path: root/tests/src/inode2filename/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/inode2filename/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2824 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/inode2filename/ b/tests/src/inode2filename/
deleted file mode 100644
index 89dc433..0000000
--- a/tests/src/inode2filename/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2824 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "inode2filename/inode.h"
-#include "inode2filename/search_directories.h"
-#include "inode2filename/system_call.h"
-#include <android-base/logging.h>
-#include <android-base/strings.h>
-#include <fruit/fruit.h>
-#include <gmock/gmock.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <optional>
-#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
-#ifdef makedev
-#undef makedev
-// Set this to 1 when debugging by hand to get more output.
-// Otherwise the spam might be too much when most tests are failing.
-// Set this to 1 when debugging by hand to have the logging output go to stderr.
-// TODO: I think the automated test bots have problems capturing non-logcat output.
-#define LOG_TO_STDERR 1
-// TODO: Might be nice to have these controlled by command line.
-using namespace std::literals::string_literals; // NOLINT
-using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals; // NOLINT
-using namespace iorap::inode2filename; // NOLINT
-using namespace testing; // NOLINT
-static void ConfigureLogging() {
- if (LOG_TO_STDERR) {
- ::android::base::SetLogger(::android::base::StderrLogger);
- }
- ::android::base::SetMinimumLogSeverity(::android::base::VERBOSE);
- } else {
- ::android::base::SetMinimumLogSeverity(::android::base::DEBUG);
- }
-// Iterate substrings in 'what' that are separated by 'separator'.
-// Should be similar to the python 'str.split' behavior.
-// Empty separators will have 0 iterations.
-// NOTE: this could end up returning empty strings, e.g. '/'.split('/') -> ('', '')
-// Think of it more like splitting on "$/^" except the $ and ^ become empty strings in the end.
-// Zero-copy guarantee (and no dynamic allocation).
-struct StringSplit {
- struct SplitIterable;
- // Return a 0-length substring whose address range is one past the end of 'what'.
- // Logically equivalent to a "", but its real address will be within 'what'.
- //
- // Repeatedly applying this function on itself will return the same value.
- //
- // Do not use operator[] on the returned substring, as that would cause undefined
- // behavior.
- //
- // To safely access the pointer, use #data(). The pointer must not be dereferenced,
- // which would cause undefined behavior.
- static constexpr std::string_view EmptySubstringAtEnd(std::string_view what) {
- return what.substr(/*pos*/what.size(), /*count*/0);
- }
- // Create an Iterable that will iterate over substrings in 'what' separated by 'separator'.
- //
- // Each such 'value' emitted is guaranteed to be:
- // - a substring of 'what'
- // - not have any 'separator' substrings
- // - the address range of 'value' is within the address range of 'what' (or one-past-the-end)
- //
- // For example:
- //
- // for (std::string_view substr : StringSplit("hello/world"sv, "/"sv)) {
- // ... // loop 0: substr == "hello"
- // ... // loop 1: substr == "world"
- // }
- static constexpr SplitIterable Iterable(std::string_view what,
- std::string_view separator) {
- return SplitIterable{what, separator};
- }
- // Implement LegacyForwardIterator concept.
- struct SplitIterator {
- using value_type = std::string_view;
- using reference = value_type&;
- using pointer = value_type*;
- using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
- using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; // required by concept, but its meaningless.
- constexpr bool operator==(const SplitIterator& other) const {
- if (state != other.state) {
- return false;
- }
- switch (state) {
- case kNormal:
- case kNearEnd:
- return ==;
- case kAtEnd:
- return true;
- }
- }
- constexpr bool operator!=(const SplitIterator& other) const {
- return !(*this == other);
- }
- constexpr std::string_view& operator*() {
- DCHECK(state != kAtEnd) << "Undefined behavior to dereference end() iterators";
- return current_split;
- }
- constexpr std::string_view* operator->() {
- DCHECK(state != kAtEnd) << "Undefined behavior to dereference end() iterators";
- return &current_split;
- }
- /*
- constexpr const std::string_view& operator*() const {
- return current_split;
- }
- constexpr const std::string_view* operator->() const {
- return &current_split;
- }
- */
- constexpr SplitIterator& operator++() {
- UpdateValues();
- return *this;
- }
- constexpr SplitIterator operator++(int) {
- SplitIterator copy{*this};
- ++(*this);
- return copy;
- }
- private:
- // Avoid defining constructors etc. We get the default constructors and operator= then.
- friend struct SplitIterable; // Use below Make functions.
- constexpr static SplitIterator MakeBegin(std::string_view whole, std::string_view separator) {
- SplitIterator it;
- it.state = kNormal;
- if (separator == "") {
- it.rest_of_string = StringSplit::EmptySubstringAtEnd(whole);
- // point to one past-the end (which is legal), also equivalent to ""
- // the difference being that the address range is guaranteed to be within 'whole'
- // actually any 0-length subrange would be appropriate here, but just go with the 'end'
- // because dereferencing it would be obviously bad.
- it.state = kAtEnd;
- // Empty separator -> empty # of visits. This seems the most composable.
- // Note: Need to handle this case especially since find_first_of("") would return the
- // entire string.
- } else {
- it.rest_of_string = whole;
- it.separator = separator;
- it.UpdateValues();
- }
- return it;
- }
- constexpr static SplitIterator MakeEnd() {
- SplitIterator it;
- it.state = kAtEnd;
- return it;
- }
- constexpr void UpdateValues() {
- switch (state) {
- case kNormal:
- break;
- case kNearEnd:
- // Address of emitted value is always within subrange of 'whole'.
- current_split = StringSplit::EmptySubstringAtEnd(rest_of_string);
- state = kAtEnd;
- return;
- case kAtEnd:
- // Incrementing the 'end()' operator is undefined behavior.
- DCHECK(false) << "Undefined behavior: Cannot increment end() iterator.";
- return;
- }
- DCHECK(state == kNormal);
- size_t pos = rest_of_string.find_first_of(separator);
- if (std::string_view::npos == pos) {
- // Always visit at least once for non-empty separators, even if the string is empty.
- current_split = rest_of_string;
- // Address of emitted value is always within subrange of 'whole'.
- rest_of_string = rest_of_string.substr(/*pos*/0, /*count*/0); // = ""
- state = kNearEnd;
- } else {
- // includes the starting position of the needle
- // e.g. "+x-".find_first_of('x') -> 1
- // current_split = rest_of_string[0..pos)
- current_split = rest_of_string.substr(/*pos*/0, pos);
- // strip '${left}${separator}' from the left hand side.
- // continue iterating.
