path: root/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/swig/2.0.11/csharp')
22 files changed, 4079 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/arrays_csharp.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/arrays_csharp.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..513330e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/arrays_csharp.i
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * arrays_csharp.i
+ *
+ * This file contains a two approaches to marshaling arrays. The first uses
+ * default p/invoke marshaling and the second uses pinning of the arrays.
+ *
+ * Default marshaling approach
+ * ----------------------------
+ * Array typemaps using default p/invoke marshaling. The data is copied to a separately
+ * allocated buffer when passing over the managed-native boundary.
+ *
+ * There are separate typemaps for in, out and inout arrays to enable avoiding
+ * unnecessary copying.
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * %include "arrays_csharp.i"
+ * %apply int INPUT[] { int* sourceArray }
+ * %apply int OUTPUT[] { int* targetArray }
+ * void myArrayCopy( int* sourceArray, int* targetArray, int nitems );
+ *
+ * %apply int INOUT[] { int* array1, int *array2 }
+ * void myArraySwap( int* array1, int* array2, int nitems );
+ *
+ * If handling large arrays you should consider using the pinning array typemaps
+ * described next.
+ *
+ * Pinning approach
+ * ----------------
+ * Array typemaps using pinning. These typemaps pin the managed array given
+ * as parameter and pass a pointer to it to the c/c++ side. This is very
+ * efficient as no copying is done (unlike in the default array marshaling),
+ * but it makes garbage collection more difficult. When considering using
+ * these typemaps, think carefully whether you have callbacks that may cause
+ * the control to re-enter the managed side from within the call (and produce
+ * garbage for the gc) or whether other threads may produce enough garbage to
+ * trigger gc while the call is being executed. In those cases it may be
+ * wiser to use the default marshaling typemaps.
+ *
+ * Please note that when using fixed arrays, you have to mark your corresponding
+ * module class method unsafe using
+ * %csmethodmodifiers "public unsafe"
+ * (the visibility of the method is up to you).
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ *
+ * %include "arrays_csharp.i"
+ * %apply int FIXED[] { int* sourceArray, int *targetArray }
+ * %csmethodmodifiers myArrayCopy "public unsafe";
+ * void myArrayCopy( int *sourceArray, int* targetArray, int nitems );
+ *
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// input only arrays
+%typemap(ctype) CTYPE INPUT[] "CTYPE*"
+%typemap(cstype) CTYPE INPUT[] "CSTYPE[]"
+%typemap(imtype, inattributes="[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)]") CTYPE INPUT[] "CSTYPE[]"
+%typemap(csin) CTYPE INPUT[] "$csinput"
+%typemap(in) CTYPE INPUT[] "$1 = $input;"
+%typemap(freearg) CTYPE INPUT[] ""
+%typemap(argout) CTYPE INPUT[] ""
+// output only arrays
+%typemap(ctype) CTYPE OUTPUT[] "CTYPE*"
+%typemap(cstype) CTYPE OUTPUT[] "CSTYPE[]"
+%typemap(imtype, inattributes="[Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)]") CTYPE OUTPUT[] "CSTYPE[]"
+%typemap(csin) CTYPE OUTPUT[] "$csinput"
+%typemap(in) CTYPE OUTPUT[] "$1 = $input;"
+%typemap(freearg) CTYPE OUTPUT[] ""
+%typemap(argout) CTYPE OUTPUT[] ""
+// inout arrays
+%typemap(ctype) CTYPE INOUT[] "CTYPE*"
+%typemap(cstype) CTYPE INOUT[] "CSTYPE[]"
+%typemap(imtype, inattributes="[In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)]") CTYPE INOUT[] "CSTYPE[]"
+%typemap(csin) CTYPE INOUT[] "$csinput"
+%typemap(in) CTYPE INOUT[] "$1 = $input;"
+%typemap(freearg) CTYPE INOUT[] ""
+%typemap(argout) CTYPE INOUT[] ""
+%enddef // CSHARP_ARRAYS
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(signed char, sbyte)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(unsigned char, byte)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(short, short)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(unsigned short, ushort)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(int, int)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(unsigned int, uint)
+// FIXME - on Unix 64 bit, long is 8 bytes but is 4 bytes on Windows 64 bit.
+// How can this be handled sensibly?
+// See e.g.
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(long, int)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(unsigned long, uint)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(long long, long)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(unsigned long long, ulong)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(float, float)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS(double, double)
+%typemap(ctype) CTYPE FIXED[] "CTYPE*"
+%typemap(imtype) CTYPE FIXED[] "IntPtr"
+%typemap(cstype) CTYPE FIXED[] "CSTYPE[]"
+ pre= " fixed ( CSTYPE* swig_ptrTo_$csinput = $csinput ) {",
+ terminator=" }")
+ CTYPE FIXED[] "(IntPtr)swig_ptrTo_$csinput"
+%typemap(in) CTYPE FIXED[] "$1 = $input;"
+%typemap(freearg) CTYPE FIXED[] ""
+%typemap(argout) CTYPE FIXED[] ""
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(signed char, sbyte)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(unsigned char, byte)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(short, short)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(unsigned short, ushort)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(unsigned int, uint)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(unsigned long, uint)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(long long, long)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(unsigned long long, ulong)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(float, float)
+CSHARP_ARRAYS_FIXED(double, double)
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/boost_intrusive_ptr.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/boost_intrusive_ptr.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a1647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/boost_intrusive_ptr.i
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+// Users can provide their own SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_TYPEMAPS or SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_TYPEMAPS_NO_WRAP macros before including this file to change the
+// visibility of the constructor and getCPtr method if desired to public if using multiple modules.
+%include <intrusive_ptr.i>
+// Language specific macro implementing all the customisations for handling the smart pointer
+// %naturalvar is as documented for member variables
+%naturalvar TYPE;
+%naturalvar SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >;
+// destructor wrapper customisation
+%feature("unref") TYPE "(void)arg1; delete smartarg1;"
+// Typemap customisations...
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) CONST TYPE ($&1_type argp = 0, SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *smartarg = 0) %{
+ // plain value
+ argp = (*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input) ? (*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input)->get() : 0;
+ if (!argp) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null $1_type", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $1 = *argp;
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_intrusive_deleter") CONST TYPE %{
+ //plain value(out)
+ $1_ltype* resultp = new $1_ltype(($1_ltype &)$1);
+ intrusive_ptr_add_ref(resultp);
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >(resultp, SWIG_intrusive_deleter< CONST TYPE >());
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) CONST TYPE * (SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *smartarg = 0) %{
+ // plain pointer
+ smartarg = *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input;
+ $1 = (TYPE *)(smartarg ? smartarg->get() : 0);
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_intrusive_deleter,SWIG_null_deleter") CONST TYPE * %{
+ //plain pointer(out)
+ #if ($owner)
+ if ($1) {
+ intrusive_ptr_add_ref($1);
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1, SWIG_intrusive_deleter< CONST TYPE >());
+ } else {
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = 0;
+ }
+ #else
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = $1 ? new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1 SWIG_NO_NULL_DELETER_0) : 0;
+ #endif
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) CONST TYPE & (SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *smartarg = 0) %{
+ // plain reference
+ $1 = ($1_ltype)((*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input) ? (*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input)->get() : 0);
+ if(!$1) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "$1_type reference is null", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_intrusive_deleter,SWIG_null_deleter") CONST TYPE & %{
+ //plain reference(out)
+ #if ($owner)
+ if ($1) {
+ intrusive_ptr_add_ref($1);
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1, SWIG_intrusive_deleter< CONST TYPE >());
+ } else {
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = 0;
+ }
+ #else
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = $1 ? new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1 SWIG_NO_NULL_DELETER_0) : 0;
+ #endif
+%typemap(in) TYPE *CONST& ($*1_ltype temp = 0, SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *smartarg = 0) %{
+ // plain pointer by reference
+ temp = ($*1_ltype)((*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input) ? (*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input)->get() : 0);
+ $1 = &temp;
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_intrusive_deleter,SWIG_null_deleter") TYPE *CONST& %{
+ // plain pointer by reference(out)
+ #if ($owner)
+ if (*$1) {
+ intrusive_ptr_add_ref(*$1);
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >(*$1, SWIG_intrusive_deleter< CONST TYPE >());
+ } else {
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = 0;
+ }
+ #else
+ #endif
+%typemap(in) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > (SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > * smartarg) %{
+ // intrusive_ptr by value
+ smartarg = *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >**)&$input;
+ if (smartarg) {
+ $1 = SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >(smartarg->get(), true);
+ }
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_intrusive_deleter") SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > %{
+ if ($1) {
+ intrusive_ptr_add_ref($1.get());
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1.get(), SWIG_intrusive_deleter< CONST TYPE >());
+ } else {
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(in) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > swigSharedPtrUpcast ($&1_type smartarg) %{
+ // shared_ptr by value
+ smartarg = *($&1_ltype*)&$input;
+ if (smartarg) $1 = *smartarg;
+%typemap(out) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > ANY_TYPE_SWIGSharedPtrUpcast %{
+ *($&1_ltype*)&$result = $1 ? new $1_ltype($1) : 0;
+%typemap(in) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > & ($*1_ltype tempnull, $*1_ltype temp, SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > * smartarg) %{
+ // intrusive_ptr by reference
+ if ( $input ) {
+ smartarg = *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >**)&$input;
+ temp = SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >(smartarg->get(), true);
+ $1 = &temp;
+ } else {
+ $1 = &tempnull;
+ }
+%typemap(memberin) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > & %{
+ delete &($1);
+ if ($self) {
+ SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > * temp = new SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >(*$input);
+ $1 = *temp;
+ }
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_intrusive_deleter") SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > & %{
+ if (*$1) {
+ intrusive_ptr_add_ref($1->get());
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1->get(), SWIG_intrusive_deleter< CONST TYPE >());
+ } else {
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = 0;
+ }
+%typemap(in) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > * ($*1_ltype tempnull, $*1_ltype temp, SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > * smartarg) %{
+ // intrusive_ptr by pointer
+ if ( $input ) {
+ smartarg = *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >**)&$input;
+ temp = SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >(smartarg->get(), true);
+ $1 = &temp;
+ } else {
+ $1 = &tempnull;
+ }
+%typemap(memberin) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > * %{
+ delete $1;
+ if ($self) $1 = new SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >(*$input);
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_intrusive_deleter") SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > * %{
+ if ($1 && *$1) {
+ intrusive_ptr_add_ref($1->get());
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1->get(), SWIG_intrusive_deleter< CONST TYPE >());
+ } else {
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = 0;
+ }
+ if ($owner) delete $1;
+%typemap(in) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& (SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > temp, $*1_ltype tempp = 0, SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > * smartarg) %{
+ // intrusive_ptr by pointer reference
+ smartarg = *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >**)&$input;
+ if ($input) {
+ temp = SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >(smartarg->get(), true);
+ }
+ tempp = &temp;
+ $1 = &tempp;
+%typemap(memberin) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& %{
+ if ($self) $1 = *$input;
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_intrusive_deleter") SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& %{
+ if (*$1 && **$1) {
+ intrusive_ptr_add_ref((*$1)->get());
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >((*$1)->get(), SWIG_intrusive_deleter< CONST TYPE >());
+ } else {
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = 0;
+ }
+// various missing typemaps - If ever used (unlikely) ensure compilation error rather than runtime bug
+#error "typemaps for $1_type not available"
+%typemap(out) CONST TYPE[], CONST TYPE[ANY], CONST TYPE (CLASS::*) %{
+#error "typemaps for $1_type not available"
+%typemap (ctype) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >,
+ SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& "void *"
+%typemap (imtype, out="IntPtr") SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >,
+ SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& "HandleRef"
+%typemap (cstype) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >,
+ SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& "$typemap(cstype, TYPE)"
+%typemap(csin) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >,
+ SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& "$typemap(cstype, TYPE).getCPtr($csinput)"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > & {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > * {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE > %{
+ get {
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >& %{
+ get {
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >* %{
+ get {
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) CONST TYPE {
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) CONST TYPE & {
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) CONST TYPE * {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) TYPE *CONST& {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+// Base proxy classes
