AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-26Update bouncycastle dependency to 1.77mirror-goog-studio-mainHakan Mehmed
2024-01-25Make compilation and tests passIvan Gavrilovic
2024-01-25Import of apksig using Copybara.Google
2023-06-02Revert "Compile to JVM target 17"studio-2023.3.1-canary8studio-2023.3.1-canary03studio-2023.2.1-rc1studio-2023.2.1-canary05studio-2023.2.1-beta02studio-2023.2.1Ivan Gavrilovic
2023-04-27Compile to JVM target 17Hung Nguyen
2022-09-09Add missing apksig dependenices and clean up codestudio-2022.3.1-rc1studio-2022.3.1-canary8studio-2022.3.1-canary1studio-2022.3.1-beta2studio-2022.3.1studio-mainIvan Gavrilovic
2022-09-09Import of apksig using Copybara.Google
2022-05-23Compile to jvm target 11Ivan Gavrilovic
2021-10-15[Hybrid build] apksig is built with bazelstudio-2021.3.1-betastudio-2021.3.1studio-betaChris Warrington
2021-08-06Replace //tools/base/third_party deps with @mavenEmre Kultursay
2021-07-07Include LICENSE file in AGP buildChris Warrington
2021-06-18Add support for a bazel prebuild step for AGPChris Warrington
2021-02-24Add hashCode() method to SigningCertificateNodemirror-goog-studio-master-devIvan Gavrilovic
2021-02-24Revert "Suppress existing errorprone warning"Ivan Gavrilovic
2021-02-22Suppress existing errorprone warningTom Renn
2020-11-13Avoid using deprecated Gradle configurationsIvan Gavrilovic
2020-11-11Remove deprecated Gradle configurationsIvan Gavrilovic
2020-08-24Apply precompiled plugin scriptsIvan Gavrilovic
2020-05-05Generate source file lists for baseline coverageEric Reed
2020-04-24Merge "Update apksigner.bat to not use find_java" into studio-master-devJoe Baker-Malone
2020-04-23Update apksigner.bat to not use find_javaJoe Baker-Malone
2020-04-21Import of apksig using Copybara.Google
2020-04-15Import of apksig using Copybara.Google
2020-03-04Removed unused bintray setup.Xavier Ducrohet
2019-04-12Import of apksig using Copybara.studio-4.0.0Google
2019-03-12Import of apksig using Copybara.Google
2019-03-05Tag tests for coverage runsEric Reed
2019-02-28Import of apksig using Copybara.Google
2019-01-21Add test resources to IDE to be able to run all testsFedor Kudasov
2019-01-18Make apksig tests runnable from IDEFedor Kudasov
2019-01-10Import of apksig using Copybara.Google
2018-12-28Import of apksig using Copybara.Google
2018-09-20Specify dependency on JUnit explicitlystudio-3.4.0gradle_3.4.0Michal Bendowski
2018-08-22Add Java langtools to apksigner dep.Armand Navabi
2018-06-07tools/base idea project: fix "Scroll from source"Chris Warrington
2018-02-15Merge "Maven repository: NOTICE files in bazel." into studio-master-devTreeHugger Robot
2018-02-15Remove OWNERS from apksig.Chris Warrington
2018-02-13Maven repository: NOTICE files in bazel.Chris Warrington
2018-01-02Restrict access to non-public apksig API in Bazel buildsAlex Klyubin
2017-12-27Small improvements to documentation am: 1337d0c256 am: 8710ff5c7bAlex Klyubin
2017-12-27Small improvements to documentation am: 1337d0c256Alex Klyubin
2017-12-27Small improvements to documentationAlex Klyubin
2017-12-22Small improvements to documentationAlex Klyubin
2017-12-08Create publicly visible apksig-all target am: 1337ba2e13 am: 2b150f1fd8Alex Klyubin
2017-12-08Create publicly visible apksig-all target am: 1337ba2e13Alex Klyubin
2017-12-08Create publicly visible apksig-all targetAlex Klyubin
2017-12-08Fix linter warnings am: 1337c0de69 am: 7403f5c01dAlex Klyubin
2017-12-07Create publicly visible apksig-all targetAlex Klyubin
2017-12-07Fix linter warnings am: 1337c0de69Alex Klyubin
2017-12-07Fix linter warningsAlex Klyubin