- rest_of_string = rest_of_string.substr(pos + separator.size());
- }
- }
- public:
- void PrintToStream(std::ostream& os) const {
- os << "SplitIterator{";
- os << "current_split:\"" << current_split << "\",";
- os << "rest_of_string:\"" << rest_of_string << "\",";
- os << "separator:\"" << separator << "\",";
- os << "state:";
- switch (state) {
- case kNormal:
- os << "kNormal";
- break;
- case kNearEnd:
- os << "kNearEnd";
- break;
- case kAtEnd:
- os << "kAtEnd";
- break;
- }
- os << "}";
- }
- private:
- // Not intended to be used directly.
- // Public visibility to avoid making extra constructors.
- std::string_view current_split;
- std::string_view rest_of_string;
- std::string_view separator;
- enum State {
- kNormal,
- kNearEnd,
- kAtEnd
- };
- State state{kNormal};
- // This cannot have a field initializer due to a clang bug,
- //
- // So define an explicit constructor below.
- // This needs to go last:
- // undefined constructor 'SplitIterator' cannot be used in a constant expression
- // constexpr SplitIterator() : state{kNormal} {}
- // constexpr SplitIterator() {}
- };
- friend struct SplitIterable;
- struct SplitIterable {
- std::string_view whole;
- std::string_view separator;
- constexpr SplitIterator begin() {
- return SplitIterator::MakeBegin(whole, separator);
- }
- constexpr SplitIterator end() {
- return SplitIterator::MakeEnd();
- }
- };
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StringSplit::SplitIterator& it) {
- it.PrintToStream(os);
- return os;
-static constexpr const StringSplit::SplitIterator kBlankSplit;
-// Visit substrings in 'what' that are separated by 'separator'.
-// Should be similar to the python 'str.split' behavior.
-// Empty separators will have 0 visits.
-// 'f' is called back for each visit of a substring, this means there's 0 allocations here.
-// NOTE: this could end up returning empty strings, e.g. '/'.split('/') -> ('', '')
-// Think of it more like splitting on "$/^" except the $ and ^ become empty strings in the end.
-// (Dynamic allocation free)
-template <typename Fn>
-static constexpr void VisitSplitStringView(std::string_view what,
- std::string_view separator,
- Fn f) {
- // Empty separator -> empty # of visits. This seems the most composable.
- if (separator == "") {
- // Note: Need to handle this case especially since find_first_of("") would return the
- // entire string.
- return;
- }
- size_t sep_length = separator.size();
- do {
- size_t pos = what.find_first_of(separator);
- if (std::string_view::npos == pos) {
- // Always visit at least once for non-empty separators, even if the string is empty.
- f(what);
- break;
- } else {
- // includes the starting position of the needle
- // e.g. "+x-".find_first_of('x') -> 1
- // left = what[0..pos)
- std::string_view left_split = what.substr(/*pos*/0, pos);
- f(left_split);
- // strip '${left}${separator}' from the left hand side.
- // continue iterating.
- what = what.substr(pos + sep_length);
- }
- }
- while (true);
-std::vector<std::string> VisitSplitStringViewVec(std::string_view what,
- std::string_view separator) {
- std::vector<std::string> vec;
- VisitSplitStringView(what, separator, [&vec](auto&& part) {
- vec.push_back(std::string{part});
- });
- return vec;
-std::vector<std::string> IterableSplitStringViewVec(std::string_view what,
- std::string_view separator) {
- auto iterable = StringSplit::Iterable(what, separator);
- std::vector<std::string> vec{iterable.begin(), iterable.end()};
- return vec;
-TEST(SplitStringView, Tests) {
- EXPECT_THAT(VisitSplitStringViewVec("", ""), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(VisitSplitStringViewVec("abcdef", ""), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(VisitSplitStringViewVec("", "/"), ElementsAre(""s));
- EXPECT_THAT(VisitSplitStringViewVec("/", "/"), ElementsAre(""s, ""s));
- EXPECT_THAT(VisitSplitStringViewVec("//", "/"), ElementsAre(""s, ""s, ""s));
- EXPECT_THAT(VisitSplitStringViewVec("/hello", "/"), ElementsAre(""s, "hello"s));
- EXPECT_THAT(VisitSplitStringViewVec("/hello/world", "/"), ElementsAre(""s, "hello"s, "world"s));
- EXPECT_THAT(VisitSplitStringViewVec("bar", "/"), ElementsAre("bar"s));
- EXPECT_THAT(VisitSplitStringViewVec("bar/baz", "/"), ElementsAre("bar"s, "baz"s));
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("", ""), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("abcdef", ""), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("", "/"), ElementsAre(""s));
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("/", "/"), ElementsAre(""s, ""s));
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("//", "/"), ElementsAre(""s, ""s, ""s));
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("/hello", "/"), ElementsAre(""s, "hello"s));
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("/hello/world", "/"), ElementsAre(""s, "hello"s, "world"s));
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("bar", "/"), ElementsAre("bar"s));
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("bar/baz", "/"), ElementsAre("bar"s, "baz"s));
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("/hello", "/"), ElementsAre(""sv, "hello"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(IterableSplitStringViewVec("/hello///", "/"), ElementsAre(""sv, "hello"sv, ""sv, ""sv, ""sv));
-// Allocation-free immutable path representation and manipulation.
-// A PurePath is logically represented by its 'parts', which is a view of each component.
-// Examples:
-// parts('foo/bar') -> ['foo', 'bar']
-// parts('/bar') -> ['/', 'bar']
-// parts('') -> []
-// parts('.') -> []
-// parts('baz//') -> ['baz']
-// parts('hello/././world') -> ['hello', 'world']
-// parts('../down/../down2') -> ['..', 'down', '..', 'down2']
-// See also #VisitParts which allows an allocation-free traversal of the parts.
-// Memory allocation/ownership guarantees:
-// * Functions marked as 'constexpr' are guaranteed never to allocate (zero-copy).
-// * Functions not marked as 'constexpr' and returning a PurePath will always return an object
-// with its own internal copy of the underlying data (i.e. the memory is not borrowed).
-struct PurePath {
- using part_type = std::string_view;
- struct PartIterable;
- // Create an empty PurePath.
- //
- // Empty paths are considered to have 0 parts, i.e.
- // PurePath{}.VisitParts() -> []
- constexpr PurePath() : path_(".") {
- }
- // Create a PurePath from a string view.
- //
- // This borrows memory ownership of the string view. If you wish to make a copy,
- // use the PurePath(std::string) constructor.
- //
- // Paths are non-normalized (i.e. redundant up-references, "..", are not stripped),
- // you may wish to call 'NormalizePath' if this is important.
- constexpr PurePath(std::string_view path) : path_(path) {
- /// : owner_(std::string(path)), path_(owner_.value()) {
- // TODO: no copy
- }
- constexpr PurePath(const char* path) : PurePath(std::string_view(path)) {}
- // Creates a PurePath from a string.
- //
- // The PurePath owns the memory of the string path.
- //
- // Only accepts movable strings, so that the cheaper borrowing (string_view)
- // constructor is used by default.
