AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-11-29goprotobuf: Use a standard redirecting AUTHORS and CONTRIBUTORS file.David Symonds
2012-11-26goprotobuf: Add Jeff Hodges to CONTRIBUTORS (individual CLA).David Symonds
2012-09-12goprotobuf: Add Russ Cox to CONTRIBUTORS.David Symonds
2012-08-22goprotobuf: Optimize tag lookups and stype handling.David Symonds
2011-04-28goprotobuf: add nigeltao to CONTRIBUTORS (Google CLA).David Symonds
2011-03-08CONTRIBUTORS: add Dave Cheney <dave@cheney.net>Rob Pike
2010-11-29add krautz to CONTRIBUTORS for goprotobufRob Pike
2010-03-20Go support for protocol buffers.Rob Pike