diff options
authorJesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>2012-10-22 09:17:26 -0700
committerJesse Barker <jesse.barker@linaro.org>2012-10-22 09:17:26 -0700
commit7c261a377a5567cfaadb802fe297c2c10047201c (patch)
parent149d52c460b32ca2d93cb66a8bf8dd2939deca06 (diff)
SceneShadow: Add sufficient setup, update, and draw code to get the "normal"
view of the horse going.
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/scene-shadow.cpp b/src/scene-shadow.cpp
index 18f2cb5..975f842 100644
--- a/src/scene-shadow.cpp
+++ b/src/scene-shadow.cpp
@@ -20,19 +20,172 @@
// Jesse Barker
#include "scene.h"
+#include "model.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "log.h"
+#include "shader-source.h"
+#include "stack.h"
using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+using std::map;
+using LibMatrix::Stack4;
+using LibMatrix::mat4;
+using LibMatrix::vec4;
+using LibMatrix::vec3;
+static const vec4 lightPosition(0.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f);
class ShadowPrivate
+ Canvas& canvas_;
+ Program program_;
+ Stack4 modelview_;
+ Stack4 projection_;
+ Mesh mesh_;
+ vec3 centerVec_;
+ float radius_;
+ float rotation_;
+ float rotationSpeed_;
+ bool useVbo_;
+ ShadowPrivate(Canvas& canvas) :
+ canvas_(canvas),
+ radius_(0.0),
+ rotation_(0.0),
+ rotationSpeed_(36.0),
+ useVbo_(true) {}
+ ~ShadowPrivate() {}
+ bool setup(map<string, Scene::Option>& options);
+ void teardown();
+ void update(double elapsedTime);
+ void draw();
+ShadowPrivate::setup(map<string, Scene::Option>& options)
+ // Program object setup
+ static const string vtx_shader_filename(GLMARK_DATA_PATH"/shaders/light-basic.vert");
+ static const string frg_shader_filename(GLMARK_DATA_PATH"/shaders/light-basic.frag");
+ static const vec4 materialDiffuse(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ ShaderSource vtx_source(vtx_shader_filename);
+ ShaderSource frg_source(frg_shader_filename);
+ vtx_source.add_const("LightSourcePosition", lightPosition);
+ vtx_source.add_const("MaterialDiffuse", materialDiffuse);
+ if (!Scene::load_shaders_from_strings(program_, vtx_source.str(), frg_source.str())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Model setup
+ Model::find_models();
+ Model model;
+ bool modelLoaded = model.load("horse");
+ if(!modelLoaded) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ model.calculate_normals();
+ // Mesh setup
+ vector<std::pair<Model::AttribType, int> > attribs;
+ attribs.push_back(std::pair<Model::AttribType, int>(Model::AttribTypePosition, 3));
+ attribs.push_back(std::pair<Model::AttribType, int>(Model::AttribTypeNormal, 3));
+ model.convert_to_mesh(mesh_, attribs);
+ useVbo_ = (options["use-vbo"].value == "true");
+ bool interleave = (options["interleave"].value == "true");
+ mesh_.vbo_update_method(Mesh::VBOUpdateMethodMap);
+ mesh_.interleave(interleave);
+ if (useVbo_) {
+ mesh_.build_vbo();
+ }
+ else {
+ mesh_.build_array();
+ }
+ // Calculate a projection matrix that is a good fit for the model
+ vec3 maxVec = model.maxVec();
+ vec3 minVec = model.minVec();
+ vec3 diffVec = maxVec - minVec;
+ centerVec_ = maxVec + minVec;
+ centerVec_ /= 2.0;
+ float diameter = diffVec.length();
+ radius_ = diameter / 2;
+ float fovy = 2.0 * atanf(radius_ / (2.0 + radius_));
+ fovy /= M_PI;
+ fovy *= 180.0;
+ float aspect(static_cast<float>(canvas_.width())/static_cast<float>(canvas_.height()));
+ projection_.perspective(fovy, aspect, 2.0, 2.0 + diameter);
+ return true;
+ program_.stop();
+ program_.release();
+ mesh_.reset();
+ShadowPrivate::update(double elapsedTime)
+ rotation_ = rotationSpeed_ * elapsedTime;
+ // Draw the "normal" view of the horse
+ modelview_.push();
+ modelview_.translate(-centerVec_.x(), -centerVec_.y(), -(centerVec_.z() + 2.0 + radius_));
+ modelview_.rotate(rotation_, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
+ mat4 mvp(projection_.getCurrent());
+ mvp *= modelview_.getCurrent();
+ program_.start();
+ program_["ModelViewProjectionMatrix"] = mvp;
+ // Load the NormalMatrix uniform in the shader. The NormalMatrix is the
+ // inverse transpose of the model view matrix.
+ LibMatrix::mat4 normal_matrix(modelview_.getCurrent());
+ normal_matrix.inverse().transpose();
+ program_["NormalMatrix"] = normal_matrix;
+ vector<GLint> attrib_locations;
+ attrib_locations.push_back(program_["position"].location());
+ attrib_locations.push_back(program_["normal"].location());
+ mesh_.set_attrib_locations(attrib_locations);
+ if (useVbo_) {
+ mesh_.render_vbo();
+ }
+ else {
+ mesh_.render_array();
+ }
+ // Per-frame cleanup
+ modelview_.pop();
SceneShadow::SceneShadow(Canvas& canvas) :
Scene(canvas, "shadow"),
+ options_["use-vbo"] = Scene::Option("use-vbo", "true",
+ "Whether to use VBOs for rendering",
+ "false,true");
+ options_["interleave"] = Scene::Option("interleave", "false",
+ "Whether to interleave vertex attribute data",
+ "false,true");
@@ -46,10 +199,8 @@ SceneShadow::supported(bool show_errors)
static const string oes_depth_texture("GL_OES_depth_texture");
static const string arb_depth_texture("GL_ARB_depth_texture");
if (!GLExtensions::support(oes_depth_texture) &&
- !GLExtensions::support(arb_depth_texture))
- {
- if (show_errors)
- {
+ !GLExtensions::support(arb_depth_texture)) {
+ if (show_errors) {
Log::error("We do not have the depth texture extension!!!\n");
@@ -79,7 +230,13 @@ SceneShadow::setup()
return false;
- priv_ = new ShadowPrivate();
+ priv_ = new ShadowPrivate(canvas_);
+ if (!priv_->setup(options_)) {
+ delete priv_;
+ priv_ = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
// Set core scene timing after actual initialization so we don't measure
// set up time.
startTime_ = Util::get_timestamp_us() / 1000000.0;
@@ -93,6 +250,7 @@ void
// Add scene-specific teardown here
+ priv_->teardown();
@@ -101,11 +259,13 @@ SceneShadow::update()
// Add scene-specific update here
+ priv_->update(lastUpdateTime_ - startTime_);
+ priv_->draw();