- PurePath(std::string&& path) : owner_(std::move(path)), path_(owner_.value()) {
- }
- // Return an Iterable, which upon traversing would
- // return each part as an std::string_view.
- //
- // Empty and '.' path components are not visited,
- // effectively ignoring redundant // and intermediate '.' components.
- //
- // To also ignore redundant up-references, see #NormalizePath.
- //
- // Example:
- // for (std::string_view part : PurePath("hello//world/./").IterateParts()) {
- // // loop 0, part == "hello"sv
- // // loop 1, part == "world"sv
- // }
- constexpr PartIterable IterateParts() const {
- return PartIterable::FromPath(*this);
- }
- // f is a function<void(std::string_view part)>
- //
- // Invoke 'f' repeatedly on each logical part of this path.
- //
- // Empty and '.' path components are not visited,
- // effectively ignoring redundant // and intermediate '.' components.
- //
- // To also ignore redundant up-references, see #NormalizePath.
- template <typename Fn>
- constexpr void VisitParts(Fn f) const {
- // Note: Near the top to avoid -Wundefined-inline warnings.
- if (IsAbsolute()) {
- f(kRoot); // When we split, we no longer visit the '/' tokens. Handle root explicitly.
- }
- VisitSplitStringView(path_,
- kRoot,
- [&f](auto&& substr) {
- // Ignore duplicate /// and also .
- //
- // e.g.
- // '//foo' -> ['/', 'foo']
- // './foo' -> ['foo']
- //
- // This is consistent with implementation.
- //
- // Note that redundant .. are not removed, e.g.
- // '../foo/..' is not rewritten to ['..']
- //
- // Use 'NormalizePath' to do this explicitly.
- if (!substr.empty() && substr != ".") {
- f(substr);
- }
- });
- }
- // A path is considered equal to another path if all of the parts are identical.
- /*constexpr*/ bool operator==(const PurePath& other) const {
- /*if (path_ == other.path_) {
- return true;
- } else*/ {
- auto this_range = IterateParts();
- auto other_range = other.IterateParts();
- return std::equal(this_range.begin(),
- this_range.end(),
- other_range.begin(),
- other_range.end());
- }
- }
- // Returns the name component (if any).
- //
- // Logically equivalent to returning the last part unless:
- // - the last part is the root '/'
- // - there are no parts
- //
- // If the above conditions do not hold, return the empty string.
- constexpr std::string_view Name() const {
- std::string_view component = StringSplit::EmptySubstringAtEnd(path_);
- size_t count = 0;
- for (auto&& part : IterateParts()) {
- if (count++ == 0 && part == kRoot) {
- continue; // '/' does not count as a name.
- } else {
- DCHECK_NE(part, kRoot);
- }
- component = part;
- }
- return component;
- }
- // Find the parent of this path.
- //
- // This is usually the path with the last part stripped off, with some special cases:
- // - The parent of '/' is always '/' (recursive).
- // - The parent of '' is always '..'.
- // - The parent of '..[/..]*' is an additional '/..' appended.
- //
- // The parent is always distinct (i.e. not equal to this) except for '/', whose parent
- // is itself.
- /*constexpr*/ PurePath Parent() const {
- size_t parts_count = 0;
- size_t upreference_count = 0;
- // TODO: this should be constexpr, but it complains about PurePath not being a literal type.
- for (auto&& part : IterateParts()) {
- ++parts_count;
- if (part == "..") {
- ++upreference_count;
- }
- }
- if (upreference_count == parts_count) { // Could also have 0 parts.
- // "../../../" etc. No other parts are there.
- // We need to add another '..'
- // Explicitly handle a few iterations to remain constexpr.
- switch (upreference_count) {
- case 0:
- return {".."};
- case 1:
- return {"../.."};
- case 2:
- return {"../../.."};
- case 3:
- return {"../../../.."};
- default:
- break;
- }
- // As a special case, this part of the function is not constexpr.
- std::string built_parent_string = "..";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < upreference_count; ++i) {
- built_parent_string += kRoot;
- built_parent_string += "..";
- }
- return PurePath{std::move(built_parent_string)};
- } else if (parts_count == 1) {
- if (IsAbsolute()) {
- // "/" + ".." is still "/"
- return {kRoot};
- } else {
- // <NOT-ROOT-OR-UP-REFERENCE> + ".." is just "."
- return {};
- }
- } else {
- DCHECK_GE(parts_count, 2u);
- // Find the last iterator before we hit the end.
- std::optional<std::string_view> last;
- std::optional<std::string_view> prev_last;
- for (auto&& part : IterateParts()) {
- prev_last = last;
- last = part;
- }
- DCHECK(last.has_value());
- DCHECK(prev_last.has_value());
- std::string_view& prev_last_view = *prev_last;
- // prev_last_view must be within address of subrange_.
- DCHECK_LE( + prev_last_view.size(), + path_.size());
- // take advantage of the address subrange property by calculating a new substring
- // for the parent.
- size_t length = + prev_last_view.size() -;
- std::string_view parent = std::string_view{, length} ;
- if ((false)) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "PurePath::Parent of \"" << path_ << "\" returns \"" << parent << "\"";
- }
- return { parent };
- }
- }
- // A path is considered non-equal to another path if one or more of the parts differ.
- constexpr bool operator!=(const PurePath& other) const {
- return !(*this == other);
- }
- // Return the string view, i.e. to pass to other classes that need a string-like type.
- //
- // This passes in the original string as was passed into the constructor.
- // The exact char-by-char representation may be different than concatenating all the parts
- // together.
- //
- // See also #NormalizePath if you want to get a 1:1 mapping between a PurePath
- // and a string.
- constexpr std::string_view AsStringView() const {
- // This is slightly inconsistent with PurePath#bytes because it actually collapses the string
- // to the equivalent of concatenating the parts together. But we prefer not to do that,
- // since it just causes more work and more allocations unnecessarily.
- //
- // This is generally not-noticeable when operating with the path at the logical layer.
- return path_;
- }
- constexpr bool IsAbsolute() const {
- return !path_.empty() && path_[0] == '/'; // left-whitespace is considered significant.
- }
- // Join one or more paths together.
- //
- // Logically equivalent to calling JoinPath(other) repeatedly.
- template <typename It>
- PurePath JoinPath(It begin, It end) const {
- std::vector<std::string_view> parts_stack = PartsList();
- while (begin != end) {
- const PurePath& path = *begin;
- if (path.IsAbsolute()) {
- parts_stack = path.PartsList();
- } else {
- path.VisitParts([&parts_stack](auto&& part) {
- parts_stack.push_back(part);
- });
- }
- ++begin;
- }
- return {JoinPartsList(parts_stack)};
- }
- // Join two paths together:
- //
- // If 'other' is an absolute path, it is returned.
