job.schedule(1000);
- job.join();
- Object property = job.getProperty(ERROR_KEY);
- assertNull(property);
- if (mLastThrown != null) {
- throw mLastThrown;
- }
- }
- public void testPlainJavaProject() throws Throwable {
- IProject project = getJavaProject("simple-java");
- final IJavaProject javaProject = BaseProjectHelper.getJavaProject(project);
- final ProjectSetupBuilder builder = new ProjectSetupBuilder();
- builder.setProject(Collections.singletonList(javaProject));
- BuildFileCreator.createBuildFiles(builder, null, null);
- Job job = new Job("Validate project") {
- @Override
- protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
- try {
- File buildfile = new File(javaProject.getResource().getLocation().toString(), "build.gradle");
- assertTrue(buildfile.exists());
- String contents = Files.toString(buildfile, Charsets.UTF_8);
- String expectedContents =
- "apply plugin: 'java'\n" +
- "sourceSets {\n" +
- " main.java.srcDirs = ['src']\n" +
- "}";
- assertEqualsWhitespaceInsensitive(expectedContents, contents);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- mLastThrown = t;
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- job.schedule(1000);
- job.join();
- Object property = job.getProperty(ERROR_KEY);
- assertNull(property);
- if (mLastThrown != null) {
- throw mLastThrown;
- }
- }
- protected IProject getProject(String projectName) {
- IProject project = createProject(projectName);
- assertNotNull(project);
- if (!testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() && !testNeedsUniqueProject()) {
- addCleanupDir(AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project).toFile());
- }
- addCleanupDir(project.getFullPath().toFile());
- return project;
- }
- protected IProject getJavaProject(String projectName) {
- IProject project = createJavaProject(projectName);
- assertNotNull(project);
- if (!testCaseNeedsUniqueProject() && !testNeedsUniqueProject()) {
- addCleanupDir(AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project).toFile());
- }
- addCleanupDir(project.getFullPath().toFile());
- return project;
- }
- protected IProject createJavaProject(String name) {
- IRunnableContext context = new IRunnableContext() {
- @Override
- public void run(boolean fork, boolean cancelable, IRunnableWithProgress runnable)
- throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
- runnable.run(new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- };
- NewProjectWizardState state = new NewProjectWizardState(Mode.ANY);
- state.projectName = name;
- state.packageName = TEST_PROJECT_PACKAGE;
- state.activityName = name;
- state.applicationName = name;
- state.createActivity = false;
- state.useDefaultLocation = true;
- if (getMinSdk() != -1) {
- state.minSdk = Integer.toString(getMinSdk());
- }
- NewProjectCreator creator = new NewProjectCreator(state, context);
- creator.createJavaProjects();
- return validateProjectExists(name);
- }
- /**
- * Compares two strings, disregarding whitespace. This makes the test less brittle with respect
- * to insignificant changes.
- */
- protected void assertEqualsWhitespaceInsensitive(String a, String b) {
- a = stripWhitespace(a);
- b = stripWhitespace(b);
- assertEquals("Expected:\n" + a + "\nbut was:\n" + b + "\n\n", a, b);
- }
- protected String stripWhitespace(String s) {
- return s.replaceAll("\\s","");
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/wizards/templates/TemplateHandlerTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/wizards/templates/TemplateHandlerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d3bc60c6..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/wizards/templates/TemplateHandlerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,901 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.templates;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.CURRENT_PLATFORM;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_TOOLS;
-import static com.android.SdkConstants.PLATFORM_WINDOWS;
-import static com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.templates.NewProjectWizard.ATTR_MIN_API;
-import static com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.templates.NewProjectWizard.ATTR_MIN_BUILD_API;
-import static com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.templates.TemplateHandler.ATTR_ID;
-import com.android.annotations.NonNull;
-import com.android.annotations.Nullable;
-import com.android.sdklib.SdkVersionInfo;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.lint.EclipseLintClient;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.preferences.AdtPrefs;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.Sdk;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.SdkLoadingTestCase;
-import com.android.sdklib.IAndroidTarget;
-import com.android.utils.GrabProcessOutput;
-import com.android.utils.GrabProcessOutput.IProcessOutput;
-import com.android.utils.GrabProcessOutput.Wait;
-import com.android.tools.lint.checks.ManifestDetector;
-import com.android.tools.lint.checks.SecurityDetector;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.Configuration;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.DefaultConfiguration;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.JavaParser;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.LintClient;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.LintDriver;
-import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.XmlParser;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Category;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Context;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Issue;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Location;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Project;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Scope;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Severity;
-import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.TextFormat;
-import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
-import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import com.google.common.io.Files;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
- * Unit tests for template instantiation.
- * <p>
- * Note: This test can take multiple hours to run!
- *
- * <p>
- * TODO: Test all permutations of variables (it currently just varies one at a time with the
- * rest of the defaults)
- * TODO: Test trying to change strings arguments (currently just varies enums and booleans)
- * TODO: Test adding multiple instances of the templates (to look for resource conflicts)
- */
-public class TemplateHandlerTest extends SdkLoadingTestCase {
- /**
- * Flag used to quickly check each template once (for one version), to get
- * quicker feedback on whether something is broken instead of waiting for
- * all the versions for each template first
- */
- private static final boolean TEST_FEWER_API_VERSIONS = true;
- private static final boolean TEST_JUST_ONE_MIN_SDK = false;
- private static final boolean TEST_JUST_ONE_BUILD_TARGET = true;
- private static final boolean TEST_JUST_ONE_TARGET_SDK_VERSION = true;
- private QualifiedName ERROR_KEY = new QualifiedName(AdtPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "JobErrorKey");
- private static int sCount = 0;
- /**
- * If true, check this template with all the interesting (
- * {@link #isInterestingApiLevel(int)}) api versions
- */
- private boolean mApiSensitiveTemplate;
- /**
- * Set of templates already tested with separate unit test; remainder is
- * checked in {@link #testCreateRemainingProjects()}
- */
- private static final Set<File> sProjectTestedSeparately = Sets.newHashSet();
- /**
- * Set of templates already tested with separate unit test; remainder is
- * checked in {@link #testCreateRemainingTemplates()}
- */
- private static final Set<File> sTemplateTestedSeparately = Sets.newHashSet();
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- mApiSensitiveTemplate = true;
- }
- /**
- * Is the given api level interesting for testing purposes? This is used to
- * skip gaps, such that we for example only check say api 8, 9, 11, 14, etc
- * -- versions where the <b>templates</b> are doing conditional changes. To
- * be EXTRA comprehensive, occasionally try returning true unconditionally
- * here to test absolutely everything.
