path: root/base
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-01-14Merge "Make the Java 1.6 check only occur when running a "build-like" task." ...C. Sean Young
2015-01-14added automatic push to sonatype's maven centralJerome Dochez
2015-01-14removed dryrun settingJerome Dochez
2015-01-14forced pom files decoration for the maven-publish plugin.Jerome Dochez
2015-01-02Make the Java 1.6 check only occur when running a "build-like" task.C. Sean Young
2014-12-19Don't build JavaDoc unless we're publishing the artifacts.Michal Bendowski
2014-12-18Merge "Top-level "init" task for initializing a fresh repo." into studio-1.1-devMichal Bendowski
2014-12-17added project specifics publishLocal configurationJerome Dochez
2014-12-17Configure the pom file at the local publishing timeJerome Dochez
2014-12-17Top-level "init" task for initializing a fresh repo.Michal Bendowski
2014-12-12New base:annotations project.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-12-11Remove gradle-model module.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-12-11Merge "added support for bintray deployment." into studio-1.1-devJerome Dochez
2014-12-11added support for bintray deployment.Jerome Dochez
2014-12-08Update Gradle plugin to 1.0.1Xavier Ducrohet
2014-12-08Disable findbugs.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-12-04Gradle plugin version 1.0.0Xavier Ducrohet
2014-12-04Update Gradle plugin version to rc4.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-12-03Update version to 1.0.0 RC3Xavier Ducrohet
2014-12-02Update plugin version to 1.0-rc2Xavier Ducrohet
2014-11-24Update gradle plugin version to 1.0.0-rc1Xavier Ducrohet
2014-11-19Update version to 0.14.4Xavier Ducrohet
2014-11-18Update version to 0.14.3Xavier Ducrohet
2014-11-18Update version to 0.14.3Raymond Chiu
2014-11-14Re-enable the :base:docs project.Michal Bendowski
2014-11-14Remove traces of :base:docs project.Michal Bendowski
2014-11-13Copy docs-related plugins from Gradle distribution.Michal Bendowski
2014-11-12Log all failed tests to the console.Michal Bendowski
2014-11-11Move offline repo logic into buildSrc.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-11-10Add integration-test projectRaymond Chiu
2014-11-04Update version to 0.14.2Xavier Ducrohet
2014-10-31Update version to 0.14.1Xavier Ducrohet
2014-10-28Remove gradle-dist-link in setupGradleInIde if exist.Raymond Chiu
2014-10-07Provide an uploadLocal for local publish of gradle plugin.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-10-07Call dist task on build server.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-09-22Add new project.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-09-18Update version for base and gradle.ub-tools-idea133-releaseidea133Xavier Ducrohet
2014-09-18Added tasks to create a maven style repo directory and zip file.Jerome Dochez
2014-09-16Fixed cloneArtifacts taskJerome Dochez
2014-09-09enforce findbugs 2.0.3.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-07-24Disable running hierarchyviewer tests from the command linestudio_0.8.6adt_23.0.3Siva Velusamy
2014-07-23Update path to monitor (now at sdk/eclipse/monitor)Siva Velusamy
2014-07-22Updated version.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-07-10Add perflib to the main gradle project.ub-tools-idea133-milestoneEsteban de la Canal
2014-07-09Fix test results dir.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-07-09Misc fix.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-07-09Fix setupGradleInIde task.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-07-01Update version to 23.0.1/0.12.1Xavier Ducrohet
2014-06-27Update version to 23.0.1/0.12.1Xavier Ducrohet
2014-06-27Add external/emma.Xavier Ducrohet