path: root/protoc-gen-go/testdata
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-02-09Update comments, package declarations and syntax statements.David Symonds
2014-12-22Support map<k,v> protocol buffer fields.David Symonds
2014-11-28Support proto3.David Symonds
2014-11-24Update URLs and import paths to new GitHub home.David Symonds
2014-10-12goprotobuf: Generate JSON marshal/unmarshal methods for MessageSet.David Symonds
2014-10-12goprotobuf: Add method to extending message to get list of messages extended.David Symonds
2014-06-20goprotobuf: Required extensions don't make sense.David Symonds
2014-04-14goprotobuf: Remove never-used import of encoding/json in generated code.David Symonds
2014-01-13goprotobuf: Generate package docs.David Symonds
2013-10-11goprotobuf: Remove MarshalJSON methods from generated enum types.David Symonds
2013-09-18goprotobuf: Make the default default of an enum field be the value of the fir...David Symonds
2013-08-07goprotobuf: Fix handling of publicly imported enum types.David Symonds
2013-07-26goprotobuf: Present comments in .proto files in the generated .pb.go.David Symonds
2013-07-26goprotobuf: Switch to using protobuf-2.5.0 as the baseline.David Symonds
2013-05-03goprotobuf: Allow groups to be treated as messages.David Symonds
2013-03-23goprotobuf: Preserve unknown fields in groups, and generate repeated field ge...David Symonds
2013-01-30goprotobuf: Repeated field getters.David Symonds
2012-12-20goprotobuf: Cache extension properties.David Symonds
2012-11-29goprotobuf: Use a standard redirecting AUTHORS and CONTRIBUTORS file.David Symonds
2012-11-07goprotobuf: Don't treat groups as messages.David Symonds
2012-09-18goprotobuf: Public import getters.David Symonds
2012-08-30goprotobuf: Fix Marshal crash on typed nil.David Symonds
2012-08-15goprotobuf: Register unique names for encoding/json and math imports.David Symonds
2012-08-04goprotobuf: JSON helpers for enum types.David Symonds
2012-07-02goprotobuf: Remove GetString (etc.) and generated enum NewT functions.David Symonds
2012-06-28goprotobuf: Generate getters.David Symonds
2012-06-14goprotobuf: Introduce new proto.Message type.David Symonds
2012-05-08goprotobuf: Better enum construction.David Symonds
2012-05-05goprotobuf: Repeated extensions.David Symonds
2012-03-23goprotobuf: Generate []byte for weak fields.David Symonds
2012-03-23goprotobuf: Completely omit XXX_ fields from proto JSON output.David Symonds
2012-03-15goprotobuf: fix generation of multi test protos, and make main_test run again.David Symonds
2012-03-15goprotobuf: fix compiler golden testDavid Symonds
2012-02-15goprotobuf: enable and fix the link testRob Pike
2012-02-15goprotobuf: Fix diffing in golden tests. Fix compiler golden test file.David Symonds
2012-02-15goprotobuf: Move compiler golden test data around.David Symonds
2012-02-13goprotobuf: start making it build with the go tool instead of make.Rob Pike