- */
- private boolean isInterestingApiLevel(int api) {
- // For templates that aren't API sensitive, only test with API = 16
- if (!mApiSensitiveTemplate) {
- return api == 16;
- }
- switch (api) {
- case 1:
- case 8:
- return true;
- case 11:
- return true;
- case 14:
- return true;
- case 9:
- case 16:
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- public void testNewBlankProject() throws Exception {
- Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
- stopwatch.start();
- checkProjectWithActivity(null);
- stopwatch.stop();
- System.out.println("Checked blank project successfully in "
- + stopwatch.toString());
- }
- public void testNewBlankActivity() throws Exception {
- checkCreateTemplate("activities", "BlankActivity");
- }
- public void testBlankActivityInProject() throws Exception {
- checkCreateActivityInProject("BlankActivity");
- }
- public void testNewMasterDetailFlow() throws Exception {
- checkCreateTemplate("activities", "MasterDetailFlow");
- }
- public void testMasterDetailFlowInProject() throws Exception {
- checkCreateActivityInProject("MasterDetailFlow");
- }
- public void testNewFullscreen() throws Exception {
- checkCreateTemplate("activities", "FullscreenActivity");
- }
- public void testFullscreenInProject() throws Exception {
- checkCreateActivityInProject("FullscreenActivity");
- }
- public void testNewLoginActivity() throws Exception {
- checkCreateTemplate("activities", "LoginActivity");
- }
- public void testLoginActivityInProject() throws Exception {
- checkCreateActivityInProject("MasterDetailFlow");
- }
- public void testNewSettingsActivity() throws Exception {
- checkCreateTemplate("activities", "SettingsActivity");
- }
- public void testSettingsActivityInProject() throws Exception {
- checkCreateActivityInProject("SettingsActivity");
- }
- public void testNewBroadcastReceiver() throws Exception {
- // No need to try this template with multiple platforms, one is adequate
- mApiSensitiveTemplate = false;
- checkCreateTemplate("other", "BroadcastReceiver");
- }
- public void testNewContentProvider() throws Exception {
- mApiSensitiveTemplate = false;
- checkCreateTemplate("other", "ContentProvider");
- }
- public void testNewCustomView() throws Exception {
- mApiSensitiveTemplate = false;
- checkCreateTemplate("other", "CustomView");
- }
- public void testNewService() throws Exception {
- mApiSensitiveTemplate = false;
- checkCreateTemplate("other", "Service");
- }
- public void testCreateRemainingTemplates() throws Exception {
- sCount = 0;
- long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
- TemplateManager manager = new TemplateManager();
- List<File> other = manager.getTemplates("other");
- for (File templateFile : other) {
- if (sTemplateTestedSeparately.contains(templateFile)) {
- continue;
- }
- checkTemplate(templateFile);
- }
- // Also try creating templates, not as part of creating a project
- List<File> activities = manager.getTemplates("activities");
- for (File templateFile : activities) {
- if (sTemplateTestedSeparately.contains(templateFile)) {
- continue;
- }
- checkTemplate(templateFile);
- }
- long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
- System.out.println("Successfully checked " + sCount + " template permutations in "
- + ((end - begin) / (1000 * 60)) + " minutes");
- }
- public void testCreateRemainingProjects() throws Exception {
- sCount = 0;
- long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
- TemplateManager manager = new TemplateManager();
- List<File> templates = manager.getTemplates("activities");
- for (File activityFile : templates) {
- if (sTemplateTestedSeparately.contains(activityFile)) {
- continue;
- }
- checkProjectWithActivity(activityFile.getName());
- }
- long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
- System.out.println("Successfully checked " + sCount + " project permutations in "
- + ((end - begin) / (1000 * 60)) + " minutes");
- }
- // ---- Test support code below ----
- private void checkCreateActivityInProject(String activityName) throws Exception {
- Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
- stopwatch.start();
- File templateFile = findTemplate("activities", activityName);
- sProjectTestedSeparately.add(templateFile);
- checkProjectWithActivity(templateFile.getName());
- stopwatch.stop();
- System.out.println("Checked " + templateFile.getName() + " successfully in "
- + stopwatch.toString());
- }
- private void checkCreateTemplate(String category, String name) throws Exception {
- Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
- stopwatch.start();
- File templateFile = findTemplate(category, name);
- assertNotNull(templateFile);
- sTemplateTestedSeparately.add(templateFile);
- checkTemplate(templateFile);
- stopwatch.stop();
- System.out.println("Checked " + templateFile.getName() + " successfully in "
- + stopwatch.toString());
- }
- private static File findTemplate(String category, String name) {
- File templateRootFolder = TemplateManager.getTemplateRootFolder();
- assertNotNull(templateRootFolder);
- File file = new File(templateRootFolder, category + File.separator + name);
- assertTrue(file.getPath(), file.exists());
- return file;
- }
- private void checkTemplate(File templateFile) throws Exception {
- NewProjectWizardState values = new NewProjectWizardState();
- values.applicationName = "My Application";
- values.packageName = "my.pkg2";
- values.isLibrary = false;
- values.createIcon = false;
- values.useDefaultLocation = true;
- values.createActivity = false;
- String projectNameBase = "MyTemplateProject_" + templateFile.getName();
- values.projectName = projectNameBase;
- values.createActivity = false;
- // Create the new template
- NewTemplateWizardState state = new NewTemplateWizardState();
- state.setTemplateLocation(templateFile);
- state.minSdkLevel = values.minSdkLevel;
- // Iterate over all (valid) combinations of build target, minSdk and targetSdk
- IAndroidTarget[] targets = Sdk.getCurrent().getTargets();
- for (int i = targets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- IAndroidTarget target = targets[i];
- if (!target.isPlatform()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!isInterestingApiLevel(target.getVersion().getApiLevel())) {
- continue;
- }
- for (int minSdk = 1;
- minSdk <= SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API;
- minSdk++) {
- // Don't bother checking *every* single minSdk, just pick some interesting ones
- if (!isInterestingApiLevel(minSdk)) {
- continue;
- }
- for (int targetSdk = minSdk;
- targetSdk <= SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API;
- targetSdk++) {
- if (!isInterestingApiLevel(targetSdk)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Make sure this template is supported with these versions
- IStatus status = values.template.validateTemplate(
- minSdk, target.getVersion().getApiLevel());
- if (status != null && !status.isOK()) {
- continue;
- }
- // Also make sure activity is enabled for these versions
- status = state.getTemplateHandler().validateTemplate(
- minSdk, target.getVersion().getApiLevel());
- if (status != null && !status.isOK()) {
- continue;
- }
- // Iterate over all new new project templates
- // should I try all options of theme with all platforms?
- // or just try all platforms, with one setting for each?
- // doesn't seem like I need to multiply
- // just pick the best setting that applies instead for each platform
- List<Parameter> parameters = values.template.getTemplate().getParameters();
- projectParameters:
- for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
- List<Element> options = parameter.getOptions();
- if (parameter.type == Parameter.Type.ENUM) {
- for (Element element : options) {
- Option option = Option.get(element);
- String optionId = option.id;
- int optionMinSdk = option.minSdk;
- int optionMinBuildApi = option.minBuild;
- if (optionMinSdk <= minSdk &&
- optionMinBuildApi <= target.getVersion().getApiLevel()) {
- values.parameters.put(parameter.id, optionId);
- if (parameter.id.equals("baseTheme")) {
- String base = projectNameBase + "_min_" + minSdk
- + "_target_" + targetSdk
- + "_build_" + target.getVersion().getApiLevel()
- + "_theme_" + optionId;
- System.out.println("checking base " + base);
- checkApiTarget(minSdk, targetSdk, target, values, base,
- state);
- break projectParameters;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- private void checkProjectWithActivity(String activity) throws Exception {
- NewProjectWizardState values = new NewProjectWizardState();
- values.applicationName = "My Application";
- values.packageName = "my.pkg";
- values.isLibrary = false;
- values.createIcon = false;
- values.useDefaultLocation = true;
- // These are basically unused; passed as defaults
- values.activityName = activity == null ? "Blank" : activity;
- values.activityTitle = "My Activity Title";
- String projectNameBase = "MyProject_" + values.activityName;
- values.projectName = projectNameBase;
- values.createActivity = activity != null;
- NewTemplateWizardState activityValues = values.activityValues;
- assertNotNull(activityValues);
- activityValues.minSdkLevel = values.minSdkLevel;
- // Iterate over all (valid) combinations of build target, minSdk and targetSdk
- IAndroidTarget[] targets = Sdk.getCurrent().getTargets();
- for (int i = targets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- IAndroidTarget target = targets[i];
- if (!target.isPlatform()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!isInterestingApiLevel(target.getVersion().getApiLevel())) {
- continue;
- }
- for (int minSdk = 1;
- minSdk <= SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API;
- minSdk++) {
- // Don't bother checking *every* single minSdk, just pick some interesting ones
- if (!isInterestingApiLevel(minSdk)) {
- continue;
- }
- for (int targetSdk = minSdk;
- targetSdk <= SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API;
- targetSdk++) {
- if (!isInterestingApiLevel(targetSdk)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Make sure this template is supported with these versions
- IStatus status = values.template.validateTemplate(
- values.minSdkLevel, values.getBuildApi());
- if (status != null && !status.isOK()) {
- continue;
- }
- // Also make sure activity is enabled for these versions
- status = values.activityValues.getTemplateHandler().validateTemplate(
- values.minSdkLevel, values.getBuildApi());
- if (status != null && !status.isOK()) {
- continue;
- }
- // Iterate over all new new project templates
- // should I try all options of theme with all platforms?