- //
- // Otherwise, return the concatenation of the parts (this and other) as a new path.
- // (The returned path is always owned by the caller -- this is triggering an allocation every
- // time).
- PurePath JoinPath(const PurePath& other) const {
- if (other.IsAbsolute()) {
- return other.OwningCopy();
- } else {
- std::vector<std::string_view> parts_stack = PartsList();
- other.VisitParts([&parts_stack](auto&& part) {
- parts_stack.push_back(part);
- });
- return {JoinPartsList(parts_stack)};
- }
- }
- constexpr PurePath(const PurePath& other) {
- if (this == &other) {
- return;
- }
- if (other.owner_) { // stay constexpr for non-owning paths.
- owner_ = other.owner_;
- path_ = *owner_; // path_ always points to owner if possible.
- } else {
- path_ = other.path_;
- }
- }
- constexpr PurePath(PurePath&& other) {
- if (this == &other) {
- return;
- }
- if (other.owner_) { // stay constexpr for non-owning paths.
- owner_ = std::move(other.owner_);
- path_ = *owner_; // path_ always points to owner if possible.
- } else {
- path_ = std::move(other.path_);
- }
- }
- // "/.." -> "/"
- // "../foo/.." -> ".."
- // etc.
- //
- // PurePath returned always owns its own memory (this always triggers an allocation).
- PurePath NormalizePath() const {
- if (IsNormalized()) {
- return OwningCopy(); // Don't call this function if you want to avoid copies!
- } else {
- // Invariant: [/]? <UP-REFERENCE>* <NOT-AN-UP-REFERENCE>*
- std::vector<std::string_view> parts_stack;
- size_t not_an_up_reference = 0;
- // Special handling of absolute paths:
- // '/' '..'* -> '/'
- //
- // Otherwise, remove the last part when encountering redundant up-references:
- // e.g. '../foo/bar/baz/..' -> '../foo/bar'
- VisitParts([&](auto&& part) {
- if (part == "..") {
- if (not_an_up_reference > 0) {
- // Remove redundant up-references.
- DCHECK(!parts_stack.empty());
- // Could trigger de-normalization, remove redundant part from stack.
- if (parts_stack.back() != kRoot) { // '/' '..'* -> '/'
- parts_stack.pop_back();
- --not_an_up_reference; // '../foo/..' -> '..'
- }
- } else {
- // Did not trigger a denormalization.
- parts_stack.push_back(part);
- }
- } else {
- // <NOT-AN-UP-REFERENCE> or '/' (note: / is only visited the first time).
- parts_stack.push_back(part);
- ++not_an_up_reference;
- }
- });
- // join again with empty delimiter.
- std::string concat = JoinPartsList(std::move(parts_stack));
- return PurePath(std::move(concat));
- }
- }
- // Returns true if 'NormalizePath' would return a Path with a different parts representation.
- //
- // (This is not as strict as normalizing the underlying string, i.e. redundant '.' and "//"
- // in AsStringView() could still be seen).
- //
- // A path is considered non-normalized unless all up-references are at the start.
- //
- // NormalizedString := <UP-REFERENCE>* <NOT-AN-UP-REFERENCE>*
- //
- // where each token is a 'part' returned by VisitParts.
- //
- // Returning false here means that 'NormalizePath' will also trigger an extra allocation.
- constexpr bool IsNormalized() const {
- size_t not_an_up_reference = 0;
- bool is_normalized = true;
- // Note that this also handles '/' [..]* because '/' is treated identically to non-up-refs.
- VisitParts([&](auto&& part) {
- // Remove redundant up-references.
- if (part != "..") {
- ++not_an_up_reference;
- } else { // part == ".."
- if (not_an_up_reference > 0) { // <not-an-up-reference> <up-reference>
- is_normalized = false;
- }
- }
- });
- return is_normalized;
- }
- // Implement LegacyForwardIterator concept.
- struct PartIterator {
- using value_type = std::string_view;
- using reference = value_type&;
- using pointer = value_type*;
- using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
- using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; // required by concept, but its meaningless.
- private:
- enum State {
- kUninitialized,
- kAtRoot,
- kInitialized,
- kAtEnd
- };
- using SplitIterable = StringSplit::SplitIterable;
- using SplitIterator = StringSplit::SplitIterator;
- State state{kUninitialized};
- value_type cur_value;
- SplitIterator cur;
- SplitIterator end;
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PartIterator& it);
- // Print out extra debugging information when looping through the iterator.
- static constexpr bool kLogDebug = false;
- public:
- void PrintToStream(std::ostream& os) const {
- os << "PartIterator{";
- os << "state:";
- switch (state) {
- case kUninitialized:
- os << "kUninitialized";
- break;
- case kAtRoot:
- os << "kAtRoot";
- break;
- case kInitialized:
- os << "kInitialized";
- break;
- case kAtEnd:
- os << "kAtEnd";
- break;
- }
- os << ",";
- os << "cur_value:\"" << cur_value << "\",";
- os << "cur:" << cur << ",";
- os << "end:" << end << ",";
- os << "}";
- }
- /*constexpr*/ bool operator==(const PartIterator& other) const {
- DCHECK(state != kUninitialized) << "State must be initialized";
- DCHECK(other.state != kUninitialized) << "Other state must be initialized";
- if (kLogDebug) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "PartIterator ==";
- }
- if (state != other.state) {
- if (kLogDebug) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "State: " << static_cast<int>(state);
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Other State: " << static_cast<int>(other.state);
- LOG(DEBUG) << "== states differ (&self=" << this << ",&other=" << &other << ")";
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Self=" << *this;
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Other=" << other;
- }
- return false;
- }
- switch (state) {
- case kAtRoot:
- DCHECK(cur != end);
- return cur == other.cur;
- case kInitialized:
- DCHECK(cur != end);
- return cur == other.cur;
- case kAtEnd:
- DCHECK(cur == end);
- DCHECK(cur == other.cur);
- return true;
- default:
- DCHECK(false); // -Werror -Wswitch
- return true;
- }
- }
- constexpr bool operator!=(const PartIterator& other) const {
- return !(*this == other);
- }
- constexpr reference operator*() {
- DCHECK(state != kAtEnd) << "Undefined behavior to dereference end() iterators";
- return cur_value; // Can't use *cur because we could yield a '/'.
- }
- constexpr pointer operator->() {
- DCHECK(state != kAtEnd) << "Undefined behavior to dereference end() iterators";
- return &cur_value; // Can't use &*cur because we could yield a '/'.
