path: root/apps/NotificationStudio/src/com/android/notificationstudio/generator/CodeGenerator.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/NotificationStudio/src/com/android/notificationstudio/generator/CodeGenerator.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/apps/NotificationStudio/src/com/android/notificationstudio/generator/CodeGenerator.java b/apps/NotificationStudio/src/com/android/notificationstudio/generator/CodeGenerator.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 81eca8319..000000000
--- a/apps/NotificationStudio/src/com/android/notificationstudio/generator/CodeGenerator.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.notificationstudio.generator;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.ACTION1_ICON;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.ACTION1_TEXT;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.ACTION2_ICON;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.ACTION2_TEXT;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.ACTION3_ICON;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.ACTION3_TEXT;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.BIG_CONTENT_TITLE;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.BIG_TEXT;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.CONTENT_INFO;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.CONTENT_TEXT;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.CONTENT_TITLE;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.LARGE_ICON;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.LINES;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.NUMBER;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.PICTURE;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.PROGRESS;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.SMALL_ICON;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.STYLE;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.SUB_TEXT;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.SUMMARY_TEXT;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.USES_CHRON;
-import static com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem.WHEN;
-import android.content.Context;
-import com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItem;
-import com.android.notificationstudio.model.EditableItemConstants;
-public class CodeGenerator implements EditableItemConstants {
- private static final String INDENT = "\n ";
- private static final String STYLE_INDENT = INDENT + " ";
- public static String generate(Context context) {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("new Notification.Builder(context)");
- if (SMALL_ICON.hasValue())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setSmallIcon(" + getResourceVar(context, SMALL_ICON) + ")");
- if (CONTENT_TITLE.hasValue())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setContentTitle(" + quote(CONTENT_TITLE) + ")");
- if (CONTENT_TEXT.hasValue())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setContentText(" + quote(CONTENT_TEXT) + ")");
- if (SUB_TEXT.hasValue())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setSubText(" + quote(SUB_TEXT) + ")");
- if (LARGE_ICON.hasValue())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setLargeIcon(largeIconBitmap)");
- if (CONTENT_INFO.hasValue())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setContentInfo(" + quote(CONTENT_INFO) + ")");
- if (NUMBER.hasValue())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setNumber(" + NUMBER.getValueInt() + ")");
- if (WHEN.hasValue())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setWhen(" + WHEN.getValueLong() + ")");
- if (PROGRESS.hasValue() && PROGRESS.getValueBool())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setProgress(0, 0, true)");
- if (USES_CHRON.hasValue())
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setUsesChronometer(" + USES_CHRON.getValueBool() + ")");
- if (ACTION1_ICON.hasValue())
- generateAction(sb, ACTION1_ICON, ACTION1_TEXT, "action1PendingIntent");
- if (ACTION2_ICON.hasValue())
- generateAction(sb, ACTION2_ICON, ACTION2_TEXT, "action2PendingIntent");
- if (ACTION3_ICON.hasValue())
- generateAction(sb, ACTION3_ICON, ACTION3_TEXT, "action3PendingIntent");
- if (STYLE.hasValue())
- generateStyle(sb);
- sb.append(INDENT + ".build();");
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private static void generateStyle(StringBuilder sb) {
- Integer styleValue = STYLE.getValueInt();
- if (STYLE_BIG_PICTURE.equals(styleValue)) {
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setStyle(new Notification.BigPictureStyle()");
- if (PICTURE.hasValue())
- sb.append(STYLE_INDENT + ".bigPicture(pictureBitmap)");
- }
- if (STYLE_BIG_TEXT.equals(styleValue)) {
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setStyle(new Notification.BigTextStyle()");
- if (BIG_TEXT.hasValue())
- sb.append(STYLE_INDENT + ".bigText(" + quote(BIG_TEXT) + ")");
- }
- if (STYLE_INBOX.equals(styleValue)) {
- sb.append(INDENT + ".setStyle(new Notification.InboxStyle()");
- if (LINES.hasValue()) {
- for (String line : LINES.getValueString().split("\\n")) {
- sb.append(STYLE_INDENT + ".addLine(" + quote(line) + ")");
- }
- }
- }
- if (BIG_CONTENT_TITLE.hasValue())
- sb.append(STYLE_INDENT + ".setBigContentTitle(" + quote(BIG_CONTENT_TITLE) + ")");
- if (SUMMARY_TEXT.hasValue())
- sb.append(STYLE_INDENT + ".setSummaryText(" + quote(SUMMARY_TEXT) + ")");
- sb.append(")");
- }
- private static void generateAction(StringBuilder sb,
- EditableItem icon, EditableItem text, String intentName) {
- sb.append(INDENT +
- ".addAction(" + icon.getValueInt() + ", " + quote(text) + ", " + intentName + ")");
- }
- private static String quote(EditableItem text) {
- return quote(text.getValueString());
- }
- private static String quote(String text) {
- return text != null ? "\"" + text.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"" : "null";
- }
- private static String getResourceVar(Context context, EditableItem item) {
- int resId = item.getValueInt();
- String packageName = context.getResources().getResourcePackageName(resId);
- String type = context.getResources().getResourceTypeName(resId);
- String entryName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);
- return packageName + ".R." + type + "." + entryName;
- }