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authorJason Stanko <>2024-01-04 17:06:12 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2024-01-04 17:06:12 +0000
commit7468a5497c9187ef276a329711a54e148c5330a2 (patch)
parentc0a7588de6e7926e8149b2166dc7ac4e3502f408 (diff)
parent7c5e6c5af34ef1231ea6b9d771653f9db4b11514 (diff)
Merge "Add CMW500 IPerf controller." into main
1 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/acts/framework/acts/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/ b/acts/framework/acts/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ac828cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acts/framework/acts/controllers/rohdeschwarz_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2024 - The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Provides classes for managing IPerf sessions on CMW500 callboxes."""
+from enum import Enum
+import time
+class IPerfMode(Enum):
+ """Supported IPerf directions."""
+class IPerfType(Enum):
+ """Supported Iperf applications."""
+ IPERF3 = 'IP3'
+ # NAT = 'NAT' # unsupported ATM
+class IPerfProtocol(Enum):
+ """Supported protocol types."""
+ TCP = 'TCP'
+ UDP = 'UDP'
+class IPerfMeasurementState(Enum):
+ """Possible measurement states."""
+ OFF = 'OFF'
+ RUN = 'RUN'
+def _try_parse(s, fun):
+ """Attempt to parse the value with the provided function or return None
+ if an error is encountered.
+ Args
+ s: the string to parse
+ fun: requested parse function.
+ """
+ try:
+ return fun(s)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+class Cmw500IPerfMeasurement(object):
+ """Class for managing IPerf measurement sessions on CMX500."""
+ def __init__(self, cmw, meas_id=1):
+ """Initializes a new CMW500 Iperf Measurement.
+ Examples::
+ Using just a single client:
+ measurement = Cmw500IPerfMeasurement(cmw)
+ measurement.configure_services(0, 1)
+ measurement.test_time = 10
+ ...
+ measurement.start()
+ client = measurement.clients[0]
+ last_count = None
+ while measurement.state == IPerfMeasurementState.RUN:
+ count = client.count
+ throughput = client.throughput
+ if count != last_count:
+ last_count = count
+ print(f"Took measurement: {throughput}")
+ # Results are updated every 1 second, so wait 0.5 for margin
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ """
+ self._cmw = cmw
+ self._meas_id = meas_id
+ # CMW can run up to a max of 8 client and 8 server instances in parallel
+ # track of how many servers/cients have been requested.
+ self._server_count = 0
+ self._client_count = 0
+ # CMW always has 8 clients and 8 servers, privately initialize all of
+ # them so we can disable the ones that aren't requested.
+ self._clients = [
+ CMW500IPerfService(cmw, meas_id, i + 1, IPerfMode.CLIENT)
+ for i in range(8)
+ ]
+ self._servers = [
+ CMW500IPerfService(cmw, meas_id, i + 1, IPerfMode.SERVER)
+ for i in range(8)
+ ]
+ def configure_services(self, server_count, client_count):
+ """Configures the IPerf services.
+ Args:
+ server_count: the number of servers to initialize.
+ client_count: the number of clients to initialize.
+ """
+ if server_count > 8:
+ raise CmwIPerfError(
+ 'CMW500 supports a maximum of 8 active servers, {} requested'.
+ format(server_count))
+ if client_count > 8:
+ raise CmwIPerfError(
+ 'CMW500 supports a maximum of 8 active clients, {} requested'.
+ format(client_count))
+ self._server_count = server_count
+ self._client_count = client_count
+ # CMW500 contains 8 servers/client applications, enable only requested
+ # services and disable the rest.
+ for i in range(server_count):
+ self._servers[i].enabled = True
+ for i in range(server_count, 8):
+ self._servers[i].enabled = False
+ for i in range(client_count):
+ self._clients[i].enabled = True
+ for i in range(client_count, 8):
+ self._clients[i].enabled = False
+ def start(self):
+ """Starts the performance measurement on the callbox."""
+ if self.test_type != IPerfType.IPERF:
+ raise CmwIPerfError(
+ 'Unable to run performance test, test type {} not supported'.
+ format(self.test_type))
+ cmd = 'INITiate:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf'.format(self._meas_id)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ self._wait_for_state(
+ {IPerfMeasurementState.RUN, IPerfMeasurementState.READY})
+ def stop(self):
+ """Halts the measurement immediately and puts it the RDY state."""