+%typemap(csbody) TYPE %{
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ private bool swigCMemOwnBase;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwnBase = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static HandleRef getCPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+// Derived proxy classes
+%typemap(csbody_derived) TYPE %{
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ private bool swigCMemOwnDerived;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base($imclassname.$csclazznameSWIGSmartPtrUpcast(cPtr), true) {
+ swigCMemOwnDerived = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static HandleRef getCPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+%typemap(csdestruct, methodname="Dispose", methodmodifiers="public") TYPE {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwnBase) {
+ swigCMemOwnBase = false;
+ $imcall;
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+%typemap(csdestruct_derived, methodname="Dispose", methodmodifiers="public") TYPE {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwnDerived) {
+ swigCMemOwnDerived = false;
+ $imcall;
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+// CONST version needed ???? also for C#
+%typemap(imtype, nopgcpp="1") SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< TYPE > swigSharedPtrUpcast "HandleRef"
+%typemap(imtype, nopgcpp="1") SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > swigSharedPtrUpcast "HandleRef"
+%template() SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >;
+%template() SWIG_INTRUSIVE_PTR_QNAMESPACE::intrusive_ptr< CONST TYPE >;
+%include <shared_ptr.i>
+%naturalvar TYPE;
+%naturalvar SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >;
+// destructor mods
+%feature("unref") TYPE "(void)arg1; delete smartarg1;"
+// plain value
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) CONST TYPE ($&1_type argp = 0) %{
+ argp = (*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input) ? (*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input)->get() : 0;
+ if (!argp) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null $1_type", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $1 = *argp; %}
+%typemap(out) CONST TYPE
+%{ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >(new $1_ltype(($1_ltype &)$1)); %}
+// plain pointer
+%typemap(in) CONST TYPE * (SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *smartarg = 0) %{
+ smartarg = *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input;
+ $1 = (TYPE *)(smartarg ? smartarg->get() : 0); %}
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_null_deleter") CONST TYPE * %{
+ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = $1 ? new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1 SWIG_NO_NULL_DELETER_$owner) : 0;
+// plain reference
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) CONST TYPE & %{
+ $1 = ($1_ltype)((*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input) ? (*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input)->get() : 0);
+ if (!$1) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "$1_type reference is null", 0);
+ return $null;
+ } %}
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_null_deleter") CONST TYPE &
+%{ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1 SWIG_NO_NULL_DELETER_$owner); %}
+// plain pointer by reference
+%typemap(in) TYPE *CONST& ($*1_ltype temp = 0)
+%{ temp = ($*1_ltype)((*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input) ? (*(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$input)->get() : 0);
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_null_deleter") TYPE *CONST&
+%{ *(SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > **)&$result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >(*$1 SWIG_NO_NULL_DELETER_$owner); %}
+%typemap(in) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > swigSharedPtrUpcast ($&1_type smartarg) %{
+ // shared_ptr by value
+ smartarg = *($&1_ltype*)&$input;
+ if (smartarg) $1 = *smartarg;
+%typemap(out) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > ANY_TYPE_SWIGSharedPtrUpcast %{
+ *($&1_ltype*)&$result = $1 ? new $1_ltype($1) : 0;
+// various missing typemaps - If ever used (unlikely) ensure compilation error rather than runtime bug
+#error "typemaps for $1_type not available"
+%typemap(out) CONST TYPE[], CONST TYPE[ANY], CONST TYPE (CLASS::*) %{
+#error "typemaps for $1_type not available"
+%typemap (ctype) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > "void *"
+%typemap (imtype) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > "void *"
+%typemap (cstype) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > "$typemap(cstype, TYPE)"
+%typemap (csin) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > "$typemap(cstype, TYPE).getCPtr($csinput)"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ return (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) CONST TYPE {
+ return new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)($imcall, true);
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) CONST TYPE & {
+ return new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)($imcall, true);
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) CONST TYPE * {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ return (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) TYPE *CONST& {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ return (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);
+ }
+// Base proxy classes
+%typemap(csbody) TYPE %{
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ private bool swigCMemOwnBase;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwnBase = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static HandleRef getCPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+// Derived proxy classes
+%typemap(csbody_derived) TYPE %{
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ private bool swigCMemOwnDerived;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base($imclassname.$csclazznameSWIGSmartPtrUpcast(cPtr), true) {
+ swigCMemOwnDerived = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static HandleRef getCPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+%typemap(csdestruct, methodname="Dispose", methodmodifiers="public") TYPE {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwnBase) {
+ swigCMemOwnBase = false;
+ $imcall;
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+%typemap(csdestruct_derived, methodname="Dispose", methodmodifiers="public") TYPE {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwnDerived) {
+ swigCMemOwnDerived = false;
+ $imcall;
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+// CONST version needed ???? also for C#
+%typemap(imtype, nopgcpp="1") SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< TYPE > swigSharedPtrUpcast "HandleRef"
+%typemap(imtype, nopgcpp="1") SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > swigSharedPtrUpcast "HandleRef"
+%template() SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >;
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/boost_shared_ptr.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/boost_shared_ptr.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e6f664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/boost_shared_ptr.i
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// Users can provide their own SWIG_SHARED_PTR_TYPEMAPS macro before including this file to change the
+// visibility of the constructor and getCPtr method if desired to public if using multiple modules.
+%include <shared_ptr.i>
+// Language specific macro implementing all the customisations for handling the smart pointer
+// %naturalvar is as documented for member variables
+%naturalvar TYPE;
+%naturalvar SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >;
+// destructor mods
+%feature("unref") TYPE
+//"if (debug_shared) { cout << \"deleting use_count: \" << (*smartarg1).use_count() << \" [\" << (boost::get_deleter<SWIG_null_deleter>(*smartarg1) ? std::string(\"CANNOT BE DETERMINED SAFELY\") : ( (*smartarg1).get() ? (*smartarg1)->getValue() : std::string(\"NULL PTR\") )) << \"]\" << endl << flush; }\n"
+ "(void)arg1; delete smartarg1;"
+// Typemap customisations...
+// plain value
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) CONST TYPE ($&1_type argp = 0) %{
+ argp = ((SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *)$input) ? ((SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *)$input)->get() : 0;
+ if (!argp) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null $1_type", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $1 = *argp; %}
+%typemap(out) CONST TYPE
+%{ $result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >(new $1_ltype(($1_ltype &)$1)); %}
+// plain pointer
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) CONST TYPE * (SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *smartarg = 0) %{
+ smartarg = (SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *)$input;
+ $1 = (TYPE *)(smartarg ? smartarg->get() : 0); %}
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_null_deleter") CONST TYPE * %{
+ $result = $1 ? new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1 SWIG_NO_NULL_DELETER_$owner) : 0;
+// plain reference
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) CONST TYPE & %{
+ $1 = ($1_ltype)(((SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *)$input) ? ((SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *)$input)->get() : 0);
+ if (!$1) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "$1_type reference is null", 0);
+ return $null;
+ } %}
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_null_deleter") CONST TYPE &
+%{ $result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >($1 SWIG_NO_NULL_DELETER_$owner); %}
+// plain pointer by reference
+%typemap(in) TYPE *CONST& ($*1_ltype temp = 0)
+%{ temp = (TYPE *)(((SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *)$input) ? ((SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *)$input)->get() : 0);
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_null_deleter") TYPE *CONST&
+%{ $result = new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >(*$1 SWIG_NO_NULL_DELETER_$owner); %}
+// shared_ptr by value
+%typemap(in) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >
+%{ if ($input) $1 = *($&1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >
+%{ $result = $1 ? new $1_ltype($1) : 0; %}
+// shared_ptr by reference
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > & ($*1_ltype tempnull)
+%{ $1 = $input ? ($1_ltype)$input : &tempnull; %}
+%typemap(out) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > &
+%{ $result = *$1 ? new $*1_ltype(*$1) : 0; %}
+// shared_ptr by pointer
+%typemap(in) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > * ($*1_ltype tempnull)
+%{ $1 = $input ? ($1_ltype)$input : &tempnull; %}
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_null_deleter") SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *
+%{ $result = ($1 && *$1) ? new $*1_ltype(*($1_ltype)$1) : 0;
+ if ($owner) delete $1; %}
+// shared_ptr by pointer reference
+%typemap(in) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& (SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > tempnull, $*1_ltype temp = 0)
+%{ temp = $input ? *($1_ltype)&$input : &tempnull;
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(out) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *&
+%{ *($1_ltype)&$result = (*$1 && **$1) ? new SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >(**$1) : 0; %}
+// various missing typemaps - If ever used (unlikely) ensure compilation error rather than runtime bug
+#error "typemaps for $1_type not available"
+%typemap(out) CONST TYPE[], CONST TYPE[ANY], CONST TYPE (CLASS::*) %{
+#error "typemaps for $1_type not available"
+%typemap (ctype) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >,
+ SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& "void *"
+%typemap (imtype, out="IntPtr") SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >,
+ SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& "HandleRef"
+%typemap (cstype) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >,
+ SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& "$typemap(cstype, TYPE)"
+%typemap(csin) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >,
+ SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& "$typemap(cstype, TYPE).getCPtr($csinput)"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > & {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > * {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > *& {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) CONST TYPE {
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) CONST TYPE & {
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) CONST TYPE * {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) TYPE *CONST& {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) CONST TYPE & %{
+ get {
+ $csclassname ret = new $csclassname($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) CONST TYPE * %{
+ get {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $csclassname ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $csclassname(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > & %{
+ get {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE > * %{
+ get {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $typemap(cstype, TYPE) ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $typemap(cstype, TYPE)(cPtr, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+// Proxy classes (base classes, ie, not derived classes)
+%typemap(csbody) TYPE %{
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ private bool swigCMemOwnBase;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwnBase = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static HandleRef getCPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+// Derived proxy classes
+%typemap(csbody_derived) TYPE %{
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ private bool swigCMemOwnDerived;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base($imclassname.$csclazznameSWIGSmartPtrUpcast(cPtr), true) {
+ swigCMemOwnDerived = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static HandleRef getCPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+%typemap(csdestruct, methodname="Dispose", methodmodifiers="public") TYPE {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwnBase) {
+ swigCMemOwnBase = false;
+ $imcall;
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+%typemap(csdestruct_derived, methodname="Dispose", methodmodifiers="public") TYPE {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwnDerived) {
+ swigCMemOwnDerived = false;
+ $imcall;
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+%template() SWIG_SHARED_PTR_QNAMESPACE::shared_ptr< CONST TYPE >;
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/csharp.swg b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/csharp.swg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0b896e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/csharp.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * csharp.swg
+ *
+ * C# typemaps
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+%include <csharphead.swg>
+/* The ctype, imtype and cstype typemaps work together and so there should be one of each.
+ * The ctype typemap contains the PInvoke type used in the PInvoke (C/C++) code.
+ * The imtype typemap contains the C# type used in the intermediary class.
