AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-08Updated SDK with build-tools;29.0.2HEADstudio-4.0.0studio-master-devmastermainJoe Baker-Malone
2019-05-15Add side-by-side ndk to remote repoJoe Baker-Malone
2018-11-21Update platform to Android-28parentej
2018-09-25Update to build tools 28.0.3 (sdk/remote).Hung Nguyen
2018-08-28Ensure .bak files are exported for NDK download testsBradley Smith
2018-08-23Add remote SDK packages required for NDK auto download testsBradley Smith
2018-08-15Update SDK with build-tools;28.0.2 (remote).Hung Nguyen
2018-01-11Update platforms to API 27Tor Norbye
2018-01-11Updated SDK with build-tools;27.0.3Ivan Gavrilovic
2017-11-07Build tools 27.0.1 are released.Chris Warrington
2017-11-02Update build tools to 27.0.0 in remote sdkChris Warrington
2017-10-20Export remote SDK as files.Chris Warrington
2017-10-20Add remote sdk artifacts.Chris Warrington
2017-10-10Initial empty repositoryThomas Joseph Avila