path: root/uniformlocation.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-02-03Fixed the mess.Vova
2013-02-03Revert "Added UniformMatrix functions."Vova
2013-02-03Added UniformMatrix functions.Vova
2013-01-15More user-friendly form of Uniform1*vVova
2013-01-14Added and changed the Uniform function.Vova
2013-01-13Added UniformMatrix4fv function.Vova
2012-12-17take address of Uniform1fv array directlyJim Arnold
2012-12-17panic if Uniform*v arrays are emptyJim Arnold
2012-12-17added count parameter to glUniform*v functionsJim Arnold
2012-10-20Refactor C import commentsPeter Waller
2012-10-20Initial reorganization: split objects up to different filesPeter Waller