+ * The cstype typemap contains the C# type used in the C# proxy classes, type wrapper classes and module class. */
+/* Fragments */
+%fragment("SWIG_PackData", "header") {
+/* Pack binary data into a string */
+SWIGINTERN char * SWIG_PackData(char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
+ static const char hex[17] = "0123456789abcdef";
+ register const unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
+ register const unsigned char *eu = u + sz;
+ for (; u != eu; ++u) {
+ register unsigned char uu = *u;
+ *(c++) = hex[(uu & 0xf0) >> 4];
+ *(c++) = hex[uu & 0xf];
+ }
+ return c;
+%fragment("SWIG_UnPackData", "header") {
+/* Unpack binary data from a string */
+SWIGINTERN const char * SWIG_UnpackData(const char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz) {
+ register unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *) ptr;
+ register const unsigned char *eu = u + sz;
+ for (; u != eu; ++u) {
+ register char d = *(c++);
+ register unsigned char uu;
+ if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9'))
+ uu = ((d - '0') << 4);
+ else if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f'))
+ uu = ((d - ('a'-10)) << 4);
+ else
+ return (char *) 0;
+ d = *(c++);
+ if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9'))
+ uu |= (d - '0');
+ else if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f'))
+ uu |= (d - ('a'-10));
+ else
+ return (char *) 0;
+ *u = uu;
+ }
+ return c;
+/* Primitive types */
+%typemap(ctype) bool, const bool & "unsigned int"
+%typemap(ctype) char, const char & "char"
+%typemap(ctype) signed char, const signed char & "signed char"
+%typemap(ctype) unsigned char, const unsigned char & "unsigned char"
+%typemap(ctype) short, const short & "short"
+%typemap(ctype) unsigned short, const unsigned short & "unsigned short"
+%typemap(ctype) int, const int & "int"
+%typemap(ctype) unsigned int, const unsigned int & "unsigned int"
+%typemap(ctype) long, const long & "long"
+%typemap(ctype) unsigned long, const unsigned long & "unsigned long"
+%typemap(ctype) long long, const long long & "long long"
+%typemap(ctype) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & "unsigned long long"
+%typemap(ctype) float, const float & "float"
+%typemap(ctype) double, const double & "double"
+%typemap(ctype) void "void"
+%typemap(imtype) bool, const bool & "bool"
+%typemap(imtype) char, const char & "char"
+%typemap(imtype) signed char, const signed char & "sbyte"
+%typemap(imtype) unsigned char, const unsigned char & "byte"
+%typemap(imtype) short, const short & "short"
+%typemap(imtype) unsigned short, const unsigned short & "ushort"
+%typemap(imtype) int, const int & "int"
+%typemap(imtype) unsigned int, const unsigned int & "uint"
+%typemap(imtype) long, const long & "int"
+%typemap(imtype) unsigned long, const unsigned long & "uint"
+%typemap(imtype) long long, const long long & "long"
+%typemap(imtype) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & "ulong"
+%typemap(imtype) float, const float & "float"
+%typemap(imtype) double, const double & "double"
+%typemap(imtype) void "void"
+%typemap(cstype) bool, const bool & "bool"
+%typemap(cstype) char, const char & "char"
+%typemap(cstype) signed char, const signed char & "sbyte"
+%typemap(cstype) unsigned char, const unsigned char & "byte"
+%typemap(cstype) short, const short & "short"
+%typemap(cstype) unsigned short, const unsigned short & "ushort"
+%typemap(cstype) int, const int & "int"
+%typemap(cstype) unsigned int, const unsigned int & "uint"
+%typemap(cstype) long, const long & "int"
+%typemap(cstype) unsigned long, const unsigned long & "uint"
+%typemap(cstype) long long, const long long & "long"
+%typemap(cstype) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & "ulong"
+%typemap(cstype) float, const float & "float"
+%typemap(cstype) double, const double & "double"
+%typemap(cstype) void "void"
+%typemap(ctype) char *, char *&, char[ANY], char[] "char *"
+%typemap(imtype) char *, char *&, char[ANY], char[] "string"
+%typemap(cstype) char *, char *&, char[ANY], char[] "string"
+/* Non primitive types */
+%typemap(ctype) SWIGTYPE "void *"
+%typemap(imtype, out="IntPtr") SWIGTYPE "HandleRef"
+%typemap(cstype) SWIGTYPE "$&csclassname"
+%typemap(ctype) SWIGTYPE [] "void *"
+%typemap(imtype, out="IntPtr") SWIGTYPE [] "HandleRef"
+%typemap(cstype) SWIGTYPE [] "$csclassname"
+%typemap(ctype) SWIGTYPE * "void *"
+%typemap(imtype, out="IntPtr") SWIGTYPE * "HandleRef"
+%typemap(cstype) SWIGTYPE * "$csclassname"
+%typemap(ctype) SWIGTYPE & "void *"
+%typemap(imtype, out="IntPtr") SWIGTYPE & "HandleRef"
+%typemap(cstype) SWIGTYPE & "$csclassname"
+/* pointer to a class member */
+%typemap(ctype) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "char *"
+%typemap(imtype) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "string"
+%typemap(cstype) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "$csclassname"
+/* The following are the in and out typemaps. These are the PInvoke code generating typemaps for converting from C# to C and visa versa. */
+/* primitive types */
+%typemap(in) bool
+%{ $1 = $input ? true : false; %}
+%typemap(directorout) bool
+%{ $result = $input ? true : false; %}
+%typemap(csdirectorin) bool "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) bool "$cscall"
+%typemap(in) char,
+ signed char,
+ unsigned char,
+ short,
+ unsigned short,
+ int,
+ unsigned int,
+ long,
+ unsigned long,
+ long long,
+ unsigned long long,
+ float,
+ double
+%{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(directorout) char,
+ signed char,
+ unsigned char,
+ short,
+ unsigned short,
+ int,
+ unsigned int,
+ long,
+ unsigned long,
+ long long,
+ unsigned long long,
+ float,
+ double
+%{ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(directorin) bool "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) char "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) signed char "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) unsigned char "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) short "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) unsigned short "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) int "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) unsigned int "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) long "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) unsigned long "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) long long "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) unsigned long long "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) float "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) double "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) char,
+ signed char,
+ unsigned char,
+ short,
+ unsigned short,
+ int,
+ unsigned int,
+ long,
+ unsigned long,
+ long long,
+ unsigned long long,
+ float,
+ double
+ "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) char,
+ signed char,
+ unsigned char,
+ short,
+ unsigned short,
+ int,
+ unsigned int,
+ long,
+ unsigned long,
+ long long,
+ unsigned long long,
+ float,
+ double
+ "$cscall"
+%typemap(out) bool %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) char %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) signed char %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) unsigned char %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) short %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) unsigned short %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) int %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) unsigned int %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) long %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) unsigned long %{ $result = (unsigned long)$1; %}
+%typemap(out) long long %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) unsigned long long %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) float %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(out) double %{ $result = $1; %}
+/* char * - treat as String */
+%typemap(in) char * %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) char * %{ $result = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)$1); %}
+%typemap(directorout, warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_DIRECTOROUT_PTR_MSG) char * %{ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(directorin) char * %{ $input = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)$1); %}
+%typemap(csdirectorin) char * "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) char * "$cscall"
+/* char *& - treat as String */
+%typemap(in) char *& ($*1_ltype temp = 0) %{
+ temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $1 = &temp;
+%typemap(out) char *& %{ if ($1) $result = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)*$1); %}
+%typemap(out, null="") void ""
+%typemap(csdirectorin) void "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) void "$cscall"
+%typemap(directorin) void ""
+/* primitive types by const reference */
+%typemap(in) const bool & ($*1_ltype temp)
+%{ temp = $input ? true : false;
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(directorout,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_THREAD_UNSAFE_MSG) const bool &
+%{ static $*1_ltype temp;
+ temp = $input ? true : false;
+ $result = &temp; %}
+%typemap(csdirectorin) const bool & "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) const bool & "$cscall"
+%typemap(in) const char & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const signed char & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned char & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const short & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned short & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const int & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned int & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const long long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned long long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const float & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const double & ($*1_ltype temp)
+%{ temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(directorout,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_THREAD_UNSAFE_MSG) const char &,
+ const signed char &,
+ const unsigned char &,
+ const short &,
+ const unsigned short &,
+ const int &,
+ const unsigned int &,
+ const long &,
+ const unsigned long &,
+ const long long &,
+ const unsigned long long &,
+ const float &,
+ const double &
+%{ static $*1_ltype temp;
+ temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $result = &temp; %}
+%typemap(directorin) const bool & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const char & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const signed char & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const unsigned char & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const short & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const unsigned short & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const int & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const unsigned int & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const long & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const unsigned long & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const long long & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const unsigned long long & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const float & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(directorin) const double & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) const char & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const signed char & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned char & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const short & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned short & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const int & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned int & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const long long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned long long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const float & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const double & ($*1_ltype temp)
+ "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) const char & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const signed char & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned char & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const short & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned short & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const int & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned int & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const long long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const unsigned long long & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const float & ($*1_ltype temp),
+ const double & ($*1_ltype temp)
+ "$cscall"
+%typemap(out) const bool & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const char & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const signed char & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const unsigned char & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const short & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const unsigned short & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const int & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const unsigned int & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const long & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const unsigned long & %{ $result = (unsigned long)*$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const long long & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const unsigned long long & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const float & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(out) const double & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+/* Default handling. Object passed by value. Convert to a pointer */
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) SWIGTYPE ($&1_type argp)
+%{ argp = ($&1_ltype)$input;
+ if (!argp) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Attempt to dereference null $1_type", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $1 = *argp; %}
+%typemap(directorout) SWIGTYPE
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Unexpected null return for type $1_type", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $result = *($&1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+%{ $result = new $1_ltype((const $1_ltype &)$1); %}
+ $&1_ltype $1ptr = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_ltype));
+ memmove($1ptr, &$1, sizeof($1_type));
+ $result = $1ptr;
+%typemap(directorin) SWIGTYPE
+%{ $input = (void *)&$1; %}
+%typemap(csdirectorin) SWIGTYPE "new $&csclassname($iminput, false)"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) SWIGTYPE "$&csclassname.getCPtr($cscall).Handle"
+/* Generic pointers and references */
+%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE * %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(in, fragment="SWIG_UnPackData") SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{
+ SWIG_UnpackData($input, (void *)&$1, sizeof($1));
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) SWIGTYPE & %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input;
+ if (!$1) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "$1_type type is null", 0);
+ return $null;
+ } %}
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE * %{ $result = (void *)$1; %}
+%typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_PackData") SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{
+ char buf[128];
+ char *data = SWIG_PackData(buf, (void *)&$1, sizeof($1));
+ *data = '\0';
+ $result = SWIG_csharp_string_callback(buf);
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE & %{ $result = (void *)$1; %}
+%{ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%{ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(directorin) SWIGTYPE *
+%{ $input = (void *) $1; %}
+%typemap(directorin) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*)
+%{ $input = (void *) $1; %}
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "Unexpected null return for type $1_type", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(directorin) SWIGTYPE &
+%{ $input = ($1_ltype) &$1; %}
+%typemap(csdirectorin) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "($iminput == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $csclassname($iminput, false)"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) SWIGTYPE & "new $csclassname($iminput, false)"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*), SWIGTYPE & "$csclassname.getCPtr($cscall).Handle"
+/* Default array handling */
+%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE [] %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE [] %{ $result = $1; %}
+/* char arrays - treat as String */
+%typemap(in) char[ANY], char[] %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) char[ANY], char[] %{ $result = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)$1); %}
+%typemap(directorout) char[ANY], char[] %{ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(directorin) char[ANY], char[] %{ $input = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)$1); %}
+%typemap(csdirectorin) char[ANY], char[] "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) char[ANY], char[] "$cscall"
+/* Typecheck typemaps - The purpose of these is merely to issue a warning for overloaded C++ functions
+ * that cannot be overloaded in C# as more than one C++ type maps to a single C# type */
+ bool,
+ const bool &
+ ""
+ char,
+ const char &
+ ""
+ signed char,
+ const signed char &
+ ""
+ unsigned char,
+ const unsigned char &
+ ""
+ short,
+ const short &
+ ""
+ unsigned short,
+ const unsigned short &
+ ""
+ int,
+ long,
+ const int &,
+ const long &
+ ""
+ unsigned int,
+ unsigned long,
+ const unsigned int &,
+ const unsigned long &
+ ""
+ long long,
+ const long long &
+ ""
+ unsigned long long,
+ const unsigned long long &
+ ""
+ float,
+ const float &
+ ""
+ double,
+ const double &
+ ""
+ char *,
+ char *&,
+ char[ANY],
+ char[]
+ ""
+ SWIGTYPE *const&,
+ ""
+/* Exception handling */
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) int,
+ long,
+ short,
+ unsigned int,
+ unsigned long,
+ unsigned short
+%{ char error_msg[256];
+ sprintf(error_msg, "C++ $1_type exception thrown, value: %d", $1);
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, error_msg);
+ return $null; %}
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE [ANY]
+%{ (void)$1;
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown");
+ return $null; %}
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) char *
+%{ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, $1);
+ return $null; %}
+/* Typemaps for code generation in proxy classes and C# type wrapper classes */
+/* The csin typemap is used for converting function parameter types from the type
+ * used in the proxy, module or type wrapper class to the type used in the PInvoke class. */
+%typemap(csin) bool, const bool &,
+ char, const char &,
+ signed char, const signed char &,
+ unsigned char, const unsigned char &,
+ short, const short &,
+ unsigned short, const unsigned short &,
+ int, const int &,
+ unsigned int, const unsigned int &,
+ long, const long &,
+ unsigned long, const unsigned long &,
+ long long, const long long &,
+ unsigned long long, const unsigned long long &,
+ float, const float &,
+ double, const double &
+ "$csinput"
+%typemap(csin) char *, char *&, char[ANY], char[] "$csinput"
+%typemap(csin) SWIGTYPE "$&csclassname.getCPtr($csinput)"
+%typemap(csin) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [] "$csclassname.getCPtr($csinput)"
+%typemap(csin) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "$csclassname.getCMemberPtr($csinput)"
+/* The csout typemap is used for converting function return types from the return type
+ * used in the PInvoke class to the type returned by the proxy, module or type wrapper class.
