path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-14Use external/trusty/lk as the path to LKAndrei Homescu
2023-09-01Add external/trusty/headers to Makefile includesAndrei Homescu Add generic-x86-64 projectZhong,Fangjian
2018-08-17Remove trusty/{user,app} directories from overlay listMichael Ryleev
2018-07-25Adjust overlays for new source tree layoutMichael Ryleev
2018-07-23Remove external/ from overlay listMichael Ryleev
2018-06-21Add nxp projects to overlaysJocelyn Bohr
2016-05-10Add more projects to overlaysMichael Ryleev
2015-05-18Initial commit of for aosp overlay configurationMichael Ryleev