path: root/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/extractstring/ExtractStringInputPage.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-06Remove all non-Apache2 licensed files from sdkBob Badour
2020-05-06Revert "Remove unused project."Paul Duffin
2020-05-05Remove unused project.Bob Badour
2012-09-13Constants refactoring.Tor Norbye
2012-08-13More refactoring.Xavier Ducrohet
2012-01-06Fix locale handling of uppercase/lowercaseTor Norbye
2011-12-21Update SDK codebase to JDK 6Tor Norbye
2011-07-29Add Java Quick Assistant for Extracting StringsTor Norbye
2011-03-17Move classes to ide-commonXavier Ducrohet
2011-02-24Move ResourceFolderType into common.Xavier Ducrohet
2011-02-24Rename AndroidConstants -> AdtConstants.Xavier Ducrohet
2010-11-30ADT string refactoring: replace in all files.Raphael Moll
2010-07-27"create alternate layout" default to no qualifier.Xavier Ducrohet
2010-07-08ADT: dock/night combos in layout editor.Xavier Ducrohet
2009-10-14Fix device dpi handling in the Layout device parsing/UI.Xavier Ducrohet
2009-08-11Make the res qualifiers aware of the project target to handle differnt behavior.Xavier Ducrohet
2009-07-14ADT XML extract string ID: generate Context.getResources() callsRaphael
2009-07-12ADT XML extract string IDs: display existing IDs of theRaphael
2009-07-12ADT: Extract String IDs from Layout XML strings.Raphael
2009-06-29ADT #1843641: fix 'Extract string from layout creates blank string'Raphael
2009-05-13ADT: Refactoring classes dealing with android resources out of the editor.Xavier Ducrohet
2009-05-13ADT: Move more packages into internal:Xavier Ducrohet
2009-05-13ADT: Move more packages into internal.Xavier Ducrohet
2009-05-13ADT: Move more packages into internalXavier Ducrohet