- }
- /*
- constexpr const reference operator*() const {
- return *cur;
- }
- constexpr const pointer operator->() const {
- return &*cur;
- }*/
- constexpr PartIterator& operator++() {
- DCHECK(state != kAtEnd) << "Undefined behavior to increment end() iterators";
- UpdateValues();
- return *this;
- }
- constexpr PartIterator operator++(int) {
- PartIterator copy{*this};
- ++(*this);
- return copy;
- }
- constexpr static PartIterator MakeBegin(SplitIterable& split_iterable,
- std::string_view whole_path) {
- SplitIterator begin = split_iterable.begin();
- SplitIterator end = split_iterable.end();
- PartIterator it;
- it.end = end;
- const bool is_absolute = !whole_path.empty() && whole_path[0] == '/';
- if (begin == end) {
- it.cur = end;
- it.state = kAtEnd;
- // I'm not sure this path is actually possible due to the nature of how StringSplit
- // works, but it's better to cover this case just to be safe.
- DCHECK(false) << "unreachable code, splitting by '/' always returns at least 1 split";
- } else {
- it.cur = begin;
- if (is_absolute) {
- // When we split, we no longer visit the '/' tokens. Handle root explicitly.
- //
- // All emitted values must be within the address range of the whole path.
- it.cur_value = whole_path.substr(0, /*count*/1); // '/'
- DCHECK_EQ(it.cur_value, "/"sv);
- it.state = kAtRoot;
- } else {
- it.state = kUninitialized;
- it.UpdateValues();
- }
- }
- return it;
- }
- constexpr static PartIterator MakeEnd(SplitIterable& split_iterable) {
- SplitIterator end = split_iterable.end();
- PartIterator it;
- it.cur = end;
- it.end = end;
- it.state = kAtEnd;
- return it;
- }
- private:
- void UpdateValues() {
- State previous_state = state;
- if (kLogDebug) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "operator ++ // UpdateValues (&this=" << this << ")";
- }
- if (state == kAtEnd) {
- return;
- }
- if (state == kInitialized) {
- DCHECK(IsValidCurrent());
- }
- // '/' has no corresponding split, so it's handled as a special case.
- // Furthermore, any splits that are empty or "." are skipped since they aren't
- // considered to be a valid path component.
- //
- // The below code handles these special cases.
- if (state == kAtRoot) {
- state = kUninitialized;
- }
- if (state == kUninitialized) {
- // If we are already at a valid value stop.
- if (cur != end && IsValidCurrent()) {
- state = kInitialized;
- cur_value = *cur;
- return;
- }
- // Otherwise we are either at the end, or
- // the current value is invalid (e.g. empty or '.').
- state = kInitialized;
- }
- DCHECK(state == kInitialized) << static_cast<int>(state);
- if (previous_state == kInitialized) {
- // If we fell-through from kAtRoot or kUninitialized
- // then there's no guarantee that the current value is valid.
- DCHECK(IsValidCurrent());
- }
- auto old_cur_value = *cur;
- // Already at the end. Switch to end state.
- if (cur == end) {
- state = kAtEnd;
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Updated state is: kAtEnd (1)";
- return;
- }
- // Skip ahead.
- // We may or may not be at a valid value now.
- ++cur;
- // If we aren't at a valid value yet, then keep going forward
- // until we hit a valid value (or we exhaust the iterator).
- while (cur != end && !IsValidCurrent()) {
- ++cur;
- }
- if (cur == end) {
- state = kAtEnd;
- } else {
- // We reached a valid value before exhausting the iterator.
- // Stay in the 'Initialized' state.
- DCHECK(IsValidCurrent()) << *cur;
- cur_value = *cur;
- // After we go forward, the old and current value cannot match.
- DCHECK_NE(&cur_value[0], &old_cur_value[0]);
- }
- if (kLogDebug) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Updated state is: " << state;
- }
- }
- constexpr bool IsValidCurrent() {
- if (cur->empty()) {
- return false;
- } else if (*cur == ".") {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- friend struct PartIterable;
- struct PartIterable {
- constexpr static PartIterable FromPath(const PurePath& path) {
- return PartIterable{
- path.AsStringView(),
- StringSplit::Iterable(path.AsStringView(), PurePath::kRoot),
- };
- }
- constexpr PartIterator begin() {
- return PartIterator::MakeBegin(split_iterable, whole_path);
- }
- constexpr PartIterator end() {
- return PartIterator::MakeEnd(split_iterable);
- }
- std::string_view whole_path;
- StringSplit::SplitIterable split_iterable;
- };
- // This isn't performance-efficient, but it might be needed by some functions
- // that have to allocate anyway such as JoinPaths.
- //
- // Intended only for testing.
- std::vector<std::string_view> PartsList() const {
- PartIterable iterable = IterateParts();
- std::vector<std::string_view> parts{iterable.begin(), iterable.end()};
- return parts;
- }
- // Does this PurePath own the underlying memory?
- //
- // true = borrowing memory from someone else (might not be safe to retain this object)
- // false = owns its own memory (can keep this object indefinitely long)
- //
- // Currently intended only for testing.
- constexpr bool IsBorrowed() const {
- return !owner_.has_value();
- }
- private:
- // Return a PurePath that owns its own memory.
- //
- // This way functions which 'may' allocate memory turn into functions
- // that always allocate memory, and avoid a dangling reference.
- const PurePath OwningCopy() const {
- std::string make_copy{path_};
- return PurePath{std::move(make_copy)};
- }
- constexpr size_t PartsCount() const {
- size_t count = 0;
- VisitParts([&count](auto&& /*part*/) {
- ++count;
- });
- return count;
- }
- // Basically a string join with an empty delimiter.
- template <typename Container>
- static std::string JoinPartsList(Container&& c) {
- std::string build;
- for (auto begin = c.begin(), end = c.end(); begin != end; ++begin) {
- build += *begin;
- // TODO: use forward_dependent here.
- }
- return build;
- }
- // This might be empty, in which case path_ is just a temporary borrow of path_.
- std::optional<std::string> owner_;
- std::string_view path_; // points to owner_ if there's a value there.
- // TODO: this is a bit error-prone, so we might want to refactor into a
- // never-owning PathView and an always-owning PurePath.
- static constexpr std::string_view kRoot = "/";
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PurePath::PartIterator& it) {
- it.PrintToStream(os);
- return os;
-static constexpr const PurePath::PartIterator kMakeMeABlank;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PurePath& path) {
- os << path.AsStringView();
- return os;
-TEST(PurePathTest, Ctor) {
- ConfigureLogging();
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{}.AsStringView(), "."sv);
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{""}.AsStringView(), ""sv);
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{""sv}.AsStringView(), ""sv);
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{""s}.AsStringView(), ""sv);
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{"/hello/world"}.AsStringView(), "/hello/world"sv);
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{"/hello/world"s}.AsStringView(), "/hello/world"sv);
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{"/hello/world"sv}.AsStringView(), "/hello/world"sv);
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{"hello/world"}.AsStringView(), "hello/world"sv);
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{"hello/world"s}.AsStringView(), "hello/world"sv);
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{"hello/world"sv}.AsStringView(), "hello/world"sv);
- // Ensure that std::string is only owning memory when we move a string into it.
