AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-09-30Improvements to configure.ac from Jeff Bailey.HEADmasterkenton@google.com
2008-09-30Pass -Wall,no-obsolete to autoreconf.kenton@google.com
2008-09-30Improve autogen.sh.kenton@google.com
2008-09-30Added clarification to license that generated code is owned by the owner of thekenton@google.com
2008-09-30* Fix build on MSVC.kenton@google.com
2008-09-24Add file missing from rev 50.kenton@google.com
2008-09-24Integrate changes from internal Google-internal branch.kenton@google.com
2008-09-23Add file that was mysteriously missing from SVN tree.kenton@google.com
2008-09-23Explicitly identify superclass in initializer lists for generated messagekenton@google.com
2008-09-19Work around absence of hash_map.kenton@google.com
2008-09-17Add @Override annotation to generated Java code where appropriate.temporal
2008-09-15Add code suggested by Michal Januszewski <michalj@gmail.com> to ensure thattemporal
2008-08-272.0.1 release.temporal
2008-08-18More prep for 2.0.1:temporal
2008-08-18Add missing module to setup.py.temporal
2008-08-15Update CHANGES.txt for v2.0.1. Also update beta warning in README.txt.temporal
2008-08-13Add missing file.temporal
2008-08-13Integrate recent changes from google3.temporal
2008-08-06Heuristically detect sub-messages when printing unknown fields.temporal
2008-07-31Apply Leandro Lucarella <llucax@gmail.com>'s patches for VIM highlightingtemporal
2008-07-27Applied Ulrich Kunitz's patches to slightly optimize Python serialization code.temporal
2008-07-25Fix static initialization ordering bug that caused crashes at startup whentemporal
2008-07-23Sync code with Google-internal branch. Changes:temporal
2008-07-21misc. stuff:temporal
2008-07-18Fix Python service CallMethod() implementation.temporal
2008-07-16Allow trailing slashes in --proto_path mappings.temporal
2008-07-16Fix bytes type setter to work with byte sequences with embedded NULLs.temporal
2008-07-10Initial checkin.temporal
2008-06-20Initial directory structure.(no author)