path: root/brcm_patchram_plus
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-01-06Rename (IF_)LOGE(_IF) to (IF_)ALOGE(_IF) DO NOT MERGESteve Block
2012-01-03Rename (IF_)LOGD(_IF) to (IF_)ALOGD(_IF) DO NOT MERGESteve Block
2011-07-06Fix setting of baud rate when coming out of reset.Jaikumar Ganesh
2011-06-28Bluetooth BRCM script updates for new chipsets.Howard M. Harte
2011-05-17Update License to Apache.Howard M. Harte
2010-12-20Fix corruption while reading the address.Jaikumar Ganesh
2010-12-08Add option to set the baudrate before downloading the firmware.Jaikumar Ganesh
2010-11-03Add command-line option for PCM master/slave to brcm_patchram_plusChris Fries
2010-09-10Set line discipline to HCI_UART_H4 even for low power mode.Jaikumar Ganesh
2010-03-16Delay 50ms before downlooading firmware patch to fix BCM4329B1 incompatability.Nick Pelly
2009-10-29Fix low power mode bugs in brcm_patchram_plus.Nick Pelly
2009-10-21Read Bluetooth address from system property Pelly
2009-08-20Switch from DOS to UNIX format on brcm_patchram_plus.cNick Pelly
2009-08-20Fix baudrate programming for BCM chipsets.Nick Pelly
2009-08-20Add brcm_patchram_plus from Broadcom.Nick Pelly