path: root/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.ndk/.classpath
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-06Remove all non-Apache2 licensed files from sdkBob Badour
2020-05-06Revert "Remove unused project."Paul Duffin
2020-05-05Remove unused project.Bob Badour
2014-06-10Revert back from OSGI -> bundled jarsSiva Velusamy
2014-05-21Replace bundled libraries with OSGI bundle dependenciesSiva Velusamy
2013-02-01Fix generation of R classes for libraries to support any package name.Xavier Ducrohet
2012-03-27rename c.a.i.eclipse.adt.ndk -> c.a.i.eclipse.ndkSiva Velusamy