- // or just try all platforms, with one setting for each?
- // doesn't seem like I need to multiply
- // just pick the best setting that applies instead for each platform
- List<Parameter> parameters = values.template.getTemplate().getParameters();
- for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
- List<Element> options = parameter.getOptions();
- if (parameter.type == Parameter.Type.ENUM) {
- for (Element element : options) {
- Option option = Option.get(element);
- String optionId = option.id;
- int optionMinSdk = option.minSdk;
- int optionMinBuildApi = option.minBuild;
- if (optionMinSdk <= minSdk &&
- optionMinBuildApi <= target.getVersion().getApiLevel()) {
- values.parameters.put(parameter.id, optionId);
- if (parameter.id.equals("baseTheme")) {
- String base = projectNameBase + "_min_" + minSdk
- + "_target_" + targetSdk
- + "_build_" + target.getVersion().getApiLevel()
- + "_theme_" + optionId;
- System.out.println("checking base " + base);
- checkApiTarget(minSdk, targetSdk, target, values, base,
- null);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- private void checkApiTarget(
- int minSdk,
- int targetSdk,
- @NonNull IAndroidTarget target,
- @NonNull NewProjectWizardState projectValues,
- @NonNull String projectNameBase,
- @Nullable NewTemplateWizardState templateValues)
- throws Exception {
- NewTemplateWizardState values =
- projectValues.createActivity ? projectValues.activityValues : templateValues;
- projectValues.minSdk = Integer.toString(minSdk);
- projectValues.minSdkLevel = minSdk;
- projectValues.targetSdkLevel = targetSdk;
- projectValues.target = target;
- if (values == null) {
- checkProject(projectValues, templateValues);
- return;
- }
- // Next check all other parameters, cycling through booleans and enums.
- TemplateHandler templateHandler = values.getTemplateHandler();
- TemplateMetadata template = templateHandler.getTemplate();
- assertNotNull(template);
- List<Parameter> parameters = template.getParameters();
- if (!projectValues.createActivity) {
- for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
- values.parameters.put(parameter.id, parameter.value);
- }
- }
- for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
- if (parameter.type == Parameter.Type.SEPARATOR
- || parameter.type == Parameter.Type.STRING) {
- // TODO: Consider whether we should attempt some strings here
- continue;
- }
- // The initial (default value); revert to this one after cycling,
- Object initial = values.parameters.get(parameter.id);
- if (parameter.type == Parameter.Type.ENUM) {
- List<Element> options = parameter.getOptions();
- for (Element element : options) {
- Option option = Option.get(element);
- String optionId = option.id;
- int optionMinSdk = option.minSdk;
- int optionMinBuildApi = option.minBuild;
- if (projectValues.minSdkLevel >= optionMinSdk &&
- projectValues.getBuildApi() >= optionMinBuildApi) {
- values.parameters.put(parameter.id, optionId);
- projectValues.projectName = projectNameBase + "_" + parameter.id
- + "_" + optionId;
- checkProject(projectValues, templateValues);
- }
- }
- } else {
- assert parameter.type == Parameter.Type.BOOLEAN;
- if (parameter.id.equals("isLauncher") && projectValues.createActivity) {
- // Skipping this one: always true when launched from new project
- continue;
- }
- boolean value = false;
- values.parameters.put(parameter.id, value);
- projectValues.projectName = projectNameBase + "_" + parameter.id
- + "_" + value;
- checkProject(projectValues, templateValues);
- value = true;
- values.parameters.put(parameter.id, value);
- projectValues.projectName = projectNameBase + "_" + parameter.id
- + "_" + value;
- checkProject(projectValues, templateValues);
- }
- values.parameters.put(parameter.id, initial);
- }
- }
- private final class OutputGrabber implements IProcessOutput {
- private final List<String> output = Lists.newArrayList();
- private final List<String> error = Lists.newArrayList();
- @Override
- public void out(@Nullable String line) {
- if (line != null) {
- output.add(line);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void err(@Nullable String line) {
- if (line != null) {
- error.add(line);
- }
- }
- @NonNull
- private List<String> getOutput() {
- return output;
- }
- @NonNull
- private List<String> getError() {
- return error;
- }
- }
- private static class Option {
- private String id;
- private int minSdk;
- private int minBuild;
- public Option(String id, int minSdk, int minBuild) {
- this.id = id;
- this.minSdk = minSdk;
- this.minBuild = minBuild;
- }
- private static Option get(Element option) {
- String optionId = option.getAttribute(ATTR_ID);
- String minApiString = option.getAttribute(ATTR_MIN_API);
- int optionMinSdk = 1;
- if (minApiString != null && !minApiString.isEmpty()) {
- try {
- optionMinSdk = Integer.parseInt(minApiString);
- } catch (NumberFormatException nufe) {
- // Templates aren't allowed to contain codenames, should
- // always be an integer
- AdtPlugin.log(nufe, null);
- optionMinSdk = 1;
- }
- }
- String minBuildApiString = option.getAttribute(ATTR_MIN_BUILD_API);
- int optionMinBuildApi = 1;
- if (minBuildApiString != null && !minBuildApiString.isEmpty()) {
- try {
- optionMinBuildApi = Integer.parseInt(minBuildApiString);
- } catch (NumberFormatException nufe) {
- // Templates aren't allowed to contain codenames, should
- // always be an integer
- AdtPlugin.log(nufe, null);
- optionMinBuildApi = 1;
- }
- }
- return new Option(optionId, optionMinSdk, optionMinBuildApi);
- }
- }
- private void checkProject(
- @NonNull NewProjectWizardState projectValues,
- @Nullable NewTemplateWizardState templateValues) throws Exception {
- NewTemplateWizardState values =
- projectValues.createActivity ? projectValues.activityValues : templateValues;
- if (values != null) { // if not, creating blank project
- // Validate that a template is only being used in a context it is compatible with!
