AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-10-19Add Parrot car kit (KML_CAN) to the auto pairing Ganesh
2010-09-27Revert "Delay 200 ms after powering up the BT chip.."Jaikumar Ganesh
2010-09-10Set line discipline to HCI_UART_H4 even for low power mode.Jaikumar Ganesh
2010-09-10Delay 200 ms after powering up the BT chip..Jaikumar Ganesh
2010-08-11Add parrot to the blacklist for auto pairing.Jaikumar Ganesh
2010-04-05Update brfpatch for new TI firmware Pelly
2010-03-30Add another car kit vendor to the blacklist file.Jaikumar Ganesh
2010-03-23Add hci_command_hdr to clean bluez headers.Nick Pelly
2010-03-22Disable park state in main.confBao Liang
2010-03-18Add blacklist for Bluetooth SCO connectionsEric Olsen
2010-03-16Delay 50ms before downlooading firmware patch to fix BCM4329B1 incompatability.Nick Pelly
2010-03-08Add an empty CleanSpec.mkJean-Baptiste Queru
2010-02-25Merge "Add Auto Pairing blacklist, change paths."Jaikumar Ganesh
2010-02-24Update bluez clean headers for struct sockaddr_sco change.Nick Pelly
2010-02-09Do not attempt role switch to Master.Nick Pelly
2010-02-05am d7a53f14: am 39760b25: reconcile main tree with open-source eclairThe Android Open Source Project
2010-02-05am 39760b25: reconcile main tree with open-source eclairThe Android Open Source Project
2010-02-05reconcile main tree with open-source eclairandroid-sdk-tools_r5android-cts-2.1_r5android-cts-2.1_r4android-cts-2.1_r3android-cts-2.1_r2eclairThe Android Open Source Project
2010-01-29reconcile android-2.1_r1 snapshotThe Android Open Source Project
2010-01-12android-2.1_r1 snapshotThe Android Open Source Project
2010-01-08Add Auto Pairing blacklist, change paths.Jaikumar Ganesh
2009-12-15Merge commit 'goog/eclair-plus-aosp'Android Git Automerger
2009-12-10am 4522d8ef: Add L2CAP_LM_FLUSHABLE to clean Bluez headers.Nick Pelly
2009-12-10am dc18c419: Update Bluez header for new ACL state debug parameters.Nick Pelly
2009-12-09am 4522d8ef: Add L2CAP_LM_FLUSHABLE to clean Bluez headers.Nick Pelly
2009-12-09am dc18c419: Update Bluez header for new ACL state debug parameters.Nick Pelly
2009-12-09Add L2CAP_LM_FLUSHABLE to clean Bluez Pelly
2009-12-09Update Bluez header for new ACL state debug parameters.Nick Pelly
2009-11-15merge from open-source masterJean-Baptiste Queru
2009-11-15merge from open-source masterJean-Baptiste Queru
2009-11-15merge from eclairJean-Baptiste Queru
2009-11-12eclair snapshotJean-Baptiste Queru
2009-10-30Add support for ba2str and str2ba to Pelly
2009-10-29Fix low power mode bugs in brcm_patchram_plus.Nick Pelly
2009-10-29Add hci struct to clean headers.Nick Pelly
2009-10-21Read Bluetooth address from system property Pelly
2009-09-15Checkpoint of debug tools Pelly
2009-09-01Merge change 23505 into eclairAndroid (Google) Code Review
2009-09-01Checkin some testing tools. Not compiled by default.Nick Pelly
2009-08-20Switch from DOS to UNIX format on brcm_patchram_plus.cNick Pelly
2009-08-20Fix baudrate programming for BCM chipsets.Nick Pelly
2009-08-20Add brcm_patchram_plus from Broadcom.Nick Pelly
2009-08-18Do not advertise A2DP sink support.Nick Pelly
2009-08-18Strip extra quotes from device name.Nick Pelly
2009-08-03Set class field appropriately.Jaikumar Ganesh
2009-06-22Checkpoint some debug tools. Not built by default.Nick Pelly
2009-06-10Add ro.product.model for name of the device.Jaikumar Ganesh
2009-06-04Bluez4 changes.Jaikumar Ganesh
2009-05-18Adding functionality to tests.Nick Pelly
2009-05-15Fix pipetest build.Nick Pelly