path: root/tests/span_tests.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-01-15Clang cl (#762)Anna Gringauze
2018-11-27Dev/annagrin/fix span size test gcc (#750)Anna Gringauze
2018-11-05Span can be constructed from empty std::array safely (#686)Dave Hill
2018-08-19span constructor no address (#723)Anna Gringauze
2018-08-12fix cppcorecheck warnings (#703)Anna Gringauze
2018-07-13Test broken size (#704)Daniel599
2018-03-03Fix return type of templated span.subspan() (#625)Neil MacIntosh
2018-02-10Removed span from-nullptr_t ctor.Neil MacIntosh
2018-02-10Removed span.length() as synonym for span.size().Neil MacIntosh
2018-02-10Removed from-smart-ptr constructors.Neil MacIntosh
2017-11-28Applied iwyu --comment to the code base (#588)Tiago
2017-10-31additional span tests (pointer length constructor) (#568)menete
2017-07-13Move from unittest-cpp to catch for unit testing. (#533)Neil MacIntosh
2017-04-20Reformat files to follow clang-format style (#492)Tiago
2017-04-02Fix some corechecker warnings (#470)MikeGitb
2017-01-28Make is_default_constructible work for spans.Casey Carter
2016-11-16Add make_span()Rian Quinn
2016-11-16Cleanup compiler warningsRian Quinn
2016-11-03Add span construction from unique_ptr and shared_ptr Rian Quinn
2016-11-03Cleanup additional GCC warningsRian Quinn
2016-10-26Adds gsl::span::at()Rian Quinn
2016-09-12Corrected SFINAE for conversion constructors on span.Neil MacIntosh
2016-08-23Specialize gsl::at for spanericLemanissier
2016-08-10Added basic test for interop with std::regex as per Issue #271.Neil MacIntosh
2016-08-10Added basic test for interop with std::regex as per Issue #271.Neil MacIntosh
2016-08-10Merge branch 'master' into dev/neilmac/iteratorsNeil MacIntosh
2016-08-10Removed .h extension from header files.Galik
2016-08-09Renamed include/ folder to gsl/ to make including the library consistentgalik
2016-08-08Added basic tests for std::begin/end and friends (Issue #252).Neil MacIntosh
2016-08-08Fixed unused variable and ran clang-format. Tested on gcc/clang.Neil MacIntosh
2016-08-08Fixed up iterator implementation to allow conversion from iterator toNeil MacIntosh
2016-07-29Building clean with MSVC12.Neil MacIntosh
2016-07-2064-bit clean fixes.Neil MacIntosh
2016-07-18Added tests for span iterators, fixed implementation.Neil MacIntosh
2016-07-15Added basic compile support for MSVC 2013 to byte.Neil MacIntosh
2016-06-14Additional std::array ctor to support const element cases.Neil MacIntosh
2016-06-12Tightened SFINAE for span<U> to span<T> conversions.Neil MacIntosh
2016-05-29Added span to object rep conversions.Neil MacIntosh
2016-05-29Added comparison operators.Neil MacIntosh
2016-05-29Added iterators.Neil MacIntosh
2016-03-18Test for operator function call.Neil MacIntosh
2016-03-18Implemented first, last, subspan.Neil MacIntosh
2016-03-17Fixed ctors for Container and std::array to accept temporaries.Neil MacIntosh
2016-03-16Added conversion ctors.Neil MacIntosh
2016-03-01Added from-container constructors.Neil MacIntosh
2016-02-29Added array constructors.Neil MacIntosh
2016-02-28Checking in to continue working elsewhere.Neil MacIntosh
2016-02-25first/last constructor working.Neil MacIntosh
2016-02-24Began reimplementation of span. Basic constructors.Neil MacIntosh
2016-02-24Added new span-related files.Neil MacIntosh