+ * The $excode special variable is replaced by the excode typemap attribute code if the
+ * method can throw any exceptions from unmanaged code, otherwise replaced by nothing. */
+// Macro used by the $excode special variable
+%define SWIGEXCODE "\n if ($imclassname.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw $imclassname.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();" %enddef
+%define SWIGEXCODE2 "\n if ($imclassname.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw $imclassname.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();" %enddef
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) bool, const bool & {
+ bool ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) char, const char & {
+ char ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) signed char, const signed char & {
+ sbyte ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) unsigned char, const unsigned char & {
+ byte ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) short, const short & {
+ short ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) unsigned short, const unsigned short & {
+ ushort ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) int, const int & {
+ int ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) unsigned int, const unsigned int & {
+ uint ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) long, const long & {
+ int ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) unsigned long, const unsigned long & {
+ uint ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) long long, const long long & {
+ long ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & {
+ ulong ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) float, const float & {
+ float ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) double, const double & {
+ double ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) char *, char *&, char[ANY], char[] {
+ string ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) void {
+ $imcall;$excode
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIGTYPE {
+ $&csclassname ret = new $&csclassname($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIGTYPE & {
+ $csclassname ret = new $csclassname($imcall, $owner);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE [] {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $csclassname ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $csclassname(cPtr, $owner);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) {
+ string cMemberPtr = $imcall;
+ $csclassname ret = (cMemberPtr == null) ? null : new $csclassname(cMemberPtr, $owner);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+/* Properties */
+ set {
+ $imcall;$excode
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarin, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) char *, char *&, char[ANY], char[] %{
+ set {
+ $imcall;$excode
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) bool, const bool & %{
+ get {
+ bool ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) char, const char & %{
+ get {
+ char ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) signed char, const signed char & %{
+ get {
+ sbyte ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) unsigned char, const unsigned char & %{
+ get {
+ byte ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) short, const short & %{
+ get {
+ short ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) unsigned short, const unsigned short & %{
+ get {
+ ushort ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) int, const int & %{
+ get {
+ int ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) unsigned int, const unsigned int & %{
+ get {
+ uint ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) long, const long & %{
+ get {
+ int ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) unsigned long, const unsigned long & %{
+ get {
+ uint ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) long long, const long long & %{
+ get {
+ long ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & %{
+ get {
+ ulong ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) float, const float & %{
+ get {
+ float ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) double, const double & %{
+ get {
+ double ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) char *, char *&, char[ANY], char[] %{
+ get {
+ string ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) void %{
+ get {
+ $imcall;$excode
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) SWIGTYPE %{
+ get {
+ $&csclassname ret = new $&csclassname($imcall, true);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) SWIGTYPE & %{
+ get {
+ $csclassname ret = new $csclassname($imcall, $owner);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE [] %{
+ get {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $csclassname ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $csclassname(cPtr, $owner);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{
+ get {
+ string cMemberPtr = $imcall;
+ $csclassname ret = (cMemberPtr == null) ? null : new $csclassname(cMemberPtr, $owner);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+/* Pointer reference typemaps */
+%typemap(ctype) SWIGTYPE *const& "void *"
+%typemap(imtype, out="IntPtr") SWIGTYPE *const& "HandleRef"
+%typemap(cstype) SWIGTYPE *const& "$*csclassname"
+%typemap(csin) SWIGTYPE *const& "$*csclassname.getCPtr($csinput)"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) SWIGTYPE *const& {
+ IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
+ $*csclassname ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $*csclassname(cPtr, $owner);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE *const& ($*1_ltype temp = 0)
+%{ temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $1 = ($1_ltype)&temp; %}
+%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE *const&
+%{ $result = (void *)*$1; %}
+/* Marshal C/C++ pointer to IntPtr */
+%typemap(ctype) void *VOID_INT_PTR "void *"
+%typemap(imtype) void *VOID_INT_PTR "IntPtr"
+%typemap(cstype) void *VOID_INT_PTR "IntPtr"
+%typemap(in) void *VOID_INT_PTR %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) void *VOID_INT_PTR %{ $result = (void *)$1; %}
+%typemap(csin) void *VOID_INT_PTR "$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) void *VOID_INT_PTR {
+ IntPtr ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+/* Typemaps used for the generation of proxy and type wrapper class code */
+%typemap(csclassmodifiers) SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "public class"
+%typemap(csimports) SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "\nusing System;\nusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;\n"
+%typemap(csinterfaces) SWIGTYPE "IDisposable"
+%typemap(csinterfaces) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) ""
+%typemap(csinterfaces_derived) SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) ""
+// csbody typemaps... these are in macros so that the visibility of the methods can be easily changed by users.
+// Proxy classes (base classes, ie, not derived classes)
+%typemap(csbody) TYPE %{
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static HandleRef getCPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+// Derived proxy classes
+%typemap(csbody_derived) TYPE %{
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base($imclassname.$csclazznameSWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static HandleRef getCPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+// Typewrapper classes
+%typemap(csbody) TYPE *, TYPE &, TYPE [] %{
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(IntPtr cPtr, bool futureUse) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static HandleRef getCPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+%typemap(csbody) TYPE (CLASS::*) %{
+ private string swigCMemberPtr;
+ PTRCTOR_VISIBILITY $csclassname(string cMemberPtr, bool futureUse) {
+ swigCMemberPtr = cMemberPtr;
+ }
+ swigCMemberPtr = null;
+ }
+ CPTR_VISIBILITY static string getCMemberPtr($csclassname obj) {
+ return obj.swigCMemberPtr;
+ }
+/* Set the default csbody typemaps to use internal visibility.
+ Use the macros to change to public if using multiple modules. */
+SWIG_CSBODY_PROXY(internal, internal, SWIGTYPE)
+SWIG_CSBODY_TYPEWRAPPER(internal, protected, internal, SWIGTYPE)
+%typemap(csfinalize) SWIGTYPE %{
+ ~$csclassname() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+%typemap(csconstruct, excode=SWIGEXCODE,directorconnect="\n SwigDirectorConnect();") SWIGTYPE %{: this($imcall, true) {$excode$directorconnect
+ }
+%typemap(csdestruct, methodname="Dispose", methodmodifiers="public") SWIGTYPE {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ $imcall;
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+%typemap(csdestruct_derived, methodname="Dispose", methodmodifiers="public") SWIGTYPE {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ $imcall;
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+%typemap(directordisconnect, methodname="swigDirectorDisconnect") SWIGTYPE %{
+ protected void $methodname() {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ $imcall;
+ }
+/* C# specific directives */
+#define %csconst(flag) %feature("cs:const","flag")
+#define %csconstvalue(value) %feature("cs:constvalue",value)
+#define %csenum(wrapapproach) %feature("cs:enum","wrapapproach")
+#define %csmethodmodifiers %feature("cs:methodmodifiers")
+#define %csnothrowexception %feature("except")
+#define %csattributes %feature("cs:attributes")
+%pragma(csharp) imclassclassmodifiers="class"
+%pragma(csharp) moduleclassmodifiers="public class"
+%pragma(csharp) moduleimports=%{
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+%pragma(csharp) imclassimports=%{
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+/* Some ANSI C typemaps */
+%apply unsigned long { size_t };
+%apply const unsigned long & { const size_t & };
+/* Array reference typemaps */
+%apply SWIGTYPE & { SWIGTYPE ((&)[ANY]) }
+/* const pointers */
+%apply SWIGTYPE * { SWIGTYPE *const }
+/* csharp keywords */
+%include <csharpkw.swg>
+// Default enum handling
+%include <enums.swg>
+// For vararg handling in macros, from swigmacros.swg
+#define %arg(X...) X
+// Alternative char * typemaps.
+%pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{
+ public class SWIGStringMarshal : IDisposable {
+ public readonly HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ public SWIGStringMarshal(string str) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(str));
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FreeHGlobal(swigCPtr.Handle);
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+%typemap(imtype, out="IntPtr") char *, char[ANY], char[] "HandleRef"
+%typemap(out) char *, char[ANY], char[] %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(csin) char *, char[ANY], char[] "new $imclassname.SWIGStringMarshal($csinput).swigCPtr"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) char *, char[ANY], char[] {
+ string ret = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi($imcall);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarin, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) char *, char[ANY], char[] %{
+ set {
+ $imcall;$excode
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) char *, char[ANY], char[] %{
+ get {
+ string ret = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi($imcall);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/csharphead.swg b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/csharphead.swg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c56a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/csharphead.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * csharphead.swg
+ *
+ * Support code for exceptions if the SWIG_CSHARP_NO_EXCEPTION_HELPER is not defined
+ * Support code for strings if the SWIG_CSHARP_NO_STRING_HELPER is not defined
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+%insert(runtime) %{
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+%insert(runtime) %{
+/* Support for throwing C# exceptions from C/C++. There are two types:
+ * Exceptions that take a message and ArgumentExceptions that take a message and a parameter name. */
+typedef enum {
+ SWIG_CSharpApplicationException,
+ SWIG_CSharpArithmeticException,
+ SWIG_CSharpDivideByZeroException,
+ SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException,
+ SWIG_CSharpInvalidCastException,
+ SWIG_CSharpInvalidOperationException,
+ SWIG_CSharpIOException,
+ SWIG_CSharpNullReferenceException,
+ SWIG_CSharpOutOfMemoryException,
+ SWIG_CSharpOverflowException,
+ SWIG_CSharpSystemException
+} SWIG_CSharpExceptionCodes;
+typedef enum {
+ SWIG_CSharpArgumentException,
+ SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException,
+ SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException
+} SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCodes;
+typedef void (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t)(const char *);
+typedef void (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t)(const char *, const char *);
+typedef struct {
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCodes code;
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t callback;
+} SWIG_CSharpException_t;
+typedef struct {
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCodes code;
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t callback;
+} SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgument_t;
+static SWIG_CSharpException_t SWIG_csharp_exceptions[] = {
+ { SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpArithmeticException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpDivideByZeroException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpInvalidCastException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpInvalidOperationException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpIOException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpNullReferenceException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpOutOfMemoryException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpOverflowException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpSystemException, NULL }
+static SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgument_t SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[] = {
+ { SWIG_CSharpArgumentException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException, NULL }
+static void SWIGUNUSED SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpExceptionCodes code, const char *msg) {
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpApplicationException].callback;
+ if ((size_t)code < sizeof(SWIG_csharp_exceptions)/sizeof(SWIG_CSharpException_t)) {
+ callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions[code].callback;
+ }
+ callback(msg);
+static void SWIGUNUSED SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCodes code, const char *msg, const char *param_name) {
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentException].callback;
+ if ((size_t)code < sizeof(SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument)/sizeof(SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgument_t)) {
+ callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[code].callback;
+ }
+ callback(msg, param_name);
+%insert(runtime) %{
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_$module(
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t applicationCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t arithmeticCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t divideByZeroCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t indexOutOfRangeCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t invalidCastCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t invalidOperationCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t ioCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t nullReferenceCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t outOfMemoryCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t overflowCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t systemCallback) {
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpApplicationException].callback = applicationCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpArithmeticException].callback = arithmeticCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpDivideByZeroException].callback = divideByZeroCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException].callback = indexOutOfRangeCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpInvalidCastException].callback = invalidCastCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpInvalidOperationException].callback = invalidOperationCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpIOException].callback = ioCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpNullReferenceException].callback = nullReferenceCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpOutOfMemoryException].callback = outOfMemoryCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpOverflowException].callback = overflowCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpSystemException].callback = systemCallback;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterExceptionArgumentCallbacks_$module(
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t argumentCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t argumentNullCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t argumentOutOfRangeCallback) {
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentException].callback = argumentCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException].callback = argumentNullCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException].callback = argumentOutOfRangeCallback;
+%pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{
+ protected class SWIGExceptionHelper {
+ public delegate void ExceptionDelegate(string message);
+ public delegate void ExceptionArgumentDelegate(string message, string paramName);
+ static ExceptionDelegate applicationDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingApplicationException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate arithmeticDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingArithmeticException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate divideByZeroDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingDivideByZeroException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate indexOutOfRangeDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingIndexOutOfRangeException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate invalidCastDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingInvalidCastException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate invalidOperationDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingInvalidOperationException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate ioDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingIOException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate nullReferenceDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingNullReferenceException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate outOfMemoryDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingOutOfMemoryException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate overflowDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingOverflowException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate systemDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingSystemException);
