path: root/rpclib
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-03-11Change rpc encoding to use variable length integersIan Cottrell
2015-03-10Regenerate java code for recent changesIan Cottrell
2015-02-27Fix Decoder object ref. handling and complete test coverage of rpclib.binary.Seb Noury
2015-02-24Fix an NPE when encoding null strings, and add more tests.Seb Noury
2015-02-24Fix rpclib Handle.toString sign and add more tests.Seb Noury
2015-02-23Add tests for rpclib Handle.Seb Noury
2015-02-23Fix arraycopy order in rpc Handle creation and toString format.Seb Noury
2015-02-20Replace rpccore.ResourceId with binary.Handle as base type for all RPC ids.Seb Noury
2015-02-18Fix rpclib code style and misc issues, update RPC unsigned types.Esteban de la Canal
2015-02-11Move gfxtrace-specific RPC classes from rpclib to gfxtrace.Seb Noury
2015-02-02Updating rpclib to latest.Chester Hsieh
2015-01-28Adding RPC files for GFX capture UI.Chester Hsieh