- // Otherwise, always take the string_view constructor.
- EXPECT_FALSE(PurePath{std::string{"hello"}}.IsBorrowed());
- std::string hello{"hello"};
- EXPECT_TRUE(PurePath{hello}.IsBorrowed());
- EXPECT_FALSE(PurePath{std::move(hello)}.IsBorrowed());
-TEST(PurePathTest, Parts) {
- ConfigureLogging();
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{}.PartsList(), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"."}.PartsList(), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"./"}.PartsList(), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"./."}.PartsList(), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{".///"}.PartsList(), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"./././."}.PartsList(), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"/"s}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("/"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"///"s}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("/"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"/hello"s}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("/"sv, "hello"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"/hello///"s}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("/"sv, "hello"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"/hello/world"s}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("/"sv, "hello"sv, "world"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"hello/world"sv}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("hello"sv, "world"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"hello/world"sv}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("hello"sv, "world"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"hello//world"sv}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("hello"sv, "world"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"hello/./world"sv}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("hello"sv, "world"sv));
- EXPECT_THAT(PurePath{"hello/./world/././"sv}.PartsList(), ElementsAre("hello"sv, "world"sv));
-#define EXPECT_PATH_EQ(lhs, rhs) EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{lhs}, PurePath{rhs})
-#define EXPECT_PATH_NE(lhs, rhs) EXPECT_NE(PurePath{lhs}, PurePath{rhs})
-TEST(PurePathTest, Equals) {
- ConfigureLogging();
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ("", "");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ(".", ".");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ("", ".");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ("./", ".");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ(".////", ".");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ(".//././", ".");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ("hello/world//", "hello/world");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ("hello/world//", "./hello/world");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ("//hello/world//", "/hello/world");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ("/./hello/world//", "/hello/world/./");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ("..", ".././.");
- EXPECT_PATH_EQ("../..//", "../..");
- // Also make sure that the path is not equal to its parent [which is a substring].
- EXPECT_PATH_NE("/data", "/data/baz");
- EXPECT_PATH_NE("/data/././baz", "/data/baz/bar");
- // Also make sure its not equal when the other path shares the same underlying starting data().
- {
- std::string_view view = "/data/bar";
- EXPECT_PATH_NE(PurePath{view}, PurePath{view.substr(/*pos*/0, /*count*/5)});
- }
-// A parent is always different than its child (except for '/').
-#define EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ(actual, expected) \
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{actual}.Parent(), PurePath{expected}); \
- { auto act = PurePath{actual}; \
- EXPECT_NE(act, act.Parent()); \
- }
-TEST(PurePathTest, Parent) {
- ConfigureLogging();
- // Special recursive case: parent of '/' is still '/'.
- EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{"/"}, PurePath{"/"}.Parent());
- EXPECT_NE(PurePath{""}, PurePath{"/"}.Parent());
- // All other cases are non-recursive.
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("..", "../..");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("../..", "../../..");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("../../../../../../../../..", "../../../../../../../../../..");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("/abc", "/");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("/foo/bar", "/foo");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("/foo/bar/b", "/foo/bar");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("/foo/bar///baz///././/nay", "/foo/bar/baz");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("foo/bar", "foo");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("foo/bar/b", "foo/bar");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("foo/bar///baz///././/nay", "foo/bar/baz");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("../foo/bar", "../foo");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("../foo/bar/b", "../foo/bar");
- EXPECT_PATH_PARENT_EQ("../foo/bar///baz///././/nay", "../foo/bar/baz");
-#define EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ(expected, actual) EXPECT_EQ(PurePath{actual}, PurePath{expected}.Name())
-TEST(PurePathTest, Name) {
- ConfigureLogging();
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("..", "..");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("../..", "..");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("../../../../../../../../..", "..");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("/abc", "abc");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("abc", "abc");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("/foo/bar", "bar");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("/foo/bar/b", "b");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("/foo/bar///baz///././/nay", "nay");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("/foo/bar///baz///././/nay//./.", "nay");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("foo/bar", "bar");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("foo/bar/b", "b");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("foo/bar///baz///././/nay", "nay");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("../foo/bar", "bar");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("../foo/bar/b", "b");
- EXPECT_PATH_NAME_EQ("../foo/bar///baz///././/nay", "nay");
-struct PathEntry {
- Inode inode;
- PurePath path; // full path
- static std::vector<PathEntry> Zip(std::vector<Inode>& inodes, std::vector<std::string>& paths) {
- CHECK_EQ(inodes.size(), paths.size());
- std::vector<PathEntry> entries;
- static bool debug = true; // Print only once.
- if (debug) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "PathEntry::Zip (begin)";
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < inodes.size(); ++i) {
- entries.push_back(PathEntry{inodes[i], PurePath{std::string{paths[i]}}});
- // TODO: this seems awkward, maybe refactor into PurePath + PurePathView ?
- DCHECK(entries[i].path.IsBorrowed() == false);
- if (debug) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "PathEntry - add " << inodes[i] << " at '" << paths[i] << "'";
- }
- }
- debug = false;
- return entries;
- }
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PathEntry& path_entry) {
- os << "PathEntry{inode=" << path_entry.inode << ",path=\"" << path_entry.path << "\"}";
- return os;
-// This super-inefficient class models a Tree to a list of absolute path names.
-// Obviously intended only for testing, since its algorithmically suboptimal.
-struct PathEntryTree {
- std::vector<PathEntry> entries;
- static constexpr bool debug{false};
-#define PET_LOG_DEBUG if (debug) LOG(DEBUG)
- std::optional<PathEntry> GetEntryFor(const std::string& path_name) {
- PurePath path{path_name};
- for (auto&& entry : entries) {
- if (entry.path == path) {
- return entry;
- }
- }
- return {};
- }
- bool HasDirectory(const std::string& path_name) {
- PurePath path{path_name};
- for (auto&& entry : entries) {
- if (entry.path == path) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- std::vector<PathEntry> OpenDirectory(const std::string& path_name) {
- PurePath path{path_name};
- return OpenDirectory(path);
- }
- std::vector<PathEntry> OpenDirectory(const PurePath& path) {
- std::vector<PathEntry> children;
- PET_LOG_DEBUG << "OpenDirectory(" << path << ")";
- for (auto&& entry : entries) {
- // Only find the immediate children, don't find any other offspring.
