
This package can be overlaid into a WAR file to make it executable,
automatically loading the WEB-INF/lib directory into the classpath
and launching a different main class.

Add the magic block to your Maven pom.xml, setting the value of
`Executable-War-Package` to the package of your main classes.

With this magic in place, users can execute your WAR file as
a standard JAR, including the class name on the command line:

  java -jar your.war Action ...

At runtime the class `${Executable-War-Package}.${Action}` will be
loaded dynamically from the WEB-INF/lib directory and its static
main method will be invoked with all remaining arguments.

Files under `WEB-INF/` may also be accessed by the built-in actions
`--ls` (list files) and `--cat` (output content to standard out).
This may be useful for user-level documentation to unpack resources
packaged with the application.  The `WEB-INF`/ prefix is assumed by
these actions, and should not be specified on the command line.

pom.xml magic



                <property name="d" location="${basedir}/target/${project.name}-${project.version}"/>

                <copy todir="${d}">
                  <fileset dir="${basedir}/target/executablewar" includes="**/*"/>