- IStatus status = values.getTemplateHandler().validateTemplate(
- projectValues.minSdkLevel, projectValues.getBuildApi());
- if (status != null && !status.isOK()) {
- fail(status.toString());
- }
- }
- assertNotNull(projectValues.projectName);
- projectValues.projectName = AdtUtils.getUniqueProjectName(projectValues.projectName, "");
- IPath workspace = Platform.getLocation();
- String projectLocation = workspace.append(projectValues.projectName).toOSString();
- projectValues.projectLocation = projectLocation;
- // Create project with the given parameter map
- final IProject project = createProject(projectValues);
- assertNotNull(project);
- if (templateValues != null) {
- templateValues.project = project;
- List<Change> changes = templateValues.computeChanges();
- if (!changes.isEmpty()) {
- try {
- CompositeChange composite = new CompositeChange("",
- changes.toArray(new Change[changes.size()]));
- composite.perform(new NullProgressMonitor());
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- fail(e.getLocalizedMessage());
- }
- }
- }
- // Project creation has some async hooks so don't attempt to build it *right* away
- Job job = new Job("Validate project") {
- @Override
- protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
- try {
- ensureValidProject(this, project);
- return Status.OK_STATUS;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- fail(e.toString());
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- job.schedule(1000);
- job.join();
- Object property = job.getProperty(ERROR_KEY);
- assertNull(property);
- }
- private IProject createProject(NewProjectWizardState values) throws InvocationTargetException {
- NewProjectWizard wizard = new NewProjectWizard();
- wizard.setValues(values);
- wizard.performFinish(new NullProgressMonitor());
- if (TemplateHandler.sMostRecentException != null) {
- fail(values.projectName + ": " + TemplateHandler.sMostRecentException.toString());
- }
- IProject project = wizard.getProject();
- assertNotNull(project);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- System.out.println("Created project " + project + " : " + AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project));
- return project;
- }
- private void ensureValidProject(@NonNull Job job, @NonNull IProject project) throws Exception {
- System.out.println("Begin build error check");
- ensureNoBuildErrors(job, project);
- System.out.println("Finished build error check");
- System.out.println("Begin lint check");
- ensureNoLintWarnings(job, project);
- System.out.println("Finished lint check");
- sCount++;
- }
- private void ensureNoLintWarnings(final Job job, IProject project) {
- System.setProperty("com.android.tools.lint.bindir", AdtPrefs.getPrefs().getOsSdkFolder()
- + File.separator + FD_TOOLS);
- LintDriver driver = new LintDriver(EclipseLintClient.getRegistry(), new LintClient() {
- @Override
- public void report(@NonNull Context context,
- @NonNull Issue issue, @NonNull Severity severity,
- @Nullable Location location, @NonNull String message, @NonNull TextFormat format) {
- String s = "Found lint error: " + issue.getId() + ": " + message + " at " + location;
- job.setProperty(ERROR_KEY, s);
- fail(s);
- }
- @Override
- public Configuration getConfiguration(@NonNull Project p) {
- return new DefaultConfiguration(this, p, null, new File("dummy.xml")) {
- @Override
- public boolean isEnabled(@NonNull Issue issue) {
- // Doesn't work: hangs in unit test context, something about
- // loading native libs.
- if (issue.getCategory() == Category.ICONS){
- return false;
- }
- if (issue == ManifestDetector.TARGET_NEWER) {
- // Don't complain about targetSdk < latest: we're deliberately
- // testing that (to make sure templates compile etc in compat
- // mode)
- return false;
- }
- if (issue == SecurityDetector.EXPORTED_SERVICE
- || issue == SecurityDetector.EXPORTED_PROVIDER
- || issue == SecurityDetector.EXPORTED_RECEIVER) {
- // Don't complain about missing permissions when exporting: the
- // unit test is deliberately turning on exported
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- }
- @Override
- @NonNull
- public String readFile(@NonNull File file) {
- try {
- return Files.toString(file, Charsets.UTF_8);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- fail(e.toString() + " for " + file.getPath());
- return "";
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void log(@NonNull Severity severity, @Nullable Throwable exception,
- @Nullable String format, @Nullable Object... args) {
- if (exception != null) {
- exception.printStackTrace();
- }
- if (format != null) {
- if (args != null) {
- System.err.println("Log: " + String.format(format, args));
- } else {
- System.err.println("Unexpected log message " + format);
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- @Nullable
- public JavaParser getJavaParser(@Nullable Project project) {
- return new EclipseLintClient(null, null, null, false).getJavaParser(project);
- }
- @Override
- public XmlParser getXmlParser() {
- return new EclipseLintClient(null, null, null, false).getXmlParser();
- }
- });
- File projectDir = AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project).toFile();
- assertNotNull(projectDir);
- assertTrue(projectDir.getPath(), projectDir.isDirectory());
- driver.analyze(Collections.singletonList(projectDir), Scope.ALL);
- }
- // Wait for test build support.
- // This is copied from {@link SampleProjectTest}
- private void ensureNoBuildErrors(final Job job, final IProject project) throws Exception {
- File projectDir = AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project).toFile();
- // Checking the build in Eclipse doesn't work well, because of asynchronous issues
- // (it looks like not all necessary changes are applied, and even adding waits works
- // unpredictably.)
- //
- // So instead we do it via the command line.
- // First add ant support:
- // $ android update project -p .
- // Then we run ant and look at the exit code to make sure it worked.
- List<String> command = new ArrayList<String>();
- command.add(AdtPlugin.getOsSdkToolsFolder() + "android" +
- command.add("update");
- command.add("project");
- command.add("-p");
- command.add(projectDir.getPath());
- // launch the command line process
- Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command.toArray(new String[command.size()]));
- OutputGrabber processOutput = new OutputGrabber();
- int status = GrabProcessOutput.grabProcessOutput(
- process,
- Wait.WAIT_FOR_READERS, // we really want to make sure we get all the output!
- processOutput);
- if (status != 0) {
- fail(processOutput.getOutput().toString() + processOutput.getError().toString());
- }
- assertEquals(0, status);
- // Run ant
- String antCmd = "ant" + (CURRENT_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WINDOWS ? ".bat" : "");
- String antTarget = "debug";
- process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(antCmd + " " + antTarget, null, projectDir);
- processOutput = new OutputGrabber();
- status = GrabProcessOutput.grabProcessOutput(
- process,
- Wait.WAIT_FOR_READERS, // we really want to make sure we get all the output!
- processOutput);
- if (status != 0) {
- fail(processOutput.getOutput().toString() + processOutput.getError().toString());
- }
- assertEquals(0, status);
- System.out.println("Ant succeeded (code=" + status + ")");
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/AdtTestData.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/AdtTestData.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c86f4cf5f..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/AdtTestData.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.tests;
-import com.android.SdkConstants;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtConstants;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
- * Helper class for retrieving test data
- * <p/>
- * All tests which need to retrieve paths to test data files should go through this class.
- */
-public class AdtTestData {
- /** singleton instance */
- private static AdtTestData sInstance = null;
- private static final Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger(AdtTestData.class.getName());
- /** The prefered directory separator to use. */
- private static final String DIR_SEP_STR = "/";
- private static final char DIR_SEP_CHAR = '/';
- /** The absolute file path to the plugin's contents. */
- private String mOsRootDataPath;
- private AdtTestData() {
- // can set test_data env variable to override default behavior of
- // finding data using class loader
- // useful when running in plugin environment, where test data is inside
- // bundled jar, and must be extracted to temp filesystem location to be
- // accessed normally
- mOsRootDataPath = System.getProperty("test_data");
- if (mOsRootDataPath == null) {
- sLogger.info("Cannot find test_data environment variable, init to class loader");
- URL url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("."); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if (Platform.isRunning()) {
- sLogger.info("Running as an Eclipse Plug-in JUnit test, using FileLocator");
- try {
- mOsRootDataPath = FileLocator.resolve(url).getFile();
- if (SdkConstants.currentPlatform() == SdkConstants.PLATFORM_WINDOWS) {
- // Fix the path returned by the URL resolver
- // so that it actually works on Windows.