+ static ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentDelegate = new ExceptionArgumentDelegate(SetPendingArgumentException);
+ static ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentNullDelegate = new ExceptionArgumentDelegate(SetPendingArgumentNullException);
+ static ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentOutOfRangeDelegate = new ExceptionArgumentDelegate(SetPendingArgumentOutOfRangeException);
+ [DllImport("$dllimport", EntryPoint="SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_$module")]
+ public static extern void SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_$module(
+ ExceptionDelegate applicationDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate arithmeticDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate divideByZeroDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate indexOutOfRangeDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate invalidCastDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate invalidOperationDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate ioDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate nullReferenceDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate outOfMemoryDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate overflowDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate systemExceptionDelegate);
+ [DllImport("$dllimport", EntryPoint="SWIGRegisterExceptionArgumentCallbacks_$module")]
+ public static extern void SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacksArgument_$module(
+ ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentDelegate,
+ ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentNullDelegate,
+ ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentOutOfRangeDelegate);
+ static void SetPendingApplicationException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ApplicationException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingArithmeticException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ArithmeticException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingDivideByZeroException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.DivideByZeroException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingIndexOutOfRangeException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.IndexOutOfRangeException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingInvalidCastException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.InvalidCastException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingInvalidOperationException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.InvalidOperationException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingIOException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.IO.IOException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingNullReferenceException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.NullReferenceException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingOutOfMemoryException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.OutOfMemoryException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingOverflowException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.OverflowException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingSystemException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.SystemException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingArgumentException(string message, string paramName) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ArgumentException(message, paramName, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingArgumentNullException(string message, string paramName) {
+ Exception e = SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
+ if (e != null) message = message + " Inner Exception: " + e.Message;
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ArgumentNullException(paramName, message));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingArgumentOutOfRangeException(string message, string paramName) {
+ Exception e = SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
+ if (e != null) message = message + " Inner Exception: " + e.Message;
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName, message));
+ }
+ static SWIGExceptionHelper() {
+ SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_$module(
+ applicationDelegate,
+ arithmeticDelegate,
+ divideByZeroDelegate,
+ indexOutOfRangeDelegate,
+ invalidCastDelegate,
+ invalidOperationDelegate,
+ ioDelegate,
+ nullReferenceDelegate,
+ outOfMemoryDelegate,
+ overflowDelegate,
+ systemDelegate);
+ SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacksArgument_$module(
+ argumentDelegate,
+ argumentNullDelegate,
+ argumentOutOfRangeDelegate);
+ }
+ }
+ protected static SWIGExceptionHelper swigExceptionHelper = new SWIGExceptionHelper();
+ public class SWIGPendingException {
+ [ThreadStatic]
+ private static Exception pendingException = null;
+ private static int numExceptionsPending = 0;
+ public static bool Pending {
+ get {
+ bool pending = false;
+ if (numExceptionsPending > 0)
+ if (pendingException != null)
+ pending = true;
+ return pending;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void Set(Exception e) {
+ if (pendingException != null)
+ throw new ApplicationException("FATAL: An earlier pending exception from unmanaged code was missed and thus not thrown (" + pendingException.ToString() + ")", e);
+ pendingException = e;
+ lock(typeof($imclassname)) {
+ numExceptionsPending++;
+ }
+ }
+ public static Exception Retrieve() {
+ Exception e = null;
+ if (numExceptionsPending > 0) {
+ if (pendingException != null) {
+ e = pendingException;
+ pendingException = null;
+ lock(typeof($imclassname)) {
+ numExceptionsPending--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+%insert(runtime) %{
+/* Callback for returning strings to C# without leaking memory */
+typedef char * (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpStringHelperCallback)(const char *);
+static SWIG_CSharpStringHelperCallback SWIG_csharp_string_callback = NULL;
+%pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{
+ protected class SWIGStringHelper {
+ public delegate string SWIGStringDelegate(string message);
+ static SWIGStringDelegate stringDelegate = new SWIGStringDelegate(CreateString);
+ [DllImport("$dllimport", EntryPoint="SWIGRegisterStringCallback_$module")]
+ public static extern void SWIGRegisterStringCallback_$module(SWIGStringDelegate stringDelegate);
+ static string CreateString(string cString) {
+ return cString;
+ }
+ static SWIGStringHelper() {
+ SWIGRegisterStringCallback_$module(stringDelegate);
+ }
+ }
+ static protected SWIGStringHelper swigStringHelper = new SWIGStringHelper();
+%insert(runtime) %{
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterStringCallback_$module(SWIG_CSharpStringHelperCallback callback) {
+ SWIG_csharp_string_callback = callback;
+// Ensure the class is not marked beforefieldinit
+%pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{
+ static $imclassname() {
+ }
+%insert(runtime) %{
+/* Contract support */
+#define SWIG_contract_assert(nullreturn, expr, msg) if (!(expr)) {SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException, msg, ""); return nullreturn; } else
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/csharpkw.swg b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/csharpkw.swg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a6d979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/csharpkw.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+/* Warnings for C# keywords */
+#define CSHARPKW(x) %keywordwarn("'" `x` "' is a C# keyword, renaming to '_" `x` "'",rename="_%s") `x`
+ from
+#undef CSHARPKW
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/director.swg b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/director.swg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7768d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/director.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * director.swg
+ *
+ * This file contains support for director classes so that C# proxy
+ * methods can be called from C++.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+namespace Swig {
+ /* Director base class - not currently used in C# directors */
+ class Director {
+ };
+ /* Base class for director exceptions */
+ class DirectorException {
+ protected:
+ std::string swig_msg;
+ public:
+ DirectorException(const char* msg) : swig_msg(msg) {
+ }
+ DirectorException(const std::string &msg) : swig_msg(msg) {
+ }
+ const std::string& what() const {
+ return swig_msg;
+ }
+ virtual ~DirectorException() {
+ }
+ };
+ /* Pure virtual method exception */
+ class DirectorPureVirtualException : public Swig::DirectorException {
+ public:
+ DirectorPureVirtualException(const char* msg) : DirectorException(std::string("Attempt to invoke pure virtual method ") + msg) {
+ }
+ };
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/enums.swg b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/enums.swg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70e483f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/enums.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * enums.swg
+ *
+ * Include this file in order for C/C++ enums to be wrapped by proper C# enums.
+ * Note that the PINVOKE layer handles the enum as an int.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// const enum SWIGTYPE & typemaps
+%typemap(ctype) const enum SWIGTYPE & "int"
+%typemap(imtype) const enum SWIGTYPE & "int"
+%typemap(cstype) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$*csclassname"
+%typemap(in) const enum SWIGTYPE & ($*1_ltype temp)
+%{ temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(out) const enum SWIGTYPE & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(directorout,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_THREAD_UNSAFE_MSG) const enum SWIGTYPE &
+%{ static $*1_ltype temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $result = &temp; %}
+%typemap(directorin) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) const enum SWIGTYPE & "($*csclassname)$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) const enum SWIGTYPE & "(int)$cscall"
+%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_POINTER) const enum SWIGTYPE & ""
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) const enum SWIGTYPE &
+%{ (void)$1;
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown");
+ return $null; %}
+%typemap(csin) const enum SWIGTYPE & "(int)$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) const enum SWIGTYPE & {
+ $*csclassname ret = ($*csclassname)$imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) const enum SWIGTYPE & %{
+ get {
+ $*csclassname ret = ($*csclassname)$imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+// enum SWIGTYPE typemaps
+%typemap(ctype) enum SWIGTYPE "int"
+%typemap(imtype) enum SWIGTYPE "int"
+%typemap(cstype) enum SWIGTYPE "$csclassname"
+%typemap(in) enum SWIGTYPE %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) enum SWIGTYPE %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(directorout) enum SWIGTYPE %{ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(directorin) enum SWIGTYPE "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) enum SWIGTYPE "($csclassname)$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) enum SWIGTYPE "(int)$cscall"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) enum SWIGTYPE
+%{ (void)$1;
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown");
+ return $null; %}
+%typemap(csin) enum SWIGTYPE "(int)$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) enum SWIGTYPE {
+ $csclassname ret = ($csclassname)$imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) enum SWIGTYPE %{
+ get {
+ $csclassname ret = ($csclassname)$imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csbase) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csclassmodifiers) enum SWIGTYPE "public enum"
+%typemap(cscode) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csimports) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csinterfaces) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csbody) enum SWIGTYPE ""
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/enumsimple.swg b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/enumsimple.swg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a193e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/enumsimple.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * enumsimple.swg
+ *
+ * This file provides backwards compatible enum wrapping. SWIG versions 1.3.21
+ * and earlier wrapped global enums with constant integers in the module
+ * class. Enums declared within a C++ class were wrapped by constant integers
+ * in the C# proxy class.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// const enum SWIGTYPE & typemaps
+%typemap(ctype) const enum SWIGTYPE & "int"
+%typemap(imtype) const enum SWIGTYPE & "int"
+%typemap(cstype) const enum SWIGTYPE & "int"
+%typemap(in) const enum SWIGTYPE & ($*1_ltype temp)
+%{ temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(out) const enum SWIGTYPE & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(directorout,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_THREAD_UNSAFE_MSG) const enum SWIGTYPE &
+%{ static $*1_ltype temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $result = &temp; %}
+%typemap(directorin) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$cscall"
+%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32) const enum SWIGTYPE & ""
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) const enum SWIGTYPE &
+%{ (void)$1;
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown");
+ return $null; %}
+%typemap(csin) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) const enum SWIGTYPE & {
+ int ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) const enum SWIGTYPE & %{
+ get {
+ int ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+// enum SWIGTYPE typemaps
+%typemap(ctype) enum SWIGTYPE "int"
+%typemap(imtype) enum SWIGTYPE "int"
+%typemap(cstype) enum SWIGTYPE "int"
+%typemap(in) enum SWIGTYPE %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) enum SWIGTYPE %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(directorout) enum SWIGTYPE %{ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(directorin) enum SWIGTYPE "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) enum SWIGTYPE "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) enum SWIGTYPE "$cscall"
+%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) enum SWIGTYPE
+%{ (void)$1;
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown");
+ return $null; %}
+%typemap(csin) enum SWIGTYPE "$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) enum SWIGTYPE {
+ int ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) enum SWIGTYPE %{
+ get {
+ int ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csbase) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csclassmodifiers) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(cscode) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csimports) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csinterfaces) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csbody) enum SWIGTYPE ""
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/enumtypesafe.swg b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/enumtypesafe.swg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed483f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/enumtypesafe.swg
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * enumtypesafe.swg
+ *
+ * Include this file in order for C/C++ enums to be wrapped by the so called
+ * typesafe enum pattern. Each enum has an equivalent C# class named after the
+ * enum and each enum item is a static instance of this class.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// const enum SWIGTYPE & typemaps
+%typemap(ctype) const enum SWIGTYPE & "int"
+%typemap(imtype) const enum SWIGTYPE & "int"
+%typemap(cstype) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$*csclassname"
+%typemap(in) const enum SWIGTYPE & ($*1_ltype temp)
+%{ temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $1 = &temp; %}
+%typemap(out) const enum SWIGTYPE & %{ $result = *$1; %}
+%typemap(directorout,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_THREAD_UNSAFE_MSG) const enum SWIGTYPE &
+%{ static $*1_ltype temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
+ $result = &temp; %}
+%typemap(directorin) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$*csclassname.swigToEnum($iminput)"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$cscall.swigValue"
+%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_POINTER) const enum SWIGTYPE & ""
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) const enum SWIGTYPE &
+%{ (void)$1;
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown");
+ return $null; %}
+%typemap(csin) const enum SWIGTYPE & "$csinput.swigValue"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) const enum SWIGTYPE & {
+ $*csclassname ret = $*csclassname.swigToEnum($imcall);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) const enum SWIGTYPE & %{
+ get {
+ $*csclassname ret = $*csclassname.swigToEnum($imcall);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+// enum SWIGTYPE typemaps
+%typemap(ctype) enum SWIGTYPE "int"
+%typemap(imtype) enum SWIGTYPE "int"
+%typemap(cstype) enum SWIGTYPE "$csclassname"
+%typemap(in) enum SWIGTYPE %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) enum SWIGTYPE %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(directorout) enum SWIGTYPE %{ $result = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(directorin) enum SWIGTYPE "$input = $1;"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) enum SWIGTYPE "$csclassname.swigToEnum($iminput)"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) enum SWIGTYPE "$cscall.swigValue"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) enum SWIGTYPE
+%{ (void)$1;
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown");
+ return $null; %}
+%typemap(csin) enum SWIGTYPE "$csinput.swigValue"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) enum SWIGTYPE {
+ $csclassname ret = $csclassname.swigToEnum($imcall);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) enum SWIGTYPE %{
+ get {
+ $csclassname ret = $csclassname.swigToEnum($imcall);$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(csbase) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csclassmodifiers) enum SWIGTYPE "public sealed class"
+%typemap(cscode) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csimports) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+%typemap(csinterfaces) enum SWIGTYPE ""
+ * The swigToEnum method is used to find the C# enum from a C++ enum integer value. The default one here takes
+ * advantage of the fact that most enums do not have initial values specified, so the lookup is fast. If initial
+ * values are specified then a lengthy linear search through all possible enums might occur. Specific typemaps could be
+ * written to possibly optimise this lookup by taking advantage of characteristics peculiar to the targeted enum.