- PurePath parent = entry.path.Parent();
- if (parent == path) {
- if (parent == entry.path) {
- // Ignore recursive parents, e.g. '/'
- PET_LOG_DEBUG << "OpenDirectory - Ignore recursive parent " << parent;
- continue;
- }
- children.push_back(entry);
- DCHECK(!children.back().path.IsBorrowed());
- PET_LOG_DEBUG << "OpenDirectory - Child added = " << entry;
- }
- }
- return children;
- }
- size_t size() const {
- return entries.size();
- }
-static std::vector<std::string> ParseLines(const char* what) {
- std::vector<std::string> do_split = android::base::Split(what, "\n");
- std::vector<std::string> output;
- for (std::string& s : do_split) {
- if (s.size() != 0) {
- output.push_back(s);
- }
- }
- return output;
-static std::vector<Inode> ParseInodes(std::vector<std::string> inode_strings) {
- std::vector<Inode> results;
- for (std::string& s : inode_strings) {
- Inode inode;
- std::string error_msg;
- bool inode_parse_succeeded = Inode::Parse(s, /*out*/&inode, /*out*/&error_msg);
- CHECK(inode_parse_succeeded) << s << ", error: " << error_msg;
- results.push_back(inode);
- }
- return results;
-static PathEntryTree CreateFakePathEntries() {
-#if 1
- // adb shell 'find /data/data/ | xargs stat -c "%d@%i"'
- static const char* kInodeValues = R"1N0D3(
- const char* kPathNames = R"F1L3N4M3(
- static const char* kInodeValues = R"1N0D3(
- const char* kPathNames = R"F1L3N4M3(
- std::vector<std::string> inode_values = ParseLines(kInodeValues);
- std::vector<std::string> path_names = ParseLines(kPathNames);
- std::vector<Inode> inodes = ParseInodes(inode_values);
- return PathEntryTree{ PathEntry::Zip(inodes, path_names) };
-class FakeSystemCall : public SystemCall {
- public:
- // stat(2)
- virtual int stat(const char *pathname, struct stat *statbuf) override {
- if (pathname == nullptr || statbuf == nullptr) {
- errno = EINVAL;
- return -1;
- }
- std::optional<PathEntry> maybe_path_entry = path_entries_.GetEntryFor(pathname);
- if (!maybe_path_entry) {
- errno = ENOENT;
- return -1;
- }
- memset(statbuf, 0, sizeof(*statbuf));
- Inode inode = maybe_path_entry->inode;
- statbuf->st_dev = iorap::inode2filename::makedev(static_cast<int>(inode.device_major),
- static_cast<int>(inode.device_minor));
- statbuf->st_ino = static_cast<iorap::inode2filename::ino_t>(inode.inode);
- return 0;
- }
- static constexpr bool debug{false};
-#define FS_LOG_DEBUG if (debug) LOG(DEBUG)
- // opendir(3)
- virtual DIR *opendir(const char *name) override {
- FS_LOG_DEBUG << "opendir(" << name << ")";
- std::string name_str{name};
- if (path_entries_.HasDirectory(name_str)) {
- CHECK(!state_.open_);
- std::vector<PathEntry> children = path_entries_.OpenDirectory(name_str);
- state_ = State::Open(name_str, std::move(children));
- FS_LOG_DEBUG << "opendir - success, state address: " << &state_;
- return get_state_as_dir();
- }
- FS_LOG_DEBUG << "opendir - no matching entry, scanned " << path_entries_.size();
- // TODO. errno.
- errno = EINVAL;
- return nullptr;
- }
- // readdir(3)
- virtual struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dirp) override {
- DCHECK(dirp != nullptr);
- // We could also errno=EBADF but this seems more apropro to test.
- State* state = dir_to_state(dirp);
- (void) state;
- DCHECK(state != nullptr);
- std::optional<PathEntry> path_entry_opt = state->ReadDir();
- if (!path_entry_opt) {
- FS_LOG_DEBUG << "readdir(" << &state << ") - no children left ";
- // No more children left. We have exhausted them all.
- return nullptr;
- }
- PathEntry path_entry = *path_entry_opt;
- FS_LOG_DEBUG << "readdir(" << &state << ") - called for " << path_entry.path;
- // TODO. impelment this.
- static struct dirent dir_ent{};
- // Clear it again.
- memset(&dir_ent, 0, sizeof(dir_ent));
- dir_ent.d_ino = path_entry.inode.inode;
- FS_LOG_DEBUG << "readdir(" << &state << ") - children check" << path_entry.path;
- // Is this a file (no children) or a directory (some children)?
- //
- // In reality some directories might be empty too, but lets not worry about it yet.
- std::vector<PathEntry> children = path_entries_.OpenDirectory(path_entry.path);
- if (children.empty()) {
- dir_ent.d_type = DT_REG;
- } else {
- dir_ent.d_type = DT_DIR;
- }
- // the d_name must be just the final name component of a path.
- // Do not include the full path.
- std::string_view name_view = path_entry.path.Name();
- DCHECK_LT(name_view.size(), sizeof(dir_ent.d_name));
- std::copy(name_view.begin(),
- name_view.end(),
- &dir_ent.d_name[0]);
- dir_ent.d_name[name_view.size()] = '\0';
- FS_LOG_DEBUG << "readdir(" << &state << ") - return , d_name=\"" << dir_ent.d_name << "\""
- << ", d_type=" << (dir_ent.d_type == DT_REG ? "DT_REG" : "DT_DIR");
- return &dir_ent;
- }
- // closedir(3)
- virtual int closedir(DIR *dirp) override {
- CHECK(dirp != nullptr);
- State* state = dir_to_state(dirp);
- state->Close();
- return 0;
- }
- FakeSystemCall() {
- path_entries_ = CreateFakePathEntries();
- }
- private:
- struct State {
- std::string name_;
- bool open_{false};
- std::vector<PathEntry> children;
- static State Open(std::string name, std::vector<PathEntry> children) {
- return State{name, /*open*/true, std::move(children)};
- }
- std::optional<PathEntry> ReadDir() {
- if (children.empty()) {
- return {};
- }
- PathEntry last = children.back();
- children.pop_back();
- return { std::move(last) };
- }
- void Close() {
- CHECK(open_);
- open_ = false;
- }
- };
- DIR* get_state_as_dir() {
- return reinterpret_cast<DIR*>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(&state_));
- }
- State* dir_to_state(DIR* dirp) {
- return reinterpret_cast<State*>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dirp));
- }
- State state_;
- PathEntryTree path_entries_;
-class MockSystemCall : public SystemCall {
- public:
- INJECT(MockSystemCall()) {
- // Delegate calls to a fake (see the googlemock CookBook for more details).
- //
- DelegateToFake();
- WorkAroundForNiceMock();
- }
- ~MockSystemCall() {
- }
- MOCK_METHOD2(stat, int(const char *, struct stat *));
- MOCK_METHOD1(opendir, DIR*(const char *));
- MOCK_METHOD1(readdir, struct dirent*(DIR*));
- MOCK_METHOD1(closedir, int(DIR*));
- // Delegates the default actions of the methods to a FakeSystemCall object.
- // This must be called *before* the custom ON_CALL() statements.