- // First, Windows paths don't start with a / especially
- // if they contain a drive spec such as C:/...
- int pos = mOsRootDataPath.indexOf(':');
- if (pos > 0 && mOsRootDataPath.charAt(0) == '/') {
- mOsRootDataPath = mOsRootDataPath.substring(1);
- }
- // Looking for "." probably inserted a /./, so clean it up
- mOsRootDataPath = mOsRootDataPath.replace("/./", "/");
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- sLogger.warning("IOException while using FileLocator, reverting to url");
- mOsRootDataPath = url.getFile();
- }
- } else {
- sLogger.info("Running as an plain JUnit test, using url as-is");
- mOsRootDataPath = url.getFile();
- }
- }
- if (mOsRootDataPath.equals(AdtConstants.WS_SEP)) {
- sLogger.warning("Resource data not found using class loader!, Defaulting to no path");
- }
- if (File.separatorChar == '\\') {
- // On Windows, uniformize all separators to use the / convention
- mOsRootDataPath.replace('\\', DIR_SEP_CHAR);
- }
- if (!mOsRootDataPath.endsWith(File.separator) && !mOsRootDataPath.endsWith(DIR_SEP_STR)) {
- sLogger.info("Fixing test_data env variable (does not end with path separator)");
- mOsRootDataPath += DIR_SEP_STR;
- }
- }
- /** Get the singleton instance of AdtTestData */
- public static AdtTestData getInstance() {
- if (sInstance == null) {
- sInstance = new AdtTestData();
- }
- return sInstance;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the absolute file path to a file located in this plugin.
- *
- * @param osRelativePath {@link String} path to file contained in plugin. Must
- * use path separators appropriate to host OS
- *
- * @return absolute OS path to test file
- */
- public String getTestFilePath(String osRelativePath) {
- File path = new File(mOsRootDataPath, osRelativePath);
- if (!path.exists()) {
- // On Windows at least this ends up using the wrong plugin path.
- String pkgAdt = AdtPlugin .class.getPackage().getName();
- String pkgTests = AdtTestData.class.getPackage().getName();
- if (mOsRootDataPath.contains(pkgAdt)) {
- path = new File(mOsRootDataPath.replace(pkgAdt, pkgTests), osRelativePath);
- }
- assert path.exists();
- }
- return path.getAbsolutePath();
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/AllTests.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/AllTests.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5386142a8..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/AllTests.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.tests;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
- * Container TestSuite for all eclipse tests, both functional and unit
- */
-public class AllTests extends TestSuite {
- public AllTests() {
- }
- /**
- * Returns a suite of test cases to be run.
- */
- public static TestSuite suite() {
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
- suite.addTest(FuncTests.suite());
- suite.addTest(UnitTests.suite());
- return suite;
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/EclipseTestCollector.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/EclipseTestCollector.java
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index 6bbc955ee..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/EclipseTestCollector.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.tests;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
-import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
- * Class for collecting all test cases in an eclipse plugin
- *
- */
-public class EclipseTestCollector {
- /**
- * Constructor
- */
- public EclipseTestCollector() {
- }
- /**
- * Searches through given plugin, adding all TestCase classes to given suite
- * @param suite - TestSuite to add to
- * @param plugin - Plugin to search for tests
- * @param expectedPackage - expected package for tests. Only test classes
- * that start with this package name will be added to suite
- */
- @SuppressWarnings({"cast", "unchecked"})
- public void addTestCases(TestSuite suite, Plugin plugin, String expectedPackage) {
- if (plugin != null) {
- Enumeration<?> entries = plugin.getBundle().findEntries("/", "*.class", true);
- while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- URL entry = (URL)entries.nextElement();
- String filePath = entry.getPath().replace(".class", "");
- try {
- Class<?> testClass = getClass(filePath, expectedPackage);
- if (isTestClass(testClass)) {
- // In Eclipse 3.6 RCP Windows-x64, the signature has changed from
- // addTestSuite(Class)
- // to:
- // addTestSuite(Class<? extends TestCase>)
- // which is enough to create an error. To solve it, we cast into the
- // generics expected by the JUnit framework used by 3.6 and suppress the
- // warnings generated by the compiler under 3.5
- suite.addTestSuite((Class<? extends TestCase>)testClass);
- }
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- // ignore, this is not the class we're looking for
- //sLogger.log(Level.INFO, "Could not load class " + filePath);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if given class should be added to suite
- */
- protected boolean isTestClass(Class<?> testClass) {
- return TestCase.class.isAssignableFrom(testClass) &&
- Modifier.isPublic(testClass.getModifiers()) &&
- hasPublicConstructor(testClass);
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if given class has a public constructor
- */
- @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "cast"})
- protected boolean hasPublicConstructor(Class<?> testClass) {
- try {
- // In Eclipse 3.6 RCP Windows-x64, the signature has changed from
- // getTestConstructor(Class)
- // to:
- // getTestConstructor(Class<? extends TestCase>)
- // which is enough to create an error. To solve it, we cast into the
- // generics expected by the JUnit framework used by 3.6 and suppress the
- // warnings generated by the compiler under 3.5
- TestSuite.getTestConstructor((Class<? extends TestCase>) testClass);
- } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Load the class given by the plugin aka bundle file path
- * @param filePath - path of class in bundle
- * @param expectedPackage - expected package of class
- * @throws ClassNotFoundException
- */
- protected Class<?> getClass(String filePath, String expectedPackage) throws ClassNotFoundException {
- String dotPath = filePath.replace('/', '.');
- // remove the output folders, by finding where package name starts
- int index = dotPath.indexOf(expectedPackage);
- if (index == -1) {
- throw new ClassNotFoundException();
- }
- String packagePath = dotPath.substring(index);
- return Class.forName(packagePath);
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/FuncTests.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/FuncTests.java
deleted file mode 100644
index efa880126..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/FuncTests.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.tests;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.functests.layoutRendering.ApiDemosRenderingTest;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
- * Container TestSuite for all eclipse tests to be run
- */
-public class FuncTests extends TestSuite {
- static final String FUNC_TEST_PACKAGE = "com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.functests";
- public FuncTests() {
- }
- /**
- * Returns a suite of test cases to be run.
- * Needed for JUnit3 compliant command line test runner
- */
- public static TestSuite suite() {
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
- // TODO: uncomment this when 'gen' folder error on create is fixed
- // suite.addTestSuite(SampleProjectTest.class);
- suite.addTestSuite(ApiDemosRenderingTest.class);
- return suite;
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/SdkLoadingTestCase.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/SdkLoadingTestCase.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 65ce8e1d7..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/SdkLoadingTestCase.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.tests;
-import com.android.ide.common.sdk.LoadStatus;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.preferences.AdtPrefs;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.AndroidTargetParser;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.Sdk;
-import com.android.sdklib.IAndroidTarget;
-import com.android.testutils.SdkTestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
- * A test case which uses the SDK loaded by the ADT plugin.
- */
-public abstract class SdkLoadingTestCase extends SdkTestCase {
- private Sdk mSdk;
- protected SdkLoadingTestCase() {
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the {@link Sdk} under test.