+ * The special variable, $enumvalues, is replaced with a comma separated list of all the enum values.
+ */
+%typemap(csbody) enum SWIGTYPE %{
+ public readonly int swigValue;
+ public static $csclassname swigToEnum(int swigValue) {
+ if (swigValue < swigValues.Length && swigValue >= 0 && swigValues[swigValue].swigValue == swigValue)
+ return swigValues[swigValue];
+ for (int i = 0; i < swigValues.Length; i++)
+ if (swigValues[i].swigValue == swigValue)
+ return swigValues[i];
+ throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No enum $csclassname with value " + swigValue);
+ }
+ public override string ToString() {
+ return swigName;
+ }
+ private $csclassname(string swigName) {
+ this.swigName = swigName;
+ this.swigValue = swigNext++;
+ }
+ private $csclassname(string swigName, int swigValue) {
+ this.swigName = swigName;
+ this.swigValue = swigValue;
+ swigNext = swigValue+1;
+ }
+ private $csclassname(string swigName, $csclassname swigEnum) {
+ this.swigName = swigName;
+ this.swigValue = swigEnum.swigValue;
+ swigNext = this.swigValue+1;
+ }
+ private static $csclassname[] swigValues = { $enumvalues };
+ private static int swigNext = 0;
+ private readonly string swigName;
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_common.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_common.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cee11e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_common.i
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+%include <std_except.i>
+%apply size_t { std::size_t };
+%apply const size_t& { const std::size_t& };
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_deque.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_deque.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb98f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_deque.i
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include <std/_std_deque.i>
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_except.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_except.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27eb84b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_except.i
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * std_except.i
+ *
+ * Typemaps used by the STL wrappers that throw exceptions. These typemaps are
+ * used when methods are declared with an STL exception specification, such as
+ * size_t at() const throw (std::out_of_range);
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace std
+ %ignore exception;
+ struct exception {};
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::bad_exception "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, $1.what());\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::domain_error "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, $1.what());\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::exception "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, $1.what());\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::invalid_argument "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentException, $1.what(), \"\");\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::length_error "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException, $1.what());\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::logic_error "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, $1.what());\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::out_of_range "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException, 0, $1.what());\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::overflow_error "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpOverflowException, $1.what());\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::range_error "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException, $1.what());\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::runtime_error "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, $1.what());\n return $null;"
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) std::underflow_error "SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpOverflowException, $1.what());\n return $null;"
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_map.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_map.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acd1906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_map.i
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * std_map.i
+ *
+ * SWIG typemaps for std::map< K, T, C >
+ *
+ * The C# wrapper is made to look and feel like a C# System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<>.
+ *
+ * Using this wrapper is fairly simple. For example, to create a map from integers to doubles use:
+ *
+ * %include <std_map.i>
+ * %template(MapIntDouble) std::map<int, double>
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * 1) For .NET 1 compatibility, define SWIG_DOTNET_1 when compiling the C# code. In this case
+ * the C# wrapper has only basic functionality.
+ * 2) IEnumerable<> is implemented in the proxy class which is useful for using LINQ with
+ * C++ std::map wrappers.
+ *
+ * Warning: heavy macro usage in this file. Use swig -E to get a sane view on the real file contents!
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdexcept>
+/* K is the C++ key type, T is the C++ value type */
+%typemap(csinterfaces) std::map< K, T, C > "IDisposable \n#if !SWIG_DOTNET_1\n , System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>\n#endif\n";
+%typemap(cscode) std::map<K, T, C > %{
+ public $typemap(cstype, T) this[$typemap(cstype, K) key] {
+ get {
+ return getitem(key);
+ }
+ set {
+ setitem(key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ public bool TryGetValue($typemap(cstype, K) key, out $typemap(cstype, T) value) {
+ if (this.ContainsKey(key)) {
+ value = this[key];
+ return true;
+ }
+ value = default($typemap(cstype, T));
+ return false;
+ }
+ public int Count {
+ get {
+ return (int)size();
+ }
+ }
+ public bool IsReadOnly {
+ get {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<$typemap(cstype, K)> Keys {
+ get {
+ System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<$typemap(cstype, K)> keys = new System.Collections.Generic.List<$typemap(cstype, K)>();
+ int size = this.Count;
+ if (size > 0) {
+ IntPtr iter = create_iterator_begin();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ keys.Add(get_next_key(iter));
+ }
+ destroy_iterator(iter);
+ }
+ return keys;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<$typemap(cstype, T)> Values {
+ get {
+ System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<$typemap(cstype, T)> vals = new System.Collections.Generic.List<$typemap(cstype, T)>();
+ foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> pair in this) {
+ vals.Add(pair.Value);
+ }
+ return vals;
+ }
+ }
+ public void Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> item) {
+ Add(item.Key, item.Value);
+ }
+ public bool Remove(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> item) {
+ if (Contains(item)) {
+ return Remove(item.Key);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool Contains(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> item) {
+ if (this[item.Key] == item.Value) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public void CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>[] array) {
+ CopyTo(array, 0);
+ }
+ public void CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>[] array, int arrayIndex) {
+ if (array == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
+ if (arrayIndex < 0)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("arrayIndex", "Value is less than zero");
+ if (array.Rank > 1)
+ throw new ArgumentException("Multi dimensional array.", "array");
+ if (arrayIndex+this.Count > array.Length)
+ throw new ArgumentException("Number of elements to copy is too large.");
+ System.Collections.Generic.IList<$typemap(cstype, K)> keyList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<$typemap(cstype, K)>(this.Keys);
+ for (int i = 0; i < keyList.Count; i++) {
+ $typemap(cstype, K) currentKey = keyList[i];
+ array.SetValue(new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>(currentKey, this[currentKey]), arrayIndex+i);
+ }
+ }
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>>.GetEnumerator() {
+ return new $csclassnameEnumerator(this);
+ }
+ System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
+ return new $csclassnameEnumerator(this);
+ }
+ public $csclassnameEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
+ return new $csclassnameEnumerator(this);
+ }
+ // Type-safe enumerator
+ /// Note that the IEnumerator documentation requires an InvalidOperationException to be thrown
+ /// whenever the collection is modified. This has been done for changes in the size of the
+ /// collection but not when one of the elements of the collection is modified as it is a bit
+ /// tricky to detect unmanaged code that modifies the collection under our feet.
+ public sealed class $csclassnameEnumerator : System.Collections.IEnumerator,
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>>
+ {
+ private $csclassname collectionRef;
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IList<$typemap(cstype, K)> keyCollection;
+ private int currentIndex;
+ private object currentObject;
+ private int currentSize;
+ public $csclassnameEnumerator($csclassname collection) {
+ collectionRef = collection;
+ keyCollection = new System.Collections.Generic.List<$typemap(cstype, K)>(collection.Keys);
+ currentIndex = -1;
+ currentObject = null;
+ currentSize = collectionRef.Count;
+ }
+ // Type-safe iterator Current
+ public System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> Current {
+ get {
+ if (currentIndex == -1)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration not started.");
+ if (currentIndex > currentSize - 1)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration finished.");
+ if (currentObject == null)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection modified.");
+ return (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>)currentObject;
+ }
+ }
+ // Type-unsafe IEnumerator.Current
+ object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current {
+ get {
+ return Current;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool MoveNext() {
+ int size = collectionRef.Count;
+ bool moveOkay = (currentIndex+1 < size) && (size == currentSize);
+ if (moveOkay) {
+ currentIndex++;
+ $typemap(cstype, K) currentKey = keyCollection[currentIndex];
+ currentObject = new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>(currentKey, collectionRef[currentKey]);
+ } else {
+ currentObject = null;
+ }
+ return moveOkay;
+ }
+ public void Reset() {
+ currentIndex = -1;
+ currentObject = null;
+ if (collectionRef.Count != currentSize) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection modified.");
+ }
+ }
+ public void Dispose() {
+ currentIndex = -1;
+ currentObject = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef K key_type;
+ typedef T mapped_type;
+ map();
+ map(const map< K, T, C > &other);
+ size_type size() const;
+ bool empty() const;
+ %rename(Clear) clear;
+ void clear();
+ %extend {
+ const mapped_type& getitem(const key_type& key) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = $self->find(key);
+ if (iter != $self->end())
+ return iter->second;
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("key not found");
+ }
+ void setitem(const key_type& key, const mapped_type& x) {
+ (*$self)[key] = x;
+ }
+ bool ContainsKey(const key_type& key) {
+ std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = $self->find(key);
+ return iter != $self->end();
+ }
+ void Add(const key_type& key, const mapped_type& val) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = $self->find(key);
+ if (iter != $self->end())
+ throw std::out_of_range("key already exists");
+ $self->insert(std::pair< K, T >(key, val));
+ }
+ bool Remove(const key_type& key) {
+ std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = $self->find(key);
+ if (iter != $self->end()) {
+ $self->erase(iter);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // create_iterator_begin(), get_next_key() and destroy_iterator work together to provide a collection of keys to C#
+ %apply void *VOID_INT_PTR { std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *create_iterator_begin }
+ %apply void *VOID_INT_PTR { std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *swigiterator }
+ std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *create_iterator_begin() {
+ return new std::map< K, T, C >::iterator($self->begin());
+ }
+ const key_type& get_next_key(std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *swigiterator) {
+ std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = *swigiterator;
+ (*swigiterator)++;
+ return (*iter).first;
+ }
+ void destroy_iterator(std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *swigiterator) {
+ delete swigiterator;
+ }
+ }
+%csmethodmodifiers std::map::size "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::map::getitem "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::map::setitem "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::map::create_iterator_begin "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::map::get_next_key "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::map::destroy_iterator "private"
+// Default implementation
+namespace std {
+ template<class K, class T, class C = std::less<K> > class map {
+ };
+// Legacy macros (deprecated)
+%define specialize_std_map_on_key(K,CHECK,CONVERT_FROM,CONVERT_TO)
+#warning "specialize_std_map_on_key ignored - macro is deprecated and no longer necessary"
+%define specialize_std_map_on_value(T,CHECK,CONVERT_FROM,CONVERT_TO)
+#warning "specialize_std_map_on_value ignored - macro is deprecated and no longer necessary"
+#warning "specialize_std_map_on_both ignored - macro is deprecated and no longer necessary"
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_pair.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_pair.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0712ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_pair.i
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * std_pair.i
+ *
+ * SWIG typemaps for std::pair
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+%include <std_common.i>
+%include <exception.i>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// std::pair
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <utility>
+namespace std {
+ template<class T, class U> struct pair {
+ pair();
+ pair(T t, U u);
+ pair(const pair& p);
+ template <class U1, class U2> pair(const pair<U1, U2> &p);
+ T first;
+ U second;
+ };
+ // add specializations here
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_shared_ptr.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_shared_ptr.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df87367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_shared_ptr.i
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+%include <boost_shared_ptr.i>
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_string.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_string.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f8fa44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_string.i
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * std_string.i
+ *
+ * Typemaps for std::string and const std::string&
+ * These are mapped to a C# String and are passed around by value.
+ *
+ * To use non-const std::string references use the following %apply. Note
+ * that they are passed by value.
+ * %apply const std::string & {std::string &};
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <string>
+namespace std {
+%naturalvar string;
+class string;
+// string
+%typemap(ctype) string "char *"
+%typemap(imtype) string "string"
+%typemap(cstype) string "string"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) string "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) string "$cscall"
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) string
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "null string", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $1.assign($input); %}
+%typemap(out) string %{ $result = SWIG_csharp_string_callback($1.c_str()); %}
+%typemap(directorout, canthrow=1) string
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "null string", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $result.assign($input); %}
+%typemap(directorin) string %{ $input = SWIG_csharp_string_callback($1.c_str()); %}
+%typemap(csin) string "$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) string {
+ string ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(typecheck) string = char *;
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) string
+%{ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, $1.c_str());
+ return $null; %}
+// const string &
+%typemap(ctype) const string & "char *"
+%typemap(imtype) const string & "string"
+%typemap(cstype) const string & "string"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) const string & "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) const string & "$cscall"
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) const string &
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "null string", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $*1_ltype $1_str($input);
+ $1 = &$1_str; %}
+%typemap(out) const string & %{ $result = SWIG_csharp_string_callback($1->c_str()); %}
+%typemap(csin) const string & "$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) const string & {
+ string ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(directorout, canthrow=1, warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_THREAD_UNSAFE_MSG) const string &
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "null string", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ /* possible thread/reentrant code problem */
+ static $*1_ltype $1_str;
+ $1_str = $input;
+ $result = &$1_str; %}
+%typemap(directorin) const string & %{ $input = SWIG_csharp_string_callback($1.c_str()); %}
+%typemap(csvarin, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) const string & %{
+ set {
+ $imcall;$excode
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) const string & %{
+ get {
+ string ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(typecheck) const string & = char *;
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) const string &
+%{ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, $1.c_str());
+ return $null; %}
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_vector.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_vector.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a21ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_vector.i
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * std_vector.i
+ *
+ * SWIG typemaps for std::vector<T>
+ * C# implementation
+ * The C# wrapper is made to look and feel like a C# System.Collections.Generic.List<> collection.
