path: root/make.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-07-29Use an array of paths to clean generated java code fromIan Cottrell
2015-07-20Make clean_java workIan Cottrell
2015-07-15Rip out rpcapi. The _rpc file is now the main generation point for all the re...Ian Cottrell
2015-07-14Remove README.md build rulesIan Cottrell
2015-07-13Shuffling the codergen stuff into a sane package layoutIan Cottrell
2015-07-13Moving the binary generate package into codergenIan Cottrell
2015-07-13Move codergen to the tools areaIan Cottrell
2015-07-08Trigger code generation when files are missing.Anton Carver
2015-07-06Use port 9283 for integration tests, 9286 is already used by gapii.Seb Noury
2015-07-06Add dependency between gapir and code. b/22288048.Anton Carver
2015-07-06Make the local replayd port configurable.Anton Carver
2015-07-01Clean up the maker rules for gfxapi handlingIan Cottrell
2015-07-01Expunge the old schema systemIan Cottrell
2015-06-29Add shutdown support to replayd. Have make.go shutdown replayd.Anton Carver
2015-06-25Generate README.md documentation on buildBen Clayton
2015-06-23Fix for cross compiled build.Anton Carver
2015-06-23Fix dependencies. Remove some confusing target names.Anton Carver
2015-06-18Add the ability to disable specific build steps in the graphIan Cottrell
2015-06-18Fix build bot for deprecation of build.goAnton Carver
2015-06-18Remove duplicate HostOS and HostExecutableExtensionAnton Carver
2015-06-18Integrate "build" and "maker" build systems.Anton Carver
2015-06-11Adding gapit tool for taking captures from the command lineIan Cottrell
2015-06-02Add generic system for shared resource locks to makerIan Cottrell
2015-06-01Add semantic.SliceAssign, fix GAPII to work with observations.Ben Clayton
2015-06-01Remove verbose flag from codergen build ruleIan Cottrell
2015-06-01Add back generation of java code.Ian Cottrell
2015-05-29Codergen generated C++ encode and decode functionalityIan Cottrell
2015-05-29rm cc/gfxspy, mv cc/gfxspy2/src cc/gapiiBen Clayton
2015-05-29Add string function generation to codergenIan Cottrell
2015-05-28Only add the android targets if you have ANDROID_NDK_ROOT setIan Cottrell
2015-05-28Add ability to disable the apic code generation step from the command lineIan Cottrell
2015-05-28Don't use stringer for schema.MethodIan Cottrell
2015-05-19Add new adb package for controlling connected android devices.Ben Clayton
2015-05-13Initial drop of experimental client into public repositoryIan Cottrell
2015-05-13Add copyright updating ruleIan Cottrell
2015-05-13Switch generate to use new schema structures for consistency and clarityIan Cottrell
2015-05-13New schema system in the binary packageIan Cottrell
2015-05-12make: add android-arm64 to default build targets.Seb Noury
2015-05-11Rename markdown files with correct extensionBen Clayton
2015-05-11Add markdown documentation generated from godocBen Clayton
2015-05-11Cannocial path handlingIan Cottrell
2015-05-08Add stringer rulesIan Cottrell
2015-05-07Add make rule that runs clean_generated on the gpu repositoryIan Cottrell
2015-05-07Fix embed rule including directoriesIan Cottrell
2015-05-07The new build system.Ian Cottrell