AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-23Snap for 9803299 from eec621c4fd41dd16e3b74c94e95798bab8cd271e to Build Coastguard Worker
2023-03-16Merge GoogleLogin plugin into Android pluginVidish Naik
2022-11-22Deprecate use of UrlAssistIcons.javastudio-2022.3.1-canary8studio-2022.3.1-canary1Chris Sinco
2022-11-22Don't use ShellCommandLauncher in AppIndexingResultPanelPolina Koval
2022-09-06Remove ApkInfo#getFile()Ahmet Kerim Senol
2022-09-01Adopt refactor of login pluginJoe Baker-Malone
2022-06-15Update after GoogleLogin refactoringPeter Xu
2022-05-03Do not trigger Gradle sync automaticallyYuriy Solodkyy
2022-04-26Convert GradleSyncInvoker to KotlinYuriy Solodkyy
2022-01-21Use JvmImportTom Renn
2021-11-20Move AndroidModel to Solodkyy
2021-09-26IDEA-197164: deprecate treeDownArrow & treeRightArrow icons in AllIcons.NodesSergey Malenkov
2021-07-19Fix getting APK location for app indexing testingYuriy Solodkyy
2021-04-06Move IDE Gradle models to IDE source code repositorymirror-goog-studio-master-devYuriy Solodkyy
2021-04-06Rename package:{ide.common => tools.idea}.gradleYuriy Solodkyy
2021-02-06Moves bundled dependencies to plugin defEsteban de la Canal
2021-02-05Remove protobuf libraryEsteban de la Canal
2021-02-01Removes Guava libraryEsteban de la Canal
2020-11-03Add dependency to the groovy pluginEsteban de la Canal
2020-10-26Remove bundle_data propertyEsteban de la Canal
2020-10-16Finalize unbundled rules migrationEsteban de la Canal
2020-10-09Remove old iml_module ruleEsteban de la Canal
2020-10-07Remove direct dependencies on IJ modulesEsteban de la Canal
2020-09-18Remove java plugin as is now part of the SDKEsteban de la Canal
2020-09-16Add studio-sdk as a libraryEsteban de la Canal
2020-08-25Update unbundled rulesEsteban de la Canal
2020-08-18Update BUILD rules after IDEA 202.6397.94 mergeDana Dahlstrom
2020-08-15Update unbundled rulesEsteban de la Canal
2020-08-10Separate IdeAndroidArtifactOutput and OutputFileYuriy Solodkyy
2020-07-28Update BUILD rules after IDEA 202.5103.13 mergeDana Dahlstrom
2020-07-28Begin splitting IdeAndroidArtifactOutputYuriy Solodkyy
2020-07-24Adds libraries to use when unbundled from IJEsteban de la Canal
2020-07-22Update BUILD rules after IDEA 202.4357.23 mergeDana Dahlstrom
2020-07-22Remove unused importsYuriy Solodkyy
2020-07-19Use IdeAndroidArtifact in the IDE codeYuriy Solodkyy
2020-07-09Update BUILD files with bundled depsEsteban de la Canal
2020-07-06Add iml_module rules for the unbundled projectEsteban de la Canal
2020-06-14Updates BUILD filesestebandlc
2020-06-12Updates BUILD filesestebandlc
2020-06-09Fix some terminologyTor Norbye
2020-06-03Add lint checks to the appindexing projectTor Norbye
2020-05-29Updates BUILD filesEsteban de la Canal
2020-05-13Updates Build Filesestebandlc
2020-05-11Update BUILD rules after IDEA 201.7223.91 mergeDana Dahlstrom
2020-04-27Update BUILD rules after IDEA 201.6487.11 mergeDana Dahlstrom
2020-03-17Update BUILD rules after IDEA 201.3803.71 mergeDana Dahlstrom
2020-03-17[lang-impl] fix deprecation problemsYann Cébron
2020-02-26Add dependency on gradle-dsl.Yuriy Solodkyy
2020-02-25Get ArtifactDependencySpec directly from modelYuriy Solodkyy
2020-02-04Update BUILD filesRaluca Sauciuc