AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-08-24Add makefile for now to build the tool without tests, remove tests for Dobek
2017-08-23Add makefile for now to build the tool without tests, remove tests for now.Tom Dobek
2017-08-17Revert "Add initial make files. The tests will be fixed once Truth is importe...Jin Qian
2017-08-17Revert "Add initial make files. The tests will be fixed once Truth is importe...Jin Qian
2017-08-17Add initial make files. The tests will be fixed once Truth is imported to And...Tom Dobek
2017-08-17Add initial make files. The tests will be fixed once Truth is importedTom Dobek
2017-08-17Project import generated by Copybara.Android AppBundle
2017-08-17Back to the almost empty tree. Test: n/aTom Dobek
2017-08-17Merge branch 'master' of persistent-https://googleplex-android.git.corp.googl...Tom Dobek
2017-08-17Project import generated by Copybara.Android AppBundle
2017-08-02Back to the almost empty tree.Tom Dobek
2017-08-02Merge branch 'master' of persistent-https://googleplex-android.git.corp.googl...Tom Dobek
2017-08-02Initial, fledgling implementation of bundle2installable tool.kuantung
2017-07-31Initial empty repositorykuantung