AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-20Update LLNDK list in VtsVndkDependencyTestoreo-dr1-devHsin-Yi Chen
2017-06-15Update LLNDK list in VtsVndkDependencyTestandroid-vts-8.0_r6android-vts-8.0_r5android-vts-8.0_r4android-vts-8.0_r2android-vts-8.0_r1oreo-devHsin-Yi Chen
2017-06-08Add to LLNDK in VtsVndkDependencyTest.pyHsin-Yi Chen
2017-06-07Add to LLNDK in VtsVndkDependencyTest.pyHsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-31Move ELF parser to utils am: bb0794dbe3 am: fd7373ce68 am: d99db09ccdHsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-31Move ELF parser to utils am: bb0794dbe3 am: fd7373ce68Hsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-31Move ELF parser to utils am: bb0794dbe3Hsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-31Move ELF parser to utilsHsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-24Move ELF parser to utilsandroid-o-preview-3Hsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-11Update VTS vndk-sp test am: 202b3e4835 am: b377b5c135 am: 10d6a6796eHsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-11Update VTS vndk-sp test am: 202b3e4835 am: b377b5c135Hsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-11Update VTS vndk-sp test am: 202b3e4835Hsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-11Update VTS vndk-sp testHsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-11Update VTS vndk-sp testHsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-10Update VTS vndk-sp test am: 9221e3393cHsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-10Update VTS vndk-sp testHsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-08Update VTS vndk-sp testHsin-Yi Chen
2017-05-02Add pre-upload style checker for cpp and java code am: 5aa93da814 am: 37773c5...Yuexi Ma
2017-05-02Add pre-upload style checker for cpp and java code am: 5aa93da814 am: 37773c54c9Yuexi Ma
2017-05-02Add pre-upload style checker for cpp and java code am: 5aa93da814Yuexi Ma
2017-05-02Add pre-upload style checker for cpp and java codeYuexi Ma
2017-04-13Add pre-upload style checker for cpp and java codeandroid-wear-o-preview-4android-wear-o-preview-3android-o-preview-2Yuexi Ma
2017-03-20Remove dependency on BaseTestWithWebDbClass. am: 38df957d08 am: 6b7d61df78Tri Vo
2017-03-20Remove dependency on BaseTestWithWebDbClass. am: 38df957d08Tri Vo
2017-03-20Remove dependency on BaseTestWithWebDbClass.Tri Vo
2017-03-20Remove dependency on BaseTestWithWebDbClass.Tri Vo
2017-02-28remove python version am: 8e0c47298a am: 188628f3e1Yuexi Ma
2017-02-28remove python version am: 8e0c47298aYuexi Ma
2017-02-28remove python versionYuexi Ma
2017-02-28remove python versionandroid-o-preview-1o-previewYuexi Ma
2017-02-23Add test for VNDK same-process lib am: 5f910a5994 am: 655b1abcb8Hsin-Yi Chen
2017-02-23Add test for VNDK same-process lib am: 5f910a5994Hsin-Yi Chen
2017-02-23Add test for VNDK same-process libHsin-Yi Chen
2017-02-23Add test for VNDK same-process libHsin-Yi Chen
2017-02-23Add test case for VNDK dependency am: a42b1c7a99 am: f576a9fd9cHsin-Yi Chen
2017-02-23Add test case for VNDK dependency am: a42b1c7a99Hsin-Yi Chen
2017-02-23Add test case for VNDK dependencyHsin-Yi Chen
2017-02-22Add test case for VNDK dependencyHsin-Yi Chen
2017-02-16Initial empty repositorykuantung