- void DelegateToFake() {
- ON_CALL(*this, stat(_,_))
- .WillByDefault(Invoke(&fake_, &FakeSystemCall::stat));
- ON_CALL(*this, opendir(_))
- .WillByDefault(Invoke(&fake_, &FakeSystemCall::opendir));
- ON_CALL(*this, readdir(_))
- .WillByDefault(Invoke(&fake_, &FakeSystemCall::readdir));
- ON_CALL(*this, closedir(_))
- .WillByDefault(Invoke(&fake_, &FakeSystemCall::closedir));
- }
- void WorkAroundForNiceMock();
- private:
- FakeSystemCall fake_;
-// Don't print any warnings when methods are executed without EXPECT_CALL.
-//using NiceMockSystemCall = NiceMock<MockSystemCall>;
-// Can't use NiceMock<MockSystemCall> here, fails with this compilation error
-// external/google-fruit/include/fruit/impl/injection_errors.h:107:3: error: static_assert failed due to requirement 'AlwaysFalse<NiceMock<MockSystemCall> >::value' "C::Inject is a signature, but does not return a C. Maybe the class C has no Inject typedef and inherited the base class' one? If that's not the case, make sure it returns just C, not C* or other types."
-using NiceMockSystemCall = MockSystemCall;
-void MockSystemCall::WorkAroundForNiceMock() {
- // Should be able to use NiceMock instead, but fruit is having problems compiling.
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, stat).Times(AtLeast(0));
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, opendir).Times(AtLeast(0));
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, readdir).Times(AtLeast(0));
- EXPECT_CALL(*this, closedir).Times(AtLeast(0));
-fruit::Component<SearchDirectories, NiceMockSystemCall> getTestComponents() {
- return fruit::createComponent()
- .bind<SystemCall, NiceMockSystemCall>();
-// TODO: there might be a helper or similar to do this instead.
-template <typename T>
-static std::vector<T> subscribe_drain(std::pair<rxcpp::observable<T>,
- std::unique_ptr<SearchDirectories::RxAnyConnectable>> pair) {
- rxcpp::observable<T>& obs = pair.first;
- std::unique_ptr<SearchDirectories::RxAnyConnectable>& connectable_ptr = pair.second;
- std::vector<T> vec;
- obs.subscribe([&vec](auto&& x) {
- vec.push_back(IORAP_FORWARD_LAMBDA(x));
- });
- CHECK(connectable_ptr != nullptr);
- // Execute above lambda, blocking until all values are drained.
- connectable_ptr->connect();
- return vec;
-struct SearchDirectoriesParam {
- std::vector<std::string> root_directories;
- std::vector<Inode> search_inodes;
- std::vector<InodeResult> expected_results;
-template <typename It>
-std::ostream& iterator_to_stream(std::ostream& os, It begin, It end) {
- os << "{";
- while (begin != end) {
- os << *begin;
- os << ",";
- ++begin;
- }
- os << "}";
- return os;
-template <typename T>
-std::ostream& container_to_stream(std::ostream& os, T&& c) {
- return iterator_to_stream(os, c.begin(), c.end());
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SearchDirectoriesParam& p) {
- os << "{";
- os << "root_directories:";
- container_to_stream(os, p.root_directories);
- os << ", ";
- os << "search_inodes:";
- container_to_stream(os, p.search_inodes) << ", ";
- os << "expected_results:";
- container_to_stream(os, p.expected_results);
- os << "}";
- return os;
-struct SearchDirectoriesTest :
- public ::testing::TestWithParam<SearchDirectoriesParam> {
- static void SetUpTestCase() {
- ConfigureLogging();
- }
- virtual void SetUp() override {
- auto pair =
- search.FindFilenamesFromInodesPair(GetParam().root_directories,
- GetParam().search_inodes,
- SearchMode::kInProcessDirect);
- actual = subscribe_drain(std::move(pair));
- expected = GetParam().expected_results;
- }
- virtual void TearDown() override {
- // TODO.
- }
- protected:
- fruit::Injector<SearchDirectories, NiceMockSystemCall> injector{getTestComponents};
- SearchDirectories& search = injector.get<SearchDirectories&>();
- MockSystemCall& mock_syscall = injector.get<NiceMockSystemCall&>();
- std::vector<InodeResult> actual;
- std::vector<InodeResult> expected;
-TEST_P(SearchDirectoriesTest, ElementsAreArrayMatcher) {
- EXPECT_THAT(actual, ElementsAreArray(expected));
-auto MakeEmptyInodes(std::vector<std::string> root_dirs) {
- return SearchDirectoriesParam{root_dirs, /*inodes*/{}, /*actual*/{}};
-// When are are 0 inodes to search for, the results will be empty.
- SearchDirectoriesTest,
- ::testing::Values(
- MakeEmptyInodes(/*root_dirs*/{}),
- MakeEmptyInodes(/*root_dirs*/{""}),
- MakeEmptyInodes(/*root_dirs*/{"/"}),
- MakeEmptyInodes(/*root_dirs*/{"/abc"})
- ));
-auto MakeAllFailInodes(std::vector<std::string> root_dirs, std::vector<Inode> inodes) {
- std::vector<InodeResult> results;
- for (const Inode& inode : inodes) {
- results.push_back(InodeResult::makeFailure(inode, InodeResult::kCouldNotFindFilename));
- }
- return SearchDirectoriesParam{root_dirs, inodes, results};
-// TODO: fixme
-#if 1
-// When none of the inodes can be found, all results will be failing results.
- SearchDirectoriesTest,
- ::testing::Values(
- // TODO: why is empty root dir failing?
- // MakeAllFailInodes(/*root_dirs*/{}, {Inode{1,2,3}}),
- MakeAllFailInodes(/*root_dirs*/{"/"}, {Inode{1,2,3}}),
- MakeAllFailInodes(/*root_dirs*/{"/data"}, {Inode{1,2,3}}),
- MakeAllFailInodes(/*root_dirs*/{"/data/data"}, {Inode{1,2,3}})
- ));
-auto MakeAllPassInodes(std::vector<std::string> root_dirs, std::vector<std::string> inodes, std::vector<std::string> paths) {
- std::vector<InodeResult> results;
- std::vector<Inode> inodes_actual;
- size_t i = 0;
- for (const std::string& inode_str : inodes) {
- Inode inode;
- std::string error_msg;
- CHECK(Inode::Parse(inode_str, &inode, &error_msg));
- inodes_actual.push_back(inode);
- std::string& path = paths[i];
- results.push_back(InodeResult::makeSuccess(inode, path));
- ++i;
- }
- return SearchDirectoriesParam{root_dirs, inodes_actual, results};
-// Find all the inodes. Yay.
- SearchDirectoriesTest,
- ::testing::Values(
- MakeAllPassInodes(/*root_dirs*/{"/"}, {"66323@1127133"}, {"//data"}) // TODO: why is it adding an extra '/' ?
- ));