path: root/program.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-05-04Merge pull request #149 from tildeleb/masterPeter Waller
2014-05-04added function GetActiveAttribLawrence E. Bakst
2014-04-30Fix code design for the program typeThomas Bruyelle
2013-10-21Workaround GLEW bug: C wrapper to silently cast GLchar into char.Niriel
2013-10-18Added GetUniformBlockIndex and UniformBlockBinding.Niriel
2013-09-20GLuint, GLsizei -> intMiroslav Puda
2013-09-20Added glGetActiveUniform()Miroslav Puda
2013-06-29Add Program.BindFragDataLocation and Program.GetFragDataLocationEmil Arfvidsson
2012-10-20Refactor C import commentsPeter Waller
2012-10-20Initial reorganization: split objects up to different filesPeter Waller