+ * For .NET 1 compatibility, define SWIG_DOTNET_1 when compiling the C# code; then the C# wrapper is
+ * made to look and feel like a typesafe C# System.Collections.ArrayList.
+ *
+ * Note that IEnumerable<> is implemented in the proxy class which is useful for using LINQ with
+ * C++ std::vector wrappers. The IList<> interface is also implemented to provide enhanced functionality
+ * whenever we are confident that the required C++ operator== is available. This is the case for when
+ * T is a primitive type or a pointer. If T does define an operator==, then use the SWIG_STD_VECTOR_ENHANCED
+ * macro to obtain this enhanced functionality, for example:
+ *
+ * SWIG_STD_VECTOR_ENHANCED(SomeNamespace::Klass)
+ * %template(VectKlass) std::vector<SomeNamespace::Klass>;
+ *
+ * Warning: heavy macro usage in this file. Use swig -E to get a sane view on the real file contents!
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Warning: Use the typemaps here in the expectation that the macros they are in will change name.
+%include <std_common.i>
+// MACRO for use within the std::vector class body
+%typemap(csinterfaces) std::vector< CTYPE > "IDisposable, System.Collections.IEnumerable\n#if !SWIG_DOTNET_1\n , System.Collections.Generic.CSINTERFACE<$typemap(cstype, CTYPE)>\n#endif\n";
+%typemap(cscode) std::vector< CTYPE > %{
+ public $csclassname(System.Collections.ICollection c) : this() {
+ if (c == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("c");
+ foreach ($typemap(cstype, CTYPE) element in c) {
+ this.Add(element);
+ }
+ }
+ public bool IsFixedSize {
+ get {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool IsReadOnly {
+ get {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public $typemap(cstype, CTYPE) this[int index] {
+ get {
+ return getitem(index);
+ }
+ set {
+ setitem(index, value);
+ }
+ }
+ public int Capacity {
+ get {
+ return (int)capacity();
+ }
+ set {
+ if (value < size())
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Capacity");
+ reserve((uint)value);
+ }
+ }
+ public int Count {
+ get {
+ return (int)size();
+ }
+ }
+ public bool IsSynchronized {
+ get {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public void CopyTo(System.Array array)
+ public void CopyTo($typemap(cstype, CTYPE)[] array)
+ {
+ CopyTo(0, array, 0, this.Count);
+ }
+ public void CopyTo(System.Array array, int arrayIndex)
+ public void CopyTo($typemap(cstype, CTYPE)[] array, int arrayIndex)
+ {
+ CopyTo(0, array, arrayIndex, this.Count);
+ }
+ public void CopyTo(int index, System.Array array, int arrayIndex, int count)
+ public void CopyTo(int index, $typemap(cstype, CTYPE)[] array, int arrayIndex, int count)
+ {
+ if (array == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
+ if (index < 0)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", "Value is less than zero");
+ if (arrayIndex < 0)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("arrayIndex", "Value is less than zero");
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "Value is less than zero");
+ if (array.Rank > 1)
+ throw new ArgumentException("Multi dimensional array.", "array");
+ if (index+count > this.Count || arrayIndex+count > array.Length)
+ throw new ArgumentException("Number of elements to copy is too large.");
+ for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
+ array.SetValue(getitemcopy(index+i), arrayIndex+i);
+ }
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<$typemap(cstype, CTYPE)> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<$typemap(cstype, CTYPE)>.GetEnumerator() {
+ return new $csclassnameEnumerator(this);
+ }
+ System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
+ return new $csclassnameEnumerator(this);
+ }
+ public $csclassnameEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
+ return new $csclassnameEnumerator(this);
+ }
+ // Type-safe enumerator
+ /// Note that the IEnumerator documentation requires an InvalidOperationException to be thrown
+ /// whenever the collection is modified. This has been done for changes in the size of the
+ /// collection but not when one of the elements of the collection is modified as it is a bit
+ /// tricky to detect unmanaged code that modifies the collection under our feet.
+ public sealed class $csclassnameEnumerator : System.Collections.IEnumerator
+ , System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<$typemap(cstype, CTYPE)>
+ {
+ private $csclassname collectionRef;
+ private int currentIndex;
+ private object currentObject;
+ private int currentSize;
+ public $csclassnameEnumerator($csclassname collection) {
+ collectionRef = collection;
+ currentIndex = -1;
+ currentObject = null;
+ currentSize = collectionRef.Count;
+ }
+ // Type-safe iterator Current
+ public $typemap(cstype, CTYPE) Current {
+ get {
+ if (currentIndex == -1)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration not started.");
+ if (currentIndex > currentSize - 1)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration finished.");
+ if (currentObject == null)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection modified.");
+ return ($typemap(cstype, CTYPE))currentObject;
+ }
+ }
+ // Type-unsafe IEnumerator.Current
+ object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current {
+ get {
+ return Current;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool MoveNext() {
+ int size = collectionRef.Count;
+ bool moveOkay = (currentIndex+1 < size) && (size == currentSize);
+ if (moveOkay) {
+ currentIndex++;
+ currentObject = collectionRef[currentIndex];
+ } else {
+ currentObject = null;
+ }
+ return moveOkay;
+ }
+ public void Reset() {
+ currentIndex = -1;
+ currentObject = null;
+ if (collectionRef.Count != currentSize) {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection modified.");
+ }
+ }
+ public void Dispose() {
+ currentIndex = -1;
+ currentObject = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef CTYPE value_type;
+ typedef CONST_REFERENCE const_reference;
+ %rename(Clear) clear;
+ void clear();
+ %rename(Add) push_back;
+ void push_back(CTYPE const& x);
+ size_type size() const;
+ size_type capacity() const;
+ void reserve(size_type n);
+ %newobject GetRange(int index, int count);
+ %newobject Repeat(CTYPE const& value, int count);
+ vector();
+ vector(const vector &other);
+ %extend {
+ vector(int capacity) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ std::vector< CTYPE >* pv = 0;
+ if (capacity >= 0) {
+ pv = new std::vector< CTYPE >();
+ pv->reserve(capacity);
+ } else {
+ throw std::out_of_range("capacity");
+ }
+ return pv;
+ }
+ CTYPE getitemcopy(int index) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (index>=0 && index<(int)$self->size())
+ return (*$self)[index];
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ }
+ const_reference getitem(int index) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (index>=0 && index<(int)$self->size())
+ return (*$self)[index];
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ }
+ void setitem(int index, CTYPE const& val) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (index>=0 && index<(int)$self->size())
+ (*$self)[index] = val;
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ }
+ // Takes a deep copy of the elements unlike ArrayList.AddRange
+ void AddRange(const std::vector< CTYPE >& values) {
+ $self->insert($self->end(), values.begin(), values.end());
+ }
+ // Takes a deep copy of the elements unlike ArrayList.GetRange
+ std::vector< CTYPE > *GetRange(int index, int count) throw (std::out_of_range, std::invalid_argument) {
+ if (index < 0)
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw std::out_of_range("count");
+ if (index >= (int)$self->size()+1 || index+count > (int)$self->size())
+ throw std::invalid_argument("invalid range");
+ return new std::vector< CTYPE >($self->begin()+index, $self->begin()+index+count);
+ }
+ void Insert(int index, CTYPE const& x) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (index>=0 && index<(int)$self->size()+1)
+ $self->insert($self->begin()+index, x);
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ }
+ // Takes a deep copy of the elements unlike ArrayList.InsertRange
+ void InsertRange(int index, const std::vector< CTYPE >& values) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (index>=0 && index<(int)$self->size()+1)
+ $self->insert($self->begin()+index, values.begin(), values.end());
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ }
+ void RemoveAt(int index) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (index>=0 && index<(int)$self->size())
+ $self->erase($self->begin() + index);
+ else
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ }
+ void RemoveRange(int index, int count) throw (std::out_of_range, std::invalid_argument) {
+ if (index < 0)
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw std::out_of_range("count");
+ if (index >= (int)$self->size()+1 || index+count > (int)$self->size())
+ throw std::invalid_argument("invalid range");
+ $self->erase($self->begin()+index, $self->begin()+index+count);
+ }
+ static std::vector< CTYPE > *Repeat(CTYPE const& value, int count) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw std::out_of_range("count");
+ return new std::vector< CTYPE >(count, value);
+ }
+ void Reverse() {
+ std::reverse($self->begin(), $self->end());
+ }
+ void Reverse(int index, int count) throw (std::out_of_range, std::invalid_argument) {
+ if (index < 0)
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw std::out_of_range("count");
+ if (index >= (int)$self->size()+1 || index+count > (int)$self->size())
+ throw std::invalid_argument("invalid range");
+ std::reverse($self->begin()+index, $self->begin()+index+count);
+ }
+ // Takes a deep copy of the elements unlike ArrayList.SetRange
+ void SetRange(int index, const std::vector< CTYPE >& values) throw (std::out_of_range) {
+ if (index < 0)
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ if (index+values.size() > $self->size())
+ throw std::out_of_range("index");
+ std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), $self->begin()+index);
+ }
+ }
+// Extra methods added to the collection class if operator== is defined for the class being wrapped
+// The class will then implement IList<>, which adds extra functionality
+ %extend {
+ bool Contains(CTYPE const& value) {
+ return std::find($self->begin(), $self->end(), value) != $self->end();
+ }
+ int IndexOf(CTYPE const& value) {
+ int index = -1;
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::iterator it = std::find($self->begin(), $self->end(), value);
+ if (it != $self->end())
+ index = (int)(it - $self->begin());
+ return index;
+ }
+ int LastIndexOf(CTYPE const& value) {
+ int index = -1;
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::reverse_iterator rit = std::find($self->rbegin(), $self->rend(), value);
+ if (rit != $self->rend())
+ index = (int)($self->rend() - 1 - rit);
+ return index;
+ }
+ bool Remove(CTYPE const& value) {
+ std::vector< CTYPE >::iterator it = std::find($self->begin(), $self->end(), value);
+ if (it != $self->end()) {
+ $self->erase(it);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+// Macros for std::vector class specializations/enhancements
+namespace std {
+ template<> class vector< CTYPE > {
+ };
+// Legacy macros
+#warning SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE macro deprecated, please see csharp/std_vector.i and switch to SWIG_STD_VECTOR_ENHANCED
+#warning SWIG_STD_VECTOR_SPECIALIZE_MINIMUM macro deprecated, it is no longer required
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdexcept>
+%csmethodmodifiers std::vector::getitemcopy "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::vector::getitem "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::vector::setitem "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::vector::size "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::vector::capacity "private"
+%csmethodmodifiers std::vector::reserve "private"
+namespace std {
+ // primary (unspecialized) class template for std::vector
+ // does not require operator== to be defined
+ template<class T> class vector {
+ };
+ // specialization for pointers
+ template<class T> class vector<T *> {
+ };
+ // bool is specialized in the C++ standard - const_reference in particular
+ template<> class vector<bool> {
+ };
+// template specializations for std::vector
+// these provide extra collections methods as operator== is defined
+SWIG_STD_VECTOR_ENHANCED(unsigned long long)
+SWIG_STD_VECTOR_ENHANCED(std::string) // also requires a %include <std_string.i>
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_wstring.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_wstring.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9142d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/std_wstring.i
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * std_wstring.i
+ *
+ * Typemaps for std::wstring and const std::wstring&
+ * These are mapped to a C# String and are passed around by value.
+ *
+ * To use non-const std::wstring references use the following %apply. Note
+ * that they are passed by value.