- */
- protected Sdk getSdk() {
- if (mSdk == null) {
- mSdk = loadSdk();
- assertNotNull(mSdk);
- validateSdk(mSdk);
- }
- return mSdk;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the current SDK from ADT, waiting if necessary.
- */
- private Sdk loadSdk() {
- AdtPlugin adt = AdtPlugin.getDefault();
- // We'll never get an AdtPlugin object when running this with the
- // non-Eclipse jUnit test runner.
- if (adt == null) {
- return null;
- }
- // We'll never break out of the SDK load-wait-loop if the AdtPlugin doesn't
- // actually have a valid SDK location because it won't have started an async load:
- String sdkLocation = AdtPrefs.getPrefs().getOsSdkFolder();
- assertTrue("No valid SDK installation is set; for tests you typically need to set the"
- + " environment variable ADT_TEST_SDK_PATH to point to an SDK folder",
- sdkLocation != null && sdkLocation.length() > 0);
- Object sdkLock = Sdk.getLock();
- LoadStatus loadStatus = LoadStatus.LOADING;
- // wait for ADT to load the SDK on a separate thread
- // loop max of 600 times * 200 ms = 2 minutes
- final int maxWait = 600;
- for (int i=0; i < maxWait && loadStatus == LoadStatus.LOADING; i++) {
- try {
- Thread.sleep(200);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e) {
- // ignore
- }
- synchronized (sdkLock) {
- loadStatus = adt.getSdkLoadStatus();
- }
- }
- Sdk sdk = null;
- synchronized (sdkLock) {
- assertEquals(LoadStatus.LOADED, loadStatus);
- sdk = Sdk.getCurrent();
- }
- assertNotNull(sdk);
- return sdk;
- }
- protected boolean validateSdk(IAndroidTarget target) {
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Checks that the provided sdk contains one or more valid targets.
- * @param sdk the {@link Sdk} to validate.
- */
- private void validateSdk(Sdk sdk) {
- assertTrue("sdk has no targets", sdk.getTargets().length > 0);
- for (IAndroidTarget target : sdk.getTargets()) {
- if (!validateSdk(target)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (false) { // This takes forEVER
- IStatus status = new AndroidTargetParser(target).run(new NullProgressMonitor());
- if (status.getCode() != IStatus.OK) {
- fail("Failed to parse targets data");
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/UnitTests.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/UnitTests.java
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index 15d38715c..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/UnitTests.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.tests;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
- * Container TestSuite for all eclipse unit tests to be run
- *
- * Uses Eclipse OSGI to find and then run all junit.junit.framework.Tests in
- * this plugin, excluding tests in the FuncTests.FUNC_TEST_PACKAGE package
- *
- * Since it uses Eclipse OSGI, it must be run in a Eclipse plugin environment
- * i.e. from Eclipse workbench, this suite must be run using the
- * "JUnit Plug-in Test" launch configuration as opposed to as a "JUnit Test"
- *
- */
-public class UnitTests {
- private static final String TEST_PACKAGE = "com.android";
- public static Test suite() {
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
- UnitTestCollector collector = new UnitTestCollector();
- // since this plugin is a fragment which runs insde adt, gather tests from AdtPlugin
- collector.addTestCases(suite, AdtPlugin.getDefault(), TEST_PACKAGE);
- return suite;
- }
- /**
- * Specialized test collector which will skip adding functional tests
- */
- private static class UnitTestCollector extends EclipseTestCollector {
- /**
- * Override parent class to exclude functional tests
- */
- @Override
- protected boolean isTestClass(Class<?> testClass) {
- return super.isTestClass(testClass) &&
- !testClass.getPackage().getName().startsWith(FuncTests.FUNC_TEST_PACKAGE);
- }
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/functests/layoutRendering/ApiDemosRenderingTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/functests/layoutRendering/ApiDemosRenderingTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d6b401b62..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/functests/layoutRendering/ApiDemosRenderingTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.functests.layoutRendering;
-import com.android.SdkConstants;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.LayoutLibrary;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.ActionBarCallback;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.AdapterBinding;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.HardwareConfig;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.ILayoutPullParser;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.IProjectCallback;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.RenderSession;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.ResourceReference;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.ResourceValue;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.SessionParams;
-import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.SessionParams.RenderingMode;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.ResourceItem;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.ResourceRepository;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.ResourceResolver;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.DensityQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.FolderConfiguration;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.KeyboardStateQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.NavigationMethodQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.NavigationStateQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.ScreenDimensionQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.ScreenHeightQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.ScreenOrientationQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.ScreenRatioQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.ScreenSizeQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.ScreenWidthQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.SmallestScreenWidthQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.TextInputMethodQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.resources.configuration.TouchScreenQualifier;
-import com.android.ide.common.sdk.LoadStatus;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.manager.ResourceManager;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.AndroidTargetData;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.SdkLoadingTestCase;
-import com.android.io.FolderWrapper;
-import com.android.resources.Density;
-import com.android.resources.Keyboard;
-import com.android.resources.KeyboardState;
-import com.android.resources.Navigation;
-import com.android.resources.NavigationState;
-import com.android.resources.ResourceType;
-import com.android.resources.ScreenOrientation;
-import com.android.resources.ScreenRatio;
-import com.android.resources.ScreenSize;
-import com.android.resources.TouchScreen;
-import com.android.sdklib.IAndroidTarget;
-import com.android.util.Pair;
-import org.kxml2.io.KXmlParser;
-import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
-import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
-public class ApiDemosRenderingTest extends SdkLoadingTestCase {
- /**
- * Custom parser that implements {@link ILayoutPullParser} (which itself extends
- * {@link XmlPullParser}).
- */
- private final static class TestParser extends KXmlParser implements ILayoutPullParser {
- /**
- * Since we're not going to go through the result of the rendering/layout, we can return
- * null for the View Key.
- */
- @Override
- public Object getViewCookie() {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public ILayoutPullParser getParser(String layoutName) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private final static class ProjectCallBack implements IProjectCallback {
- // resource id counter.
- // We start at 0x7f000000 to avoid colliding with the framework id
- // since we have no access to the project R.java and we need to generate them automatically.
- private int mIdCounter = 0x7f000000;
- // in some cases, the id that getResourceValue(String type, String name) returns
- // will be sent back to get the type/name. This map stores the id/type/name we generate
- // to be able to do the reverse resolution.
- private Map<Integer, Pair<ResourceType, String>> mResourceMap =
- new HashMap<Integer, Pair<ResourceType, String>>();
- private boolean mCustomViewAttempt = false;
- @Override
- public String getNamespace() {
- // TODO: read from the ApiDemos manifest.
