path: root/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/build/SourceProcessor.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-06Remove all non-Apache2 licensed files from sdkBob Badour
2020-05-06Revert "Remove unused project."Paul Duffin
2020-05-05Remove unused project.Bob Badour
2013-08-28RS Support mode in ADT.Xavier Ducrohet
2013-07-25Fix renderscript issue on windows.Xavier Ducrohet
2013-03-21Add support for build-tools in ADT.Xavier Ducrohet
2013-01-0342051: Subversion folder causes NPE in PreCompilerBuilderTor Norbye
2012-11-30Add renderscript specific compilation target.Xavier Ducrohet
2012-11-29Add filterscript suppport.Xavier Ducrohet
2012-08-13More refactoring.Xavier Ducrohet
2012-06-05Projects can now access aidl files from their libraries.Xavier Ducrohet
2011-09-19Make sure renderscript's -target-api receives 11+Xavier Ducrohet
2011-09-15Pass -target-api to the renderscript compiler.Xavier Ducrohet
2011-02-08ADT builder clean up.Xavier Ducrohet
2011-02-07Make sure to quote command line paths on windows.Xavier Ducrohet
2011-02-01Make up better class names.Xavier Ducrohet