+ cmd = 'STOP:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf'.format(self._meas_id)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ self._wait_for_state(
+ {IPerfMeasurementState.OFF, IPerfMeasurementState.READY})
+ def close(self):
+ """Halts the measurement immediately and puts it the OFF state."""
+ cmd = 'ABORt:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf'.format(self._meas_id)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ self._wait_for_state({IPerfMeasurementState.OFF})
+ @property
+ def servers(self):
+ """Gets all enabled servers."""
+ return self._servers[:self._server_count]
+ @property
+ def clients(self):
+ """Gets all enabled clients."""
+ return self._clients[:self._client_count]
+ @property
+ def ipv4_address(self):
+ """Gets the current DAU IPv4 address."""
+ cmd = 'SENSe:DATA:CONTrol:IPVFour:CURRent:IPADdress?'
+ return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd).strip('"\'')
+ @property
+ def test_time(self):
+ """Gets the duration of the IPerf measurement."""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:TDURation?'.format(self._meas_id)
+ return int(self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd))
+ @test_time.setter
+ def test_time(self, duration):
+ """Gets the duration of the IPerf measurement.
+ Args:
+ duration: the length of the IPerf measurement (in s).
+ """
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:TDURation {}'.format(
+ self._meas_id, duration)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ @property
+ def test_type(self):
+ """Gets the type of IPerf application to use."""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:TYPE?'.format(self._meas_id)
+ return IPerfType(self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd))
+ @test_type.setter
+ def test_type(self, mode):
+ """Sets the type of IPerf application to use.
+ Args:
+ mode: IPER/IP3
+ """
+ if not isinstance(mode, IPerfType):
+ raise ValueError('mode should be the instance of IPerfType')
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:TYPE {}'.format(
+ self._meas_id, mode.value)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ @property
+ def packet_size(self):
+ """Gets the IPerf session packet size."""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:PSIZe?'.format(self._meas_id)
+ return int(self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd))
+ @packet_size.setter
+ def packet_size(self, size):
+ """Sets the IPerf session packet size.
+ Args:
+ size: the packet size in B
+ """
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:PSIZe {}'.format(
+ self._meas_id, size)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ @property
+ def state(self):
+ """Gets the current state of the measurement"""
+ cmd = 'FETCh:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:STATe?'.format(self._meas_id)
+ return IPerfMeasurementState(self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd))
+ def _wait_for_state(self, states, timeout=10):
+ """Polls the measurement state until it reaches an allowable state
+ Args:
+ states: the allowed states
+ timeout: the maximum amount time to wait
+ """
+ while timeout > 0:
+ if self.state in states:
+ return
+ time.sleep(1)
+ timeout -= 1
+ raise CmwIPerfError('Failed enter IPerf state: {}.'.format(states))
+class CMW500IPerfService(object):
+ """Class for controlling a single IPerf measurement instance."""
+ def __init__(self, cmw, meas_id, service_id, mode):
+ """Initializes a CMW500 IPerf service instance.
+ Args:
+ cmw: the cmw500 instrument controller.
+ meas_idx: the cmw500 measurement instance to use (always 1).
+ service_id: the client/sever id [1 - 8].
+ mode: the IPerf mode to use (client/server).
+ """
+ self._cmw = cmw
+ self._meas_id = meas_id
+ self._service_id = service_id
+ self._mode = mode
+ @property
+ def enabled(self):
+ """Gets if the measurement is enabled."""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:ENABle?'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id)
+ return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd) == 'ON'
+ @enabled.setter
+ def enabled(self, enabled):
+ """Sets if the measurement is enabled.
+ Args:
+ enabled: True/False
+ """
+ status = 'ON' if enabled else 'OFF'
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:ENABle {}'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id, status)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ @property
+ def protocol(self):
+ """Gets the IPerf protocol."""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:PROTocol?'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id)
+ return IPerfProtocol(self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd))
+ @protocol.setter
+ def protocol(self, protocol):
+ """Sets the IPerf protocol.
+ Args:
+ protocol: TCP/UDP
+ """
+ if not isinstance(protocol, IPerfProtocol):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'protocol should be the instance of IPerfProtocolType')
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:PROTocol {}'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id, protocol.value)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ @property
+ def ip_address(self):
+ """Gets the service IP address (clients only)."""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:IPADdress?'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id)
+ return self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd).strip('"\'')
+ @ip_address.setter
+ def ip_address(self, address):
+ """Sets the service IP address (clients only).