- return "com.example.android.apis";
- }
- @Override
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- public Object loadView(String name, Class[] constructorSignature, Object[] constructorArgs)
- throws ClassNotFoundException, Exception {
- mCustomViewAttempt = true;
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public Integer getResourceId(ResourceType type, String name) {
- Integer result = ++mIdCounter;
- mResourceMap.put(result, Pair.of(type, name));
- return result;
- }
- @Override
- public Pair<ResourceType, String> resolveResourceId(int id) {
- return mResourceMap.get(id);
- }
- @Override
- public String resolveResourceId(int[] id) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public ILayoutPullParser getParser(String layoutName) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public Object getAdapterItemValue(ResourceReference adapterView, Object adapterCookie,
- ResourceReference itemRef, int fullPosition, int typePosition,
- int fullChildPosition, int typeChildPosition,
- ResourceReference viewRef, ViewAttribute viewAttribute, Object defaultValue) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public AdapterBinding getAdapterBinding(ResourceReference adapterView,
- Object adapterCookie, Object viewObject) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public ILayoutPullParser getParser(ResourceValue layoutResource) {
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public ActionBarCallback getActionBarCallback() {
- return new ActionBarCallback();
- }
- }
- public void testApiDemos() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
- findApiDemos();
- }
- private void findApiDemos() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
- IAndroidTarget[] targets = getSdk().getTargets();
- for (IAndroidTarget target : targets) {
- String path = target.getPath(IAndroidTarget.SAMPLES);
- File samples = new File(path);
- if (samples.isDirectory()) {
- File[] files = samples.listFiles();
- for (File file : files) {
- if ("apidemos".equalsIgnoreCase(file.getName())) {
- testSample(target, file);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fail("Failed to find ApiDemos!");
- }
- private void testSample(IAndroidTarget target, File sampleProject) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
- AndroidTargetData data = getSdk().getTargetData(target);
- if (data == null) {
- fail("No AndroidData!");
- }
- LayoutLibrary layoutLib = data.getLayoutLibrary();
- if (layoutLib.getStatus() != LoadStatus.LOADED) {
- fail("Fail to load the bridge: " + layoutLib.getLoadMessage());
- }
- FolderWrapper resFolder = new FolderWrapper(sampleProject, SdkConstants.FD_RES);
- if (resFolder.exists() == false) {
- fail("Sample project has no res folder!");
- }
- // look for the layout folder
- File layoutFolder = new File(resFolder, SdkConstants.FD_RES_LAYOUT);
- if (layoutFolder.isDirectory() == false) {
- fail("Sample project has no layout folder!");
- }
- // first load the project's target framework resource
- ResourceRepository framework = ResourceManager.getInstance().loadFrameworkResources(target);
- // now load the project resources
- ResourceRepository project = new ResourceRepository(resFolder, false) {
- @Override
- protected ResourceItem createResourceItem(String name) {
- return new ResourceItem(name);
- }
- };
- // Create a folder configuration that will be used for the rendering:
- FolderConfiguration config = getConfiguration();
- // get the configured resources
- Map<ResourceType, Map<String, ResourceValue>> configuredFramework =
- framework.getConfiguredResources(config);
- Map<ResourceType, Map<String, ResourceValue>> configuredProject =
- project.getConfiguredResources(config);
- boolean saveFiles = System.getenv("save_file") != null;
- // loop on the layouts and render them
- File[] layouts = layoutFolder.listFiles();
- for (File layout : layouts) {
- // create a parser for the layout file
- TestParser parser = new TestParser();
- parser.setFeature(XmlPullParser.FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES, true);
- parser.setInput(new FileReader(layout));
- System.out.println("Rendering " + layout.getName());
- ProjectCallBack projectCallBack = new ProjectCallBack();
- ResourceResolver resolver = ResourceResolver.create(
- configuredProject, configuredFramework,
- "Theme", false /*isProjectTheme*/);
- HardwareConfig hardwareConfig = new HardwareConfig(
- 320,
- 480,
- Density.MEDIUM,
- 160, //xdpi
- 160, // ydpi
- ScreenSize.NORMAL,
- ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT,
- false /*software buttons */);
- RenderSession session = layoutLib.createSession(new SessionParams(
- parser,
- RenderingMode.NORMAL,
- null /*projectKey*/,
- hardwareConfig,
- resolver,
- projectCallBack,
- 1, // minSdkVersion
- 1, // targetSdkVersion
- null //logger
- ));
- if (session.getResult().isSuccess() == false) {
- if (projectCallBack.mCustomViewAttempt == false) {
- System.out.println("FAILED");
- fail(String.format("Rendering %1$s: %2$s", layout.getName(),
- session.getResult().getErrorMessage()));
- } else {
- System.out.println("Ignore custom views for now");
- }
- } else {
- if (saveFiles) {
- File tmp = File.createTempFile(layout.getName(), ".png");
- ImageIO.write(session.getImage(), "png", tmp);
- }
- System.out.println("Success!");
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns a config. This must be a valid config like a device would return. This is to
- * prevent issues where some resources don't exist in all cases and not in the default
- * (for instance only available in hdpi and mdpi but not in default).
- * @return
- */
- private FolderConfiguration getConfiguration() {
- FolderConfiguration config = new FolderConfiguration();
- // this matches an ADP1.
- config.addQualifier(new SmallestScreenWidthQualifier(320));
- config.addQualifier(new ScreenWidthQualifier(320));
- config.addQualifier(new ScreenHeightQualifier(480));
- config.addQualifier(new ScreenSizeQualifier(ScreenSize.NORMAL));
- config.addQualifier(new ScreenRatioQualifier(ScreenRatio.NOTLONG));
- config.addQualifier(new ScreenOrientationQualifier(ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT));
- config.addQualifier(new DensityQualifier(Density.MEDIUM));
- config.addQualifier(new TouchScreenQualifier(TouchScreen.FINGER));
- config.addQualifier(new KeyboardStateQualifier(KeyboardState.HIDDEN));
- config.addQualifier(new TextInputMethodQualifier(Keyboard.QWERTY));
- config.addQualifier(new NavigationStateQualifier(NavigationState.HIDDEN));
- config.addQualifier(new NavigationMethodQualifier(Navigation.TRACKBALL));
- config.addQualifier(new ScreenDimensionQualifier(480, 320));
- config.updateScreenWidthAndHeight();
- return config;
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/functests/sampleProjects/AndroidManifestWriter.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/functests/sampleProjects/AndroidManifestWriter.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 141e7e000..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/functests/sampleProjects/AndroidManifestWriter.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.functests.sampleProjects;
-import com.android.SdkConstants;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.AndroidManifestHelper;
-import com.android.xml.AndroidManifest;
-import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
-import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
-import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
-import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
-import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
-import javax.xml.transform.Result;
-import javax.xml.transform.Source;
-import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
-import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
-import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
- * Helper class for modifying an AndroidManifest.
- * <p/>
- * TODO: consider merging this with AndroidManifestParser.
- */
-class AndroidManifestWriter {
- private static final Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger(AndroidManifestWriter.class.getName());
- private final Document mDoc;
- private final String mOsManifestFilePath;
- private AndroidManifestWriter(Document doc, String osManifestFilePath) {
- mDoc = doc;
- mOsManifestFilePath = osManifestFilePath;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the minimum SDK version for this manifest
- * @param minSdkVersion - the minimim sdk version to use
- * @returns <code>true</code> on success, false otherwise
- */
- public boolean setMinSdkVersion(String minSdkVersion) {
- Element usesSdkElement = null;
- NodeList nodeList = mDoc.getElementsByTagName(AndroidManifest.NODE_USES_SDK);
- if (nodeList.getLength() > 0) {
- usesSdkElement = (Element) nodeList.item(0);
- } else {
- usesSdkElement = mDoc.createElement(AndroidManifest.NODE_USES_SDK);
- mDoc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(usesSdkElement);
- }
- Attr minSdkAttr = mDoc.createAttributeNS(SdkConstants.NS_RESOURCES,
- String prefix = mDoc.lookupPrefix(SdkConstants.NS_RESOURCES);
- minSdkAttr.setPrefix(prefix);
- minSdkAttr.setValue(minSdkVersion);
- usesSdkElement.setAttributeNodeNS(minSdkAttr);
- return saveXmlToFile();
- }
- private boolean saveXmlToFile() {
- try {
- // Prepare the DOM document for writing
- Source source = new DOMSource(mDoc);
- // Prepare the output file
- File file = new File(mOsManifestFilePath);
- Result result = new StreamResult(file);
- // Write the DOM document to the file
- Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
- xformer.transform(source, result);
- } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
- sLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to write xml file", e);
- return false;
- } catch (TransformerException e) {
- sLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to write xml file", e);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Parses the manifest file, and collects data.