+ * %apply const std::wstring & {std::wstring &};
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+%include <wchar.i>
+#include <string>
+namespace std {
+%naturalvar wstring;
+class wstring;
+// wstring
+%typemap(ctype, out="void *") wstring "wchar_t *"
+%typemap(imtype, inattributes="[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]") wstring "string"
+%typemap(cstype) wstring "string"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) wstring "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) wstring "$cscall"
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) wstring
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "null wstring", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $1.assign($input); %}
+%typemap(out) wstring %{ $result = SWIG_csharp_wstring_callback($1.c_str()); %}
+%typemap(directorout, canthrow=1) wstring
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "null wstring", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ $result.assign($input); %}
+%typemap(directorin) wstring %{ $input = SWIG_csharp_wstring_callback($1.c_str()); %}
+%typemap(csin) wstring "$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) wstring {
+ string ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(typecheck) wstring = wchar_t *;
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) wstring
+%{ std::string message($1.begin(), $1.end());
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, message.c_str());
+ return $null; %}
+// const wstring &
+%typemap(ctype, out="void *") const wstring & "wchar_t *"
+%typemap(imtype, inattributes="[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]") const wstring & "string"
+%typemap(cstype) const wstring & "string"
+%typemap(csdirectorin) const wstring & "$iminput"
+%typemap(csdirectorout) const wstring & "$cscall"
+%typemap(in, canthrow=1) const wstring &
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "null wstring", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ std::wstring $1_str($input);
+ $1 = &$1_str; %}
+%typemap(out) const wstring & %{ $result = SWIG_csharp_wstring_callback($1->c_str()); %}
+%typemap(csin) const wstring & "$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) const wstring & {
+ string ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(directorout, canthrow=1, warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_THREAD_UNSAFE_MSG) const wstring &
+%{ if (!$input) {
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, "null wstring", 0);
+ return $null;
+ }
+ /* possible thread/reentrant code problem */
+ static std::wstring $1_str;
+ $1_str = $input;
+ $result = &$1_str; %}
+%typemap(directorin) const wstring & %{ $input = SWIG_csharp_wstring_callback($1.c_str()); %}
+%typemap(csvarin, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) const wstring & %{
+ set {
+ $imcall;$excode
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) const wstring & %{
+ get {
+ string ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(typecheck) const wstring & = wchar_t *;
+%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) const wstring &
+%{ std::string message($1.begin(), $1.end());
+ SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, message.c_str());
+ return $null; %}
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/stl.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/stl.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d2e91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/stl.i
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * stl.i
+ *
+ * Initial STL definition. extended as needed in each language
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+%include <std_common.i>
+%include <std_string.i>
+%include <std_vector.i>
+%include <std_map.i>
+%include <std_pair.i>
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/typemaps.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/typemaps.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f5596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/typemaps.i
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * typemaps.i
+ *
+ * Pointer and reference handling typemap library
+ *
+ * These mappings provide support for input/output arguments and common
+ * uses for C/C++ pointers and C++ references.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+INPUT typemaps
+These typemaps are used for pointer/reference parameters that are input only
+and are mapped to a C# input parameter.
+The following typemaps can be applied to turn a pointer or reference into a simple
+input value. That is, instead of passing a pointer or reference to an object,
+you would use a real value instead.
+ bool *INPUT, bool &INPUT
+ signed char *INPUT, signed char &INPUT
+ unsigned char *INPUT, unsigned char &INPUT
+ short *INPUT, short &INPUT
+ unsigned short *INPUT, unsigned short &INPUT
+ int *INPUT, int &INPUT
+ unsigned int *INPUT, unsigned int &INPUT
+ long *INPUT, long &INPUT
+ unsigned long *INPUT, unsigned long &INPUT
+ long long *INPUT, long long &INPUT
+ unsigned long long *INPUT, unsigned long long &INPUT
+ float *INPUT, float &INPUT
+ double *INPUT, double &INPUT
+To use these, suppose you had a C function like this :
+ double fadd(double *a, double *b) {
+ return *a+*b;
+ }
+You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
+ %include <typemaps.i>
+ double fadd(double *INPUT, double *INPUT);
+or you can use the %apply directive :
+ %include <typemaps.i>
+ %apply double *INPUT { double *a, double *b };
+ double fadd(double *a, double *b);
+In C# you could then use it like this:
+ double answer = modulename.fadd(10.0, 20.0);
+%typemap(ctype, out="void *") TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "CTYPE"
+%typemap(imtype, out="IntPtr") TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "CSTYPE"
+%typemap(cstype, out="$csclassname") TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "CSTYPE"
+%typemap(csin) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "$csinput"
+%typemap(in) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT
+%{ $1 = ($1_ltype)&$input; %}
+%typemap(typecheck) TYPE *INPUT = TYPE;
+%typemap(typecheck) TYPE &INPUT = TYPE;
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(bool, unsigned int, bool)
+//INPUT_TYPEMAP(char, char, char)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(signed char, signed char, sbyte)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned char, unsigned char, byte)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(short, short, short)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned short, unsigned short, ushort)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(int, int, int)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned int, unsigned int, uint)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(long, long, int)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long, unsigned long, uint)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(long long, long long, long)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, ulong)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(float, float, float)
+INPUT_TYPEMAP(double, double, double)
+OUTPUT typemaps
+These typemaps are used for pointer/reference parameters that are output only and
+are mapped to a C# output parameter.
+The following typemaps can be applied to turn a pointer or reference into an "output"
+value. When calling a function, no input value would be given for
+a parameter, but an output value would be returned. In C#, the 'out' keyword is
+used when passing the parameter to a function that takes an output parameter.
+ bool *OUTPUT, bool &OUTPUT
+ signed char *OUTPUT, signed char &OUTPUT
+ unsigned char *OUTPUT, unsigned char &OUTPUT
+ short *OUTPUT, short &OUTPUT
+ unsigned short *OUTPUT, unsigned short &OUTPUT
+ int *OUTPUT, int &OUTPUT
+ unsigned int *OUTPUT, unsigned int &OUTPUT
+ long *OUTPUT, long &OUTPUT
+ unsigned long *OUTPUT, unsigned long &OUTPUT
+ long long *OUTPUT, long long &OUTPUT
+ unsigned long long *OUTPUT, unsigned long long &OUTPUT
+ float *OUTPUT, float &OUTPUT
+ double *OUTPUT, double &OUTPUT
+For example, suppose you were trying to wrap the modf() function in the
+C math library which splits x into integral and fractional parts (and
+returns the integer part in one of its parameters):
+ double modf(double x, double *ip);
+You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
+ %include <typemaps.i>
+ double modf(double x, double *OUTPUT);
+or you can use the %apply directive :
+ %include <typemaps.i>
+ %apply double *OUTPUT { double *ip };
+ double modf(double x, double *ip);
+The C# output of the function would be the function return value and the
+value returned in the second output parameter. In C# you would use it like this:
+ double dptr;
+ double fraction = modulename.modf(5, out dptr);
+%typemap(ctype, out="void *") TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "CTYPE *"
+%typemap(imtype, out="IntPtr") TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "out CSTYPE"
+%typemap(cstype, out="$csclassname") TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "out CSTYPE"
+%typemap(csin) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "out $csinput"
+%typemap(in) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT
+%{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(bool, unsigned int, bool, BOOL_PTR)
+//OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(char, char, char, CHAR_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(signed char, signed char, sbyte, INT8_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned char, unsigned char, byte, UINT8_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(short, short, short, INT16_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned short, unsigned short, ushort, UINT16_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(int, int, int, INT32_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned int, unsigned int, uint, UINT32_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(long, long, int, INT32_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long, unsigned long, uint, UINT32_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(long long, long long, long, INT64_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, ulong, UINT64_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(float, float, float, FLOAT_PTR)
+OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(double, double, double, DOUBLE_PTR)
+%typemap(in) bool *OUTPUT, bool &OUTPUT
+%{ *$input = 0;
+ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+INOUT typemaps
+These typemaps are for pointer/reference parameters that are both input and
+output and are mapped to a C# reference parameter.
+The following typemaps can be applied to turn a pointer or reference into a
+reference parameters, that is the parameter is both an input and an output.
+In C#, the 'ref' keyword is used for reference parameters.
+ bool *INOUT, bool &INOUT
+ signed char *INOUT, signed char &INOUT
+ unsigned char *INOUT, unsigned char &INOUT
+ short *INOUT, short &INOUT
+ unsigned short *INOUT, unsigned short &INOUT
+ int *INOUT, int &INOUT
+ unsigned int *INOUT, unsigned int &INOUT
+ long *INOUT, long &INOUT
+ unsigned long *INOUT, unsigned long &INOUT
+ long long *INOUT, long long &INOUT
+ unsigned long long *INOUT, unsigned long long &INOUT
+ float *INOUT, float &INOUT
+ double *INOUT, double &INOUT
+For example, suppose you were trying to wrap the following function :
+ void neg(double *x) {
+ *x = -(*x);
+ }
+You could wrap it with SWIG as follows :
+ %include <typemaps.i>
+ void neg(double *INOUT);
+or you can use the %apply directive :
+ %include <typemaps.i>
+ %apply double *INOUT { double *x };
+ void neg(double *x);
+The C# output of the function would be the new value returned by the
+reference parameter. In C# you would use it like this:
+ double x = 5.0;
+ neg(ref x);
+The implementation of the OUTPUT and INOUT typemaps is different to the scripting
+languages in that the scripting languages will return the output value as part
+of the function return value.
+%typemap(ctype, out="void *") TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "CTYPE *"
+%typemap(imtype, out="IntPtr") TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "ref CSTYPE"
+%typemap(cstype, out="$csclassname") TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "ref CSTYPE"
+%typemap(csin) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "ref $csinput"
+%typemap(in) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT
+%{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(bool, unsigned int, bool, BOOL_PTR)
+//INOUT_TYPEMAP(char, char, char, CHAR_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(signed char, signed char, sbyte, INT8_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned char, unsigned char, byte, UINT8_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(short, short, short, INT16_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned short, unsigned short, ushort, UINT16_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(int, int, int, INT32_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned int, unsigned int, uint, UINT32_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(long, long, int, INT32_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long, unsigned long, uint, UINT32_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(long long, long long, long, INT64_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, ulong, UINT64_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(float, float, float, FLOAT_PTR)
+INOUT_TYPEMAP(double, double, double, DOUBLE_PTR)
diff --git a/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/wchar.i b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/wchar.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d95edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/swig/2.0.11/csharp/wchar.i
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * wchar.i
+ *
+ * Typemaps for the wchar_t type
+ * These are mapped to a C# String and are passed around by value.
+ *
+ * Support code for wide strings can be turned off by defining SWIG_CSHARP_NO_WSTRING_HELPER
+ *
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+%insert(runtime) %{
+/* Callback for returning strings to C# without leaking memory */
+typedef void * (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpWStringHelperCallback)(const wchar_t *);
+static SWIG_CSharpWStringHelperCallback SWIG_csharp_wstring_callback = NULL;
+%pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{
+ protected class SWIGWStringHelper {
+ public delegate string SWIGWStringDelegate(IntPtr message);
+ static SWIGWStringDelegate wstringDelegate = new SWIGWStringDelegate(CreateWString);
+ [DllImport("$dllimport", EntryPoint="SWIGRegisterWStringCallback_$module")]
+ public static extern void SWIGRegisterWStringCallback_$module(SWIGWStringDelegate wstringDelegate);
+ static string CreateWString([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]IntPtr cString) {
+ return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringUni(cString);
+ }
+ static SWIGWStringHelper() {
+ SWIGRegisterWStringCallback_$module(wstringDelegate);
+ }
+ }
+ static protected SWIGWStringHelper swigWStringHelper = new SWIGWStringHelper();
+%insert(runtime) %{
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterWStringCallback_$module(SWIG_CSharpWStringHelperCallback callback) {
+ SWIG_csharp_wstring_callback = callback;
+// wchar_t
+%typemap(ctype) wchar_t "wchar_t"
+%typemap(imtype) wchar_t "char"
+%typemap(cstype) wchar_t "char"
+%typemap(csin) wchar_t "$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) wchar_t {
+ char ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarin, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) wchar_t %{
+ set {
+ $imcall;$excode
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) wchar_t %{
+ get {
+ char ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(in) wchar_t %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) wchar_t %{ $result = (wchar_t)$1; %}
+%typemap(typecheck) wchar_t = char;
+// wchar_t *
+%typemap(ctype) wchar_t * "wchar_t *"
+%typemap(imtype, inattributes="[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]", out="IntPtr" ) wchar_t * "string"
+%typemap(cstype) wchar_t * "string"
+%typemap(csin) wchar_t * "$csinput"
+%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) wchar_t * {
+ string ret = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringUni($imcall);$excode
+ return ret;
+ }
+%typemap(csvarin, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) wchar_t * %{
+ set {
+ $imcall;$excode
+ } %}
+%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) wchar_t * %{
+ get {
+ string ret = $imcall;$excode
+ return ret;
+ } %}
+%typemap(in) wchar_t * %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
+%typemap(out) wchar_t * %{ $result = (wchar_t *)$1; %}
+%typemap(typecheck) wchar_t * = char *;