+ Args:
+ address: ip address of the IPerf server
+ """
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:IPADdress "{}"'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id, address)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ @property
+ def port(self):
+ """Gets the IPerf client/server port."""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:PORT?'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id)
+ return int(self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd))
+ @port.setter
+ def port(self, port):
+ """Gets the IPerf client/server port.
+ Args:
+ port: the port number to use
+ """
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:PORT {}'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id, port)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ @property
+ def parallel_connections(self):
+ """Gets the number of parallel connections (TCP only)"""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:PCONnection?'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id)
+ return int(self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd))
+ @parallel_connections.setter
+ def parallel_connections(self, parallel_count):
+ """Sets the number of parallel connections (TCP only).
+ Args:
+ parallel_count: number of parallel connections to use
+ """
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:PCONnection {}'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id, parallel_count)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ @property
+ def window_size(self):
+ """Gets the IPerf window size."""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:SBSize?'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id)
+ return int(self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd))
+ @window_size.setter
+ def window_size(self, size):
+ """Sets the IPerf window size.
+ Args:
+ size: window size in kB
+ """
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:SBSize {}'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id, size)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ @property
+ def max_bitrate(self):
+ """Gets the maximum bitrate (UDP client only)."""
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:BITRate?'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id)
+ return float(self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd))
+ @max_bitrate.setter
+ def max_bitrate(self, bitrate):
+ """Sets the maximum bitrate (UDP client only).
+ Args:
+ bitrate: the maximum bitrate in bps
+ """
+ cmd = 'CONFigure:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:{}{}:BITRate {}'.format(
+ self._meas_id, self._mode.value, self._service_id, bitrate)
+ self._cmw.send_and_recv(cmd)
+ def _query_results(self):
+ """Queries results for all IPerf services.
+ Returns: a flat list of strings in the format:
+ [reliability,
+ server1_count, client1_count, server1_throughput, server1_loss,
+ client1_throughput
+ ...,
+ server8_count, server8_throughput, server8_loss, client8_throughput
+ ]
+ Note:
+ - The reliability field is not used
+ - Missing values are set to "NAV" and their "count" will be 0
+ Examples::
+ Results from a single client on sample 5:
+ ["0",
+ "0","5","NAV","NAV","2.791470E+08",
+ "0","0","NAV","NAV","NAV",
+ "0","0","NAV","NAV","NAV",
+ "0","0","NAV","NAV","NAV",
+ "0","0","NAV","NAV","NAV",
+ "0","0","NAV","NAV","NAV",
+ "0","0","NAV","NAV","NAV",
+ "0","0","NAV","NAV","NAV",
+ ]
+ """
+ return self._cmw.send_and_recv('FETCh:DATA:MEAS{}:IPERf:ALL?'.format(
+ self._service_id)).split(',')
+ @property
+ def count(self):
+ """Gets the result sample ID or None if no samples are available.
+ Note: CMW500 does not return all IPerf results, it only returns
+ the most recent result. Results are differentiated with different "IDs"
+ which is just the sample count number.
+ """
+ results = self._query_results()
+ if self._mode == IPerfMode.CLIENT:
+ index = (self._service_id -
+ else:
+ index = (self._service_id -
+ return _try_parse(results[index], int)
+ @property
+ def throughput(self):
+ """Gets the current throughput, or None if no samples are available.
+ Returns:
+ The maximum throughput in bps.
+ """
+ results = self._query_results()
+ if self._mode == IPerfMode.CLIENT:
+ index = (self._service_id -
+ else:
+ index = (self._service_id -
+ return _try_parse(results[index], float)
+ @property
+ def loss(self):
+ """Gets the current loss rate, or None if no samples are available.
+ Note: Only applicable for UDP servers, otherwise will be 0.
+ Returns:
+ The loss rate in %.
+ """
+ results = self._query_results()
+ if self._mode == IPerfMode.CLIENT:
+ raise CmwIPerfError(
+ 'Loss is not available on IPerf Client measurements.')
+ else:
+ index = (self._service_id -
+ return _try_parse(results[index], float)
+class CmwIPerfError(Exception):
+ """Class to raise exceptions related to cmx IPerf measurements."""