- *
- * @param osManifestFilePath The OS path of the manifest file to parse.
- * @return an {@link AndroidManifestHelper} or null if parsing failed
- */
- public static AndroidManifestWriter parse(String osManifestFilePath) {
- try {
- DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
- docFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
- DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
- Document doc = docBuilder.parse(osManifestFilePath);
- return new AndroidManifestWriter(doc, osManifestFilePath);
- } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
- sLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error parsing file", e);
- return null;
- } catch (SAXException e) {
- sLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error parsing file", e);
- return null;
- } catch (IOException e) {
- sLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error parsing file", e);
- return null;
- }
- }
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/functests/sampleProjects/SampleProjectTest.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/functests/sampleProjects/SampleProjectTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fb705dfb..000000000
--- a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/tests/functests/sampleProjects/SampleProjectTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
- * copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.functests.sampleProjects;
-import com.android.SdkConstants;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newproject.NewProjectCreator;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newproject.NewProjectWizardState;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newproject.NewProjectWizardState.Mode;
-import com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.SdkLoadingTestCase;
-import com.android.sdklib.IAndroidTarget;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDeltaVisitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableContext;
-import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
- * Test case that verifies all SDK sample projects can be imported, and built in
- * Eclipse.
- * <p/>
- * TODO: add support for deploying apps onto emulator and verifying successful
- * execution there
- *
- */
-public class SampleProjectTest extends SdkLoadingTestCase {
- private static final Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger(SampleProjectTest.class.getName());
- /**
- * Finds all samples projects in set SDK and verify they can be built in Eclipse.
- * <p/>
- * TODO: add install and run on emulator test
- * @throws CoreException
- */
- public void testSamples() throws CoreException {
- // TODO: For reporting purposes, it would be better if a separate test success or failure
- // could be reported for each sample
- IAndroidTarget[] targets = getSdk().getTargets();
- for (IAndroidTarget target : targets) {
- doTestSamplesForTarget(target);
- }
- }
- private void doTestSamplesForTarget(IAndroidTarget target) throws CoreException {
- String path = target.getPath(IAndroidTarget.SAMPLES);
- File samples = new File(path);
- if (samples.isDirectory()) {
- File[] files = samples.listFiles();
- for (File file : files) {
- if (file.isDirectory()) {
- doTestSampleProject(file.getName(), file.getAbsolutePath(), target);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Tests the sample project with the given name
- *
- * @param target - SDK target of project
- * @param name - name of sample project to test
- * @param path - absolute file system path
- * @throws CoreException
- */
- private void doTestSampleProject(String name, String path, IAndroidTarget target)
- throws CoreException {
- IProject iproject = null;
- try {
- sLogger.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Testing sample %s for target %s", name,
- target.getName()));
- prepareProject(path, target);
- IRunnableContext context = new IRunnableContext() {
- @Override
- public void run(boolean fork, boolean cancelable, IRunnableWithProgress runnable)
- throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
- runnable.run(new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- };
- NewProjectWizardState state = new NewProjectWizardState(Mode.SAMPLE);
- state.projectName = name;
- state.target = target;
- state.packageName = "com.android.samples";
- state.activityName = name;
- state.applicationName = name;
- state.chosenSample = new File(path);
- state.useDefaultLocation = false;
- state.createActivity = false;
- NewProjectCreator creator = new NewProjectCreator(state, context);
- creator.createAndroidProjects();
- iproject = validateProjectExists(name);
- validateNoProblems(iproject);
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- sLogger.log(Level.SEVERE,
- String.format("Unexpected exception when creating sample project %s " +
- "for target %s", name, target.getName()));
- throw e;
- } finally {
- if (iproject != null) {
- iproject.delete(false, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- }
- }
- private void prepareProject(String path, IAndroidTarget target) {
- if (target.getVersion().isPreview()) {
- // need to explicitly set preview's version in manifest for project to compile
- final String manifestPath = path + File.separatorChar +
- AndroidManifestWriter manifestWriter =
- AndroidManifestWriter.parse(manifestPath);
- assertNotNull(String.format("could not read manifest %s", manifestPath),
- manifestWriter);
- assertTrue(manifestWriter.setMinSdkVersion(target.getVersion().getApiString()));
- }
- }
- private IProject validateProjectExists(String name) {
- IProject iproject = getIProject(name);
- assertTrue(String.format("%s project not created", name), iproject.exists());
- assertTrue(String.format("%s project not opened", name), iproject.isOpen());
- return iproject;
- }
- private IProject getIProject(String name) {
- IProject iproject = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()
- .getProject(name);
- return iproject;
- }
- private void validateNoProblems(IProject iproject) throws CoreException {
- waitForBuild(iproject);
- boolean hasErrors = false;
- StringBuilder failureBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.format("%s project has errors:",
- iproject.getName()));
- IMarker[] markers = iproject.findMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
- if (markers != null && markers.length > 0) {
- // the project has marker(s). even though they are "problem" we
- // don't know their severity. so we loop on them and figure if they
- // are warnings or errors
- for (IMarker m : markers) {
- int s = m.getAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, -1);
- if (s == IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR) {
- hasErrors = true;
- failureBuilder.append("\n");
- failureBuilder.append(m.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, ""));
- }
- }
- }
- failureBuilder.append("Project location: " + AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(iproject));
- assertFalse(failureBuilder.toString(), hasErrors);
- }
- /**
- * Waits for build to complete.
- *
- * @param iproject
- */
- private void waitForBuild(final IProject iproject) {
- final BuiltProjectDeltaVisitor deltaVisitor = new BuiltProjectDeltaVisitor(iproject);
- IResourceChangeListener newBuildListener = new IResourceChangeListener() {
- @Override
- public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event) {
- try {
- event.getDelta().accept(deltaVisitor);
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- fail();
- }
- }
- };
- iproject.getWorkspace().addResourceChangeListener(newBuildListener,
- IResourceChangeEvent.POST_BUILD);
- // poll build listener to determine when build is done
- // loop max of 1200 times * 50 ms = 60 seconds
- final int maxWait = 1200;
- for (int i=0; i < maxWait; i++) {
- if (deltaVisitor.isProjectBuilt()) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- Thread.sleep(50);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e) {
- // ignore
- }
- if (Display.getCurrent() != null) {
- Display.getCurrent().readAndDispatch();
- }
- }
- sLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "expected build event never happened?");
- fail(String.format("Expected build event never happened for %s", iproject.getName()));
- }
- /**
- * Scans a given IResourceDelta looking for a "build event" change for given IProject
- *
- */
- private class BuiltProjectDeltaVisitor implements IResourceDeltaVisitor {
- private IProject mIProject;
- private boolean mIsBuilt;
- public BuiltProjectDeltaVisitor(IProject iproject) {
- mIProject = iproject;
- mIsBuilt = false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean visit(IResourceDelta delta) {
- if (mIProject.equals(delta.getResource())) {
- setBuilt(true);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private synchronized void setBuilt(boolean b) {
- mIsBuilt = b;
- }
- public synchronized boolean isProjectBuilt() {
- return mIsBuilt;
- }
- }