path: root/chimpchat
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-12-02Chimpchat: use shell timeout from DdmPreferences instead of hardcodingVojtech Bocek
2014-05-21Update build to the new no-snapshot version.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-05-15Update project setup.Xavier Ducrohet
2014-05-08Update build files to build from tools/Xavier Ducrohet
2013-10-08Fix MonkeyRunner's handling of accessibility ids.Jose Mayol
2013-06-12Change Eclipse compiler errors for null issues to warningsTor Norbye
2013-05-03Fix Chimpchat ImageUtilsTestRaphael Moll
2013-03-18Fix sourceSets.Xavier Ducrohet
2013-03-18Fix eclipse project dependencies.Xavier Ducrohet
2013-03-13Move chimpchat to tools/swt.Raphael Moll